
Defines functions extractFrames

Documented in extractFrames

extractFrames <- function(file = NULL, save.to = NULL, frames = NULL, names = NULL, ext = 'jpeg', 
	qscale = 2, frame.start = 0, video.i = NULL, warn.min = 100){

	# Set frame start point (first change of frame)
	# 	This assumes first frame change occurs between 0.000 and 0.001. This may 
	#	not be the case with all videos. Seems to be true for most synched GoPro
	#	videos (haven't checked them all). A canon .avi file started between 0.016 and 0.017. 
	#	The second frame change occurred between 0.049 and 0.050 (predictably).
	#	May need to add an additional step that detects the first time point at which the frame changes

	# Check that file exists

		file_check <- FALSE

		# Check that file exists

			file_check <- TRUE

			# Prompt for save to location
			file_response <- readline(prompt=paste0("\n\tWhat video would you like to extract frames from? "))

			# Check that save.to exists
			if(file_response != '' && !file.exists(file_response)){
				file_check <- FALSE
				cat(paste0("file '", file_response, "' not found."))
				file <- file_response


		if(!file.exists(file)) stop(paste0("File '", file, "' not found."))


		save_to_check <- FALSE

		# Check that save to exists

			save_to_check <- TRUE

			# Prompt for save to location
			saveto_response <- readline(prompt=paste0("\n\tWhere would you like to save the extracted frames (simply press enter to save to current working directory)? "))

			# Check that save.to exists
			if(saveto_response != '' && !file.exists(saveto_response)){
				save_to_check <- FALSE
				cat(paste0("save.to filepath '", saveto_response, "' not found."))
				save.to <- saveto_response


		# Check that save.to exists
		if(save.to != '' && !file.exists(save.to)) stop(paste0("save.to filepath '", save.to, "' not found."))

	# Add slash at end if not present
	if(save.to != '' && !grepl('[/]$', save.to)) save.to <- paste0(save.to, '/')


		# Check that ffmpeg is installed and accessible on system

		# Get ffmpeg info
		ffmpeg_i <- paste(suppressWarnings(system2(command='ffmpeg', args=paste0("-i ", gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', file)), 
			stdout=FALSE, stderr=TRUE)), collapse='\n')
		# Read video info
		video_i <- read_video_info(ffmpeg_i)


		video_i <- video.i

	# Print number of frames
	if(is.null(frames)) cat(paste0('\n\tTotal number of frames in the video: ', video_i$frames, '\n'))

	frames_check <- FALSE

	# Check input frame range is ok

		frames_check <- TRUE
			if(sum(!is.numeric(frames)) > 0){cat('\n\tFrame numbers must be of type numeric.');frames_check <- FALSE;frames <- NULL}
			if(sum(frames < 0) > 0){cat('\n\tFrame numbers must be greater than -1.');frames_check <- FALSE;frames <- NULL}
			if(sum(frames > video_i$frames-1) > 0){
				cat(paste0('\n\tFrame numbers must be less than the total number of video frames minus one (', video_i$frames, '-1=', video_i$frames-1, ').'))
				frames_check <- FALSE
				frames <- NULL

			# Prompt for frames to extract
			frames_response <- readline(prompt=paste0("\n\tWhich frames from 0 to ", video_i$frames-1, " would you like to extract? (Enter 'e' for example inputs) "))
			# Provide examples if asked
			if(frames_response %in% c('e', 'E', 'examples', 'Examples', 'EXAMPLES')){
				examples <- paste0("\n\t\tseq(0,", video_i$frames-1, ",length=", min(video_i$frames, 100), ")")
				examples <- paste0(examples, "\n\t\tc(0,1,2)")
				examples <- paste0(examples, "\n\t\t0:", min(video_i$frames, 100), "")
				frames_response <- readline(prompt=paste0("\tExample inputs:", examples, "\n\tWhich frames would you like to extract? "))

			frames <- round(eval(parse(text=frames_response)))
			frames_check <- FALSE

		if(!is.null(warn.min) && frames_check){
			if(length(frames) > warn.min){

				cat(paste0("\n\tThe following ", length(frames), " frame(s) will be extracted:\n"))
				cat(paste0("\t\t", paste(frames, collapse=", "), "\n"))

				proceed <- readline(prompt="\tThis may take some time. Proceed (y/n)? ")

				if(!grepl('y', proceed, ignore.case=TRUE)){
					frames_check <- FALSE
					frames <- NULL

		# Use frame numbers for names
		frame_format <- formatC(frames, width=max(6, nchar(max(frames))+1), format="d", flag="0")
		# Check that length of input names matches number of frames
		if(length(frames) != length(names)) stop(paste0("The length of the input filenames (", length(names), ") must match the number of frames to extract (", length(frames), ")."))
		# Assign input names
		frame_format <- names

	# Get time points corresponding to frame boundaries (right before next frame) in msec
	frame_t_bound <- floor((1000 / video_i$fps)*(frames-1))

	# Add half of duration between frames to ensure that extraction falls on next frame
	frame_t <- frame_t_bound + frame.start + round(((1 / video_i$fps)*500))
	# Convert to seconds
	frame_t <- frame_t / 1000
	# Replace negative frame with 0 (for 0 frame)
	frame_t[frame_t < 0] <- 0

	# Extract frames
	for(j in 1:length(frame_t)){

		# Write command to extract frame using ffmpeg
		command_args <- paste0("-accurate_seek -ss ", frame_t[j], " -i ", gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', file), 
			" -y -qscale:v ", qscale," -frames:v 1 ", gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', save.to), frame_format[j], ".", ext[1])
		#print(paste0('ffmpeg ', command_args))

		# Call command
		system2(command='ffmpeg', args=command_args, stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
		# Extract same frame using opencv (if running use different name for ffmpeg so no overwrite)
		if(frames[j] > 0){
			#command <- paste0('./', gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', '../build/'), 'extract_video_frames ', 
			#	gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', file), ' ', gsub(' ', '\\\\ ', save.to), ' ', frames[j], ' ', frames[j])
			#system(command=command, intern=TRUE)

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StereoMorph documentation built on May 25, 2022, 5:06 p.m.