
Defines functions gen_tec_xml

Documented in gen_tec_xml

#' @title Generate STICS tec xml file(s) from a template or an input file
#' @param param_df A table (df, tibble) containing the values of the parameters
#' to use (see details)
#' @param file Path of a tec xml file to be used as a template. Optional,
#' if not provided, the function will use a standard template depending
#' on the STICS version.
#' @param out_dir Path of the directory where to generate the file(s).
#' @param stics_version Name of the STICS version. Optional, used if
#' the `file` argument is not provided. In this case the function uses a
#' standard template associated to the STICS version.
#' @param na_values value to use as missing value in param_table
#' (optional, default : NA)
#' @param param_table `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `param_table` is no
#'   longer supported, use `param_df` instead.
#' @param tec_in_file `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `tec_in_file` is no
#'   longer supported, use `file` instead.
#' @param out_path `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `out_path` is no
#'   longer supported, use `out_dir` instead.
#' @details Please see `get_stics_versions_compat()` for the full list of
#' STICS versions that can be used for the
#' argument `stics_version`.
#'  `param_df` is a `data.frame` with the following format:
#' |Tec_name                                         | julres_1| coderes_1|
#' |:------------------------------------------------|--------:|---------:|
#' |USM_2017_T1_CI_tec.xml                           |      NA |         1|
#' |BIN_CANPC_05_SEC_220-0-0_34K_CANPC05T3_Q_tec.xml |      110|         1|
#' |BIN_AGT_04_IRR_220-0-0_33K_AGT04T2_Q_tec.xml     |       73|         1|
#' |AGA_ARB_13_IRR_220-0-0_37K_ARB13_C_tec.xml       |       82|         1|
#' |AGA_ARB_13_SEC_220-0-0_37K_ARB13_C_tec.xml       |       82|         1|
#' |FRA_ARB_11_SEC_220-0-0_38K_E_tec.xml             |       70|         1|
#' |MAG_ARB_09_SEC_220-0-0_38K_E_tec.xml             |       81|         1|
#' |MAG_ARV_12_IRR_220-0-0_36K_ARV12_C_tec.xml       |      100|         1|
#' |MAG_ARV_12_SEC_220-0-0_36K_ARV12_C_tec.xml       |      100|         1|
#' |FRA_ARB_12_SEC_220-0-0_31K_ARB12_C_tec.xml       |       92|         1|
#' |FRA_ARB_13_SEC_220-0-0_37K_ARB13_C_tec.xml       |       82|         1|
#' The first column gives the tec file name (to be generated), all following
#' columns give the parameter value to put in the file, and each line denotes a
#' separate tec file (for e.g. several USMs).
#' The first column name must contain the keyword tec or Tec or TEC as
#' a prefix to be detected (as shown in the table extract above).
#' If not given (the default, `NULL`), the function returns the template as is.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' xl_path <- download_usm_xl(file = "inputs_stics_example.xlsx")
#' tec_param_df <- read_params_table(file = xl_path, sheet_name = "Tec")
#' gen_tec_xml(out_dir = tempdir(), param_df = tec_param_df[1:2, ])
#' @export

gen_tec_xml <- function(param_df = NULL,
                        file = NULL,
                        stics_version = "latest",
                        na_values = NA,
                        param_table = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                        tec_in_file = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                        out_path = lifecycle::deprecated()) {

  # TODO: refactor with gen_sta_file, gen_ini_file : same code

  if (lifecycle::is_present(param_table)) {
  } else {
    param_table <- param_df # to remove when we update inside the function
  if (lifecycle::is_present(tec_in_file)) {
  } else {
    tec_in_file <- file # to remove when we update inside the function
  if (lifecycle::is_present(out_path)) {
  } else {
    out_path <- out_dir # to remove when we update inside the function

  xml_doc_tmpl <- NULL

  if (!base::is.null(tec_in_file)) {
    xml_doc_tmpl <- xmldocument(tec_in_file)

  # detecting tec names column
  param_names <- names(param_table)
  col_id <- grep("^tec", tolower(param_names))
  if (!length(col_id)) {
    stop("The column for identifying tec names has not been found !")
  tec_col <- param_names[col_id]

  # Removing for the moment the dict argument
  xml_docs <- gen_tec_doc(
    xml_doc = xml_doc_tmpl,
    param_table = param_table[, -col_id],
    stics_version = stics_version,
    na_values = na_values
  ) # ,
  # dict = dict)

  if (!is.list(xml_docs) && methods::is(xml_docs, "xml_document")) {
    xml_docs <- list(xml_docs)

  # Finding non NULL elements in xml_docs (i.e. no errors in doc generation)
  out_idx <- unlist(lapply(xml_docs, base::is.null))

  if (any(out_idx)) {
    message(paste0("\nErrors have been detected while trying to replace",
               "parameters values in xml documents\n"),
            paste(sum(!out_idx), "files have been generated !\n"))
    # selecting available documents to produce
    xml_docs <- xml_docs[out_idx]

  # No files will be generated
  if (all(out_idx)) {

  # checking if out_path exists
  if (!dir.exists(out_path)) {
    stop(paste("The directory does not exist", out_path))

  # defining output files paths
  out_name <- param_table[[tec_col]]
  ids <- grepl("_tec.xml$", out_name)
  if (sum(ids) < length(out_name)) {
    out_name[!ids] <- paste0(param_table[[tec_col]][!ids], "_tec.xml")
  tec_out_file <- file.path(out_path, out_name)

  # checking dimensions
  if (!length(xml_docs) == length(tec_out_file)) {
    stop("Xml output files names must have the same length as table lines ! ")

  # selecting output files names
  tec_out_file <- tec_out_file[!out_idx]

  # saving files
  # TODO: vectorize the saveXmlDoc method of the xml_document class
  for (f in seq_along(xml_docs)) {
    save_xml_doc(xml_docs[[f]], tec_out_file[[f]])


  if (!base::is.null(xml_doc_tmpl) && inherits(xml_doc_tmpl, "xml_document"))


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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.