
Defines functions unzip_examples get_examples_types list_examples_files get_examples_path

Documented in get_examples_path

#' Getting examples files path attached to a STICS version for a given file type
#' @param file_type A file type string among files types or a vector of
#' ("csv", "obs", "sti", "txt", "xml")
#' @param stics_version Name of the STICS version. Optional, by default
#' the latest version returned by `get_stics_versions_compat()` is used.
#' @param overwrite TRUE for overwriting directory; FALSE otherwise
#' @param version_name `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `version_name` is no
#'   longer supported, use `stics_version` instead.
#' @return A directory path for examples files for given file type and STICS
#' version or a vector of (for unknown file types "" is returned as path)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_examples_path(file_type = "csv")
#' get_examples_path(file_type = c("csv", "sti"))
#' get_examples_path(file_type = "csv", stics_version = "V8.5")
get_examples_path <- function(file_type, stics_version = "latest",
                              overwrite = FALSE,
                              version_name = lifecycle::deprecated()) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(version_name)) {
      "1.0.0", "get_examples_path(version_name)",
  } else {
    # to remove when we update inside the function
    version_name <- stics_version

  # Getting files types list
  example_types <- get_examples_types()

  # If not any arguments : displaying files types list
  if (missing(file_type)) {
    message("Available files types: ",
            paste(get_examples_types(), collapse = ","))

  # Checking if all types in file_type exist
  files_type_idx <- file_type %in% example_types
  if (!all(files_type_idx))
    stop("Unknown file_type: ", file_type[!files_type_idx])

  # Validating the version string
  version_name <- check_version_compat(version_name)

  # Checking if files available for the given version
  ver_data <- get_versions_info(stics_version = version_name)
  if (base::is.null(ver_data))
    stop("No examples available for version: ", version_name)

  # Getting files dir path for the given type
  version_dirs <- unlist(dplyr::select(ver_data, dplyr::all_of(file_type)))
  is_na_dirs <- is.na(version_dirs)

  if (any(is_na_dirs))
    stop("Not any data in examples for ",
         paste(file_type[is_na_dirs], collapse = ", "),
         "and version ", version_name)

  files_str <- unlist(
           function(x) gsub(pattern = "(.*)_.*", x = x, replacement = "\\1")

  # Getting and storing path for each kind of file
  examples_path <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(files_str))
  for (i in seq_along(files_str)) {
    base_path <- unzip_examples(files_str[i], overwrite = overwrite)
    if (base_path == "") {
      examples_path[i] <- ""
    } else {
      examples_path[i] <- normalizePath(file.path(base_path, version_dirs[i]),
                                        winslash = "/",
                                        mustWork = FALSE)

  # Treating not existing directories for file_type
  exist_ex_path <- !(examples_path == "")
  if (!all(exist_ex_path))
    warning("Not any available ",
            paste(file_type[!exist_ex_path], collapse = ", "),
            " examples for version: ",

  # Returning the examples files dir path for the given type

# TODO: evaluate if useful ?
list_examples_files <- function(file_type,
                                version_name = "latest",
                                full_names = TRUE) {
  examples_path <- get_examples_path(file_type = file_type,
                                     stics_version = version_name)

  files_list <- list.files(pattern = "\\.[a-zA-Z]+$",
                           path = examples_path,
                           full.names = full_names)


get_examples_types <- function() {
  file_types <- c("csv", "obs", "sti", "txt", "xml", "xl", "xml_tmpl",
                  "xml_param", "xsl")

#' Unzip files archive if needed and return examples files path
#' in extdata directory
#' @param files_types type of file of examples files set
#' @param version_dir version directory names of the example files
#' @param overwrite TRUE for overwriting directory; FALSE otherwise
#' @return library examples files path
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# @examples
unzip_examples <- function(files_type, version_dir, overwrite = FALSE) {

  ex_path <- system.file("extdata",
                         package = "SticsRFiles")

  dir_path <- normalizePath(file.path(tempdir(), files_type),
                            winslash = "/",
                            mustWork = FALSE)

  if (dir.exists(dir_path) && !overwrite) return(dir_path)

  if (overwrite)
    unlink(x = dir_path, recursive = TRUE)

  zip_path <- file.path(ex_path, paste0(files_type, ".zip"))

  if (file.exists(zip_path)) {
    utils::unzip(zipfile = zip_path, exdir = tempdir())
  } else {
    dir_path <- ""


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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.