
## This file is part of SimInf, a framework for stochastic
## disease spread simulations.
## Copyright (C) 2015 Pavol Bauer
## Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2019 Robin Eriksson
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2019 Stefan Engblom
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2024 Stefan Widgren
## SimInf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## SimInf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' Class \code{"SimInf_events"}
##' Class to hold data for scheduled events to modify the discrete
##' state of individuals in a node at a pre-defined time t.
##' @slot E Each row corresponds to one compartment in the model. The
##'     non-zero entries in a column indicates the compartments to
##'     include in an event.  For the \emph{exit}, \emph{internal
##'     transfer} and \emph{external transfer} events, a non-zero
##'     entry indicate the compartments to sample individuals from.
##'     For the \emph{enter} event, all individuals enter first
##'     non-zero compartment. \code{E} is sparse matrix of class
##'     \code{\link[Matrix:dgCMatrix-class]{dgCMatrix}}.
##' @slot N Determines how individuals in \emph{internal transfer} and
##'     \emph{external transfer} events are shifted to enter another
##'     compartment.  Each row corresponds to one compartment in the
##'     model.  The values in a column are added to the current
##'     compartment of sampled individuals to specify the destination
##'     compartment, for example, a value of \code{1} in an entry
##'     means that sampled individuals in this compartment are moved
##'     to the next compartment.  Which column to use for each event
##'     is specified by the \code{shift} vector (see below).  \code{N}
##'     is an integer matrix.
##' @slot event Type of event: 0) \emph{exit}, 1) \emph{enter}, 2)
##'     \emph{internal transfer}, and 3) \emph{external transfer}.
##'     Other values are reserved for future event types and not
##'     supported by the current solvers. Integer vector.
##' @slot time Time of when the event occurs i.e., the event is
##'     processed when time is reached in the simulation.  \code{time}
##'     is an integer vector.
##' @slot node The node that the event operates on. Also the source
##'     node for an \emph{external transfer} event.  Integer vector.
##'     1 <= \code{node[i]} <= Number of nodes.
##' @slot dest The destination node for an \emph{external transfer}
##'     event i.e., individuals are moved from \code{node} to
##'     \code{dest}, where 1 <= \code{dest[i]} <= Number of nodes.
##'     Set \code{event = 0} for the other event types.  \code{dest}
##'     is an integer vector.
##' @slot n The number of individuals affected by the event. Integer
##'     vector.  n[i] >= 0.
##' @slot proportion If \code{n[i]} equals zero, the number of
##'     individuals affected by \code{event[i]} is calculated by
##'     sampling the number of individuals from a binomial
##'     distribution using the \code{proportion[i]} and the number of
##'     individuals in the compartments. Numeric vector.  0 <=
##'     proportion[i] <= 1.
##' @slot select To process \code{event[i]}, the compartments affected
##'     by the event are specified with \code{select[i]} together with
##'     the matrix \code{E}, where \code{select[i]} determines which
##'     column in \code{E} to use.  The specific individuals affected
##'     by the event are proportionally sampled from the compartments
##'     corresponding to the non-zero entries in the specified column
##'     in \code{E[, select[i]]}, where \code{select} is an integer
##'     vector.
##' @slot shift Determines how individuals in \emph{internal transfer}
##'     and \emph{external transfer} events are shifted to enter
##'     another compartment.  The sampled individuals are shifted
##'     according to column \code{shift[i]} in matrix \code{N} i.e.,
##'     \code{N[, shift[i]]}, where \code{shift} is an integer vector.
##'     See above for a description of \code{N}. Unsued for the other
##'     event types.
##' @export
    slots = c(E          = "dgCMatrix",
              N          = "matrix",
              event      = "integer",
              time       = "integer",
              node       = "integer",
              dest       = "integer",
              n          = "integer",
              proportion = "numeric",
              select     = "integer",
              shift      = "integer")

##' Class \code{"SimInf_model"}
##' Class to handle data for the \code{SimInf_model}.
##' @template G-slot
##' @template S-slot
##' @template U-slot
##' @template U_sparse-slot
##' @slot V The result matrix for the real-valued continuous
##'     state. \code{V[, j]} contains the real-valued state of the
##'     system at \code{tspan[j]}. Numeric matrix
##'     (\eqn{N_n}\code{dim(ldata)[1]} \eqn{\times}
##'     \code{length(tspan)}).
##' @slot V_sparse If the model was configured to write the solution
##'     to a sparse matrix
##'     (\code{\link[Matrix:dgCMatrix-class]{dgCMatrix}}) the
##'     \code{V_sparse} contains the data and \code{V} is empty. The
##'     layout of the data in \code{V_sparse} is identical to
##'     \code{V}.
##' @template ldata-slot
##' @template gdata-slot
##' @template tspan-slot
##' @template u0-slot
##' @slot v0 The initial value for the real-valued continuous state.
##'     Numeric matrix (\code{dim(ldata)[1]} \eqn{\times N_n}).
##' @slot events Scheduled events \code{\linkS4class{SimInf_events}}
##' @template C_code-slot
##' @export
    slots = c(G        = "dgCMatrix",
              S        = "dgCMatrix",
              U        = "matrix",
              U_sparse = "dgCMatrix",
              ldata    = "matrix",
              gdata    = "numeric",
              tspan    = "numeric",
              u0       = "matrix",
              V        = "matrix",
              V_sparse = "dgCMatrix",
              v0       = "matrix",
              events   = "SimInf_events",
              C_code   = "character")

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SimInf documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.