#' Pathfinder Network 
#' @description Estimates a pathfinder network using the MST-Pathfinder
#' Network method from Quirin et al. (2008; see also Schvaneveldt, 1990)
#' @param data Matrix or data frame.
#' A binary response matrix
#' @return An adjacency matrix
#' @examples
#' # Obtain data
#' data <- open.binary
#' # Estimate network
#' pf.net <- PF(data)
#' @references 
#' Quirin, A., Cordon, O., Guerrero-Bote, V. P., Vargas-Quesada, B., & Moya-Aneon, F. (2008)
#' A quick MST-based algorithm to obtain Pathfinder networks (Inf, n-1).
#' \emph{Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology}, \emph{59}, 1912-1924.
#' Schvaneveldt, R. W. (1990).
#' \emph{Pathfinder associative networks: Studies in knowledge organization}.
#' Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
#' @author Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @export
# Pathfinder Network Estimation
# Updated 02.12.2020
PF <- function (data)
  # Check if the matrix is responses
  if(all(apply(data, 2, is.character)))
  {data <- resp2bin(data)$binary}
  # Data matrix
  mat <- as.matrix(data)
  # Replace "" with NA
  mat <- ifelse(mat == "", NA, mat)
  # Co-occurrence
  mat <- t(mat) %*% mat
  diag(mat) <- 0
  # Number of nodes
  n <- ncol(mat)
  # Distance
  D <- as.matrix(suppressMessages(philentropy::distance(mat, method = "chebyshev")))
  # Initialize sparse edge matrix
  nodeTO <- row(D)[lower.tri(D)]
  nodeFROM <- col(D)[lower.tri(D)]
  nodeWEIGHT <- D[lower.tri(D)]
  # Sparse matrix
  W <- cbind(nodeTO, nodeFROM, nodeWEIGHT)
  # Sorted sparse matrix
  S <- W[order(W[,3], W[,2], decreasing = FALSE),]
  # Remove zeros
  if(any(S[,3] == 0)){
    S <- S[-which(S[,3] == 0),]
  # Number of rows in sparse matrix
  n_sparse <- nrow(S)
  # Initialize clusters
  clusters <- as.matrix(cbind(c(1:n),c(1:n)))
  # Initialize network
  pfn <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
  # Pathfinder sparse
  pfs <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 3)[-1,]
  # Unique distances
  uniq.D <- unique(S[,3])

  for(i in 1:length(uniq.D))
    # Pathfinder matrix
    pf <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 3)[-1,]
    # Break if there are no more edges
    if(nrow(S) != 0)
      # Target edges
      target <- which(S[,3] == S[1,3])
      # Bind with pfs
      pf <- rbind(pf, S[target,])
      # Remove edge(s)
      S <- S[-target,]
      # Check for edges that are not in the same cluster
      rm.pfs <- vector("logical", length = nrow(pf))
      for(i in 1:nrow(pf))
      {rm.pfs[i] <- clusters[pf[i,1],2] == clusters[pf[i,2],2]}
      {pf <- pf[-which(rm.pfs),]}
      {pf <- t(as.matrix(pf))}
      # Only select edges that are not in same cluster
      if(nrow(pf) > 0)
        for(i in 1:nrow(pf))
          # Insert into network
          pfn[pf[i,1], pf[i,2]] <- pf[i,3]
          pfn[pf[i,2], pf[i,1]] <- pf[i,3]
          # Insert into sparse network
          pfs <- rbind(pfs, pf[i,])
          # Update clusters
          if(clusters[pf[i,2],2] != clusters[pf[i,1],2])
          {clusters[which(clusters[,2] == clusters[pf[i,1],2]),2] <- clusters[pf[i,2],2]}
      # Make sure S remains a matrix for while loop
      {S <- t(as.matrix(S))}
  # Binarize
  pfn <- binarize(pfn)
  # Name dimensions
  row.names(pfn) <- colnames(data)
  colnames(pfn) <- colnames(data)

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