
Defines functions spadesTimes .getTU convertTimeunit inSeconds dsecond dyear dmonth dweek dday dmin dhour

Documented in convertTimeunit dday dhour dmin dmonth dsecond dweek dyear inSeconds spadesTimes

#' SpaDES time units
#' `SpaDES` modules commonly use approximate durations that divide with no
#' remainder among themselves.
#' For example, models that simulate based on a "week" timestep, will likely
#' want to fall in lock step with a second module that is a "year" timestep.
#' Since, weeks, months, years don't really have this behaviour because of:
#' leap years, leap seconds, not quite 52 weeks in a year, months that are of
#' different duration, etc.
#' We have generated a set of units that work well together that are based on
#' the astronomical or "Julian" year.
#' In an astronomical year, leap years are added within each year with an extra
#' 1/4 day, (i.e., 1 year == 365.25 days); months are defined as year/12, and
#' weeks as year/52.
#' When these units are not correct, a module developer can create their own
#' time unit, and create a function to calculate the number of seconds
#' in that unit using the "d" prefix (for duration), following the
#' `lubridate` package standard:
#' `ddecade <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dyear(10))`.
#' Then the module developer can use "decade" as the module's time unit.
#' @param x numeric. Number of the desired units
#' @return Number of seconds within each unit
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dhour <- function(x) {
  x * 60 * 60

hoursInSeconds <- as.numeric(dhour(1))    # 3600L
attributes(hoursInSeconds)$unit <- "second"

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dmin <- function(x) {
  x * 60

minutesInSeconds <- as.numeric(dmin(1))    # 3600L
attributes(minutesInSeconds)$unit <- "second"

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dday <- function(x) {
  x * 24 * hoursInSeconds

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
setGeneric("dyears", function(x) {

daysInSeconds <- as.numeric(dday(1))      # 86400L
attributes(daysInSeconds)$unit <- "second"

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
          signature(x = "numeric"),
          definition = function(x) {
            x * daysInSeconds * 365.25

yearsInSeconds <- as.numeric(dyears(1)) # 31557600L
attributes(yearsInSeconds)$unit <- "second"

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
setGeneric("dmonths", function(x) {

#' @rdname spadesTime
          signature(x = "numeric"),
          definition = function(x) {
            x * as.numeric(yearsInSeconds) / 12

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
setGeneric("dweeks", function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
          signature(x = "numeric"),
          definition = function(x) {
            x * as.numeric(yearsInSeconds) / 52

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dweek <- function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dmonth <- function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dyear <- function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
dsecond <- function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
setGeneric("dNA", function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname spadesTime
          signature(x = "ANY"),
          definition = function(x) {

secondsInSeconds <- as.numeric(1)
weeksInSeconds <- as.numeric(dweek(1))    # 606876.92307692
monthsInSeconds <- as.numeric(dmonth(1))  # 2629800L
attributes(secondsInSeconds)$unit <- "second"
attributes(weeksInSeconds)$unit <- "second"
attributes(monthsInSeconds)$unit <- "second"

#' Convert time units
#' Current pre-defined units are found within the `spadesTimes()` function.
#' The user can define a new unit.
#' The unit name can be anything, but the function definition must be of the
#' form `"dunitName"`, e.g., `dyear` or `dfortnight`.
#' The unit name is the part without the `d` and the function name
#' definition includes the `d`.
#' This new function, e.g., `dfortnight <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dday(14))`
#' can be placed anywhere in the search path or in a module
#' (you will need to declare `"lubridate"` in your `pkgDeps` in the metadata).
#' @param unit   Character. One of the time units used in `SpaDES` or user
#'               defined time unit, given as the unit name only. See details.
#' @param envir   An environment. This is where to look up the function definition for
#'                the time unit. See details.
#' @param skipChecks For speed, the internal checks for classes and missingness can be skipped.
#'                   Default `FALSE`.
#' @details Because of R scoping, if `envir` is a `simList` environment, then
#' this function will search there first, then up the current `search()` path.
#' Thus, it will find a user defined or module defined unit before a SpaDES unit.
#' This means that a user can override the `dyear` given in SpaDES, for example,
#' which is 365.25 days, with `dyear <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dday(365))`.
#' @return A numeric vector of length 1, with `unit` attribute set to "seconds".
#' @author Alex Chubaty & Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @rdname timeConversion
inSeconds <- function(unit, envir, skipChecks = FALSE) {
  if (!skipChecks) {
    if (missing(envir)) envir <- .GlobalEnv
    if (missing(unit)) unit <- NA_character_
    if (is.null(unit)) unit <- NA_character_
    if (!is.character(unit)) stop("unit must be a character")
  out <- switch(unit,
                second = secondsInSeconds,
                seconds = secondsInSeconds,
                hour = hoursInSeconds,
                hours = hoursInSeconds,
                day = daysInSeconds,
                days = daysInSeconds,
                week = weeksInSeconds,
                weeks = weeksInSeconds,
                month = monthsInSeconds,
                months = monthsInSeconds,
                year = yearsInSeconds,
                years = yearsInSeconds,
                # Allow for user defined time units in metadata - null is result
                #  from switch fn above if it does not appear. So search through SpaDES
                # functions first above, then check user defined units
                #attributes(out)$unit = "second"
                if (checkTimeunit(unit, envir)) {
                  as.numeric(get(paste0("d", unit), envir = envir)(1))
                } else {


#' Convert time units
#' This function takes a numeric with a "unit" attribute and converts it to
#' another numeric with a different time attribute.
#' If the units passed to argument `units` are the same as
#' `attr(time, "unit")`, then it simply returns input `time`.
#' If `time` has no `unit` attribute, then it is assumed to be
#' seconds.
#' @param time   Numeric. With a unit attribute, indicating the time unit of the
#'               input numeric. See Details.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include simList-class.R
#' @rdname timeConversion
convertTimeunit <- function(time, unit, envir, skipChecks = FALSE) {
  if (!skipChecks) {
    if (missing(envir)) envir <- .GlobalEnv
    if (missing(unit)) unit <- "second"
    if (!is.character(unit)) stop("unit must be a character")
    if (!is.numeric(time)) stop("time must be a numeric")
    if (!is.environment(envir)) stop("envir must be an environment")

  timeUnit <- attr(time, "unit")

  if (!skipChecks) {
    # Assume default of seconds if time has no unit
    if (!is.character(timeUnit)) {
      attr(time, "unit") <- timeUnit <- "second"
    if (is.na(timeUnit)) timeUnit <- "NA" # for startsWith next
  # Commenting out these two sections -- very rare for the simulation
  #  *and* the units requested to be in seconds
  # Also, NA is handled by inSeconds
  #if (!all(startsWith(c(unit, timeUnit), "second"))) {
  #  if (!is.na(timeUnit) & !is.na(unit)) {
      # confirm that units are usable by SpaDES
      #  This has been commented out, because it is too slow to check every time
      #  This should be checked at defineMetadata stage, rather than every
      #  time time(sim) is used.
      #checkTimeunit(c(timeUnit, unit), envir)

      # if timeUnit is same as unit, skip calculations
  if (is.null(timeUnit)) timeUnit <- "NA" # for next line
  if (unit != timeUnit) {
    # For bypassing calculation -- use table of knowns
    if (timeUnit != "NA") {
      if (!startsWith(timeUnit, prefix = "second")) {
        if (isTRUE(time %% 1 == 0)) {
          if (time[1] < .pkgEnv[["nUnitConversions"]]) {
            if (unit %in% .spadesTimes) {
              time <- as.numeric(.pkgEnv[["unitConversions"]][time[1] + 1L, attr(time, "unit")])

    if (!is.null(attr(time, "unit"))) {
      if (startsWith(timeUnit, prefix = "second")) {
        if (!startsWith(unit, prefix = "second"))
          time <- time / inSeconds(unit, envir, skipChecks = TRUE)
      } else if (startsWith(unit, prefix = "second")) {
        time <- time * inSeconds(timeUnit, envir, skipChecks = TRUE)
      } else {
        time <- time * inSeconds(timeUnit, envir, skipChecks = TRUE) /
                        inSeconds(unit, envir, skipChecks = TRUE)
    attr(time, "unit") <- unit


#' Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation
#' @param sim   A `simList` simulation object.
#' @return The timeunit as a character string. This defaults to `NA` if
#' none of the modules has explicit units.
#' @export
#' @include simList-class.R
#' @rdname maxTimeunit
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty
setGeneric("maxTimeunit", function(sim) {

#' @export
#' @rdname maxTimeunit
  signature(sim = "simList"),
  definition = function(sim) {
    if (length(sim@depends@dependencies)) {
      if (!is.null(sim@depends@dependencies[[1]])) {
        timesteps <- lapply(sim@depends@dependencies, function(x) {
        if (!all(sapply(timesteps, is.na))) {
            timesteps[!sapply(timesteps, is.na)], function(x) .getTU(x, envir(sim))))]])

#' Determine the smallest timeunit in a simulation
#' When modules have different timeunit, SpaDES automatically takes the smallest
#' (e.g., "second") as the unit for a simulation.
#' @param sim   A `simList` simulation object.
#' @return The timeunit as a character string. This defaults to "second" if
#' none of the modules has explicit units.
#' @export
#' @include simList-class.R
#' @rdname minTimeunit
#' @author Eliot McIntire
setGeneric("minTimeunit", function(sim) {

#' @export
#' @rdname minTimeunit
  signature(sim = "simList"),
  definition = function(sim) {
    if (length(sim@depends@dependencies)) {
      if (!is.null(sim@depends@dependencies[[1]])) {
        timesteps <- lapply(sim@depends@dependencies, function(x) {
        if (!all(sapply(timesteps, is.na))) {
            timesteps[!sapply(timesteps, is.na)], function(x) .getTU(x, envir(sim))))]])

#' @keywords internal
.getTU <- function(ts, simEnv) {
    tsFun <- paste0("d", ts)
    if (exists(tsFun, envir = simEnv, inherits = FALSE))
      get(tsFun, envir = simEnv)

#' @export
#' @rdname minTimeunit
  signature(sim = "list"),
  definition = function(sim) {
    keep <- sapply(sim, function(x) !is.na(x))
    if (all(!keep)) {
      keep <- rep(TRUE, length(keep))
    tu <- unlist(lapply(sim[keep], function(xtime) {
      as.numeric(eval(parse(text = paste0("d", xtime, "(1)"))))


#' @rdname timeConversion
.spadesTimes <- c("year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "second")
.spadesTimes <- c(.spadesTimes, paste0(.spadesTimes, "s"))

#' @export
#' @rdname timeConversion
spadesTimes <- function() {
  gsub(.spadesTimes, pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "")

#' @export
#' @rdname timeConversion
setGeneric("checkTimeunit", function(unit, envir) {

#' @export
#' @rdname timeConversion
          signature(unit = "character", "missing"),
          definition = function(unit, envir) {
            checkTimeunit(unit, envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' @export
#' @rdname timeConversion
          signature(unit = "character", "environment"),
          definition = function(unit, envir) {
            out <- FALSE

            # check for .spadesTimes first, then user defined ones
            #   d*unit*, then d*units* then "d*unit omit s"
            if (all(!is.na(pmatch(unit, .spadesTimes)))) {
            #if (sum(str_detect(.spadesTimes, pattern = unit), na.rm = TRUE)==
            #   length(unit)) {
              out <- TRUE
            } else {
              out <- sapply(unit, function(unit) {
                if (exists(paste0("d", unit), envir = envir)) {
                  if (is.function(get(paste0("d", unit), envir = envir)))
                    out <- TRUE
                } else if (exists(paste0("d", unit, "s"), envir = envir)) {
                  if (is.function(get(paste0("d", unit, "s"), envir = envir)))
                    out <- TRUE
                } else if (exists(gsub(x = paste0("d", unit),
                                       pattern = "s$", replacement = ""), envir = envir)) {
                  if (is.function(get(gsub(x = paste0("d", unit),
                                           pattern = "s$", replacement = ""), envir = envir))) {
                    out <- TRUE
                } else {
                  out <- FALSE

            if (!all(out)) message("unknown timeunit provided: ", unit[!out])

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SpaDES.core documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:32 a.m.