
Defines functions print.locmeasures2d summary.locmeasures2d LocListSetup locperf distmapfun distob print.metrV metrV.default metrV.SpatialVx metrV locmeasures2d.SpatialVx locmeasures2d.default locmeasures2d locmeasures2dPrep

Documented in distmapfun distob LocListSetup locmeasures2d locmeasures2d.default locmeasures2dPrep locmeasures2d.SpatialVx locperf metrV metrV.default metrV.SpatialVx print.locmeasures2d print.metrV summary.locmeasures2d

locmeasures2dPrep <- function(object, k=NULL, alpha=0.1, bdconst=NULL, p=2) {

   out <- object
   attr(out, "alpha") <- alpha
   if(is.null(bdconst)) attr(out, "bdconst") <- Inf
   else attr(out, "bdconst") <- bdconst
   attr(out, "p") <- p
   attr(out, "k") <- k


} # end of 'locmetric2dPrep' function.

locmeasures2d <- function(object, which.stats=c("bdelta", "haus", "qdmapdiff", "med", "msd", "ph", "fom"),
        distfun="distmapfun", distfun.params=NULL, k=NULL, alpha=0.1, bdconst=NULL, p=2, ...) {

    UseMethod("locmeasures2d", object)

} # end of 'locmeasures2d' function.

locmeasures2d.default <- function(object, which.stats=c("bdelta", "haus", "qdmapdiff", "med", "msd", "ph", "fom"),
        distfun="distmapfun", distfun.params=NULL, k=NULL, alpha=0.1, bdconst=NULL, p=2, ..., Y, thresholds=NULL) {

    args <- list(...)
    if(missing(Y) && is.element("Xhat", names(args))) Y <- args$Xhat
    if( !all( dim( Y ) == dim( object ) ) ) {

	stopmsg <- paste("locmeasures2d: dim of observed field (", dim( object ), 
		") must equal dim of forecast field (", dim( Y ), ")", sep = "" )
	stop( stopmsg )


    obj <- make.SpatialVx(X=object, Xhat=Y, thresholds=thresholds)

    out <- locmeasures2d.SpatialVx(object=obj, which.stats=which.stats, distfun=distfun,
						k=k, alpha=alpha, bdconst=bdconst, p=p, ...)

} # end of 'locmeasures2d.default' function.

locmeasures2d.SpatialVx <- function(object, which.stats=c("bdelta", "haus", "qdmapdiff", "med", "msd", "ph", "fom"),
	distfun="distmapfun", distfun.params=NULL, k=NULL, alpha=0.1, bdconst=NULL, p=2, ..., time.point = 1, obs = 1, model = 1 ) {

    object <- locmeasures2dPrep(object=object, k=k, alpha=alpha, bdconst=bdconst, p=p)
    a <- attributes(object)

    thresholds <- a$thresholds
    q <- dim( thresholds$X )[ 1 ]

    if(is.null(a$k) && "qdmapdiff" %in% which.stats) stop("locmeasures2d: must supply k in call to locmeasures2dPrep to do qdmapdiff method.")

    if(!is.null(a$k)) nk <- length(a$k)
    else nk <- 1

    if(!is.null(a$p)) np <- length(a$p)
    else np <- 1

    if(is.null(a$alpha)) nalpha <- 1
    else nalpha <- length(a$alpha)

    out <- LocListSetup(a=a, which.stats=which.stats, nthresh=q, np=np, nk=nk, nalpha=nalpha)
    attr(out, "time.point") <- time.point
    attr(out, "model") <- model

    ## Begin: Get the data sets
    dat <- datagrabber( object, time.point = time.point, obs = obs, model = model )

    Obs <- dat$X
    Fcst <- dat$Xhat

    mainname <- a$data.name
    vxname <- a$obs.name[ obs ]
    attr(out, "data.name") <- c(mainname, vxname, a$model.name[ model ] )
    attr(out, "thresholds") <- list( X = thresholds$X[, obs ], Xhat = thresholds$Xhat[ , model ] )
    ## End: Get the data sets

    xdim <- a$xdim
    x.id <- im(Obs)
    y.id <- im(Fcst)

    for(threshold in 1:q) {

	Ix <- solutionset( x.id >= thresholds$X[threshold, obs ] )
	Iy <- solutionset( y.id >= thresholds$Xhat[threshold, model ] )

	if( "bdelta" %in% which.stats) for(p in 1:np) { 
			tmpDelta <- try(deltametric(Iy,Ix,p=a$p[p], c=a$bdconst, ...))
			if(is(tmpDelta, "try-error") ) out$bdelta[p, threshold] <- tmpDelta
			} # end of for 'p' loop.

	if( "haus" %in% which.stats) out$haus[threshold] <- deltametric(Iy,Ix,p=Inf,c=Inf, ...)

	if( "qdmapdiff" %in% which.stats) for( k in 1:nk) out$qdmapdiff[k,threshold] <- locperf(X=Ix, Y=Iy, which.stats="qdmapdiff", k=a$k[k],
											distfun=distfun, distfun.params)$qdmapdiff
	if( w.id <- any( c("med", "msd") %in% which.stats)) {

	   tmp <- locperf( X = Ix, Y = Iy, which.stats = c( "med", "msd" )[ w.id ], distfun = distfun, distfun.params )
	   if( "med" %in% which.stats) {

		out$medMiss[ threshold ] <- tmp$medMiss
		out$medFalseAlarm[ threshold ] <- tmp$medFalseAlarm


	   if( "msd" %in% which.stats) {

		out$msdMiss[ threshold ] <- tmp$msdMiss
		out$msdFalseAlarm[ threshold ] <- tmp$msdFalseAlarm


	} # end of if do partial and/or modified Hausdorff metric.

	if( "fom" %in% which.stats) {

	   for( i in 1:nalpha) {

		out$fom[i,threshold] <- locperf(X=Ix, Y=Iy, which.stats="fom", alpha=a$alpha[i], distfun=distfun, distfun.params)$fom

	   } # end of for 'a' loop.


   } # end of for 'threshold' loop.

   class(out) <- "locmeasures2d"

} # end of 'locmeasures.SpatialVx' function.

metrV <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("metrV", x)
} # end of 'metrV' function.

metrV.SpatialVx <- function(x, time.point=1, obs = 1, model=1, lam1=0.5, lam2=0.5, distfun="distmapfun", verbose=FALSE, ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)
    out <- list()
    attributes(out) <- a

    u <- a$thresholds
    thresholds <- cbind( u$X[, obs ], u$Xhat[, model ] )

    mainname <- a$data.name
    vxname <- a$obs.name[ obs ]

    if(length(model) == 1) {

	dat <- datagrabber(x, time.point=time.point, obs = obs, model = model )
	X <- dat$X
        Xhat <- dat$Xhat

	out <- metrV.default(x=X, xhat=Xhat, thresholds=thresholds, lam1=lam1, lam2=lam2, distfun=distfun,
				a=a, verbose=verbose, ...)

    } else {

	if(length(model) != 2) stop("metrV.SpatialVx: invalid model argument.  Must have length 1 or 2.")

	dat <- datagrabber(x, time.point=time.point, obs = obs, model = model[ 1 ] )
	dat2 <- datagrabber(x, time.point=time.point, obs = obs, model=model[ 2 ] )

	X <- dat$X
        Xhat <- dat$Xhat
        Xhat2 <- dat2$Xhat

	out <- metrV.default(x=X, xhat=Xhat, xhat2=Xhat2, thresholds=thresholds, lam1=lam1, lam2=lam2, distfun=distfun,
                                a=a, verbose=verbose, ...)

    } # end of if else 1 or 2 models stmts.

    attr(out, "data.name") <- c(mainname, vxname, a$model.name[ model ] )
    attr(out, "thresholds") <- thresholds
    a <- attributes(out)

} # end of 'metrV.SpatialVx' function.

metrV.default <- function(x, xhat, xhat2=NULL, thresholds, lam1=0.5, lam2=0.5, distfun="distmapfun", a=NULL, verbose=FALSE, ...) {

    if(!is.matrix(x) || !is.matrix(xhat)) stop("metrV.default: invalid x and/or xhat argument.")
    if((!missing(xhat2) || !is.null(xhat2)) && !is.matrix(xhat2)) stop("metrV.default: xhat2 must be NULL or a matrix.")

    M1im <- im(xhat)
    Oim <- im(x)
    if(is.m2 <- !is.null(xhat2)) M2im <- im(xhat2)
    q <- dim(thresholds)[1]
    out <- list()

    if(!is.null(a)) attributes(out) <- a
    else attr(out, "thresholds") <- thresholds

    out$OvsM1 <- matrix(NA, q, 3)
    colnames( out$OvsM1) <- c("distOV", "distob", "metrV")

    if(is.m2) {
	out$OvsM2 <- out$OvsM1
	out$M1vsM2 <- out$OvsM1

    for(threshold in 1:q) {
	Ix <- solutionset(Oim >= thresholds[threshold,1])
	Im1 <- solutionset(M1im >= thresholds[threshold,2])
	if(is.m2) Im2 <- solutionset(M2im >= thresholds[threshold,3]) 

	out$OvsM1[threshold,1] <- sqrt(sum(colSums((Ix$m - Im1$m)^2, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE))
	out$OvsM1[threshold,2] <- distob( Ix, Im1, distfun=distfun, ...)
	out$OvsM1[threshold,3] <- lam1*out$OvsM1[threshold,1] + lam2*out$OvsM1[threshold,2]

	if(verbose) cat("O vs M1 distOV for thresholds: ", thresholds[threshold,], " = ", out$OvsM1[threshold,], "\n")

	if(is.m2) {
	   out$OvsM2[threshold,1] <- sqrt(sum(colSums((Ix$m - Im2$m)^2, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE))
           out$OvsM2[threshold,2] <- distob(Ix, Im2, distfun=distfun, ...)
           out$OvsM2[threshold,3] <- lam1*out$OvsM2[threshold,1] + lam2*out$OvsM2[threshold,2]

	   if(verbose) cat("O vs M2 distOV for thresholds: ", thresholds[threshold,], " = ", out$OvsM2[threshold,], "\n")

	   out$M1vsM2[threshold,1] <- sqrt(sum(colSums((Im1$m - Im2$m)^2, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE))
	   out$M1vsM2[threshold,2] <- abs( out$OvsM1[threshold,2] - out$OvsM2[threshold,2]) 
	   out$M1vsM2[threshold,3] <- lam1*out$M1vsM2[threshold,1] + lam2*out$M1vsM2[threshold,2] 

	   if(verbose) cat("M1 vs M2 distOV for thresholds: ", thresholds[threshold,], " = ", out$M1vsM2[threshold,], "\n")
    } # end of for 'threshold' loop.
    class( out) <- "metrV"
    return( out)
} # end of 'metrV.default' function.

print.metrV <- function(x, ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)

    if(!is.null(a$msg)) print(a$msg)
    if(!is.null(a$data.name)) {
	cat("\n", "Comparison for:\n")

    cat("\n", "Thresholds applied:\n")
    if(!is.null(a$qs)) print(a$qs)
    else print(a$thresholds)

    cat("\n", "Observed field vs Forecast 1:\n")

    if(!is.null(x$OvsM2)) {
	cat("\n", "Observed field vs Forecast 2:\n")
	cat("\n", "Forecast 1 vs Forecast 2:\n")

} # end of 'print.metrV' function.

distob <- function(X,Y, distfun="distmapfun", ...) {
   # X and Y are objects output from 'solutionset'.
   # If both X and Y contain events, then this function returns the mean error distance with
   # respect to X (i.e., averaging over pixels in X the distances d(x,Y)).
   # Otherwise, it returns zero if neither X nor Y contain any events, and max( dim(X))
   # if only one contains no events.
   nX <- sum(colSums(as.matrix( X ), na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
   nY <- sum(colSums(as.matrix( Y ), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
   if( nX==0 & nY==0) return(0)
   else if( nX==0 | nY==0) return( max( dim( as.matrix( X ) ), na.rm=TRUE) )
   else out <- locperf( X=X, Y=Y, which.stats = "med", distfun=distfun, ...)$medMiss

distmapfun <- function(x, ...) {

   return( distmap(x, ...)$v)

} # end of 'distmapfun' function.

locperf <- function(X, Y, which.stats = c("qdmapdiff", "med", "msd", "ph", "fom", "minsep"), alpha=0.1, k=4, distfun="distmapfun", a=NULL, ...) { 

   out = LocListSetup(a=a, which.stats, nthresh=1)

   bb = boundingbox(as.rectangle(X), as.rectangle(Y))
   X = rebound( X, bb )
   Y = rebound( Y, bb )
   # dY = distmap(Y, ...)
   dY = do.call(distfun, list(x=Y, ...))

   # dX <- distmap(X, ...)
   dX = do.call(distfun, list(x = X, ...))

    if(!any( as.matrix( Y ))) {

	dY = unique(c(dY))
	dYcheck = FALSE

    } else dYcheck = TRUE 

    if(!any( as.matrix( X ))) dXcheck = FALSE
    else dXcheck = TRUE

   if(any(c("med", "msd", "fom", "minsep", "ph" ) %in% which.stats)) {

	if(dYcheck) Z = dY[ as.matrix( X ) ]
	else if(any(as.matrix( X ))) {

	    Z = as.matrix( X ) + NA
	    Z[ as.matrix( X ) ] <- dY

	} else Z = 0

	if( dXcheck ) Zother = dX[ as.matrix( Y ) ]
	else if( any( as.matrix( Y ) ) ) {

	    Zother = as.matrix( Y ) + NA
	    Zother[ as.matrix( Y ) ] <- dX

	} else Zother = 0


   if(any(c("msd", "fom") %in% which.stats)) {

	Z2      = Z^2
	Zother2 = Zother^2

	if( "fom" %in% which.stats) {

	    if(dYcheck && dXcheck) N <- max( sum( colSums( as.matrix( X ), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE),
						sum( colSums( as.matrix( Y ), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
	    else if(dYcheck && !dXcheck) N <- sum( colSums( as.matrix( Y ), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
	    else if(!dYcheck && dXcheck) N <- sum( colSums( as.matrix( X ), na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
	    else N <- 1e16

	} # end of if do fom stmts.


  if( "ph" %in% which.stats ) {

    if( k < 1 || 
	(k <= sum( colSums( as.matrix( X ), na.rm = TRUE ), na.rm = TRUE ) || 
	 k <= sum( colSums( as.matrix( Y ), na.rm = TRUE ), na.rm = TRUE ) ) ) {

	    if( dXcheck || dYcheck ) {

	        if( k >= 1 ) out$ph <- max( c( sort( Z, decreasing = TRUE )[ k ], sort( Zother, decreasing = TRUE )[ k ] ), na.rm = TRUE )
	        else if( k >= 0 && k < 1 ) out$ph <- max( quantile( Z, probs = k ), quantile( Zother, probs = k ), na.rm = TRUE )
	        else out$ph <- NA

	    } else out$ph = max( sort( Z, decreasing = TRUE )[ 1 ], sort( Zother, decreasing = TRUE )[ 1 ], na.rm = TRUE )

       } else {

	out$ph <- NA

	} # end of if else make sure there are enough events to calculate the k-th highest value.

   if( "qdmapdiff" %in% which.stats ) {

	diffXY = sort( c(abs(dX - dY)), decreasing=TRUE)

	if( "qdmapdiff" %in% which.stats) {

	    if(dXcheck || dYcheck) {

	   	if( k >= 1) out$qdmapdiff = diffXY[k]
	   	else if( k >= 0 && k < 1) out$qdmapdiff = quantile( diffXY, probs=k)
	   	else out$qdmapdiff = NA

	    } else out$qdmapdiff <- diffXY[1]


   } # end of if do 'qdmapdiff' stmts.

   if( "med" %in% which.stats) {

	out$medMiss <- mean( Z, na.rm=TRUE)
	out$medFalseAlarm <- mean( Zother, na.rm = TRUE )


   if( "msd" %in% which.stats) {

	out$msdMiss <- mean( Z2, na.rm=TRUE )
	out$msdFalseAlarm <- mean( Zother2, na.rm = TRUE )


   if( "fom" %in% which.stats) out$fom <- sum( 1 / ( 1 + alpha * Z2 ), na.rm=TRUE ) / N
   if( "minsep" %in% which.stats) out$minsep <- min( c(Z), na.rm=TRUE )

   return( out)

} # end of 'locperf' function.

LocListSetup <- function(a, which.stats= c("bdelta", "haus", "qdmapdiff", "med", "msd", "ph", "fom", "minsep"),
			    nthresh=1, np=1, nk=1, nalpha=1) {

   out <- list()
   attributes(out) <- a

   q <- nthresh
   outvec <- numeric(q)+NA
   if( "bdelta" %in% which.stats ) out$bdelta <- matrix( NA, np, q)
   if( "haus" %in% which.stats ) out$haus <- outvec
   if( "qdmapdiff" %in% which.stats) out$qdmapdiff <- matrix( NA, nk, q)
   if( "med" %in% which.stats ) out$medMiss <- out$medFalseAlarm <- outvec
   if( "msd" %in% which.stats ) out$msdMiss <- out$msdFalseAlarm <- outvec
   if( "ph" %in% which.stats ) out$ph <- matrix( NA, nk, q )
   if( "fom" %in% which.stats ) out$fom <- matrix( NA, nalpha, q)
   if( "minsep" %in% which.stats) out$minsep <- outvec
   return( out)
} # end of 'LocListSetup' function.

summary.locmeasures2d <- function(object, ...) {
   x <- attributes(object)
   u <- x$thresholds
   if(!is.null( x$qs)) lu <- x$qs
   else if( all( u[,1] == u[,2])) lu <- as.character( u[,1])
   else lu <- paste( "mod thresh ", u[,1], ", vx thresh ", u[,2], sep="")
   k <- x$k
   p <- x$p
   a <- x$alpha
   cat("\n", "Comparison for:\n")
   cat("Threshold(s) is (are):\n")
   if( !is.null( object$bdelta)) {
	y <- object$bdelta
	rownames(y) <- paste( "p = ", p, "; ", sep="")
	colnames(y) <-  lu
	cat("Baddeley Delta Metric with c = ", x$bdconst, "\n")
   if( !is.null( object$haus)) {
	y <- object$haus
	y <- matrix( y, nrow=1)
	colnames(y) <- lu
	cat("\n", "Hausdorff distance\n")
   if( !is.null( object$qdmapdiff)) {
	y <- object$qdmapdiff
	rownames( y) <- paste("k = ", as.character( k), "; ", sep="")
	colnames( y) <- lu
	cat("\n", "Quantile (if k in (0,1) or k-th highest (if k = 1, 2, ...) difference in distance maps.\n")
	print( y)
   if( !is.null( object$medMiss)) {
        y <- object$medMiss
        y <- matrix( y, nrow=1)
        colnames( y) <- lu
        cat("\n", "Mean error distance (Miss)\n")
        print( y)
   if( !is.null( object$medFalseAlarm)) {
        y <- object$medFalseAlarm
        y <- matrix( y, nrow=1)
        colnames( y) <- lu
        cat("\n", "Mean error distance (FalseAlarm)\n")
        print( y)
   if( !is.null( object$msdMiss)) {
	y <- object$msdMiss
        y <- matrix( y, nrow=1)
        colnames( y) <- lu
        cat("\n", "Mean square error distance (Miss)\n")
        print( y)
   if( !is.null( object$msdFalseAlarm )) {
        y <- object$msdFalseAlarm 
        y <- matrix( y, nrow=1)
        colnames( y) <- lu
        cat("\n", "Mean square error distance (FalseAlarm)\n")
        print( y)

   if( !is.null( object$qdmapdiff)) {
        y <- object$ph
        rownames( y) <- paste("k = ", as.character( k), "; ", sep="")
        colnames( y) <- lu
        cat("\n", "Partial Hausdorff distance\n")
        print( y)

   if( !is.null( object$fom)) {
        y <- object$fom
	rownames( y) <- paste("alpha = ", x$alpha, "; ", sep="")
	colnames( y) <- lu
        cat("\n", "Pratt\'s figure of merit (FOM)\n")
        print( y)
} # end of 'summary.locmeasures2d' function.

print.locmeasures2d <- function(x, ...) {
    a <- attributes(x)
    cat("Comparison for: \n")

    print(summary(x, ...))

} # end of 'print.locmeasures2d' function.

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