
Defines functions asymmetryAdjust angleQuality reorderColsWDistance rbindlistDtDtpot spread2

Documented in angleQuality asymmetryAdjust rbindlistDtDtpot reorderColsWDistance spread2

  ".GRP", "distance", "dups", "from", "i.size", "ind", "indClDT", "initialPixels", "keep",
  "n", "newQuantity", "numNeighs", "numRetries", "origIndex", "pixels", "proportion",
  "quantityAdj", "quantityAdj2", "state", "size", "tooBigByNCells", "V1"

#' Simulate a contagious spread process on a landscape, with `data.table` internals
#' This can be used to simulate fires, seed dispersal, calculation of iterative,
#' concentric, symmetric (currently) landscape values and many other things.
#' Essentially, it starts from a collection of cells (`start`, called "events")
#' and spreads to neighbours, according to the `directions`
#' and `spreadProb` with modifications due to other arguments. **NOTE:**
#' the `spread` function is similar, but sometimes slightly faster, but less
#' robust, and more difficult to use iteratively.
#' There are 2 main underlying algorithms for active cells to "spread" to
#' nearby cells (adjacent cells): `spreadProb` and `neighProb`.
#' Using `spreadProb`, every "active" pixel will assess all
#' neighbours (either 4 or 8, depending on  `directions`), and will "activate"
#' whichever neighbours successfully pass independent calls to
#' `runif(1,0,1) < spreadProb`.
#' The algorithm will iterate again and again, each time starting from the newly
#' "activated" cells. Several built-in decisions are as follows.
#' 1. no active cell can activate a cell that was already activated by
#' the same event (i.e., "it won't go backwards"). 2. If `allowOverlap` is
#' `FALSE`, then the previous rule will also apply, regardless of which
#' "event" caused the pixels to be previously active.
#' This function can be interrupted before all active cells are exhausted if
#' the `iterations` value is reached before there are no more active
#' cells to `spread2` into. The interrupted output (a `data.table`) can be passed
#' subsequently as an input to this same function (as `start`).
#' This is intended to be used for situations where external events happen during
#' a `spread2` event, or where one or more arguments to the `spread2` function
#' change before a `spread2` event is completed.
#' For example, if it is desired that the `spreadProb` change before a
#' `spread2` event is completed because, for example, a fire is spreading, and a
#' new set of conditions arise due to a change in weather.
#' `asymmetry` here is slightly different than in the `spread` function,
#' so that it can deal with a `RasterLayer` of `asymmetryAngle`.
#' Here, the `spreadProb` values of a given set of neighbours around each active pixel
#' are adjusted to create `adjustedSpreadProb` which is calculated maintain the
#' following two qualities: \deqn{mean(spreadProb) = mean(ajustedSpreadProb)} and
#' \deqn{max(spreadProb)/min(spreadProb) = asymmetry} along the axis of
#' `asymmetryAngle`. NOTE: this means that the 8 neighbours around an active
#' cell may not fulfill the preceeding equality if `asymmetryAngle` is not
#' exactly one of the 8 angles of the 8 neighbours. This means that
#' \deqn{max(spreadProb)/min(spreadProb)} will generally be less than
#' `asymmetry`, for the 8 neighbours. The exact adjustment to the spreadProb
#' is calculated with:
#' \deqn{angleQuality <- (cos(angles - rad2(asymmetryAngle))+1)/2}
#' which is multiplied to get an angle-adjusted spreadProb:
#' \deqn{spreadProbAdj <- actualSpreadProb * angleQuality}
#' which is then rescaled:
#' \deqn{adjustedSpreadProb = (spreadProbAdj - min(spreadProbAdj)) * par2 + par1},
#' where `par1` and `par2` are parameters calculated internally to make the 2 conditions above true.
#' @section Breaking out of `spread2` events:
#' There are 3 ways for the `spread2` to "stop" spreading.
#' Here, each "event" is defined as all cells that are spawned from each unique
#' `start` location.
#' The ways outlined below are all acting at all times, i.e., they are not
#' mutually exclusive.
#' Therefore, it is the user's responsibility to make sure the different rules
#' are interacting with each other correctly.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `spreadProb` \tab Probabilistically, if `spreadProb` is low enough,
#'                          active spreading events will stop.
#'                          In practice, this number generally should be below 0.3
#'                          to actually see an event stop.\cr
#'   `maxSize` \tab This is the number of cells that are "successfully" turned
#'                       on during a spreading event. `spreadProb` will still
#'                       be active, so, it is possible that the end size of each event
#'                       is smaller than `maxSize`, but they will not be greater
#'                       than `maxSize`\cr
#'   `exactSize` \tab This is the number of cells that are "successfully" turned
#'                       on during a spreading event. This will override an event that
#'                       stops probabilistically via `spreadProb`, but forcing
#'                       its last set of active cells to try again to find neighbours.
#'                       It will try `maxRetriesPerID` times per event, before giving up.
#'                       During those `maxRetriesPerID` times, it will try to "jump" up to
#'                       4 cells outwards from each of the active cells, every 5 retries.\cr
#'   `iterations` \tab This is a hard cap on the number of internal iterations to
#'                          complete before returning the current state of the system
#'                          as a `data.table`.\cr
#' }
#' @param landscape Required. A `RasterLayer` object. This defines the possible
#'                  locations for spreading events to start and `spread2` into. Required.
#' @param start Required. Either a vector of pixel numbers to initiate spreading, or a
#'              `data.table` that is the output of a previous `spread2`.
#'              If a vector, they should be cell indices (pixels) on the `landscape`.
#'              If user has x and y coordinates, these can be converted with
#'              [`cellFromXY()`][terra::cellFromXY].
#' @param spreadProb  Numeric of length 1 or length `ncell(landscape)` or
#'                    a `RasterLayer` that is the identical dimensions as
#'                    `landscape`.
#'                    If numeric of length 1, then this is the global (absolute)
#'                    probability of spreading into each cell from a neighbour.
#'                    If a numeric of length `ncell(landscape)` or a raster,
#'                    then this must be the cell-specific (absolute)
#'                    probability of a "receiving" potential cell. Default is `0.23`.
#'                    If relative probabilities are required, use `spreadProbRel`.
#'                    If used together, then the relative probabilities will be
#'                    re-scaled so that the mean relative probability of potential
#'                    neighbours is equal to the mean of `spreadProb` of
#'                    the potential neighbours.
#' @param persistProb Numeric of length 1 or `RasterLayer`.
#'                    If numeric of length 1, then this is the global (absolute)
#'                    probability of cell continuing to burn per time step.
#'                    If a raster, then this must be the cell-specific (absolute)
#'                    probability of a fire persisting.
#'                    Default is `NA`, which is the same as 0, i.e. a cell only burns
#'                    for one time step.
#' @param spreadProbRel Optional `RasterLayer` indicating a surface of relative
#'                      probabilities useful when using `neighProbs` (which
#'                      provides a mechanism for selecting a specific number of
#'                      cells at each iteration).
#'                      This indicates the relative probabilities for the selection
#'                      of successful neighbours.
#'                      `spreadProb` will still be evaluated *after*
#'                      the relative probabilities and `neighProbs` has been
#'                      evaluated, i.e., potential cells will be identified, then
#'                      some could be rejected via `spreadProb`.
#'                      If absolute `spreadProb` is not desired,
#'                      *be sure to set* `spreadProb = 1`.
#'                      Ignored if `neighProbs` is not provided.
#' @param asRaster Logical, length 1. If `TRUE`, the function will return a `Raster`
#'                 where raster non NA values indicate the cells that were "active", and the
#'                 value is the initial starting pixel.
#' @param maxSize  Numeric. Maximum number of cells for a single or all events to be `spread2`.
#'                 Recycled to match `start` length, if it is not as long as `start`.
#'                 This will be overridden if `exactSize` also provided.
#'                 See section on 'Breaking out of `spread2` events'.
#' @param exactSize Numeric vector, length 1 or `length(start)`.
#'                  Similar to `maxSize`, but these will be the exact
#'                  final sizes of the events.  i.e., the `spread2` events
#'                  will continue until they are `floor(exactSize)`.
#'                  This will override `maxSize` if both provided.
#'                  See Details.
#' @param directions    The number adjacent cells in which to look;
#'                      default is 8 (Queen case). Can only be 4 or 8.
#' @param iterations    Number of iterations to `spread2`.
#'                      Leaving this `NULL` allows the `spread2` to continue
#'                      until stops spreading itself (i.e., exhausts itself).
#' @param returnDistances Logical. Should the function include a column with the
#'                      individual cell distances from the locus where that event
#'                      started. Default is FALSE. See Details.
#' @param returnDirections Logical. Should the function include a column with the
#'                      individual directions (in radians) from the locus where
#'                      that event started. Default is FALSE.
#' @param returnFrom Logical. Should the function return a column with the
#'                      source, i.e, the lag 1 "from" pixel, for each iteration.
#' @param circle  Logical. If TRUE, then outward `spread2` will be by equidistant rings,
#'                rather than solely by adjacent cells (via `directions` arg.).
#'                Default is `FALSE`.
#'                Using `circle = TRUE` can be dramatically slower for large problems.
#'                Note, this will likely create unexpected results if `spreadProb < 1`.
#' @param skipChecks Logical. If TRUE, the argument checking (i.e., assertions) will be
#'              skipped. This should likely only be used once it is clear that the function
#'              arguments are well understood and function speed is of the primary importance.
#'              This is likely most useful in repeated iteration cases i.e., if this call
#'              is using the previous output from this same function.
#' @param neighProbs An optional numeric vector, whose sum is 1.
#'                   It indicates the probabilities that an individual spread iteration
#'                   will spread to `1, 2, ..., length(neighProbs)` neighbours, respectively.
#'                   If this is used (i.e., something other than `NA`), `circle` and
#'                   `returnDistances` will not work currently.
#' @param maxRetriesPerID Only active if `exactSize` is used. This is the number of attempts
#'                        that will be made per event ID, before abandoning, therefore completing
#'                        the `spread2` for that event with a size that is smaller than
#'                        `exactSize`. Default 10 times.
#' @param asymmetry     A numeric or `RasterLayer` indicating the ratio of the
#'                      asymmetry to be used. i.e., 1 is no asymmetry; 2 means that the
#'                      angles in the direction of the `asymmetryAngle` are 2x the
#'                      `spreadProb`
#'                      of the angles opposite tot he `asymmetryAngle`  Default is
#'                      NA, indicating no asymmetry. See details. This is still experimental.
#'                      Use with caution.
#' @param asymmetryAngle A numeric or `RasterLayer` indicating the angle in degrees
#'                      (0 is "up", as in North on a map),
#'                      that describes which way the `asymmetry` is.
#' @param allowOverlap `numeric` (`logical` will work for backwards compatibility).
#'                     See details.  Default is 0, i.e., no overlapping.
#' @param oneNeighbourOnly Logical. Default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then this
#'                         spread algorithm will allow exactly one neighbour to be
#'                         spread to (not fewer or more). This could be used, e.g.,
#'                         for an animal moving. If this is `TRUE`, then `allowOverlap`
#'                         will be set to `2` if it is `0` or `1`.
#' @param plot.it If `TRUE`, then plot the raster at every iteration,
#'                so one can watch the `spread2` event grow.
#' @details
#' If `maxSize` or `exactSize` are used, then spreading will continue and stop
#' before or at `maxSize` or at `exactSize`, respectively.
#' If `iterations` is specified, then the function will end, and the returned `data.table`
#' may (if `maxSize`) or will (if `exactSize`) have at least one active
#' cell per event that did not already achieve `maxSize` or `exactSize`.
#' This will be very useful to build new, customized higher-level wrapper functions that
#' iteratively call `spread2`.
#' @note
#' `exactSize` may not be achieved if there aren't enough cells in the map.
#' Also, `exactSize` may not be achieved because the active cells are "stuck",
#' i.e., they have no inactivated cells to move to; or the `spreadProb` is low.
#' In the latter two cases, the algorithm will retry again, but it will only
#' retry from the last iteration's active cells.
#' The algorithm will only retry 10 times before quitting.
#' Currently, there will also be an attempt to "jump" up to four cells away from
#' the active cells to try to continue spreading.
#' A common way to use this function is to build wrappers around this, followed
#' by iterative calls in a `while` loop. See example.
#' @section Building custom spreading events:
#' This function can be used iteratively, with relatively little overhead compared to using
#' it non-iteratively. In general, this function can be called with arguments set as user
#' needs, and with specifying e.g., `iterations = 1`. This means that the function will spread
#' outwards 1 iteration, then stop. The returned object will be a `data.table` or
#' `RasterLayer` that can be passed immediately back as the start argument into a subsequent
#' call to `spread2`. This means that every argument can be updated at each iteration.
#' When using this function iteratively, there are several things to keep in mind.
#' The output will likely be sorted differently than the input (i.e., the
#' order of start, if a vector, may not be the same order as that returned).
#' This means that when passing the same object back into the next iteration of the
#' function call, `maxSize` or `exactSize` may not be in the same order.
#' To get the same order, the easiest thing to do is sort the initial `start`
#' objects by their pixel location, increasing.
#' Then, of course, sorting any vectorized arguments (e.g., `maxSize`) accordingly.
#' **NOTE**: the `data.table` or `RasterLayer` should not be altered
#' when passed back into `spread2`.
#' @section `allowOverlap`:
#' If `1` (or `TRUE`),
#'  then individual events can overlap with one another, i.e., allow
#'  overlap between events. If `2` (or `NA`), then each pixel
#'  is essentially independent, allowing overlap between and within
#'  events. This likely requires a user to intervene as it is possible
#'  to spread back onto itself. If `3` (did not exist previously),
#'  individual events can overlap, and there can be overlap within an
#'  event, but only within an iteration, i.e., once an iteration is
#'  finished, and a pixel was activated, then the spreading will not
#'  return onto these pixels. If `0` (or `FALSE`), then once a
#'  pixel is activated, it cannot be re-activated, within or between event.
#'  This allows events to not interfere with one another i.e.,
#'  they do not interact (this is slower than if
#'  `allowOverlap = FALSE`). Default is 0. In the case of 2 or 3,
#'  this would be, perhaps, useful for dispersal of,
#'  say, insect swarms.
#' @return
#' Either a `data.table` (`asRaster=FALSE`) or a `RasterLayer`
#' (`asRaster=TRUE`, the default).
#' The `data.table` will have one attribute named `spreadState`, which
#' is a list containing a `data.table` of current cluster-level information
#' about the spread events.
#' If `asRaster=TRUE`, then the `data.table` (with its `spreadState`
#' attribute) will be attached to the `Raster` as an attribute named `pixel` as it
#' provides pixel-level information about the spread events.
#' The `RasterLayer` represents every cell in which a successful `spread2` event occurred.
#' For the case of, say, a fire this would represent every cell that burned.
#' If `allowOverlap` is `TRUE`, the return will always be a `data.table`.
#' If `asRaster` is `FALSE`, then this function returns a
#' `data.table` with 3 (or 4 if `returnFrom` is `TRUE`) columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `initialPixels` \tab the initial cell number of that particular
#'                            `spread2` event.\cr
#'   `pixels` \tab The cell indices of cells that have
#'                        been touched by the `spread2` algorithm.\cr
#'   `state` \tab a logical indicating whether the cell is active (i.e.,
#'                        could still be a source for spreading) or not (no
#'                        spreading will occur from these cells).\cr
#'   `from` \tab The pixel indices that were the immediately preceding
#'                    "source" for each `pixels`, i.e., the lag 1 pixels.
#'                    Only returned if `returnFrom` is `TRUE` \cr
#' }
#' The attribute saved with the name `"spreadState"` (e.g., `attr(output, "spreadState")`)
#' includes a `data.table` with columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `id` \tab An arbitrary code, from 1 to `length(start)` for each "event".\cr
#'   `initialPixels` \tab the initial cell number of that particular
#'                            `spread2` event.\cr
#'   `numRetries` \tab The number of re-starts the event did because it got
#'                          stuck (normally only because `exactSize` was used
#'                          and was not achieved.\cr
#'   `maxSize` \tab The number of pixels that were provided as inputs via
#'                      `maxSize` or `exactSize`.\cr
#'   `size` \tab The current size, in pixels, of each event.\cr
#' }
#' and several other objects that provide significant speed ups in iterative calls to
#' `spread2`. If the user runs `spread2` iteratively, there will likely be significant
#' speed gains if the `data.table` passed in to `start` should have the attribute
#' attached, or re-attached if it was lost, e.g., via
#' `setattr(outInput, "spreadState", attr(out, "spreadState"))`, where `out` is the
#' returned `data.table` from the previous call to `spread2`, and `outInput` is
#' the modified `data.table`. Currently, the modified `data.table` **must** have the
#' same order as `out`.
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Steve Cumming
#' @export
#' @importFrom checkmate assert assertClass assertMultiClass assertNumeric
#' @importFrom checkmate checkClass checkDataTable checkLogical checkNumeric checkScalarNA
#' @importFrom checkmate qassert checkMultiClass
#' @importFrom data.table := alloc.col as.data.table copy data.table is.data.table
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist set setattr setcolorder setkeyv setnames uniqueN
#' @importFrom fpCompare %<=% %>>%
#' @importFrom terra ncell res ncol distance
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @seealso [spread()] for a different implementation of the same algorithm.
#' `spread` is less robust but it is often slightly faster.
#' @example inst/examples/example_spread2.R
spread2 <- function(landscape, start = ncell(landscape) / 2 - ncol(landscape) / 2,
                    spreadProb = 0.23, persistProb = NA_real_, asRaster = TRUE,
                    maxSize, exactSize, directions = 8L, iterations = 1e6L,
                    returnDistances = FALSE, returnDirections = FALSE,
                    returnFrom = FALSE, maxRetriesPerID = 10,
                    spreadProbRel = NA_real_, plot.it = FALSE, circle = FALSE,
                    asymmetry = NA_real_, asymmetryAngle = NA_real_,
                    allowOverlap = 0, neighProbs = NA_real_, oneNeighbourOnly = FALSE,
                    skipChecks = FALSE) {

  #### assertions ###############
  checkmate::assertMultiClass(landscape, c("Raster", "SpatRaster"))
  fmatch2 <- if (requireNamespace("fastmatch", quietly = TRUE)) fastmatch::fmatch else base::match
  landscapeOrigClass <- is(landscape)
  ncells <- ncell(landscape)
  numCols <- ncol(landscape)
  anyNAneighProbs <- any(is.na(neighProbs))
  if (!skipChecks) {
      checkNumeric(start, min.len = 0, max.len = ncells, lower = 1, upper = ncells),
      checkMultiClass(start, c("Raster", "SpatRaster")),

    qassert(neighProbs, "n[0,1]")
    assertNumeric(sum(neighProbs), lower = 1, upper = 1)

    # if (!inherits(spreadProb, "Raster") && !inherits(spreadProb, "SpatRaster")) {
    assert(# this is "or"
      checkNumeric(spreadProb, 0, 1, min.len = 1, max.len = ncell(landscape)),
      checkNumeric(spreadProb, 0, 1, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
      checkClass(spreadProb, "Raster"),
      checkClass(spreadProb, "SpatRaster")
    # }

    if (is(spreadProb, "Raster") || is(spreadProb, "SpatRaster")) {
      if (!terra::inMemory(spreadProb)) {
        warning("spreadProb is a raster layer stored on disk. This may cause spread2 to be",
                " very slow. We suggest extracting the values to a numeric vector first, ",
                "then passing this to spreadProb")
      checkNumeric(persistProb, 0, 1, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
      checkMultiClass(persistProb,  c("RasterLayer", "SpatRaster"))
      checkMultiClass(spreadProbRel, c("RasterLayer", "SpatRaster")),
      checkScalarNA(spreadProbRel) ## needs to be checked second; will fail if SpatRaster
      checkNumeric(asymmetry, 0, Inf, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
      checkMultiClass(asymmetry, c("RasterLayer", "SpatRaster"))
      checkNumeric(asymmetryAngle, 0, 360, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
      checkMultiClass(asymmetryAngle,  c("RasterLayer", "SpatRaster"))
    qassert(directions, "N1[4,8]")
    qassert(iterations, "N1[0,Inf]")
    qassert(circle, "B")

    if (!missing(maxSize)) {
      if (is.data.table(start)) {
        n <- uniqueN(start, by = "initialPixels")
          checkNumeric(maxSize, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
          checkNumeric(maxSize, min.len = n, max.len = n)
      } else {
          checkNumeric(maxSize, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
          checkNumeric(maxSize, min.len = NROW(start), max.len = NROW(start))
    if (!missing(exactSize)) {
      if (is.data.table(start)) {
        n <- uniqueN(start, by = "initialPixels")
          checkNumeric(exactSize, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
          checkNumeric(exactSize, min.len = n, max.len = n)
      } else {
          checkNumeric(exactSize, min.len = 1, max.len = 1),
          checkNumeric(exactSize, min.len = NROW(start), max.len = NROW(start))
  ##### End assertions

  # Step 0 - set up objects -- main ones: dt, clusterDT -- get them from attributes
  ## on start or initiate them
  smallRaster <- ncells < 4e7 # should use bit vector (RAM)
  canUseAvailable <- !(isTRUE(allowOverlap > 0) | is.na(allowOverlap))
  if (missing(maxSize)) {
    maxSize <- NA_real_

  if (missing(exactSize)) {
    exactSize <- NA_real_
  } else {
    maxSize <- exactSize

  # returnDistances = TRUE and circle = TRUE both require distance calculations
  needDistance <- returnDistances | circle | returnDirections
  usingAsymmetry <- !is.na(asymmetry)
  asymmetryAngleNeedSubset <- (inherits(asymmetryAngle, "Raster") ||
                                 inherits(asymmetryAngle, "SpatRaster")) &&
    NROW(asymmetryAngle) != 1 # length was previously used, but has different meaning for SpatRaster & Raster

  # This means that if an event can not spread any more, it will try 10 times, incl. 2 jumps
  # maxRetriesPerID <- 10

  if (!is.numeric(start) && !is.data.table(start)) {
    if (is(start, "Raster") || is(start, "SpatRaster")) {
      start <- attr(start, "pixel")
    } else {
      stop("Start must be either a vector of pixels, a data.table from",
           "previous spread2 or a Raster from a previous spread2")

  if (!is.data.table(start)) {
    # A "new" entry into spread2 -- need to set up stuff
    if (canUseAvailable) {
      notAvailable <- if (requireNamespace("bit", quietly = TRUE)) {
      } else {
      notAvailable[start] <- TRUE

    start <- as.integer(start)

    whActive <- seq_along(start)
    whInactive <- integer()
    if (any(duplicated(start)))
      stop("start has duplicates; duplicates are not currently allowed; ",
           "if that behaviour is desired, perhaps run this function multiple ",
           "times with duplicates separated? ")
    dt <- data.table(initialPixels = start)

    if (returnFrom) {
      set(dt, NULL, "from", NA_integer_)
    set(dt, NULL, "pixels", start)
    set(dt, NULL, "state", "activeSource")

    clusterDT <- data.table(id = whActive, initialPixels = start,
                            numRetries = 0L, size = as.integer(iterations > 0))

    if (!anyNA(maxSize)) {
      set(clusterDT, NULL, "maxSize", maxSize)

      # de-activate ones that are 1 cell
      set(dt, which(clusterDT$maxSize == 1), "state", "inactive")
    if (!anyNA(exactSize)) {
      set(clusterDT, NULL, "exactSize", TRUE)

    setkeyv(clusterDT, "initialPixels")
    if (needDistance) set(dt, NULL, "distance", 0) # it is zero distance to self
    if (usingAsymmetry) {
      set(dt, NULL, "effectiveDistance", 0) # it is zero distance to self
      set(dt, NULL, "distClass", 0) # it is zero distance to self
    totalIterations <- 0
  } else {
    # a "return" entry into spread2
    dt <- start
    if (!is.null(attr(start, "spreadState"))) {
      ## as.data.table is necessary to use `set` to add new columns.
      clusterDT <- as.data.table(attr(start, "spreadState")$clusterDT)

      ## make sure maxSize column exists when maxSize argument is passed.
      if (!anyNA(maxSize) && is.null(clusterDT$maxSize)) {
        message("maxSize provided, but not present in attr(start, 'spreadState')$maxSize. ",
                "Using the maxSize provided: ", maxSize)
        set(clusterDT, NULL, "maxSize", maxSize)

      if (!key(clusterDT) == "initialPixels")
        # should have key if it came directly from output of spread2
        setkeyv(clusterDT, "initialPixels")
      if (!anyNA(maxSize)) {
        if (any(maxSize != clusterDT$maxSize)) {
          sizeType <- if (!anyNA(exactSize)) "exactSize" else "maxSize"
            sizeType, " provided. ",
            "It does not match with size attr(start, 'spreadState')$maxSize. ",
            "Using the new ", sizeType, " provided. Perhaps sorted differently?",
            "Try sorting initial call to spread2 so that pixel number of start ",
            "cells is strictly increasing")
          clusterDT$maxSize <- maxSize
      if (any(colnames(clusterDT) == "maxSize")) maxSize <- clusterDT$maxSize
      whActive <- attr(start, "spreadState")$whActive
      whInactive <- attr(start, "spreadState")$whInactive
      totalIterations <- attr(start, "spreadState")$totalIterations
      if (canUseAvailable) {
        notAvailable <- attr(start, "spreadState")$notAvailable
    } else {
      # case where user has deleted the attributes
      whActive <- which(start$state == "activeSource")
      whInactive <- which(start$state == "inactive")
      canUseAvailable <- FALSE # not worth it if it has to be remade each time
      totalIterations <- if (needDistance) max(start$distance) else 0
      unIP <- unique(dt$initialPixels)
      clusterDT <- data.table(id = seq_along(unIP), initialPixels = unIP, numRetries = 0L)
      if (!anyNA(maxSize)) {
        set(clusterDT, NULL, "maxSize", maxSize)
        if (!anyNA(exactSize)) {
          set(clusterDT, NULL, "exactSize", TRUE)
        set(clusterDT, NULL, "size", dt[, .N, by = "initialPixels"]$N)
        setkeyv(clusterDT, "initialPixels")

  whTooSmall <- integer()
  dtPotentialColNames <- c("id", "from", "to", "state", "distance"[needDistance],

  if (isTRUE(oneNeighbourOnly)) {
    if (allowOverlap %in% 0:1) {
      message("oneNeighbourOnly is TRUE; allowOverlap was ", allowOverlap, " which is not allowed; ",
              "setting allowOverlap to 2")
      allowOverlap <- 2
  # start at iteration 0, note: totalIterations is also maintained,
  # which persists during iterative calls to spread2
  its <- 0

  # Main loop -- continue if active and still below iterations & none is too
  # small (and doesn't have any active cells)
  while (length(whTooSmall) || (length(whActive) && its < iterations)) {
    # Step 1
    # Get neighbours, either via adj (default) or cir (jumping if stuck)
    if (length(whTooSmall) > 0) {
      # cir
      ## get slightly further neighbours
      dtRetry <- dt[whTooSmall]
      set(dtRetry, NULL, "state", NULL)
      whNeedJump <- which(((clusterDT$numRetries + 1) %% 10) == 0)
      if (length(whNeedJump)) {
        # jump every 10, starting at 20
        resCur <- res(landscape)[1]
        dtRetryJump <- dtRetry[clusterDT[whNeedJump], nomatch = 0]
        fromPixels <- dtRetryJump$pixels
        dtPotential <- lapply(seq_along(fromPixels), function(fp) {
          cbind(id = fp, cir(landscape, loci = fromPixels[fp],
                             includeBehavior = "excludePixels",
                             minRadius = resCur,
                             maxRadius = 20 * resCur)[, "indices"]) # 20 pixels
        }) |>
          do.call(what = rbind)

        dtPotential <- matrix(as.integer(dtPotential), ncol = 2)
        colnames(dtPotential) <- c("id", "to")
        dtPotentialJump <- cbind(from = fromPixels[dtPotential[, "id"]],
                                 to = dtPotential[, "to"],
                                 id = dtRetryJump$initialPixels[dtPotential[, "id"]])
        dtRetry <- dtRetry[!clusterDT[whNeedJump]] # remove jumped neighbours
      ## get adjacent neighbours
      dtPotential <- adj(
        directions = directions,
        numCell = ncells,
        numCol = numCols,
        id = dtRetry$initialPixels,
        cells = dtRetry$pixels, cutoff.for.data.table = 5e2,
        returnDT = TRUE

      if (exists("dtPotentialJump")) {
        if (is.data.table(dtPotential)) {
          dtPotential <- rbindlist(list(dtPotential, as.data.table(dtPotentialJump)))
        } else {
          dtPotential <- rbind(dtPotential, dtPotentialJump)

      set(dt, whActive, "state", "holding") # take them out of commission for this iteration
      set(dt, whTooSmall, "state", "activeSource")
      whTooSmall <- integer()
    } else {
      # adj
      ## Spread to immediate neighbours
      dtPotential <- adj(
        numCell = ncells,
        numCol = numCols,
        directions = directions,
        id = dt$initialPixels[whActive],
        cells = dt$pixels[whActive], cutoff.for.data.table = 5e2,
        returnDT = TRUE

      # only iterate if it is not a Retry situation
      its <- its + 1
      totalIterations <- totalIterations + 1

    # Step 2 - Randomize order

    # randomize row order so duplicates are not always in same place
    i <- sample.int(NROW(dtPotential))
    if (!is.data.table(dtPotential)) {
      dtPotential <- as.data.table(dtPotential)
    for (x in colnames(dtPotential)) set(dtPotential, NULL, x, dtPotential[[x]][i])

    # Step 3 -- if required -- calculate distances, if required ... attach to dt
    if (needDistance) {
      fromPts <- xyFromCell(landscape, dtPotential$id)
      toPts <- xyFromCell(landscape, dtPotential$to)
      dists <- terra::distance(fromPts, toPts, pairwise=TRUE, lonlat = FALSE)
      if (isTRUE(returnDirections))
        dirs <- .pointDirection(fromPts, toPts)
      if (usingAsymmetry) {
        actualAsymmetry <- if (length(asymmetry) == 1) {
        } else {
        actualAsymmetryAngle <- if (!asymmetryAngleNeedSubset) {
        } else {

        angleQualities <- angleQuality(from = dtPotential$id, to = dtPotential$to,
                                       landscape, actualAsymmetryAngle)
        naAQ <- is.na(angleQualities[, "angleQuality"])
        angleQualities[naAQ, "angleQuality"] <- 1
        # convert dists to effective distance
        effDists <- dists * ((2 - angleQualities[, "angleQuality"]) / 2 *
                               (actualAsymmetry - 1) + 1)

        # For asymmetry, we also may want to know what proportion of the outward spreading
        #  event will hit each pixel, not just the effectiveDistance
        lociHere <- if (is.numeric(start)) start else
        # pureCircle <- cir(landscape,
        #                   loci = lociHere,
        #                   allowOverlap = TRUE, allowDuplicates = FALSE,
        #                   maxRadius = totalIterations,
        #                   minRadius = totalIterations - 0.999999,
        #                   returnIndices = TRUE,
        #                   returnDistances = TRUE,
        #                   includeBehavior = "excludePixels")

        # This is a very fast version with allowOverlap = TRUE, allowDuplicates = FALSE,
        #   returnIndices = TRUE, returnDistances = TRUE, and includeBehavior = "excludePixels"
        pureCircle <- .cirSpecialQuick(landscape,
                                       loci = lociHere,
                                       maxRadius = totalIterations,
                                       minRadius = totalIterations - 0.999999)
        pureCircle <- cbind(pureCircle[, c("id", "indices", "dists"), drop = FALSE],
                            distClass = ceiling(pureCircle[, "dists"]))
        colnames(pureCircle)[2] <- c("to")
        theoreticalAngleQualities <- angleQuality(pureCircle[, "id", drop = FALSE],
                                                  pureCircle[, "to", drop = FALSE],
                                                  actualAsymmetryAngle = actualAsymmetryAngle)
        naAQ <- is.na(theoreticalAngleQualities[, "angleQuality"])
        theoreticalAngleQualities[naAQ, "angleQuality"] <- 1
        # convert dists to effective distance
        effDists1 <- pureCircle[, "dists"] *
          ((2 - theoreticalAngleQualities[, "angleQuality"]) / 2 * (actualAsymmetry - 1) + 1)

        pc <- pureCircle[, "dists"] / effDists1
        pureCircle <- cbind(pureCircle, proportion = pc)
        pureCircle <- as.data.table(pureCircle)
        pureCircle[, proportion := proportion / sum(proportion), by = "id"]
        set(pureCircle, NULL, "dists", NULL)
        setkeyv(pureCircle, c("id", "to"))
        pureCirclePrev <- attr(dt, "spreadState")$pureCircle
        if (!is.null(pureCirclePrev)) {
          pureCircle <- rbindlist(list(pureCircle, pureCirclePrev),
                                  use.names = FALSE, fill = FALSE)
          #pureCircle <- unique(pureCircle)

      if (circle) {
        if (usingAsymmetry) {
          distKeepers <- effDists %<=% totalIterations & effDists %>>%
            (totalIterations - 1)
          dtPotentialAsymmetry <- dtPotential[!distKeepers]
          if (sum(distKeepers) == 0) {
            # all failed
            set(dt, NULL, "state", "successful")
          } else {
            unDTPotAssym <- unique(dtPotentialAsymmetry$from)
            if (length(unDTPotAssym) == length(unique(dt$pixel))) {
              set(dt, NULL, "state", "successful")
            } else {
              dt[pixels %in% unDTPotAssym, state := "successful"]
        } else {
          distKeepers <- dists %<=% (totalIterations * res(landscape)[1]) &
            dists %>>% ((totalIterations - 1) * res(landscape)[1])

        dtPotentialAllNeighs <- copy(dtPotential)
        setkeyv(dtPotentialAllNeighs, "from")
        dtPotential <- dtPotential[distKeepers]
        dists <- dists[distKeepers]
        if (isTRUE(returnDirections))
          dirs <- dirs[distKeepers, , drop = FALSE]

      set(dtPotential, NULL, "distance", dists)
      if (isTRUE(returnDirections))
        set(dtPotential, NULL, "direction", dirs[, "angles"])

      if (usingAsymmetry) {
        set(dtPotential, NULL, "effectiveDistance", effDists[distKeepers])
        if (circle) {
          dtPotential <- dtPotential[pureCircle, nomatch = 0, on = c("id", "to")][
            , proportion := proportion / .N, by = c("id", "to")]

    # Step 4 -- assign "successful" to all dtPotentials --
    set(dtPotential, NULL, "state", "successful")

    # Step 5 -- optional -- Algorithm neighProbs - uses a specific number of neighbours
    if (!anyNAneighProbs) {
      # numNeighs algorithm
      numNeighsByPixel <- unique(dtPotential, by = c("id", "from"))
      if (is.list(neighProbs)) {
        if (NROW(numNeighsByPixel) != length(neighProbs)) {
          neighProbs1 <- neighProbs[match(numNeighsByPixel$from,
                                          start[state == "activeSource"]$pixels)]
        } else {
          neighProbs1 <- neighProbs
        set(numNeighsByPixel, NULL, "numNeighs", unlist(lapply(
          neighProbs1, function(np) {
            sample.int(size = 1, n = length(np), replace = TRUE, prob = np)
      } else {
        set(numNeighsByPixel, NULL, "numNeighs",
            sample.int(size = NROW(numNeighsByPixel), n = length(neighProbs),
                       replace = TRUE, prob = neighProbs))
      setkeyv(numNeighsByPixel, c("id", "from"))

      # remove duplicates within dtPotential
      dupsWithinDtPotential <- duplicatedInt(dtPotential$to)
      successCells <- dtPotential$to[!dupsWithinDtPotential] # remove the dupsWithinDtPotential
      potentialNotAvailable <- notAvailable[successCells]
      whNoDupsCurItAndAll <- seq_along(dtPotential$to)[!dupsWithinDtPotential][
      dtPotential <- dtPotential[whNoDupsCurItAndAll]
      setkeyv(dtPotential, c("id", "from")) # sort so it is the same as numNeighsByPixel

      if (NROW(dtPotential)) {
        if (is(spreadProbRel, "RasterLayer") || is(spreadProbRel, "SpatRaster")) {
          set(dtPotential, NULL, "spreadProbRel", spreadProbRel[][dtPotential$to])
        } else {
          set(dtPotential, NULL, "spreadProbRel", 1)
        spreadProbNA <- is.na(dtPotential$spreadProbRel) # This is where a mask enters
        if (any(spreadProbNA)) {
          dtPotential <- dtPotential[!spreadProbNA]
          # code below is a possible replacement for previous line -- faster for small problems
          # colnamesDtPot <- colnames(dtPotential)
          # ll <-  lapply(colnamesDtPot, function(x) dtPotential[[x]][!spreadProbNA])
          # names(ll) <- colnamesDtPot
          # dtPotential <- as.data.table(ll)
        # might be zero length because of spreadProb NAs
        if (NROW(dtPotential)) {
          # If it is a corner or has had pixels removed bc of duplicates,
          # it may not have enough neighbours
          set(numNeighsByPixel, NULL, c("to", "state"), NULL)
          dt1 <- dtPotential[numNeighsByPixel, nomatch = 0]
          dtPotential <- dt1[dt1[, .I[sample.int(.N, size = min(.N, numNeighs), prob = spreadProbRel)], by = c("id", "from")]$V1]

          if (FALSE) { # old algorithm, replaced by 3 lines above May 30 2019, Eliot -- appears to be a bug below
            #   the by = "from" should be c("id", "from") -- should sample 1 or more from each fire event, from each front line
              numNeighsByPixel <- numNeighsByPixel[dtPotential[, .N, by = c("id", "from")]]
              if (any(numNeighsByPixel$numNeighs > numNeighsByPixel$N))
                set(numNeighsByPixel, NULL, "numNeighs",
                    pmin(numNeighsByPixel$N, numNeighsByPixel$numNeighs, na.rm = TRUE))
              dtPotential <- dtPotential[numNeighsByPixel[dtPotential][
              , .I[sample.int(length(numNeighs), size = numNeighs, prob = spreadProbRel)],
              by = "from"]$V1]
        set(dtPotential, NULL, "spreadProbRel", NULL)
    } # end of neighProbs -- should now have only dtPotentials that match number neighbours req'd

    # Step 6 -- spreadProb implementation - uses an absolute probability for
    # each potential neighbour
    # Extract spreadProb for the current set of potentials
    if (length(spreadProb) == 1 && !inherits(spreadProb, "SpatRaster")) {
      actualSpreadProb <- rep(spreadProb, NROW(dtPotential))
    } else {
      actualSpreadProb <- as.vector(spreadProb)[dtPotential$to]
      # remove NA values that may come from a spreadProb raster
      NAaSP <- !is.na(actualSpreadProb)
      if (any(NAaSP)) {
        if (!all(NAaSP)) {
        dtPotential <- dtPotential[NAaSP, ]
        actualSpreadProb <- actualSpreadProb[NAaSP]

    # Step 6a -- asymmetry -- this will modify spreadProb if it is not a circle
    #  -- circle asymmetry happens elsewhere
    # modify actualSpreadProb if there is asymmetry
    if (usingAsymmetry && !circle) {
      actualAsymmetry <- if (length(asymmetry) == 1) {
      } else {

      actualAsymmetryAngle <- if (asymmetryAngleNeedSubset) {
      } else {

      angleQualities <- angleQuality(from = dtPotential$id, to = dtPotential$to,
                                     landscape, actualAsymmetryAngle)

      naAQ <- is.na(angleQualities[, "angleQuality"])
      angleQualities[naAQ, "angleQuality"] <- actualSpreadProb[naAQ]

      actualSpreadProb <- asymmetryAdjust(angleQualities, actualSpreadProb, actualAsymmetry)

    # Step 7 <- calculate spread success based on actualSpreadProb
    if (isTRUE(oneNeighbourOnly)) {
      set(dtPotential, NULL, "actualSpreadProb", actualSpreadProb)
      randoms <- runifC(length(unique(dtPotential$from)))
      dtPotential[, keep := {
        cumProb <- cumsum(actualSpreadProb) / sum(actualSpreadProb)
        draw <- randoms[.GRP]
        .I[min(which(draw <= cumProb))]},
        by = "from"]
      spreadProbSuccess <- rep(FALSE, NROW(dtPotential))
      spreadProbSuccess[dtPotential$keep] <- TRUE
      set(dtPotential, NULL, c("keep", "actualSpreadProb"), NULL)

    } else {
      randVars <- runifC(NROW(dtPotential))
      spreadProbSuccess <- randVars <= actualSpreadProb

    # Step 8 - Remove duplicates & bind dt and dtPotential
    if (anyNAneighProbs) {
      if (isTRUE(allowOverlap > 0) || is.na(allowOverlap) || !canUseAvailable) {
        ## overlapping allowed
        dtPotential <- dtPotential[spreadProbSuccess]
        dtNROW <- NROW(dt)
        dt <- rbindlistDtDtpot(dt, dtPotential, returnFrom, needDistance, dtPotentialColNames)

        ## this is to prevent overlap within an event...
        ## in some cases, overlap within event is desired, so skip this block
        if (!is.na(allowOverlap) && (any(allowOverlap %in% c(1, 3) ) || isTRUE(allowOverlap))) {
          if (identical(allowOverlap, 1) || isTRUE(allowOverlap)) {
            dt[, `:=`(dups = duplicatedInt(pixels)), by = "initialPixels"]
            # } else {
            #   # dt[, dups := {
            #   #   successes <- state == "successful"
            #   #   c(rep(FALSE, length.out = sum(!successes)),
            #   #     pixels[successes] %in% pixels[!successes])
            #   # },
            #   # by = "initialPixels"]
            #   set(dt, NULL, "successes", dt$state == "successful")
            #   dt[, dups := {
            #     c(rep(FALSE, length.out = sum(!successes)),
            #       pixels[successes] %in% pixels[!successes])
            #   },
            #   by = "initialPixels"]
            #   if (any(dt$dups)) browser()
            #   set(dt, NULL, "successes", NULL)
            # }
            dupes <- dt$dups
            set(dt, NULL, "dups", NULL)
            dt <- dt[!dupes]

        ## remove all the duplicated ones from dtPotential
        dtPotential <- dt[-seq_len(dtNROW)]
      } else {
        # no overlapping allowed

        # This block is instead of a dt[!duplicated(pixels)] which becomes very
        # slow on large problems
        successCells <- dtPotential$to[spreadProbSuccess]
        dupsWithinDtPotential <- duplicatedInt(successCells)

        #successCells <- na.omit(successCells[!dupsWithinDtPotential]) # remove the dupsWithinDtPotential
        successCells <- successCells[!dupsWithinDtPotential] # remove the dupsWithinDtPotential
        potentialNotAvailable <- notAvailable[successCells]

        # 3 reasons why potentials are not selected
        whSuccNoDupsCurItAndAll <- seq_along(spreadProbSuccess)[spreadProbSuccess][

        # next line is a fix with data.table 1.11.4 or so, can't pass length 0 vector?
        if (length(successCells[!potentialNotAvailable]) > 0)
          notAvailable[successCells[!potentialNotAvailable]] <- TRUE
        dtPotential <- dtPotential[whSuccNoDupsCurItAndAll]

        dt <- rbindlistDtDtpot(dt, dtPotential, returnFrom, needDistance, dtPotentialColNames)

        if (circle) {
          if (usingAsymmetry) {
            saturated <- dtPotentialAllNeighs[, sum(to %in% dt$pixels) == directions,
                                              by = from][V1 == TRUE]$from
    } else {
      # neighProbs -- duplication checking already happened, but
      dtPotential <- dtPotential[spreadProbSuccess]
      dt <- rbindlistDtDtpot(dt, dtPotential, returnFrom, needDistance, dtPotentialColNames)
      if (NROW(dtPotential)) notAvailable[dtPotential$pixels] <- TRUE

    # Step 9 -- Size issues: i.e., if too big (remove extras) or too small (make sure keeps going)
    if (!anyNA(maxSize) || !(anyNA(exactSize))) {
      # Too big first
      setkeyv(dt, "initialPixels") # must sort because maxSize is sorted
      setkeyv(dtPotential, "initialPixels")
      dtPotClusterDT <- dtPotential[, list(size = as.integer(.N)), by = "initialPixels"]
      clusterDT[dtPotClusterDT, size := size + i.size]

      # This next line is a work around for a problem that doesn't make sense:
      # See: https://stackoverflow.com/q/29615181/1380598
      alloc.col(clusterDT, 7)
      set(clusterDT, NULL, "tooBigByNCells", clusterDT$size - as.integer(clusterDT$maxSize))

      currentSizetooBigByNCells <- clusterDT[tooBigByNCells > 0]
      if (NROW(currentSizetooBigByNCells) > 0) {
        # sort them so join works between dt1 and currentSizetooBigByNCells
        setkeyv(currentSizetooBigByNCells, "initialPixels")
        set(dt, NULL, "origIndex", seq_len(NROW(dt)))
        dt1 <- dt[state == "successful"]
        dt1b <- dt1[currentSizetooBigByNCells] # attach tooBigByNCells
        dt1a <- dt1b[, list(omit = origIndex[sample.int(.N, tooBigByNCells[1])]), by = "initialPixels"]

        dt <- dt[-dt1a$omit][, list(initialPixels, pixels, state)]
        dt[dt1a, state := "inactive"]

        clusterDT[currentSizetooBigByNCells[, list(initialPixels)], size := size - tooBigByNCells]

      # Too small second
      if (!(anyNA(exactSize))) {
        # push those that are too small into "tooSmall"
        currentSizeTooSmall <- clusterDT[tooBigByNCells < 0, "initialPixels"]
        # dtOrig <- copy(dt)
        # csts <- copy(currentSizeTooSmall)
        #dt <- copy(dtOrig)
        #currentSizeTooSmall <- copy(csts)
        if (NROW(currentSizeTooSmall) > 0) {
          # successful means will become activeSource next iteration,
          # so they don't need any special treatment
          currentSizeTooSmall <- currentSizeTooSmall[
            !dt[dt$state %in% c("successful", "holding"), nomatch = 0]

        # if the ones that are too small are unsuccessful, make them "tooSmall"
        set(dt, NULL, "ind", seq_len(NROW(dt)))
        whTooSmall <- dt[!(dt$state %in% c("successful", "inactive"))][
          currentSizeTooSmall, nomatch = 0]$ind
        set(dt, NULL, "ind", NULL)

        if (length(whTooSmall)) {
          # add index column -- like doing a 'which( )'
          set(clusterDT, NULL, "indClDT", seq_len(NROW(clusterDT)))
          whNeedRetryClusterDT <- clusterDT[dt[whTooSmall]]$indClDT
          set(clusterDT, NULL, "indClDT", NULL)
          tooManyRetries <- clusterDT[whNeedRetryClusterDT, numRetries > maxRetriesPerID]
          if (sum(tooManyRetries) > 0) {
            whNeedRetryClusterDT <- whNeedRetryClusterDT[!tooManyRetries]
            whTooSmall <- whTooSmall[!tooManyRetries]
          set(dt, whTooSmall, "state", "tooSmall")
          set(clusterDT, whNeedRetryClusterDT, "numRetries",
              clusterDT$numRetries[whNeedRetryClusterDT] + 1L)
      set(clusterDT, NULL, "tooBigByNCells", NULL)
    } # end size-based assessments

    # Step 10 - Change states of cells
    if (usingAsymmetry) {
      if (!(isTRUE(allowOverlap > 0) || is.na(allowOverlap))) {
        if (circle) {
          if (length(saturated)) {
            set(dt, which(dt$pixels %in% saturated), "state", "activeSource")

    # Step 10a - Persistence: starting fire pixels (activeSource) continue burning
    # with a persistence probability, becoming "successful" and then
    # "activeSources" in Step 10b
    # at the moment, this is skipped if persistence is left = 0 to avoid
    # breaking some tests

    ## Extract persistenceProb for the current set of source pixels
    if (length(persistProb) == 1 && (!is(persistProb, "Raster") && !is(persistProb, "SpatRaster"))) {
      if (is.na(persistProb)) {
        actualPersistProb <- NULL
      } else {
        actualPersistProb <- rep(persistProb, sum(dt$state == "activeSource"))
    } else {
      actualPersistProb <- persistProb[][dt[state == "activeSource", initialPixels]]

    ## "activeSource" fires become "successful" depending on prob of persistence
    if (!is.null(actualPersistProb)) {
      startFires <- which(dt$state == "activeSource")
      persistingFires <- runifC(length(startFires)) <= actualPersistProb
      dt[startFires[persistingFires], state := "successful"]

    # Step 10b convert previous states to new states
    notInactive <- dt$state != "inactive" # currently activeSource, successful, or holding
    whNotInactive <- which(notInactive)
    activeStates <- dt$state[whNotInactive]
    whActive <- whNotInactive[activeStates == "successful" | activeStates == "holding"]
    whInactive <- whNotInactive[activeStates == "activeSource"]

    #   activeSource ==> inactive
    #   holding ==> activeSource
    #   successful ==> activeSource
    #   tooSmall ==> tooSmall
    set(dt, whNotInactive, "state",
        c("inactive", "activeSource", "activeSource", "tooSmall")[
          fmatch2(activeStates, c("activeSource", "holding", "successful", "tooSmall"))])

    # Step 11 - plot it if necessary
    if (plot.it) {
      newPlot <- FALSE
      if (totalIterations == 1) {
        newPlot <- TRUE
      if (newPlot || !(exists("spread2Ras", inherits = FALSE))) {
        if (any(landscapeOrigClass == "Raster"))
          spread2Ras <- raster::raster(landscape)
          spread2Ras <- terra::rast(landscape)
      if (returnDistances) {
        spread2Ras[dt$pixels] <- dt$distance
        newPlot <- TRUE # need to rescale legend each time
      } else {
        set(dt, NULL, "order", seq_along(dt$initialPixels))
        setkeyv(dt, "initialPixels")
        spread2Ras[dt$pixels] <- dt[clusterDT]$id # get id column from clusterDT
        setkeyv(dt, "order")
        set(dt, NULL, "order", NULL)
      terra::plot(spread2Ras, add = !newPlot)
  } # end of main loop

  # Step 12 -- Add attributes
  attrList <- list(clusterDT = clusterDT,
                   whActive = whActive,
                   whInactive = whInactive,
                   totalIterations = totalIterations)
  if (canUseAvailable) {
    attrList <- append(attrList, list(notAvailable = notAvailable))

  if (usingAsymmetry) {
    if (exists("pureCircle", inherits = FALSE))
      attrList <- append(attrList, list(pureCircle = pureCircle))
  setattr(dt, "spreadState", attrList)

  # Step 13 -- return either raster or data.table
  if (asRaster) {
    if (any(landscapeOrigClass == "Raster"))
      ras <- raster::raster(landscape)
      ras <- terra::rast(landscape)
    # ras <- raster(landscape)
    # inside unit tests, this raster gives warnings if it is only NAs
    suppressWarnings(ras[dt$pixels] <- clusterDT[dt]$id)
    setattr(ras, "pixel", dt)


#' Internal helpers
#' Not for users.
#' A function to `setnames` and `rbindlist` that is used in `spread2`.
#' @param dt a `data.table` object
#' @param dtPotential a `data.table` object
#' @param returnFrom logical
#' @param needDistance logical
#' @param dtPotentialColNames character vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname spread2-internals
rbindlistDtDtpot <- function(dt, dtPotential, returnFrom, needDistance, dtPotentialColNames) {
  # distance column is second last, but needs to be last
  # to merge with dt, need: from, to, state in that order
  reorderColsWDistance(needDistance, dtPotential, dtPotentialColNames)

  if (!returnFrom) {
    set(dtPotential, NULL, "from", dtPotential$id)
    set(dtPotential, NULL, "id", NULL)
    setnames(dtPotential, old = c("from", "to"), new = c("initialPixels", "pixels"))
  } else {
    setnames(dtPotential, old = c("id", "to"), new = c("initialPixels", "pixels"))

  # convert state of all those still left, move potentialPixels into pixels column
  if (NROW(dtPotential)) {
    # need fill = TRUE if user has passed extra columns
    dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, dtPotential), fill = TRUE)


#' Internal helpers for `spread2`
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname spread2-internals
reorderColsWDistance <- function(needDistance, dtPotential, dtPotentialColNames) {
  if (needDistance)
                neworder = c(
                  dtPotentialColNames[(dtPotentialColNames %in% colnames(dtPotential))],
                  colnames(dtPotential)[!(colnames(dtPotential) %in% dtPotentialColNames)]

#' @param from vector of cell locations which are the "from" or starting cells
#' @param to vector of same length as `from` which are the "to" or receiving cells
#' @param landscape `RasterLayer` passed from `spread2`.
#' @param actualAsymmetryAngle Angle in degrees, either a vector length 1 or vector
#'                             `NROW(dtPotential)`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname spread2-internals
angleQuality <- function(from, to, landscape, actualAsymmetryAngle) {
  from1 <- cbind(id = from, xyFromCell(landscape, cell = as.vector(from)))
  to1 <- cbind(id = from, xyFromCell(landscape, cell = as.vector(to)))
  d <- .pointDirection(from = from1, to = to1)

  angleQuality <- cbind(angleQuality = (cos(d[, "angles"] - rad2(actualAsymmetryAngle)) + 1), d)

#' @param angleQualities Matrix. The output from `angleQuality`
#' @param quantity Variable of interest to adjust, e.g., `spreadProb`
#' @param actualAsymmetry Asymmetry intensity. Derived from `asymmetry` arg in `spread2`
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname spread2-internals
asymmetryAdjust <- function(angleQualities, quantity, actualAsymmetry) {
  if (sum(angleQualities[, "angleQuality"]) %==% 0) {
    # the case where there is no difference in the angles, and they are all zero
  } else {
    dd <- data.table(angleQualities, quantity)
    dd[, quantityAdj := quantity * angleQualities[, "angleQuality"]]
    dd[, quantityAdj2 := quantityAdj / (mean(quantityAdj) / mean(quantity)), by = "id"]

    dd[, newQuantity := {
      minQuantity <- 0
      maxQuantity <- max(2 * quantity)
      aaMinus1 <- actualAsymmetry - 1
      par2 <- aaMinus1 * sum(quantityAdj) /
        (length(quantityAdj) * (maxQuantity - minQuantity) +
           aaMinus1 * sum(quantityAdj - minQuantity))
      par1 <- par2 / aaMinus1 * (maxQuantity - minQuantity)
      (quantityAdj2 - minQuantity) * par2 + par1
    }, by = "id"]

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SpaDES.tools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:55 a.m.