
Defines functions addQuantileCDF getmediandist getlimits getdists taildensities psample dlogit qlogit plogit logit

logit <- function(x){

plogit <- function(x, m, s){
  pnorm(log(x/(1-x)), m ,s)

qlogit <- function(x, m, s){
  z <- qnorm(x, m, s)
  exp(z) / (1 + exp(z))

dlogit <- function(x, m, s){
  1 / (x * (1 - x)) * dnorm(log(x / (1 - x)), m, s)

psample <- function(medianfit, precisionfit, lower = NA, upper = NA, 
                    median.dist, precision.dist, n.rep = 10000, n.X = 100){
  mediandist <- getmediandist(medianfit, median.dist)
  f <- getdists(precisionfit$transform)
  lim <- getlimits(lower, upper, f, mediandist,  precisionfit)
  X <- seq(from = lim$lower, to = lim$upper, length = n.X)
  Xmat <- matrix(X, n.rep, n.X, byrow=T)
  mu <- matrix(mediandist$rand(n.rep, mediandist$m, mediandist$s), n.rep, n.X)
  if(precision.dist == "gamma"){
    sigma <- matrix(sqrt(1 / rgamma(n.rep, precisionfit$Gamma[[1]], 
                    n.rep, n.X)
  if(precision.dist == "lognormal"){
    sigma <- matrix(sqrt(1 / rlnorm(n.rep, precisionfit$Log.normal[[1]], 
                    n.rep, n.X)
  pX <- f$cdf(Xmat, f$trans(mu), sigma)
  list(X=X, pX=pX)

taildensities <- function(m, s, tails, n.x, lower, upper, dens, quan, trans){
  xl <- seq(from = lower, to = quan(tails/2, m, s), 
            length = n.x)
  dl <- dens(xl, m, s)
  xu <- seq(from = quan(1-tails/2, m, s), to = upper,
            length = n.x)
  du <- dens(xu, m, s)
  data.frame(xl = xl, dl = dl, xu = xu, du = du)

getdists <- function(transform){
  if (transform == "identity"){
    dens <- dnorm
    quan <- qnorm
    cdf <- pnorm
    trans <- identity
  if (transform == "log"){
    dens <- dlnorm
    quan <- qlnorm
    cdf <- plnorm
    trans <- log
  if (transform == "logit"){
    dens <- dlogit
    quan <- qlogit
    cdf <- plogit
    trans <- logit
  list(dens = dens, quan = quan, trans = trans, cdf = cdf)

getlimits <- function(lower, upper, f, mediandist, precisionfit){
  if(is.na(lower)) lower <- f$quan(0.001, 
                                   f$trans(mediandist$quan(0.001, mediandist$m, mediandist$s)),
                                   1/qgamma(0.001, a, b)^0.5)
  if(is.na(upper)) upper <- f$quan(0.999,
                                   f$trans(mediandist$quan(0.999, mediandist$m, mediandist$s)),
                                   1/qgamma(0.001, a, b)^0.5)
  list(lower = lower, upper = upper)

getmediandist <- function(medianfit, d){
  if(d == "best"){
    ssq <- medianfit$ssq
    ssq[is.na(ssq)] <- Inf
    if(ssq[1,1] < ssq[1,4]){d <- "normal"}else{d <- "lognormal"}
  if(d == "normal"){
    rand <- rnorm
    quan <- qnorm
    m <- medianfit$Normal[[1]]
    s <- medianfit$Normal[[2]]
  if(d == "lognormal"){
    rand <- rlnorm
    quan <- qlnorm
    m <- medianfit$Log.normal[[1]]
    s <- medianfit$Log.normal[[2]]
  list(rand = rand, quan = quan, m = m, s=s)

addQuantileCDF <- function(lower, x1, q1, upper){
  # Function to add a fitted quantile to a CDF plot
  # P(X <= x1) = q1
  if(lower < x1 & x1 < upper){return(
  annotate("segment", x = c(lower, x1),
           y = c(q1, q1),
           xend = c(x1, x1),
           yend = c(q1, 0),
           linetype = 2))}else{

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