infillEI: Expected Improvement Infill Criterion

View source: R/infillEI.R

infillEIR Documentation

Expected Improvement Infill Criterion


Compute the negative of the Expected Improvement of a set of candidate solutions. Based on mean and standard deviation of a candidate solution, this estimates the expectation of improvement. Improvement considers the amount by which the best known value (best observed value) is exceeded by the candidates. Expected Improvement infill criterion that can be passed to control$modelControl$infillCriterion in order to be used during the optimization in SPOT. Parameters dont have to be specified as this function is ment to be internally by SPOT.


infillEI(predictionList, model)



The results of a predict.model call


The surrogate model which was used for the prediction


numeric vector, expected improvement results


spot(,funSphere,c(-2,-3),c(1,2), control = 
    list(infillCriterion = infillEI, modelControl = list(target = c("y","s"))))

SPOT documentation built on June 26, 2022, 1:06 a.m.