
Defines functions SmoothWin plot.SmoothWin

Documented in plot.SmoothWin SmoothWin

SmoothWin = function(object                                           ,
                     data                                             ,
                     t                                                ,
                     m                                                ,
                     l = function(ignore.me.in.default) {
                       r = SmoothWin:::lseq(
                         from = 1                                          ,
                         to = max(abs(t[m] - min(t, na.rm = TRUE)), abs(t[m] - max(t, na.rm = TRUE)), 1),
                         length.out = min(500, max(1, diff(range(
                           t,na.rm = TRUE
                       r = unique(round(r))
                     k = SmoothWin:::lseq(from = .5                   ,
                                          to = 10                     ,
                                          length.out = 50)            ,
                     min.obs   = function(ignore.me.in.default) {
                       lutm = length(unique(t[m]))
                       r = ifelse(lutm > 1, 35, max(pi * sqrt(length(t)), 35))
                       r = max(r * lutm, length(m), na.rm = TRUE)
                       r = min(r       , length(t), na.rm = TRUE)
                     }                                                ,
                     direction = c(1, 1)                              ,
                     weightFUN = function(x) {
                     }                                                ,
                     residFun = function(x) {
                     }                                                ,
                     predictFun = function(x) {
                     }                                                ,
                     weightORthreshold = 'weight'                     ,
                     cdf = plogis                                     ,
                     check = 2                                        ,
                     sensitivity   = c(1, 1, 1, 0)                    ,
                     pvalThreshold = c(0, 0, 0, 0)                    ,
                     threshold     = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * 10   ,
                     zeroCompensation = 0                             ,
                     messages      = TRUE                             ,
                     seed          = NULL                             ,
                     simple.output = FALSE                            ,
                     debug         = FALSE                            ,
                     ...) {
  sta.time    = Sys.time()
  message0('Soft windowing algorithm started.')
  if (!is.null(seed))
  min.obs = ceiling(is.function0(min.obs))
  l = is.function0(l, decreasing = FALSE)
  k = is.function0(k, decreasing = TRUE)
  argg    = c(as.list(environment()), list())
  if (length(unique(t[m])) > 15)
    message0('More than 15 modes detected. The entire procedure can take a longer than usual!')
  if (length(m) > min.obs) {
    stop('`min.obs` is less than the total number of treatments!')
  } else {
  ### 1. Determining l
  message0('Step 1|3 Searching for the optimal l ...')
  rl = gridSearchModel(
    object = object                       ,
    data = data                           ,
    weightFUN = weightFUN                 ,
    check = check                         ,
    t = t                                 ,
    m = t[m]                              ,
    l = l                                 ,
    k = max(k)                            ,
    threshold = threshold                 ,
    messages = messages                   ,
    onlyOne  = FALSE                      ,
    cdf      = cdf                        ,
    zeroCompensation = zeroCompensation   ,
    weightOrthreshold = weightORthreshold ,
    direction = direction                 , 
  finall = tv.test(
    obj = rl                              ,
    args = argg                           ,
    name = 'l'                            ,
    residFun = residFun                   ,
    sensitivity = sensitivity             ,
    pvalThreshold = pvalThreshold         ,
    predictFun = predictFun               ,
    debug = debug
  if (is.null(finall$value)){
    finall$value = max(l)
    finall$score = NA
  ### 2. Determining k
  message0('Step 2|3 Searching for the optimal k ...')
  rk = gridSearchModel(
    object = object                       ,
    data = data                           ,
    weightFUN = weightFUN                 ,
    check = check                         ,
    t = t                                 ,
    m = t[m]                              ,
    l = finall$value                      ,
    k = k                                 ,
    threshold = threshold                 ,
    messages = messages                   ,
    onlyOne  = FALSE                      ,
    cdf      = cdf                        ,
    zeroCompensation = zeroCompensation   ,
    weightOrthreshold = weightORthreshold ,
    direction = direction                 ,
  finalk = tv.test(
    obj = rk                              ,
    args = argg                           ,
    name = 'k'                            ,
    residFun = residFun                   ,
    predictFun = predictFun               ,
    sensitivity = sensitivity             ,
    pvalThreshold = pvalThreshold         ,
    debug = debug
  if (is.null(finalk$value)) {
    finalk$value = max(k)
    finalk$score = NA
  ##### final model
  message0('Step 3|3 Forming the final model ...')
  finalr = gridSearchModel(
    object = object                       ,
    data = data                           ,
    weightFUN = weightFUN                 ,
    check = check                         ,
    t = t                                 ,
    m = t[m]                              ,
    l = finall$value                      ,
    k = finalk$value                      ,
    threshold = threshold                 ,
    messages = messages                   ,
    onlyOne  = TRUE                       ,
    cdf      = cdf                        ,
    zeroCompensation = zeroCompensation   ,
    weightOrthreshold = weightORthreshold ,
    direction = direction                 ,
  if (simple.output) {
    rk = rl = NULL
  out = list(
    object  = object                    ,
    data    = data                      ,
    final.k = finalk                    ,
    final.l = finall                    ,
    finalModel = finalr                 ,
    model.l = rl                        ,
    model.k = rk                        ,
    min.obs = min.obs                   ,
    input   = argg
  class(out) = 'SmoothWin'
  message0('Finished in ', round(difftime(Sys.time() , sta.time, units = 'sec'), 2), ' seconds.')

# Plot windowing object
plot.SmoothWin = function(x,
                          ylab   = 'Response'              ,
                          xlab   = 'Time (continuous)'     ,
                          sub    = NULL                    ,
                          col    = NULL                    ,
                          digits = 2                       ,
                          ...) {
  if (!is.null(x$finalModel$models)) {
    t  = x$input$t
    y  = x$data[, all.vars(formula(x$finalModel$models))[1]]
    m  = x$input$m
    ly = length(y)
    if (is.unsorted(t, na.rm = TRUE))
      message0('To get the right plot, make sure that the dataset is sorted on time!')
    if (is.null(col)) {
      col = rgb(abs(1 -  x$finalModel$FullWeight) ,
                abs(0 +  x$finalModel$FullWeight) ,
      xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab,
      sub = if (is.null(sub)) {
          'l='                                                      ,
          round(x$final.l$value, digits)                            ,
          ', k='                                                    ,
          round(x$final.k$value, digits)                            ,
          ', '                                                      ,
          ifelse(x$input$weightORthreshold == 'weight', 'SWS=', '#'),
          round(x$finalModel$output$ObsInInterval, digits)          ,
          ' [~'                                                     ,
          round(x$finalModel$output$ObsInInterval / ly * 100, digits),
          '%]'       ,
          ', MaxBW=' ,
          max(x$input$l, na.rm = TRUE),
          ', MinObs=',
          x$min.obs  ,
          '+'        ,
          length(m)  ,
          sep = ''
      } else{
      col = col,
    abline(v = unique(t[m]),
           lty = 2,
           col = 'gray')
    wp = x$finalModel$FullWeight
      min(y) + wp * (max(y) - min(y)),
      col = 'gray'                   ,
      lty = 3                        ,
      lwd = 3
      weight = wp   ,
      k = x$final.k ,
      l = x$final.k ,
      object = x
  } else{
    message0('Windowing failed. No plot available for the failed models.')

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SmoothWin documentation built on July 28, 2019, 1:03 a.m.