case0501: Diet Restriction and Longevity

case0501R Documentation

Diet Restriction and Longevity


Female mice were randomly assigned to six treatment groups to investigate whether restricting dietary intake increases life expectancy. Diet treatments were:

  1. "NP"—mice ate unlimited amount of nonpurified, standard diet

  2. "N/N85"—mice fed normally before and after weaning. After weaning, ration was controlled at 85 kcal/wk

  3. "N/R50"—normal diet before weaning and reduced calorie diet (50 kcal/wk) after weaning

  4. "R/R50"—reduced calorie diet of 50 kcal/wk both before and after weaning

  5. "N/R50 lopro"—normal diet before weaning, restricted diet (50 kcal/wk) after weaning and dietary protein content decreased with advancing age

  6. "N/R40"—normal diet before weaning and reduced diet (40 Kcal/wk) after weaning.




A data frame with 349 observations on the following 2 variables.


the lifetime of the mice (in months)


factor variable with six levels—"NP", "N/N85", "lopro", "N/R50", "R/R50" and "N/R40"


Ramsey, F.L. and Schafer, D.W. (2002). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (2nd ed), Duxbury.


Weindruch, R., Walford, R.L., Fligiel, S. and Guthrie D. (1986). The Retardation of Aging in Mice by Dietary Restriction: Longevity, Cancer, Immunity and Lifetime Energy Intake, Journal of Nutrition 116(4):641–54.


boxplot(Lifetime~Diet, width=c(rep(.8,6)), data=case0501,
        xlab="Diet", ylab="Lifetime in months")
summary(subset(case0501, Diet=="NP", Lifetime))

Sleuth2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:37 a.m.