
Defines functions sensmixedFun

# performs  analysis of sensory data
sensmixedFun <- function(attributes = NULL, prod_effects, 
                         assessor, replication = NULL, data, product_structure = 3, 
                         error_structure = "ASS-REP", 
                         MAM = TRUE, control = list(
                           mamControl = list(MAM_mult_scaling = FALSE, 
                                             MAM_oneway_rand = TRUE, 
                                             MAM_balanced = FALSE, MAM_adjusted = FALSE, 
                                             MAM_alpha_conditional = 1), 
                           calc_post_hoc = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, reduce.random = TRUE, 
                           alpha.random = 0.1, alpha.fixed = 0.05, interact.symbol = ":", 
                           keep.effs = NULL))
  ## product_structure=1  (default structure) : Analysis of main fixed effects
  ## product_structure=2 : Main effects AND all 2-factor interactions. 
  ## product_structure=3 : Full factorial model with ALL possible fixed effects
  ## error_structure 
    attributes <- colnames(data)[!sapply(data, 
                                         function(x) "factor" %in% class(x))]
    attributes <- colnames(data)[attributes]
  if(length(attributes) < 7)
    parallel <-  FALSE
    parallel <- rmatch(control, "parallel")
      return(runMAM(data, prod_effects, assessor, attributes, rmatch(control,"MAM_adjusted"), 

  if(!is.null(replication) && error_structure!="ONLY-ASS")
    random <- list(individual=assessor, replication=replication)
    random <- assessor
  isRandReduce <- TRUE
  isFixReduce <- FALSE
  isLsmeans <- TRUE

  nbvar <- length(attributes)
  keep.effs <- unique(c(rmatch(control,"keep.effs"),
                                   collapse = ":"),
                             assessor, sep = ":"),
  ## create the initial model
  suppressMessages(model.init <- createLMERmodel(structure = 
                           error_structure = error_structure), 
                           data, attributes[1],
                           fixed = list(Product = prod_effects, Consumer = NULL),
                           random = random, corr=FALSE, MAM, 
                           mult.scaling = rmatch(control, "MAM_mult_scaling"),  
                           calc_post_hoc = rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"), 
                           oneway_rand = rmatch(control, "MAM_oneway_rand")))
  model <- model.init #if(MAM) model.init$modelMAM else model.init

  #  isRandReduce <- FALSE
  #number of effects in the model
  fixedrand <- .fixedrand(model)
  # number of fixed effects
  nfixe <- length(fixedrand$fixedeffs)

  # number of random effects
  nrand <- length(fixedrand$randeffs)
  n <- nfixe + nrand
  # Matrix that will contain the p values
  pvalueF <- matrix(NA, nfixe, nbvar)
  colnames(pvalueF) <- attributes
  pvalueChi <- matrix(NA, nrand, nbvar)
  colnames(pvalueChi) <- attributes
  ## TODO: change rownames for pvaues according to elimRand.R
  ##       should work for slopes as well
  rownames(pvalueF) <- fixedrand$fixedeffs
  pvalueF <- .renameScalingTerm(pvalueF, prod_effects) 
  rownames(pvalueChi) <- fixedrand$randeffs

  Fval <- matrix(0, nfixe, nbvar)
  colnames(Fval) <- attributes
  rownames(Fval) <- rownames(pvalueF)
  Chi <- matrix(0, nrand, nbvar)
  colnames(Chi) <- attributes
  rownames(Chi) <- rownames(pvalueChi)
  ### using parallel
  ## TODO: FIX the use of parallel calculations
  #  return(NULL)
#  else{    
#       res <- llply(data[,attributes], .stepAllAttrNoMAM, model, reduce.random,
#                    alpha.random, alpha.fixed, calc_post_hoc, .progress="text")
        res <- llply(attributes, .stepAllAttrNoMAM, 
                     product_structure = product_structure, 
                     error_structure = error_structure,
                     data = data, prod_effects = prod_effects, random = random,
                     reduce.random = rmatch(control, "reduce.random"), 
                     alpha.random = rmatch(control, "alpha.random"), 
                     alpha.fixed = rmatch(control, "alpha.fixed"),  
                     calc_post_hoc = rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"), 
                     keep.effs = keep.effs, .progress="text")
        res <- stepParallelNoMAM(attributes, 
                            product_structure = product_structure, 
                            error_structure = error_structure,
                            data = data, prod_effects = prod_effects, 
                            random = random,
                            reduce.random = rmatch(control, "reduce.random"), 
                            alpha.random = rmatch(control, "alpha.random"), 
                            alpha.fixed = rmatch(control, "alpha.fixed"),  
                            calc_post_hoc = rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"), 
                            keep.effs = keep.effs)
        res <- llply(attributes, .stepAllAttrMAM, 
                    product_structure = product_structure, 
                    error_structure = error_structure,
                    data = data, prod_effects = prod_effects, random = random,
                    reduce.random = rmatch(control,"reduce.random"),
                    alpha.random = rmatch(control, "alpha.random"), 
                    alpha.fixed = rmatch(control, "alpha.fixed"), 
                    mult.scaling = rmatch(control, "MAM_mult_scaling"), 
                    calc_post_hoc = rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"), 
                    keep.effs = keep.effs, 
                    oneway_rand = rmatch(control, "MAM_oneway_rand"),
        res <- stepParallelMAM(attributes,
                   product_structure = product_structure, 
                   error_structure = error_structure,
                   data = data, prod_effects = prod_effects, random = random,
                   reduce.random = rmatch(control,"reduce.random"), 
                   alpha.random = rmatch(control, "alpha.random"), 
                   alpha.fixed = rmatch(control, "alpha.fixed"), 
                   mult.scaling = rmatch(control, "MAM_mult_scaling"), 
                   calc_post_hoc = rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"),
                   keep.effs = keep.effs, 
                   oneway_rand = rmatch(control, "MAM_oneway_rand"))  
    names(res) <- attributes
 # }
  #### fill the results
  finalres <- tryCatch({
    if(rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc")){
      post_hoc <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(res))      
      names(post_hoc) <- attributes
      ## create d prime output
      dprimeav <- Fval
    for(i in 1:length(attributes))
      res[[i]]$response <- attributes[i]
      #fill pvalues for fixed effects
      calc <- res[[i]]$anova.table
      ## if the reduced is lm model
      if("Residuals" %in% rownames(res[[i]]$anova.table))
        pvalueF[rownames(calc)[-nrow(calc)], i] <- calc[-nrow(calc), 5]
        pvalueF[rownames(calc), i] <- calc[, "Pr(>F)"]
      #fill pvalues for random effects
      calcrand <- res[[i]]$rand.table    
      pvalueChi[rownames(calcrand),i] <- calcrand[, "p.value"]
      # fill F and Chi values
      if("Residuals" %in% rownames(res[[i]]$anova.table))
        Fval[rownames(calc)[-nrow(calc)],i] <- calc[-nrow(calc), 4]
        Fval[rownames(calc),i] <- calc[,"F.value"]
      Chi[rownames(calcrand),i] <- calcrand[,"Chi.sq"] 
      ## fill differences of lsmeans
      if(rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc")){
        post_hoc[[i]] <- res[[i]]$diffs.lsmeans.table
        dprimeav[rownames(calc), i] <- calc[, "dprimeav"]
    pvalueF[is.na(pvalueF)] <- 1
    pvalueChi[is.na(pvalueChi)] <- 1  

    }, error = function(e) { NULL })
  if(is.null(finalres) && parallel){
    message(" \n WARNING: error in parallel has occurred: cannot call Kenward-Roger 
            in parallel. instead use unparallelized version \n")     
    return(sensmixedFun(attributes = attributes, prod_effects = prod_effects, 
                        assessor = assessor, replication = replication, 
                        data = data, product_structure = product_structure, 
                        error_structure = error_structure, 
                        MAM = MAM, control = list(
                          mamControl = 
                            list(MAM_mult_scaling = rmatch(control, "MAM_mult_scaling"), 
                                 MAM_oneway_rand = rmatch(control, "MAM_oneway_rand"), 
                                 MAM_balanced = rmatch(control, "MAM_balanced"), 
                                 MAM_adjusted = rmatch(control, "MAM_adjusted"), 
                                 MAM_alpha_conditional = rmatch(control, "MAM_alpha_conditional")), 
                          calc_post_hoc = rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"), 
                          parallel = rmatch(control, "parallel"), 
                          reduce.random = rmatch(control, "reduce.random"), 
                          alpha.random = rmatch(control, "alpha.random"), 
                          alpha.fixed = rmatch(control, "alpha.fixed"), 
                          interact.symbol = rmatch(control, "interact.symbol"), 
                          keep.effs = keep.effs)))
  ## change the output
  ## output for the random effects
  #tr_rand <- .changeOutput(Chi, pvalueChi, TRUE)
    ind.scaling <- grepl("Scaling", rownames(pvalueF))
    pvalueScaling <- pvalueF[ind.scaling, , drop=FALSE]
    pvalueF <- pvalueF[!ind.scaling, , drop=FALSE]
    FScaling <- Fval[ind.scaling, , drop=FALSE]
    Fval <- Fval[!ind.scaling, , drop=FALSE]  
    #tr_fixed <- .changeOutput(Fval, pvalueF, FALSE)
    #tr_scaling <- .changeOutput(FScaling, pvalueScaling, FALSE)    
    if(rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc")){
      dprimeav <- dprimeav[!ind.scaling, , drop=FALSE]
      return(list(fixed = list(Fval = Fval, dprimeav = dprimeav, 
                               pvalueF = pvalueF), 
                random = list(Chi = Chi, pvalueChi = pvalueChi), 
                scaling = list(FScaling = FScaling, 
                              pvalueScaling = pvalueScaling), 
                post_hoc = post_hoc, step_res = res))
      return(list(fixed = list(Fval = Fval, pvalueF = pvalueF), 
                  random = list(Chi = Chi, pvalueChi = pvalueChi), 
                  scaling = list(FScaling = FScaling, 
                                 pvalueScaling = pvalueScaling),
                  step_res = res))
  #tr_fixed <- .changeOutput(Fval, pvalueF, FALSE)
  if(rmatch(control, "calc_post_hoc"))    
      return(list(fixed = list(Fval = Fval, dprimeav = dprimeav, 
                               pvalueF = pvalueF), 
                  random = list(Chi = Chi, pvalueChi = pvalueChi), 
                  post_hoc = post_hoc, step_res = res))  
  return(list(fixed = list(Fval = Fval, pvalueF = pvalueF), 
              random = list(Chi = Chi, pvalueChi = pvalueChi), step_res = res))  

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SensMixed documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:16 p.m.