

origDTThreads <- data.table::setDTthreads(2L)
origNcpus <- options(Ncpus = 2L)

a <- rast(ext(0, 10, 0, 10), res = 1)
sams <- sort(sample(ncell(a), 3))

# Simple use -- similar to spread(...)
out <- spread2(a, start = sams, 0.225)
if (interactive()) {

# Use maxSize -- this gives an upper limit
maxSizes <- sort(sample(1:10, size = length(sams)))
out <- spread2(a, start = sams, 0.225, maxSize = maxSizes, asRaster = FALSE)
# check TRUE using data.table .N
out[, .N, by = "initialPixels"]$N <= maxSizes

# Use exactSize -- gives an exact size, if there is enough space on the Raster
exactSizes <- maxSizes
out <- spread2(a, start = sams, spreadProb = 0.225,
               exactSize = exactSizes, asRaster = FALSE)
out[, .N, by = "initialPixels"]$N == maxSizes # should be TRUE TRUE TRUE

# Use exactSize -- but where it can't be achieved
exactSizes <- sort(sample(100:110, size = length(sams)))
out <- spread2(a, start = sams, 1, exactSize = exactSizes)

# Iterative calling -- create a function with a high escape probability
spreadWithEscape <- function(ras, start, escapeProb, spreadProb) {
  out <- spread2(ras, start = sams, spreadProb = escapeProb, asRaster = FALSE)
  while (any(out$state == "sourceActive")) {
    # pass in previous output as start
    out <- spread2(ras, start = out, spreadProb = spreadProb,
                    asRaster = FALSE, skipChecks = TRUE) # skipChecks for speed

out1 <- spreadWithEscape(a, sams, escapeProb = 0.25, spreadProb = 0.225)
out2 <- spread2(a, sams, 0.225, asRaster = FALSE)
# The one with high escape probability is larger (most of the time)
NROW(out1) > NROW(out2) ## TODO: not true

## Use neighProbs, with a spreadProb that is a RasterLayer
# Create a raster of different values, which will be the relative probabilities
#   i.e., they are rescaled to relative probabilities within the 8 neighbour choices.
#   The neighProbs below means 70% of the time, 1 neighbour will be chosen,
#   30% of the time 2 neighbours.
#   The cells with spreadProb of 5 are 5 times more likely than cells with 1 to be chosen,
#   when they are both within the 8 neighbours
sp <- rast(ext(0, 3, 0, 3), res = 1, vals = 1:9) #small raster, simple values
# Check neighProbs worked
out <- list()

# enough replicates to see stabilized probabilities
for (i in 1:100) {
  out[[i]] <- spread2(sp, spreadProbRel = sp, spreadProb = 1,
                      start = 5, iterations = 1,
                      neighProbs = c(1), asRaster = FALSE)
out <- data.table::rbindlist(out)[pixels != 5] # remove starting cell
# should be non-significant -- note no 5 because that was the starting cell
#  This tests whether the null model is true ... there should be proportions
#  equivalent to 1:2:3:4:6:7:8:9 ... i.e,. cell 9 should have 9x as many events
#  spread to it as cell 1. This comes from sp object above which is providing
#  the relative spread probabilities
keep <- c(1:4, 6:9)
chisq.test(keep, unname(tabulate(sp[out$pixels]$lyr.1, 9)[keep]),
           simulate.p.value = TRUE)

## Example showing asymmetry
sams <- ncell(a) / 4 - ncol(a) / 4 * 3
circs <- spread2(a, spreadProb = 0.213, start = sams,
                 asymmetry = 2, asymmetryAngle = 135,
                 asRaster = TRUE)
## ADVANCED: Estimate spreadProb when using asymmetry, such that the expected
##   event size is the same as without using asymmetry
  if (interactive()) {
    # Still using `raster` as it works more easily with parallelism due to not using pointers
    #   This will updated at a later release
    if (requireNamespace("raster", quietly = TRUE)) {
      ras <- raster::raster(a)
      ras[] <- 1

      n <- 100
      sizes <- integer(n)
      for (i in 1:n) {
        circs <- spread2(ras, spreadProb = 0.225,
                         start = round(ncell(ras) / 4 - ncol(ras) / 4 * 3),
                         asRaster = FALSE)
        sizes[i] <- circs[, .N]
      goalSize <- mean(sizes)

      if (requireNamespace("DEoptim", quietly = TRUE)) {

        # need 10 cores for 10 populations in DEoptim
        cl <- makeCluster(pmin(10, detectCores() - 2))
        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {

        objFn <- function(sp, n = 20, ras, goalSize) {
          sizes <- integer(n)
          for (i in 1:n) {
            circs <- spread2(ras, spreadProb = sp, start = ncell(ras) / 4 - ncol(ras) / 4 * 3,
                             asymmetry = 2, asymmetryAngle = 135,
                             asRaster = FALSE)
            sizes[i] <- circs[, .N]
          abs(mean(sizes) - goalSize)
        aa <- DEoptim(objFn, lower = 0.2, upper = 0.23,
                      control =
                          cluster = cl, NP = 10, VTR = 0.02,
                          # imposing itermax simply for example; should let go to completion
                          itermax = 5,
                          initialpop = as.matrix(rnorm(10, 0.213, 0.001))),
                      ras = ras, goalSize = goalSize)

        # The value of spreadProb that will give the
        #    same expected event sizes to spreadProb = 0.225 is:
        sp <- aa$optim$bestmem
        circs <- spread2(ras, spreadProb = sp, start = ncell(ras) / 4 - ncol(ras) / 4 * 3,
                         asymmetry = 2, asymmetryAngle = 135, asRaster = FALSE)


  # clean up
  options(Ncpus = origNcpus)

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