
Defines functions nextIndexLA nextIntBaseB UnitSimplexV CanonicalSimplex JacobianS2Canonical SimplexSurfaceArea SimplexVolume LasserreAvrachenkov printPoly evalPoly definePoly integrateSimplexPolynomial original.coordinates adaptIntegrateVectorFunc adsimp.return.message adaptIntegrateSimplex

Documented in adaptIntegrateSimplex adaptIntegrateVectorFunc adsimp.return.message CanonicalSimplex definePoly evalPoly integrateSimplexPolynomial JacobianS2Canonical LasserreAvrachenkov nextIndexLA nextIntBaseB original.coordinates printPoly SimplexSurfaceArea SimplexVolume UnitSimplexV

# SimplicialCubature - an R package to integrate over m-dimensional simplices in n-dimensions.
#   Is is required that n >= 2, while the simplices can be of dimension m, 1 <= m <= n.
# Written by John Nolan,  American University, Aug-Sep 2014. Modified in Spring 2015. 
#     e-mail jpnolan@american.edu
# This research was supported by an agreement with Cornell University, Operations 
#    Research & Information Engineering, under contract W911NF-12-1-0385 from the Army 
#    Research Development and Engineering Command.
# There are two main functions in this package:
# 1. Function adaptIntegrateSimplex
#    This function adaptively integrates a function f(x) over a simplex in 
#    n-dimensional space, n >= 2.  
#    (a) If the the simplicies are n-dimensional, then the integration 
#    is performed by function adsimp(...), an R 
#    translation of Alan Genz's matlab function adsimp, which
#    adaptively integrates an arbitrary function over an n-dim. simplex.
#    See comments in function adsimp for references on the method.  The only
#    change to that method is that a new argument partitionInfo is added;
#    if that is TRUE, adsimp will return information about
#    the subdivision of the simplices.
#    (b) If the simplex is of dimension 1 <= m < n, then the problem is transformed
#    into an integral over m-dimensional space, and evaluated using adsimp(...)
#    In both cases, the adaptIntegrateSimplex function allows the integrand function
#    to have optional arguments by using "..." ; this is achieved by defining
#    a new integrand function locally that incorporates the extra arguments,
#    leaving adsimp unaware of that construct.
# 2. Function integrateSimplexPolynomial
#    R implementations of the Lasserre-Avrachenkov and Grundmann-Moller
#    methods for exactly integrating a polynomial over a simplex.
#    The polynomial p(x) must be defined by using function polyDefine.
#    It is specified as a list with fields:
#       p$coef[1:m] vector of doubles, the coefficients of the terms
#       p$k[1:m,1:n] matrix of integers
#       m and n are given implicitly in the sizes of these arrays
#    Precisely,  p(x[1],...,x[n])=sum (coef[i] * x[1]^k[i,1] * ... * x[n]^k[i,n]),
#       where the sum is over i=1,...,m.  
#    The functions polyDefine, polyEval, and polyPrint are used to define,
#    evaluate, and print a polynomial in coded form.  
#    The functions CanonicalSimplex, UnitSimplexV, SimplexVolume, and 
#    JacobianS2Canonical are utility routines to define the canonical
#    simplex, the unit simples, volume of an n-dim. simplex in R^n,
#    and the Jacobian of the transformation from an m-dim. simplex S2
#    to the m-dim. canonical simplex.
#    All other functions are internal and are used at your own risk.
adaptIntegrateSimplex <- function( f, S, fDim=1L, maxEvals=10000L, absError=0.0, 
    tol=1.0e-5, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) {
# Adaptively integrate f(x) over one or more simplices in R^n, where 
# S[1:n,1:m,1:nS] may be a single simplex or a list of simplices. 
# The region of integration can be an m-dimensional simplex, 1 <= m <= n.
# When m=n, this is a wrapper function for Alan Genz's adsimp program to adaptively 
# integrate a function f(x) over an n-dimensional simplex S.  f(x) can be vector valued
# and S can be an array of simplices.  We change variable names to parallel
# the variable names in CRAN packages cubature and SphericalCubature.
# When m < n, the problem is transformed to integration in m-space and then
# adsimp is used to evaluate that m-dim. integral.
# Input variables:
#    f integrand function, returns a vector of length fDim
#    S either a single n x (m+1) matrix, with S[,i] being the i-th vertex 
#      of the simplex, or an n x (m+1) x nS array of simplices, with S[,,i] 
#      being the i-th simplex in the first form
#    fDim integer that gives the dimension of (the range of) function f
#    maxEvals integer that gives an upper limit for how many evaluations of
#      of f are allowed.  If this value is exceeded (or about to be exceeded),
#      the return variable will contain a non-zero value.
#    absError requested absolute error in the integral
#    tol requested relative error in the integral
#    integRule integer in the range 1:4 specifiying the integration rule used
#      (see function adsimp for more info)
#    partitionInfo TRUE/FALSE value indicating whether partition information
#      is be be returned.  This takes more memory (and time if m < n), but 
#      the results may be of use in some applications.  (see function adsimp for more info)
#    ...  optional arguments to f
# Returns a list with multiple fields:
#    integral estimated values of integrals, vector if fDim > 1
#    estAbsError estimated absolute error
#    functionEvaluations count of number of function evaluations
#    returnCode integer status: returnCode=0 is a successful return
#    message a text string describing what returnCode means
#    if partitionInfo=TRUE, other information about the final partition/subdivision 
#      of the region of integration is returned, see function adsimp for more details.

if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
if( is.matrix(S) )  { S <- array( S, dim=c(nrow(S),ncol(S),1)) }
if( !is.array(S) | (length(dim(S)) != 3) ) stop("S must be a single simplex or an array of simplices")
dimS <- dim(S); n <- dimS[1]; m <- dimS[2]-1; nS <- dimS[3]
if (n < 2) stop("dimension of the space is less than 2")
if( m > n ) stop("invalid simplices: m > n")

if( n == m ) { # region is a set of n-dim simplices inside R^n
   # define a new function to evaluate f using optional arguments in ...
   fNew <- function( x ) { f( x, ... ) }
   # call adsimp to do integration
   a <- adsimp( ND=n, VRTS=S, NF=fDim, F=fNew, MXFS=maxEvals, EA=absError, 
               ER=tol, KEY=integRule, partitionInfo )
} else {  
  # integration region is a set of m-dim. simplices inside R^n with m < n.
  # transform the problem to an m-dimensional one: map simplex S[,,i]
  # to a translation of the canonical simplex by (2*i,0,0,...,0).  
  # This translation allows the function transformedF to know 
  # which region of integration a point is in simply by looking at its first
  # coordinate.  This allows us to incorporate the change of variable
  # coefficient, JacobianCoef[i] for simplex S[,,i], into the transformed
  # integrand function.
  S0 <- CanonicalSimplex( m )
  transformedS <- array( 0.0, dim=c(m,m+1,nS) )
  JacobianCoef <- rep(0.0,nS)
  for (i in 1:nS) {
    JacobianCoef[i] <- JacobianS2Canonical( S[,,i] )
    S0[1, ] <- S0[1, ] + 2
    transformedS[,,i] <- S0

  # integrate transformed f over transformed simplices
  if (m==1) {   # evaluate a line integral
    # define the transformed function which evaluates the original function f(x) at 
    # multiple points in R^n, returning multiple values.
    transformedF <- function( u ) { 
      # in 1-dim case, u is a vector of distinct points in R.
      # since the function adaptIntegrateVectorFunc does one interval at a
      # time, all points in u must be in the same original parition interval.
      nu <- length(u)  
      y <- matrix(0.0,nrow=fDim,ncol=nu)
      for (i in 1:nu) {
        b <- original.coordinates( u[i], S )   
        y[,i] <- JacobianCoef[b$i] * f( b$x, ... )
      return(y) }
    a <- adaptIntegrateVectorFunc( transformedS, fDim, transformedF, maxEvals, absError, tol, partitionInfo, ... )
  } else {  # evaluate m-dim. integral where 2 <= m < n
    # define the transformed function which evaluates the original function f(x) at a 
    # a single point in R^n, returning a single number
    transformedF <- function( u ) { 
      b <- original.coordinates( u, S )    
      y <- JacobianCoef[b$i] * f( b$x, ... )
      return(y) }
    a <- adsimp( ND=m, VRTS=transformedS, NF=fDim, F=transformedF, MXFS=maxEvals, EA=absError, 
               ER=tol, KEY=integRule, partitionInfo )

if (m==1) { # in univariate case, just return result of adaptIntegrateVectorFunc
  result <- a
} else { # rename results and return to caller
  if (partitionInfo) {
    result <-  list(integral=a$VL, estAbsError=a$AE, functionEvaluations=a$NV, 
            returnCode=a$FL, subsimplices=a$VRTS, subsimplicesIntegral=a$VLS, 
            subsimplicesAbsError=a$AES, subsimplicesVolume=a$VOL )
  } else {
    result <-  list(integral=a$VL, estAbsError=a$AE, functionEvaluations=a$NV, 
            returnCode=a$FL )

if(result$returnCode == 0) {
  if (partitionInfo & ( m < n )) {
    # the current partition info applies to transformed simplices,
    # translate those simplices back to the original coordinates. 
    n3 <- dim(result$subsimplices)[3]
    newSubsimplices <- array( 0.0, dim=c(n,m+1,n3) )
    for (i in 1:n3) {
      for (j in 1:(m+1)) {
        b <- original.coordinates( result$subsimplices[,j,i], S )
        newSubsimplices[,j,i] <- b$x
      result$subsimplicesVolume[b$i] <- JacobianCoef[b$i]*result$subsimplicesVolume[b$i]
    result$subsimplices <- newSubsimplices        

# convert returnCode to a message string
result$message <- adsimp.return.message( result$returnCode )  

return(result) }
adsimp.return.message <- function( rcode ) {
# return a text string explaining the return code recode from adsimp

if (rcode == 0) msg <- "OK"
if (rcode == 1) msg <- "error: maxEvals exceeded - too many function evaluations"
if (rcode == 2) msg <- "error: integRule < 0 or integRule > 4"
if (rcode == 3) msg <- "error: dimension n of the space < 2"
if (rcode == 4) msg <- "error: fDim = dimension of f < 1"
if (rcode == 5) msg <- "error: absError < 0 and tol < 0"
if ((rcode < 0) | (rcode > 5)) msg <- paste("error: unknown return code = ",rcode ) 

return(msg) }
adaptIntegrateVectorFunc <- function( intervals, fDim, f, maxEvals, absError, tol, partitionInfo=FALSE,... ){
# Evaluate integral of a vector valued function f(x)=(f[1](x),...,f[fDim](x)) of a real 
# variable x (not a vector) over a list of intervals.  The built-in R function integrate 
# uses quadpack function dqags when lower and upper are both finite, and that appears
# to evaluate f at 21 points each time. 
dqags.num.points <- 21L

if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }

# define function to return a single coordinate of vector valued f(x)
# This is inefficient, but 
newF <- function( x, which.coord ) { 
  # make sure right number of values requested
  if(length(x)!=dqags.num.points) { warning(paste("adaptIntegrateVectorFunc: length(x) != ",dqags.num.points)) }  
  x <- as.vector(x)
  y <- rep(0.0,length(x))
  for (j in 1:length(x)) {
    y[j] <- f(x[j],...)[which.coord]
  return(y) }

n.intervals <- dim(intervals)[3]
max.subdiv <- as.integer( maxEvals/dqags.num.points )
abs.tol <- absError/n.intervals
y <- rep(0.0,fDim)
if (partitionInfo) { 
  y.partition <- matrix( 0.0, nrow=fDim, ncol=n.intervals) 
  est.abs.error.partition <- y.partition
est.abs.error <- rep(0.0,fDim)
actual.subdiv <- rep( 0L, fDim )

# loop over coordinates of vector valued f
for (i in 1:fDim) { 
  # loop over intervals 
  for (j in 1:n.intervals) {
    tmp <- integrate( newF, lower=intervals[1,1,j], upper=intervals[1,2,j], rel.tol=tol, 
         abs.tol=abs.tol, subdivisions=max.subdiv, which.coord=i )
    if (tmp$message != "OK") { break }
    y[i] <- y[i] + tmp$value
    est.abs.error[i] <- est.abs.error[i] + tmp$abs.error
    actual.subdiv[i] <- actual.subdiv[i] + tmp$subdivisions
    if (partitionInfo) { 
      y.partition[i,j] <- y.partition[i,j] + tmp$value 
      est.abs.error.partition[i,j] <- est.abs.error.partition[i,j]+tmp$abs.error

result <-  list(integral=y, estAbsError=est.abs.error, 
                message=tmp$message )
if(partitionInfo) {
  result$subsimplices <- intervals
  result$subsimplicesIntegral <- y.partition
  result$subsimplicesAbsError <- est.abs.error.partition
  result$subsimplicesVolume <- intervals[1,2,]-intervals[1,1,]
original.coordinates <- function( u, S ) {
# when m < n, this function is used to transform from the m-dimensional 
# new coordinates to original n-dimensional coordinates.  
# u should be a single point in R^m, e.g. a vector of length m.
# The basic idea is barycentric coordinates, after correcting for the 
# deliberate shift of the i-th simplex by (2*i,0,0,...,0).
#   x <- u[1]*S[,1,i] + u[2]*S[,2,i]+...+u[m]*S[,m,i]+ (1-sum(u))*S[,m+1,i]
# This function returns a list with two fields:
#   $i  for the index of the simplex
#   $x  for the point in R^n corresponding to u in R^m

i <- as.integer(u[1]/2.0) # figures out which simplex u is in
u[1] <- u[1]- 2*i   # subtract the shift to get barycentric coordinates
v <- c( u, 1-sum(u) )
return( list( i=i, x= S[,,i] %*% v ) ) }
integrateSimplexPolynomial <- function( p, S, method="GM" ) {
# Exactly integrate a polynomial p(x) over a simplex.
# Input variables:
#   p a polynomial, which should be defined through function polyDefine.
#   S is either an n x (m+1) matrix with S[,j] the j-th vertex of the simplex.  
#      Alternatively, S can be an (n x (m+1) x k) array, with S[,,i] giving the 
#      i-th simplex as in the matrix case.
#   method is a string, one of:
#      "GM" for Grundmann-Moller method, works for 1 < m <= n.
#      "LA" for the Lasserre-Avrachenkov method, only works for m=n.
# The formulas used here are exact for polynomials, not approximate, but 
# use floating point arithmetic to evaluate the polynomial.  So there will be
# round-off due to this floating point evaluation.  If the coefficients of the
# polynomial are all rational numbers, and the vertices are all rational numbers,
# it is possible to evaluate the polynomials exactly as rational numbers, and
# the integral can be evaluated exactly.  We do not do this here, though it should
# be possible using CRAN packages gmp or Rmpfr.  Exact rational arithmetic is done 
# in the C program LattE, which is available from the website:
#     https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte
# If method="GM", then the Grundmann-Moler algorithm of order ceiling( (degree(p)-1) / 2 ) 
# is used.  The GM method is exact for this order on a polynomial. See
# function grnmol( ) for details of the method and references.  
# If method="LA", this function splits the polynomial into a list of q-homogeneous 
# polynomials and calls function LasserreAvrachenkov( ) to exactly integrate a 
# q-homogeneous polynomial over each simplex S[,,i].  

# if S is a single simplex, make it an array of simplices of length 1
if (is.matrix(S)) { S <- array( S, dim=c(dim(S),1) ) }

# check input parameters
if( !is.array(S) ) stop("S must be a single simplex (a matrix) or a list of matrices (a 3-dim. array)")
# check input parameters
dimS <- dim(S)
if ( length(dimS) != 3) stop( "S must be a single simplex (a matrix) or a list of matrices (a 3-dim. array)" )
stopifnot( is.vector(p$coef), is.matrix(p$k), dim(p$k)[2]==dimS[1], method %in% c("GM","LA") )
n <- dimS[1]; m <- dimS[2]-1; k <- dimS[3]
if( m > n) stop("m must be <= n")
if( n < 1 ) stop("n=nrow(S) must be bigger >= 1")
if( m < 1 ) stop("m=ncol(S)-1 must be bigger than 1")

# compute the degrees of each of the terms in p(.)
deg <- rowSums(p$k)

# Grundmann-Moller algorithm
if (method=="GM") {
  gm.order <- ceiling( (max(deg)-1) / 2 ) # order of Grundmann-Moller method
  if (gm.order < 1) { gm.order <- 1 }
  integral <- 0; functionEvaluations <- 0
  if (m == n) {
    # polynomial interface to grnmol
    fnew <- function( x ) { evalPoly( x, p ) }

    for (i in 1:k) {   
      a <- grnmol( fnew, S[ , , i], gm.order ) 
      integral <- integral + a$Q[gm.order+1]
      functionEvaluations <- functionEvaluations + a$nv
  } else {   # 1 <= m < n, map to an integral over m-dim. canonical simplex
    # integration region is a set of m-dim. simplices inside R^n with m < n.
    # transform the problem to an m-dimensional one: map simplex S[,,i]
    # to a translation of the canonical simplex by (2*i,0,0,...,0).  
    # This translation allows the function transformedF to know 
    # which region of integration a point is in simply by looking at its first
    # coordinate.  This allows us to incorporate the change of variable
    # coefficient, JacobianCoef[i] for simplex S[,,i], into the transformed
    # integrand function.
    S0 <- CanonicalSimplex( m )
    transformedS <- array( 0.0, dim=c(m,m+1,k) )
    JacobianCoef <- rep(0.0,k)
    for (i in 1:k) {
      JacobianCoef[i] <- JacobianS2Canonical( S[,,i] )
      S0[1, ] <- S0[1, ] + 2
      transformedS[,,i] <- S0

    # define the transformed function which evaluates the original function f(x) at a 
    # a single point in R^n, returning a single number
    transformedF <- function( u ) { 
      b <- original.coordinates( u, S )
      y <- JacobianCoef[b$i] * evalPoly( b$x, p )
      return(y) }
    for (i in 1:k) {   
      curS <- transformedS[ , , i]
      if (!is.matrix(curS)) { curS <- matrix( curS, nrow=1 ) }
      a <- grnmol( transformedF, curS, gm.order ) 
      integral <- integral + a$Q[gm.order+1]
      functionEvaluations <- functionEvaluations + a$nv

# Lasserre-Avrachenkov method
if (method=="LA") {
  # in principle, L-A method can be made to work when m < n, but it is
  # messy.  Since it requires that you separate the terms of the polynomial
  # into homogeneous terms, you have to express the transformed polynomial
  # in m-dimensions in polynomial form.  This requires some effort; we do
  # not see it worth the effort now.
  if (m != n) stop("Lasserre-Avranchenkov method only works with m=n")
  if (n == 1) stop("Lasserre-Avranchenkov method only works for n > 1")
  unique.deg <- unique(deg)

  # Loop through terms that are homog. of each degree q and all simplices.
  # Use a trick of setting some coef. to 0 when the corresponding term is 
  # not of degree q.
  integral <- 0.0; functionEvaluations <- 0
  for ( q in unique.deg ) {
    useTerm <- ( deg == q ) # useTerm[i] = 1 if term i is q-homog., 0 otherwise
    for (i in 1:k) { 
      tmp <- LasserreAvrachenkov( q, p, useTerm, S[ , , i] ) 
      integral <- integral + tmp$integral
      functionEvaluations <- functionEvaluations + tmp$functionEvaluations  

return( list(integral=integral,functionEvaluations=functionEvaluations )) }
definePoly <- function( coef, k ) {
# Define a polynomial in n variables with coefficients coef[1:m] and powers k[1:m,1:n]
# this is essentially an S3 method

# check sizes
stopifnot( is.vector(coef), is.numeric(coef), is.matrix(k), length(coef) == nrow(k) )

# as.integer drops the matrix dimensions
return( list( coef=coef, k=matrix( as.integer(k), nrow=nrow(k) ) ) ) }  
evalPoly <- function( x, p, useTerm=rep(TRUE,length(p$coef)) ) {
# Evaluate the polynomial y[j] = p(x[,j]) at j=1,...,nx
# The vector useTerm indicates which terms in polynomial p are
# used in this evaluation: if useTerm[i]=TRUE, include the i-th term
# in the function evaluation.  This is mainly for efficiency reasons:
# function integrateSimplexPolynomial splits the polynomial into terms of
# different degrees, and this vector of indicators allows us to use only
# the terms required.  This avoids repeated copying of terms, and will
# be simpler if these functions are coded in C.

if (is.vector(x)) { x <- matrix(x,ncol=1) }
stopifnot( nrow(x) == ncol(p$k) )
nx <- ncol(x);  m <- length(p$coef)

y <- rep(0.0,nx)
for (i in 1:m) {
  if (useTerm[i]) {   # skip terms when told to
    for (j in 1:nx) {
      y[j] <- y[j] + p$coef[i]*prod( x[,j]^p$k[i,] )
return(y) }
printPoly <- function( p, num.digits=5 ) {
# print the polynomial p in human readable form

# round coefficients for readability
coef <- round(p$coef,num.digits)

m <- length(coef)
k <- p$k
dimk <- dim(k)
if (m != dimk[1]) stop( "m != dimk[1]; not  valid polynomial" )
n <- dimk[2]
cat("Polynomial has",m,"terms and",n,"variables\n")
deg <- rowSums(k)
for (i in 1:m) {
  if (i > 1) { if (coef[i] > 0) cat ("\n  + ") else cat("\n  ") }
  cat( coef[i] )
  for (j in 1:n) {
    if (k[i,j] > 0 ) cat( " * x[",j,"]^", k[i,j], sep="" )
  cat("       (degree=", deg[i],")" )  
LasserreAvrachenkov <- function( q, p, useTerm, S ){
# Exactly integrate a homogeneous polynomial p over a single simplex S using the
# algorithm in Lasserre and Avrachenkov (2001), MAA Monthly, v 108, n 2, pg 151-154.
# We use the formula (18) of Baldoni, et. al. (2011), Math. of Comput., v 80, pg 297-325.
# We also incorporate the fact that you can eliminate half the terms in their inner sum and
# multiply the result by 2.  This is done below by restricting eps[1]=+1, or equivalently
# j[1]=0.
# The polynomial p(.) should be defined using function definePoly.
# Note that p may not be homogeneous, however argument useTerm is a boolean
# vector telling which terms of p to use.  It is assumed that all the terms
# in p with useTerm[i]=TRUE are homogeneous of order q.  Since this function
# is only called internally from function integrateSimplexPolynomial, we do 
# not check this here.

n <- nrow(S);   m <- ncol(S)-1
vol <- SimplexVolume(S) 

if (q == 0) { # constant terms are treated separately
  const <- vol
  total <- sum( p$coef[useTerm] )
  count <- 1
} else { # 
  const <- vol/ ( 2^(q-1) * factorial(q) * choose(q+n,n) )
  count <- 0
  total <- 0.0
  i <- rep( 1L, q )
  while ( !is.na( i[1] ) ) {
    j <- rep( 0L, q )
    while ( j[1]==0L ) {
      eps <- 1 - 2*j   # convert to +1s and -1s 
      tmp <- eps[1]*S[,i[1]]
      if( q > 1 ) {
        for (l in 2:q) { 
          tmp <- tmp + eps[l]*S[ ,i[l]]
      val <- evalPoly( tmp, p, useTerm )
      total <- total + prod(eps) * val
      count <- count + 1
      j <- nextIntBaseB( j, b=2 )
    i <- nextIndexLA( i, b=m+1 )
return( list(integral=const*total, functionEvaluations=count) ) }
SimplexVolume <- function( S ){
# compute the volume of the n-dim simplex S in R^n.  S is an n x (n+1) matrix, 
# with the columns of S giving the vertices of the simplex.  
# For S=CanonicalSimplex(n), the volume is 1/n!

stopifnot( is.matrix(S), nrow(S) >= 1, ncol(S) == nrow(S)+1 )
n <- nrow(S)
V <- S[ ,-1] - matrix( S[,1], nrow=n,ncol=n ) # n x n matrix
return( abs( det(V) )/factorial(n) ) }
SimplexSurfaceArea <- function( S3 ){
# compute the surface area of the (n-1)-dim simplex S3 in R^n.  S3 is an 
# n x n matrix, with the columns of S3 giving the vertices of the simplex.  
# For S3 = UnitSimplexV(n), 
#   SimplexSurfaceArea(UnitSimplexV(n))/SimplexVolume( CanonicalSimplex(n-1) ) 
#      = JacobianS2Canonical(SimplexSurfaceArea(UnitSimplexV(n)))= sqrt(n)

stopifnot( is.matrix(S3), nrow(S3) >= 1, ncol(S3) == nrow(S3) )
n <- nrow(S3)
return( JacobianS2Canonical(S3)*SimplexVolume(CanonicalSimplex(n-1)) ) }
JacobianS2Canonical <- function( S2 ){
# compute the Jacobian of transformation between the m-dimensional simplex S2 
# (sitting inside R^n) and the canonical simplex in R^m.
# S2 is an n x (m+1) matrix, with columns of S2 giving the vertices of the simplex.
# The method is to compute the Gram matrix G=t(V) %*% V, where V is as below.

stopifnot( is.matrix(S2), nrow(S2) > 1, ncol(S2) <= nrow(S2)+1 )
n <- nrow(S2); m <- ncol(S2)-1
V <- S2[ ,-1] - matrix( S2[,1], nrow=n,ncol=m ) # an n x m matrix

return( sqrt( abs( det( t(V) %*% V ) ) ) ) }
CanonicalSimplex <- function( n ) {
# return the vertices of the canonical simplex in R^n, the n-dim. simplex with
# vertices the origin (0,...,0) and the unit vectors e[1],...,e[n].
# It has n-dim. volume 1/n!

return( cbind( rep(0.0,n), diag(rep(1.0,n)) ) ) }
UnitSimplexV <- function( n ) {
# return the vertices (V-representaion) of the unit simplex in R^n, the (n-1) dim. simplex with
# vertices the unit vectors e[1],...,e[n].

return( diag(rep(1.0,n)) ) }
nextIntBaseB <- function( current.n, b ) {
# Compute the next integer in base b representation.  
# current.n is a vector of integers containing the base b representation of integer n: 
#     n=current.n[1]*b^k + current.n[2]*b^(k-1) + ... + current.n[2]*b + current.n[1].
# It is assumed that n >= 0.  
# Compute (n+1) in base b, by adding 1 and carrying.  If necessary, the 
# length of the integer vector is increased by 1 to add a new leading digit.

next.n <- current.n
k <- length(next.n)
repeat {
  next.n[k] <- next.n[k] + 1
  if (next.n[k] >= b) { next.n[k] <- 0;  carry <- TRUE
  } else { carry <- FALSE }
  k <- k-1
  if ( !carry | (k==0 ) ) break
if (carry) { next.n <- c(1L,next.n) }
return( next.n ) }
nextIndexLA <- function( current.n, b ) {
# Compute the next multi-index used in the outer sum in function LasserreAvrachenkov 
# Do this by incrementing current.n until we find one that meets the requirements.
# The number of values returned is choose( b+d, b ); after that
# a vector of NAs is returned to signal that there are no more indices.

d <- length( current.n ) 
ones <- rep( 1L, d )
next.n <- current.n - ones # subtract off the initial ones
repeat {
  next.n <- nextIntBaseB( next.n, b )
  if ( all( diff(next.n) >= 0) | (length(next.n) > d ) ) break
if (length(next.n) > d) { next.n <- rep( NA, d ) }
else { next.n <- next.n + ones }
return( next.n ) }

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SimplicialCubature documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 5:40 p.m.