
Defines functions penman

Documented in penman

#' @title Computation of potential evapotranspiration.
#' @description See hargreaves
#' @details See hargreaves
#' @return  A time series with the values of monthly potential or reference
#' evapotranspiration, in mm.
#' If the input is a matrix or a multivariate time series each column will be
#' treated as independent data (e.g., different observatories), and the output
#' will be a multivariate time series.
#' @rdname Potential-evapotranspiration
#' @importFrom lubridate days_in_month yday
#' @export
penman <- function(Tmin, Tmax, U2 = NULL, Ra = NULL, lat = NULL, Rs = NULL,
                   tsun = NULL, CC = NULL, ed = NULL, Tdew = NULL, RH = NULL,
                   P = NULL, P0 = NULL, CO2 = NULL, z = NULL, crop = "short",
                   na.rm = FALSE, method = "ICID", verbose = TRUE) {
  ### Argument check - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  # Determine which combinations of inputs were passed and check their
  # validity, and check that all the inputs have the same dimensions

  # Instantiate two new 'ArgCheck' objects to collect errors and warnings
  check <- makeAssertCollection()
  warn <- makeAssertCollection()

  # A list of computation options
  using <- list(
    U2 = FALSE, Ra = FALSE, lat = FALSE, Rs = FALSE, tsun = FALSE,
    CC = FALSE, ed = FALSE, Tdew = FALSE, Tmin = FALSE, RH = FALSE,
    P = FALSE, P0 = FALSE, CO2 = FALSE, z = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE

  # Check optional inputs
  if (!is.null(U2)) {
    using$U2 <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using user-provided wind speed at 2 m height (`U2`) data.")
  } else {
    warn$push("No wind data (`U2`) provided, so using a constant value of 2 m s-1.")

  if (!is.null(Ra)) {
    using$Ra <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using user-provided extraterrestrial radiation (`Ra`) data.")
  } else if (!is.null(lat)) {
    using$lat <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using latitude (`lat`) to estimate extraterrestrial radiation.")
  } else {
    check$push("One of `Ra` or `lat` must be provided.")

  if (!is.null(Rs)) {
    using$Rs <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using user-provided incoming solar radiation (`Rs`) data.")
  } else if (!is.null(tsun) && !is.null(lat)) {
    using$tsun <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using bright sunshine duration data (`tsun`) to estimate incoming solar radiation.")
  } else if (!is.null(CC)) {
    using$CC <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using fraction cloud cover (`CC`) to estimate incoming solar radiation.")
  } else {
    check$push("One of `Rs`, the pair `tsun` and `lat`, or `CC` must be provided.")

  if (!is.null(ed)) {
    using$ed <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using user-provided actual vapour pressure (`ed`) data.")
  } else if (!is.null(Tdew)) {
    using$Tdew <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using dewpoint temperature (`Tdew`) to estimate actual vapour pressure.")
  } else if (!is.null(RH)) {
    using$RH <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using relative humidity (`RH`) to estimate actual vapour pressure.")
  } else if (!is.null(Tmin)) {
    using$Tmin <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using minimum temperature (`Tmin`) to estimate dewpoint temperature and actual vapour pressure.")
  } else {
    check$push("One of `ed`, `Tdew`, `RH` or `Tmin` must be provided.")

  if (!is.null(P)) {
    using$P <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using user-provided atmospheric surface pressure (`P`) data.")
  } else if (!is.null(P0) && !is.null(z)) {
    using$P0 <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using atmospheric pressure at sea level (`P0`) and elevation `z` to estimate atmospheric surface pressure.")
  } else if (!is.null(z)) {
    using$z <- TRUE
    warn$push("Assuming constant atmospheric surface pressure corresponding to elevation `z`.")
  } else {
    check$push("One of `P`, the pair `P0` and `z`, or `z` must be provided.")

  if (!is.null(CO2)) {
    using$CO2 <- TRUE
    warn$push("Using custom CO2 concentration.")

  if (is.null(z)) {
    warn$push("Specifying the elevation above sea level (z) is highly recommended in order to compute the clear-sky solar radiation.")

  if (crop == "short") {
    warn$push("Computing for a short crop.")
  } else if (crop == "tall") {
    warn$push("Computing for a tall crop.")
  } else {
    check$push("Argument `crop` must be one of `short` or `tall`.")

  if (na.rm != TRUE && na.rm != FALSE) {
    check$push("Argument `na.rm` must be set to TRUE or FALSE.")
  } else if (na.rm) {
    warn$push("Missing values (`NA`) will not be considered in the calculation.")
  } else {
    warn$push("Checking for missing values (`NA`): all the data must be complete.")

  # Check for missing values in inputs
  if (!na.rm && (anyNA(Tmin) || anyNA(Tmax) || (using$U2 && anyNA(U2)))) {
    check$push("`Tmin`, `Tmax` and `U2` must not contain NA values if argument `na.rm` is set to FALSE.")

  if (!na.rm &&
    ((using$Ra && anyNA(Ra)) ||
      (using$lat && anyNA(lat)) ||
      (using$Rs && anyNA(Rs)) ||
      (using$tsun && anyNA(tsun)) ||
      (using$CC && anyNA(CC)) ||
      (using$ed && anyNA(ed)) ||
      (using$Tdew && anyNA(Tdew)) ||
      (using$RH && anyNA(RH)) ||
      (using$P && anyNA(P)) ||
      (using$P0 && (anyNA(P0) || anyNA(z))) ||
      (using$CO2 && anyNA(CO2)) ||
      (using$z && anyNA(z)))) {
    check$push("Data must not contain NA values if argument `na.rm` is set to FALSE.")

  # Determine input dimensions and compute internal dimensions (int_dims)
  tmin_dims <- dim(Tmin)
  if (is.null(tmin_dims) || length(tmin_dims) == 1) {
    # vector input (single-site)
    int_dims <- c(length(Tmin), 1, 1)
  } else if (length(tmin_dims) == 2) {
    # matrix input (multi-site)
    int_dims <- c(tmin_dims, 1)
  } else if (length(tmin_dims) == 3) {
    # 3D array input (gridded data)
    int_dims <- tmin_dims
  } else {
    int_dims <- tmin_dims
    check$push("Input data can not have more than 3 dimensions")
  n_sites <- prod(int_dims[[2]], int_dims[[3]])
  n_times <- int_dims[[1]]

  # Determine output data shape
  if (is.ts(Tmin)) {
    if (is.matrix(Tmin)) {
      out_type <- "tsmatrix"
    } else {
      out_type <- "tsvector"
  } else if (is.vector(Tmin)) {
    out_type <- "vector"
  } else if (is.matrix(Tmin)) {
    out_type <- "matrix"
  } else { # is.array; default
    out_type <- "array"
  warn$push(paste0("Input type is ", out_type, "."))

  # Save column names for later
  names <- dimnames(Tmin)

  # Determine dates: month length and mid-month day-within-year
  if (is.ts(Tmin)) {
    ts_freq <- frequency(Tmin)
    ts_start <- start(Tmin)
    if (ts_freq != 12) {
      check$push("Input data needs to be have a frequency of 12 if provided as a time series (i.e., a monthly time series).")
    ym <- as.yearmon(time(Tmin))
    warn$push(paste0("Time series spanning ", ym[1], " to ", ym[n_times], "."))
    date <- as.Date.yearmon(ym)
    mlen_array <- array(as.numeric(days_in_month(date)), dim = int_dims)
    msum_array <- array(yday(date) + round((mlen_array / 2) - 1), dim = int_dims)
  } else {
    mlen <- c(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
    msum <- cumsum(mlen) - mlen + 15
    mlen_array <- array(mlen, dim = int_dims)
    msum_array <- array(msum, dim = int_dims)
    warn$push("Assuming the data are monthly time series starting in January, all regular (non-leap) years.")

  # Verify the length of each input variable
  input_len <- prod(int_dims)
  if (sum(lengths(Tmin)) != input_len || sum(lengths(Tmax)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`Tmin` and `Tmax` cannot have different lengths.")
  if (using$U2 && sum(lengths(U2)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`U2` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$Ra && sum(lengths(Ra)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`Ra` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$lat && sum(lengths(lat)) != n_sites) {
    check$push("`lat` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$Rs && sum(lengths(Rs)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`Rs` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$tsun && sum(lengths(tsun)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`tsun` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$CC && sum(lengths(CC)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`CC` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$ed && sum(lengths(ed)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`ed` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$Tdew && sum(lengths(Tdew)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`Tdew` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$RH && sum(lengths(RH)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`RH` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$P && sum(lengths(P)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`P` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$P0 && sum(lengths(P0)) != input_len) {
    check$push("`P0` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$CO2 && sum(lengths(CO2)) != 1) {
    if (sum(lengths(CO2)) != input_len) {
      check$push("`CO2` has incorrect length.")
  if (using$z && sum(lengths(z)) != n_sites) {
    check$push("`z` has incorrect length.")

  # Create uniformly dimensioned arrays from input
  Tmin <- array(data.matrix(Tmin), int_dims)
  Tmax <- array(data.matrix(Tmax), int_dims)
  if (using$U2) {
    U2 <- array(data.matrix(U2), int_dims)
  } else {
    U2 <- array(2, int_dims)
  if (using$Ra) {
    Ra <- array(data.matrix(Ra), int_dims)
  if (using$lat || using$tsun) {
    # copy and permute into correct dimensions
    lat <- aperm(array(data.matrix(lat), int_dims[c(2, 3, 1)]), c(3, 1, 2))
  if (using$Rs) {
    Rs <- array(data.matrix(Rs), int_dims)
  if (using$tsun) {
    tsun <- array(data.matrix(tsun), int_dims)
  if (using$CC) {
    CC <- array(data.matrix(CC), int_dims)
  if (using$ed) {
    ed <- array(data.matrix(ed), int_dims)
  if (using$Tdew) {
    Tdew <- array(data.matrix(Tdew), int_dims)
  if (using$RH) {
    RH <- array(data.matrix(RH), int_dims)
  if (using$P) {
    P <- array(data.matrix(P), int_dims)
  if (using$P0) {
    P0 <- array(data.matrix(P0), int_dims)
  if (using$CO2) {
    CO2 <- array(data.matrix(CO2), int_dims)
  if (using$z) {
    # copy and permute into correct dimensions
    z <- aperm(array(data.matrix(z), int_dims[c(2, 3, 1)]), c(3, 1, 2))

  # Method used
  warn$push(paste0("Calculation method is ", method, "."))

  # Return errors and halt execution (if any)
  if (!check$isEmpty()) {
    stop(paste(check$getMessages(), collapse = " "))

  # Show a warning with computation options
  if (verbose) {
    print(paste(warn$getMessages(), collapse = " "))

  ### Computation of ETo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  # Mean temperature
  Tmean <- (Tmin + Tmax) / 2

  # Initialize ET0
  ET0 <- Tmin * NA

  # 1. Latent heat of vaporization, lambda (eq. 1.1)
  lambda <- 2.501 - 2.361e-3 * Tmean

  # 4. P: atmospheric pressure, kPa
  if (using$P) {
    # good!
  } else if (using$P0) {
    # estimate from sea level pressure (eq. 1.6)
    P <- P0 * (((293 - 0.0065 * z) / 293)^5.26)
  } else if (using$z) {
    # assume a constant pressure
    P0 <- array(101.3, int_dims)
    P <- P0 * (((293 - 0.0065 * z) / 293)^5.26)
  } else {
      "An error occurred while computing the surface atmospheric",
      "pressure. Please report this error."

  # 3. Psychrometric constant, gamma (eq. 1.4)
  gamma <- 1.63e-3 * P / lambda
  if (method == "FAO" | method == "ASCE") {
    # (FAO-56, eq. 8)
    gamma <- 0.665e-3 * P
  } else if (method == "ICID") {
    # (ICID, eq. 1.4)
    gamma <- 1.63e-3 * P / lambda

  # 6. Saturation vapour pressure, ea
  # saturation vapour pressure at tmx (ICID, eq. 1.10, p. 66)
  etmx <- 0.611 * exp((17.27 * Tmax) / (Tmax + 237.3))
  # saturation vapour pressure at tmn (ICID, eq. 1.10, p. 66)
  etmn <- 0.611 * exp((17.27 * Tmin) / (Tmin + 237.3))
  # mean saturation vapour pressure (ICID, eq. 1.11, p. 67)
  ea <- (etmx + etmn) / 2
  # FAO-56 recommends Delta calculation using et instead of ea (p. 37)
  if (method == "FAO" | method == "ASCE") {
    et <- 0.611 * exp((17.27 * Tmean) / (Tmean + 237.3))

  # 2. Slope of the saturation vapour pressure function, Delta
  if (method == "FAO" | method == "ASCE") {
    Delta <- 4099 * et / (Tmean + 237.3)^2
  } else if (method == "ICID") {
    # (ICID, eq. 1.3)
    Delta <- 4099 * ea / (Tmean + 237.3)^2

  # 7. Actual vapour pressure, ed
  if (using$ed) {
    # good!
  } else if (using$Tdew) {
    # (ICID, eq. 1.12, p. 67)
    ed <- 0.611 * exp((17.27 * Tdew) / (Tdew + 237.3))
  } else if (using$RH) {
    if (method == "FAO") {
      # (FAO-56, eq 19, p.39)
      ed <- ea * (RH / 100)
    } else if (method == "ICID") {
      # (ICID, eq. 1.16, p. 68)
      ed <- RH / ((50 / etmn) + (50 / etmx))
    } else if (method == "ASCE") {
      ed <- et * (RH / 100)
  } else if (using$Tmin) {
    # (ICID, eq. 1.19, p. 69)
    ed <- etmn
    # for arid climates, FAO-56 recommends ed = etmn_2
    # etmn_2 <- 0.611*exp((17.27*(Tmin-2))/(Tmin - 2 + 237.3))
  } else {
      "An error occurred while computing the actual vapour",
      "pressure. Please report this error."

  # Sunset hour angle (needed if no radiation data is available)
  if (!using$Ra | (!using$Rs & using$tsun)) {
    # Note: For the winter months and latitudes higher than 55ยบ the following
    # equations have limited validity (Allen et al., 1994).
    # J: number of day in the year (eq. 1.27)
    J <- msum_array
    # delta: solar declination, rad (1 rad = 57.2957795 deg) (eq. 1.25)
    delta <- 0.409 * sin(0.0172 * J - 1.39)
    # dr: relative distance Earth-Sun, [] (eq. 1.24)
    dr <- 1 + 0.033 * cos(0.0172 * J)
    # omegas: sunset hour angle, rad (eq. 1.23)
    latr <- lat / 57.2957795
    sset <- -tan(latr) * tan(delta)
    omegas <- sset * 0
    omegas[abs(sset) <= 1] <- acos(sset[abs(sset) <= 1])
    # correction for high latitudes
    omegas[sset < (-1)] <- max(omegas)

  # 9. Extraterrestrial radiation, Ra (MJ m-2 d-1)
  if (using$Ra) {
    # good!
  } else {
    # Estimate Ra (eq. 1.22)
    Ra <- 37.6 * dr * (omegas * sin(latr) * sin(delta) +
      cos(latr) * cos(delta) * sin(omegas))
    Ra <- ifelse(Ra < 0, 0, Ra)

  # 11. Net radiation, Rn (MJ m-2 d-1)
  # Net radiation is the sum of net short wave radiation Rns and net long
  # wave (incoming) radiation (Rnl).
  # Rs: daily incoming solar radiation (MJ m-2 d-1)
  if (!using$Rs) {
    # nN: relative sunshine fraction []
    if (using$tsun) {
      # Based on sunshine hours
      # 10. Potential daylight hours (day length, h), N (eq. 1.34)
      N <- 7.64 * omegas
      nN <- tsun / N
    } else if (using$CC) {
      # Based on cloud cover
      nN <- (100 - CC) / 100
    # (eq. 1.37)
    as <- 0.25
    bs <- 0.5
    Rs <- (as + bs * (nN)) * Ra
  # Rso: clear-sky solar radiation (eq. 1.40)
  # Note: mostly valid for z<6000 m and low air turbidity
  if (using$z) {
    Rso <- (0.75 + 2e-5 * z) * Ra
  } else {
    Rso <- (0.75 + 2e-5 * 840) * Ra
  # Empirical constants
  ac <- 1.35
  bc <- -0.35
  a1 <- 0.34
  b1 <- -0.14
  # Reference crop albedo
  alb <- 0.23
  # Rn, MJ m-2 d-1 (eq. 1.53)
  Rn <- (1 - alb) * Rs - (ac * Rs / Rso + bc) * (a1 + b1 * sqrt(ed)) * 4.9e-9 *
    ((273.15 + Tmax)^4 + (273.15 + Tmin)^4) / 2
  Rn[Rs == 0] <- 0

  # Soil heat flux density, G
  # Using forward / backward differences for the first and last observations,
  # and central differences for the remaining ones.
  # TODO: if na.rm is FALSE, act similarly if exactly one neighbour is NA.
  G <- array(NA, int_dims)
  G[1, , ] <- 0.14 * (Tmean[2, , ] - Tmean[1, , ])
  G[2:(n_times - 1), , ] <- 0.07 * (Tmean[3:n_times, , ] - Tmean[1:(n_times - 2), , ])
  G[n_times, , ] <- 0.14 * (Tmean[n_times, , ] - Tmean[(n_times - 1), , ])

  # Wind speed at 2m, U2 (eq. 1.62)
  # U2 <- U2 * 4.85203/log((zz-0.08)/0.015)

  # Daily ET0 (eq. 2.18)
  if (crop == "short") {
    c1 <- 900
    c2 <- 0.34 # short reference crop (e.g. clipped grass, 0.12 m)
  } else if (crop == "tall") {
    c1 <- 1600
    c2 <- 0.38 # tall reference crop (e.g. alfalfa, 0.5 m)
  } else {
      "An error occurred while estimating the daily ET0",
      "sunshine fraction Please report this error."
  if (!using$CO2) {
    ET0 <- (0.408 * Delta * (Rn - G) + gamma * (c1 / (Tmean + 273)) * U2 *
      (ea - ed)) / (Delta + gamma * (1 + c2 * U2))
  } else {
    ET0 <- (0.408 * Delta * (Rn - G) + gamma * (c1 / (Tmean + 273)) * U2 *
      (ea - ed)) / (Delta + gamma * (1 + U2 * (c2 + 0.00024 *
      (CO2 - 300))))

  # Transform ET0 to mm month-1
  ET0 <- ifelse(ET0 < 0, 0, ET0) * mlen_array

  ### Format output and return - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (out_type == "tsmatrix") {
    ET0 <- matrix(ET0, nrow = n_times)
    ET0 <- ts(ET0, frequency = ts_freq, start = ts_start)
    colnames(ET0) <- rep("ET0_pen", ncol(ET0))
  } else if (out_type == "tsvector") {
    ET0 <- as.vector(ET0)
    ET0 <- ts(ET0, frequency = ts_freq, start = ts_start)
    # colnames(ET0) <- rep('ET0_pen', ncol(ET0))
  } else if (out_type == "vector") {
    ET0 <- as.vector(ET0)
  } else if (out_type == "matrix") {
    ET0 <- matrix(ET0, nrow = n_times)
    colnames(ET0) <- rep("ET0_pen", ncol(ET0))
  } else { # array, default
    colnames(ET0) <- rep("ET0_pen", ncol(ET0))

  dimnames(ET0) <- names


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