Defines functions TPLck

Documented in TPLck

TPLck <-
function(sp, infra = TRUE, corr = TRUE, diffchar = 2, max.distance = 1, version = "1.1", encoding = "UTF-8", author = TRUE, drop.lower.level = FALSE)

	# clean input, extract abbr ---------------------------------------------------
	sp_orig <- sp
	sp <- gsub(paste0("\\s+|", intToUtf8(160)), " ", as.character(sp))
	sp <- gsub("(?! )\\(", " \\(", sp, perl = TRUE)
	# extract hybrid information
	match.higher.level <- FALSE
	hybrid <- any(grepl(paste(paste0(" ", intToUtf8(1093)), "nothosp\\.", "grex", "[xX]", intToUtf8(215), sep = " | "), sp))
	gen_hybrid <- any(grepl(paste("^[xX]", intToUtf8(1093), intToUtf8(215),  sep = " |^"), sp))
	if (hybrid == TRUE) 
		sp <- gsub(paste(paste0(" ", intToUtf8(1093)), "nothosp\\.", "grex", "[xX]", intToUtf8(215), sep = " | "), " ", sp)
	if (gen_hybrid == TRUE) 
		sp <- gsub(paste("^[xX]", intToUtf8(1093), intToUtf8(215),  sep = " |^"), "", sp)
	# extract abbreviation
	abbr <- NA
	remov <- NA
	vec <- c(" aff(\\.| )", " aggr?(\\.| |$)", "(^| )cf(\\.| )", " group( |$)", ",? ?nom\\. inval\\.",  ",? ?nom\\. cons\\. prop\\.", ",? ?nom\\. conserv\\.", ",? ?nom\\. cons?\\.", " p\\. ?p\\.", " s\\. ?l\\.?$", " s\\. ?l\\. ", " s(ens)?[\\.u] ?lat[\\.u]$", "sensu latu", " s\\. ?s\\.?$", " s\\. ?s\\.? ", " s\\. ?str\\.?$", " s\\. ?str\\.? ", "sensu str\\.", "sensu strictu")
	for (i in 1:length(vec)) 
		if (grepl(vec[i], sp)) 
			remov<-na.omit(c(remov, gsub(paste0(".*(", vec[i], ").*"), "\\1", sp)))

		sp <- gsub(vec[i], " ", sp)
	remov <- unique(trimws(remov))
	Abbrev <- ifelse(any(is.na(remov)), NA, paste(remov, collapse = ","))
	# extract rank abbreviation
	vec0 <- c(" cultivar(\\.| )", " cv(\\.| )", " nothossp(\\.| )", " nothosubsp(\\.| )", " nothovar(\\.| )", " subfo?(\\.| )", " subvar(\\.| )", " f[ao]?(\\.| ) ?\\b(?!(var\\.|subsp\\.|f\\.|$))", " fma(\\.| )", " forma?(\\.| )", " var(\\.| )", " ssp(\\.| )", " subsp(\\.| )")
	# vec0 <- c(" subproles ", " gama ", "lus. ", "lus.", " lus ", " lusus ", "monstr. ", " monstr ", "nm. ", "nm.", " nm ", "prol. ", "prol.", " prol ", " proles ", " race ")
	if (drop.lower.level == FALSE) 
		for (j in 1:length(vec0)) 
			# extract a single abbr
			abbr <- ifelse(grepl(vec0[j], sp, perl = TRUE), trimws(gsub(paste0(".*(", vec0[j], ").*"), "\\1", sp, perl = TRUE)), abbr)
			sp <- gsub(vec0[j], " ", sp, perl = TRUE)
		for (j in 1:length(vec0)) 
			# extract multiple abbr, if available
			if (grepl(vec0[j], sp, perl = TRUE)) 
				abbr<-na.omit(c(abbr, gsub(paste0(".*(", vec0[j], ").*"), "\\1", sp, perl = TRUE)))
		abbr <- unique(trimws(abbr))
		# if subspecies and variety are given, drop variety (everything behind "var.")
		if (any(grepl("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", abbr)) && any(grepl("^var\\.?$", abbr)))
			sp <- gsub("( subsp| ssp| var)\\.(?! )", "\\1\\. ", sp, perl = TRUE)
			split <- unlist(strsplit(sp, "\\s+"))
			subsp_pos <- grep("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", split)
			var_pos <- grep("^var\\.?$", split)
			# if subspecific epithet is identical to specific epithet, drop subspecies part and keep variety
			if (split[2] == split[subsp_pos + 1]) 
				sp <- paste(split[-(subsp_pos:var_pos)], collapse = " ")
				abbr <- abbr[-grep("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", abbr)]
				sp <- unlist(strsplit(sp, "var\\.?"))[1]
				sp <- gsub(" subsp\\.?| ssp\\.?", "", sp)
				abbr <- abbr[-grep("^var\\.?$|^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", abbr)]
			rm(split, subsp_pos, var_pos)
		# if subspecies and forma are given, drop forma (everything behind "f.")
		if (any(grepl("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", abbr)) && any(grepl("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", abbr)))
			sp <- gsub("( subsp| ssp| f[ao]?| fma| forma?)\\.(?! )", "\\1\\. ", sp, perl = TRUE)
			split <- unlist(strsplit(sp, "\\s+"))
			subsp_pos <- grep("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", split)
			f_pos <- grep("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", split)
			# if subspecific epithet is identical to specific epithet, drop subspecies part and keep forma
			if (split[2] == split[subsp_pos + 1]) 
				sp <- paste(split[-(subsp_pos:f_pos)], collapse = " ")
				abbr <- abbr[-grep("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", abbr)]
				sp <- unlist(strsplit(sp, "f[ao]?\\.?|fma\\.?|forma?\\.?"))[1]
				sp <- gsub(" subsp\\.?| ssp\\.?", "", sp)
				abbr <- abbr[-grep("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", abbr)]
			rm(split, subsp_pos, f_pos)
		# if variety and forma are given, drop forma (everything behind "f.")
		if (any(grepl("^var\\.?$", abbr)) && any(grepl("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", abbr))) 
			sp <- gsub("( var| f[ao]?| fma| forma?)\\.(?! )", "\\1\\. ", sp, perl = TRUE)
			split <- unlist(strsplit(sp, "\\s+"))
			var_pos <- grep("^var\\.?$", split)
			f_pos <- grep("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", split)
			# if varietal epithet is identical to specific epithet, drop variety part and keep forma
			if (split[2] == split[var_pos + 1]) 
				sp <- paste(split[-(var_pos:f_pos)], collapse = " ")
				abbr <- abbr[-grep("^var\\.?$", abbr)]
				sp <- unlist(strsplit(sp, "f[ao]?\\.?|fma\\.?|forma?\\.?"))[1]
				sp <- gsub(" var\\.", "", sp)
				abbr <- abbr[-grep("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", abbr)]
			rm(split, var_pos, f_pos)
		sp <- gsub(paste0(vec0, collapse = "|"), " ", sp, perl = TRUE)
		if (length(abbr) > 1) 
		warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": Multiple infraspecific abbreviations occur: '", paste0(abbr, collapse = "', '"), "'. Only '", abbr[length(abbr)],     "' will be used."))
		abbr <- abbr[length(abbr)]
	sp <- trimws(gsub(" +", " ", sp))
	Rank <- abbr
	if (!is.na(abbr)) 
		abbr1 <- ifelse(grepl("^f[ao]?\\.?$|^fma\\.?$|^forma?\\.?$", abbr), "f.", abbr)
		abbr1 <- ifelse(grepl("^var\\.?$", abbr), "var.", abbr1)
		abbr1 <- ifelse(grepl("^subsp\\.?$|^ssp\\.?$", abbr), "subsp.", abbr1)
	# extract genus, species, author ----------------------------------------------
	genus <- unlist(strsplit(sp, " "))[1]
	species <- unlist(strsplit(sp, " "))[2]
	if (corr == TRUE) 
		species <- tolower(species)
	if (author == FALSE) 
		infrasp <- ifelse(length(unlist(strsplit(sp," "))) > 2, unlist(strsplit(sp," "))[3], "")
		auth <- ""
		if (corr == TRUE) 
			infrasp <- tolower(infrasp)
		spparts <- unlist(strsplit(sp, " "))
		if (length(spparts) > 2) 
			authorstrings <- c("and", "anon\\.", "auctt?(\\.| )", "div\\.", "emend\\.", "mult\\.", "non", "plur\\.", "des?", "et", "ex\\.?", "al\\.\\)?", "f\\.\\)?", "fil\\.\\)?", "hort\\.", "sensu", "van", "von", "v\\.", "d'") # put "d'" at the end to have no "$" behind
			infrasp_pos <- grep(paste0("^(?!^", paste0(authorstrings, collapse = "$|^"), ")[a-z]"), spparts[-c(1:2)], perl = TRUE) + 2
			if (length(infrasp_pos) > 1) 
				if (length(unique(spparts[infrasp_pos])) > 1) 
					warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The infraspecific epithet was not unambiguously matched"))
				infrasp_pos <- infrasp_pos[1]
			infrasp <- ifelse(length(infrasp_pos) > 0, spparts[infrasp_pos], "")
			auth <- ifelse(nchar(infrasp) == 0, paste(spparts[3:length(spparts)], collapse = " "), # gen spec auth
			ifelse(infrasp_pos == length(spparts) && length(spparts) > 3, paste(spparts[3 : (length(spparts) - 1)], collapse = " "), # gen spec auth infra
			ifelse(length(spparts) == 3, "", # gen spec infra
			ifelse(infrasp_pos < length(spparts), paste(spparts[(infrasp_pos + 1) : length(spparts)], collapse = " "), "")))) # gen spec infra auth or gen spec auth infra auth
			auth_sp <- ifelse(nchar(infrasp) > 0 && infrasp_pos > 3 && infrasp_pos < length(spparts), paste(spparts[3 : (infrasp_pos - 1)], collapse = " "), "")
			auth_infra <- any(nchar(infrasp) > 0 && infrasp_pos < length(spparts))
			if (grepl(paste0("^(?!^", paste0(authorstrings, collapse = "|^"), ")[a-z]"), auth, perl = TRUE)) 
				warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The author was probably incorrectly matched."))
			rm(authorstrings, infrasp_pos)
			infrasp <- ""
			auth <- ""

	# query TPL website -----------------------------------------------------------
	vv <- ifelse(version == "1.0", "", version)
	searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", genus, "+", species, "&csv=true", sep = "")
	table.sp <- try(read.csv(searchstring, header = TRUE, sep = ",", fill = TRUE, colClasses = "character", as.is = TRUE, encoding = encoding), silent = TRUE)
	if (class(table.sp) == "try-error") 
		stop("Cannot read TPL website.")

	Genus <- genus
	Species <- species
	Infraspecific <- infrasp
	New.Hybrid.marker <- ""
	marker <- FALSE
	marker.infra <- FALSE
	Plant.Name.Index.final <- NA

	# condition 0 ----
			for(i in 1:length(lista[,columna]))
				dat=adist(key ,trimws(lista[i,columna]))<=error
		if(resultado[1]==""&&sum(adist(genero ,trimws(lista[,letra1]))<=1)>1||sum(adist(genero ,trimws(lista[,letra2]))<=1)>1)
			warning("More results in ",paste(Genus))
			searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", genus, "+", species, "&csv=true", sep = "")
			warning("No epithet")
			#Family <- ""
			#Taxonomic.status <- ""
			#Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
			#New.Genus <- Genus
			#New.Species <- Species
			#New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
			#New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
			#New.Authority <- ""
			#New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
			#Typo <- FALSE
			#WFormat <- TRUE
			#ID <- ""
			#New.ID <- ""
			warning(genus,"genus doesn't exist")

	# condition 1 ----
	if (is.null(table.sp)) 
		Family <- ""
		Taxonomic.status <- ""
		Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
		New.Genus <- Genus
		New.Species <- Species
		New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
		New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
		New.Authority <- ""
		New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
		Typo <- FALSE
		WFormat <- TRUE
		ID <- ""
		New.ID <- ""
	# condition 2 ----
	else if (!is.null(table.sp)) 
		k <- dim(table.sp)[2]
		z <- dim(table.sp)[1]
		# condition 2.1 ----
		if (k == 1) 
			Family <- ""
			Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
			Taxonomic.status <- ""
			New.Genus <- Genus
			New.Species <- Species
			New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
			New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
			New.Authority <- ""
			New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
			Typo <- FALSE
			WFormat <- FALSE
			ID <- ""
			New.ID <- ""
		# condition 2.2 ----
		else if (k > 1) 
			# condition 2.2.1 (z == 0) ----
			if (z == 0) 
				Family <- ""
				Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
				Taxonomic.status <- ""
				New.Genus <- Genus
				New.Species <- Species
				New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
				New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
				New.Authority <- ""
				New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
				Typo <- FALSE
				WFormat <- FALSE
				ID <- ""
				New.ID <- ""
			# condition 2.2.2 (z > 1) ----
			else if (z > 1) 
				# condition (multiple spec; fuzzy match spec) ----
				if (length(unique(paste(table.sp$Genus, table.sp$Species))) > 1 && corr == TRUE) 
					spx <- length(agrep(species, "sp", max.distance = 0)) + length(agrep(species, "sp.", max.distance = 0))
					mf <- c(as.character(1:1000))
					is.mf <- agrep(species, mf, max.distance = list(deletions = 1), value = TRUE)
					cck <- agrep(species, table.sp$Species, value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance)
					ddf <- abs(nchar(cck) - nchar(species))
					if (length(cck) > 0) 
						cck <- cck[ddf == min(ddf)]
						ddf <- abs(nchar(cck) - nchar(species))
					levs <- length(unique(cck))
					if (levs > 1) 
					warning(paste("The specific epithet of", sp_orig, "could not be matched, and multiple corrections are possible."))
					spstring <- ifelse(length(cck) > 0, cck[1], "")
					# replace endings
					if (length(cck) == 0) 
						spec1 <- character()
						spec2 <- character()
						spec1_match <-character()
						spec2_match <-character()
						if (grepl("is$", species)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("is$", "e", species)
						if (grepl("e$", species)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("e$", "is", species)
						if (grepl("ii$", species)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("ii$", "i", species)
						if (grepl("(?<!i)i$", species, perl = TRUE)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("i$", "ii", species)
						if (grepl("us$", species)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("us$", "a", species)
							spec2 <- gsub("us$", "um", species)
						if (grepl("um$", species)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("um$", "a", species)
							spec2 <- gsub("um$", "us", species)
						if (grepl("a$", species)) 
							spec1 <- gsub("a$", "um", species)
							spec2 <- gsub("a$", "us", species)
						if (length(spec1) > 0)
							spec1_match <-unique(try(grep(paste0("^", spec1, "$"), table.sp$Species, value = TRUE), silent = TRUE)) 
						if (length(spec2) > 0)
							spec2_match <-unique(try(grep(paste0("^", spec2, "$"), table.sp$Species, value = TRUE), silent = TRUE)) 
						if (length(spec1_match) + length(spec2_match) > 0) 
							if (length(spec2_match) == 0) 
								spstring <- spec1_match
							else if (length(spec1_match) == 0 && length(spec2_match == 1)) 
								spstring <- spec2_match
								spstring <- spec1_match
								warning(paste("The specific epithet of", sp_orig, "could not be matched, and multiple corrections are possible."))
					if ((length(is.mf) == 0 && length(cck) > 0 && ddf <= diffchar && levs == 1 && spx == 0) || (exists("spec1_match") && nchar(spstring) > 0)) 
						searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", genus, "+", spstring, "&csv=true", sep = "")
						table.sp <- try(read.csv(searchstring, header = TRUE, sep = ",", fill = TRUE, colClasses = "character", as.is = TRUE, encoding = encoding), silent = TRUE)
						if (class(table.sp) == "try-error") 
							stop("Cannot read TPL website.")
						k <- dim(table.sp)[2]
						z <- dim(table.sp)[1]
						marker <- TRUE
				} # end condition
				# condition (multiple spec; fuzzy match undesired/unsuccessful) ----
				if (length(unique(paste(table.sp$Genus, table.sp$Species))) > 1) 
					Family <- ""
					Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
					Taxonomic.status <- ""
					New.Genus <- Genus
					New.Species <- Species
					New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
					New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
					New.Authority <- ""
					New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
					Typo <- FALSE
					WFormat <- FALSE
					ID <- ""
					New.ID <- ""
				} # end condition
				# condition (single spec; fuzzy match infraspec) ----
				if (length(unique(paste(table.sp$Genus, table.sp$Species))) == 1) 
					grep1 <- grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
					ngrep <- nchar(grep1)
					if ((length(ngrep) == 0 || abs(ngrep - nchar(infrasp)) != 0) && corr == TRUE && !is.na(infrasp) && nchar(infrasp) > 0) 
						cck.infra <- agrep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance)
						ddf.infra <- abs(nchar(cck.infra) - nchar(infrasp))
						if (length(cck.infra) > 0) 
							cck.infra <- cck.infra[ddf.infra == min(ddf.infra)]
							ddf.infra <- abs(nchar(cck.infra) - nchar(infrasp))
						levs <- length(unique(cck.infra))
						if (length(cck.infra) > 0 && levs == 1) 
							infrasp <- unique(cck.infra)
							grep1 <- grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
							ngrep <- nchar(grep1)
							marker.infra <- TRUE
					# condition (filter infraspecific epithet) ----
					nominal.infra <- any(species == Infraspecific)
					Plant.Name.Index.final <- NA
					if (infra == TRUE && ((length(grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = TRUE)) > 0 && any(ngrep - (nchar(infrasp)) == 0)) || (length(grep(paste0("^", Infraspecific, "$"), table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = FALSE)) == 0 && nominal.infra == TRUE))) 
						if (length(grep(paste0("^", Infraspecific, "$"), table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = FALSE)) == 0 && nominal.infra == TRUE) 
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "", ]
							infrasp <- Infraspecific
							match.higher.level <- (nrow(table.sp) > 0)
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == infrasp, ]
						# if (dim(table.sp)[1] > 1 && sum(!is.na(grep(Rank, table.sp$Infraspecific.rank, ignore.case = TRUE))) > 0) 
							# table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.rank == Rank,]
						# }
						# condition (if infraspecies not matched) ----
					else if (infra == FALSE || length(grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = TRUE)) == 0 || ngrep - (nchar(infrasp)) != 0) 
						# condition # if sp is at species level, but only infraspecies occur in TPL
						if (nchar(infrasp) == 0 && ! any(table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "") && length(grep(Species, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet)) == 0) 
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "", ]
							Plant.Name.Index.final <- FALSE
							# condition # assign species level
						else if (infra == FALSE) 
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "", ]
							table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL
							match.higher.level <- TRUE
							# condition # assign nominal infraspecies if species level unavailable
						else if ((table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "" || is.na(table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet)) == FALSE && length(grep(Species, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet)) > 0) 
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == Species, ]
							table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL
							# condition # assign species level, but set Plant.Name.Index to FALSE at the end, as infraspecies not in TPL
						else if (length(grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = TRUE)) == 0 && nominal.infra == FALSE) 
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "", ]
							table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL
							# warning(paste(sp_orig, "does not exist in TPL; the species level is included in the output."))
							Plant.Name.Index.final <- FALSE
							match.higher.level <- (nrow(table.sp) > 0)
					# }
					}# end condition
					k <- dim(table.sp)[2]
					z <- dim(table.sp)[1]
					# match author ----
					if (nchar(auth) > 0) 
						if (match.higher.level == TRUE && auth_sp != "") 
						{ # if higher/species level is assigned, use species level author for matching
							auth_match <- sapply(table.sp$Authorship, adist, auth_sp)
							# match current author (part after potential ex or parentheses (around basionym author))
							auth_current <- auth_sp
							auth_current <- ifelse(any(grepl("^ex\\.?$", spparts)), gsub(".+ ex (.*)", "\\1", auth_sp), auth_current)
							auth_current <- ifelse(grepl("\\(.+\\) (.*)", auth), gsub("\\(.+\\) (.*)", "\\1", auth_sp), auth_current)
							auth_match <- sapply(table.sp$Authorship, adist, auth)
							# match current author (part after potential ex or parentheses (around basionym author))
							auth_current <- auth
							auth_current <- ifelse(any(grepl("^ex\\.?$", spparts)), gsub(".+ ex (.*)", "\\1", auth), auth_current)
							auth_current <- ifelse(grepl("\\(.+\\) (.*)", auth), gsub("\\(.+\\) (.*)", "\\1", auth), auth_current)
						auth_current_match <- sapply(table.sp$Authorship, adist, auth_current)
						if (!any(auth_current_match == 0) && any(grepl("\\(.+\\)", table.sp$Authorship))) 
						{ # match part after potential parentheses in TPL author
							auth_current_match <- sapply(gsub("\\(.+\\) (.*)", "\\1", table.sp$Authorship), adist, auth_current)
						if (!any(auth_current_match == 0) && any(grepl(" ex ", table.sp$Authorship))) 
						{ # match part after potential 'ex' in TPL author:
							auth_current_match <- sapply(gsub(".* ex (.*)", "\\1", table.sp$Authorship), adist, auth_current)
						if (length(auth_match) > 0) 
							bestmatch <- min(as.numeric(auth_match), na.rm = TRUE) # NA occurs for errors in TPL such as "Alchemilla vulgaris S.E.Frhner"
							bestmatch <- which(auth_match == bestmatch)
							bestmatch_auth_current <- min(as.numeric(auth_current_match), na.rm = TRUE)
							bestmatch_auth_current <- which(auth_current_match == bestmatch_auth_current)
							# if auth is not almost exactly matched, but auth_current can be exactly matched, use auth_current
							if (!any(auth_match < 2) && any(auth_current_match == 0))
								bestmatch <- bestmatch_auth_current
							if (length(unique(names(bestmatch))) > 1) 
								if (! (match.higher.level == TRUE && (!is.na(Plant.Name.Index.final) && Plant.Name.Index.final == FALSE))) 
									warning(paste(sp_orig, ": has multiple synonyms with equally matching author names; the first author will be selected."))
								bestmatch <- bestmatch[1]
					} # end match author
					# condition (z == 0) ----
					if (z == 0) 
						Family <- ""
						Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
						Taxonomic.status <- ""
						New.Genus <- Genus
						New.Species <- Species
						New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
						New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
						New.Authority <- ""
						New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
						Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
						WFormat <- FALSE
						ID <- ""
						New.ID <- ""
						# condition z > 0 ----
						# filter input author ----
						if (nchar(auth) > 0) 
							if (gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", names(bestmatch))) != gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", gsub(" et ", " &", gsub(" and ", " &", auth)))) && !((nchar(infrasp) > 0 && nchar(auth_sp) == 0 && auth_infra == FALSE) || (nchar(infrasp) > 0 && nchar(auth_sp) > 0 && infra == FALSE)) && match.higher.level == FALSE) 
								warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The input author, '", auth, "', does not exactly match the author of the selected taxon, '", table.sp$Authorship[bestmatch], "'."))
							if ((gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", names(bestmatch))) != gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", gsub(" et ", " &", gsub(" and ", " &", auth)))) && auth_infra == FALSE) && match.higher.level == TRUE) 
								warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The input author, '", auth, "', does not exactly match the author of the selected taxon, '", table.sp$Authorship[bestmatch], "'."))
							if ((gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", names(bestmatch))) != gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", gsub(" et ", " &", gsub(" and ", " &", auth_sp)))) && auth_infra == TRUE && nchar(auth_sp) > 0) && match.higher.level == TRUE) 
								warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The input author, '", auth_sp, "', does not exactly match the author of the selected taxon, '", table.sp$Authorship[bestmatch], "'."))
							if ((nchar(infrasp) > 0 && auth_infra == TRUE) || (nchar(infrasp) == 0 && auth_infra == FALSE)) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[bestmatch, ]
						if (z > 1) 
							# filter infraspecific rank ----
							if (!is.na(abbr) && any(table.sp$Infraspecific.rank == abbr1)) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Infraspecific.rank == abbr1, ]
							# filter hybrid ----
							if (hybrid == TRUE && any(table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker != "")) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker != "", ]
							if (hybrid == FALSE && any(table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker == "")) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker == "", ]
						# condition (filter accepted names) ----
						if (any(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Accepted")) 
							table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Accepted", ]
							Plant.Name.Index <- TRUE
							Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
							Family <- table.sp$Family[1]
							New.Genus <- table.sp$Genus[1]
							New.Hybrid.marker <- table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker[1]
							New.Species <- table.sp$Species[1]
							if (infra == T && length(grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = TRUE)) > 0) 
								New.Infraspecific <- table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet[1]
								New.Infraspecific.rank <- table.sp$Infraspecific.rank[1]
							else if (infra == F || length(grep(infrasp, table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet, fixed = TRUE)) == 0) 
								New.Infraspecific <- ""
								New.Infraspecific.rank <- ""
							New.Authority <- table.sp$Authorship[1]
							New.Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
							Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
							WFormat <- FALSE
							ID <- table.sp[1, 1]
							New.ID <- ID
							# condition (filter synonyms or missapplied names) ----
						else if (any(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL %in% c("Synonym", "Misapplied"))) 
							if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym") > 0) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym", ]
							else if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied") > 0) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied", ]
							if (sum(table.sp$Confidence.level == "H") > 0)
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Confidence.level == "H", ]
							else if (sum(table.sp$Confidence.level == "M") > 0) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$Confidence.level == "M", ]
							if (any(!table.sp$Nomenclatural.status.from.original.data.source %in% c("Illegitimate", "Invalid")) && any(table.sp$Nomenclatural.status.from.original.data.source != "")) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[!table.sp$Nomenclatural.status.from.original.data.source %in% c("Illegitimate", "Invalid"), ]
								warning(paste(sp_orig, "has more than one valid synonym; illegitimate/invalid names were avoided."))
							if (nrow(table.sp) > 1) 
								warning(paste(sp_orig, "has more than one valid synonym; the first entry was selected."))
							table.sp.id <- table.sp[1,1]
							ID <- table.sp.id
							# extract target taxon ----
							at <- try(readLines(paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/record/", table.sp.id, sep = ""), encoding = encoding))
							at <- sapply(at, trimws, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
							if (class(at) == "try-error") 
								stop("Cannot read TPL website.")
							if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym") > 0) 
								if (version == "1.1") 
									az <- "<p>This name is a <a href=\"/1.1/about/#synonym\">synonym</a> of"
								else if (version == "1.0") 
									az <- "<p>This name is a <a href=\"/about/#synonym\">synonym</a> of"
							else if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied") > 0) 
								if (version == "1.1") 
									az <- "<p>In the past this name has been <a href=\"/1.1/about/#misapplied\">erroneously used</a> to refer to"
								else if (version == "1.0") 
									az <- "<p>In the past this name has been <a href=\"/about/#misapplied\">erroneously used</a> to refer to"
							n <- pmatch(az, at)
							at[n] <- paste(at[n], at[n+1], at[n+2])
							nsen <- at[n]
							nsen <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(nsen, split = ">")), "<"))
							gen_index <- grep('class="genus"', nsen) + 1
							sp_index <- grep('class="species"', nsen) + 1
							if (grepl("synonym", at[n])) 
								if (version == "1.1") 
									tpl_id <- gsub('<p>This name is a <a href="/1.1/about/#synonym">synonym</a> of <a href="(.+)"> ?<span class="name">.+', "\\1", at[n])
								else if (version == "1.0") 
									tpl_id <- gsub('<p>This name is a <a href="/about/#synonym">synonym</a> of <a href="(.+)"> ?<i class="genus">.+', "\\1", at[n])
							if (grepl("erroneously used", at[n])) 
								if (version == "1.1") 
									tpl_id <- gsub('<p>In the past this name has been <a href="/1.1/about/#misapplied">erroneously used</a> to refer to <a href="(.+)"> ?<span class="name">.+', "\\1", at[n])
								else if (version == "1.0") 
									tpl_id <- gsub('<p>In the past this name has been <a href="/about/#misapplied">erroneously used</a> to refer to <a href="(.+)"> ?<i class="genus">.+', "\\1", at[n])
							if (version == "1.1") 
								searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", tpl_id, "&csv=true", sep = "")
							else if (version == "1.0") 
								searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", nsen[gen_index], "+", nsen[sp_index], "&csv=true", sep = "")
							kup <- length(grep("^var\\.$", nsen)) + length(grep("^subsp\\.$", nsen)) + length(grep("^f\\.$", nsen))
							if (infra == T && kup > 0) 
								infrasp <- nsen[grep("class=\\\"infraspe\\\"", nsen) + 1]
								abbr_index <- grep("class=\\\"infraspr\\\"", nsen) + 1
							else if (kup == 0) 
								infrasp <- ""
							if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym") > 0) 
								Taxonomic.status <- "Synonym"
							else if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied") > 0) 
								Taxonomic.status <- "Misapplied"
							table.sp <- try(read.csv(searchstring, header = TRUE, sep = ",", fill = TRUE, colClasses = "character", as.is = TRUE, encoding = encoding), silent = TRUE)
							if (class(table.sp) == "try-error") 
								stop("Cannot read TPL website.")
							colnames(table.sp) <- gsub("^X.U.FEFF.ID$", "ID", colnames(table.sp)) # fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM" causes erroneous read.csv output for special characters
							if (nrow(table.sp) > 1) 
								table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$ID == tpl_id, ]
							Plant.Name.Index <- TRUE
							Family <- table.sp$Family[1]
							New.Genus <- table.sp$Genus[1]
							New.Hybrid.marker <- table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker[1]
							New.Species <- table.sp$Species[1]
							New.Infraspecific <- table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet[1]
							New.Infraspecific.rank <- table.sp$Infraspecific.rank[1]
							New.Authority <- table.sp$Authorship[1]
							New.Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
							Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
							WFormat <- FALSE
							New.ID <- table.sp[1,1]
							# condition (filter unresolved names) ----
						else if (any(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Unresolved")) 
							Plant.Name.Index <- TRUE
							Taxonomic.status <- "Unresolved"
							Family <- table.sp$Family[1]
							New.Genus <- table.sp$Genus[1]
							New.Hybrid.marker <- table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker[1]
							New.Species <- table.sp$Species[1]
							New.Infraspecific <- table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet[1]
							New.Infraspecific.rank <- table.sp$Infraspecific.rank[1]
							New.Authority <- table.sp$Authorship[1]
							New.Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
							Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
							WFormat <- FALSE
							ID <- table.sp[1,1]
							New.ID <- ID
					} # end condition z > 0
				} # end condition
				# condition 2.2.3 (z == 1) ----
			else if (z == 1) 
			{ # end condition 2.2.2
				if (nchar(infrasp) > 0 && table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "") 
					nominal.infra <- any(species == Infraspecific)
					match.higher.level <- TRUE
					#Plant.Name.Index.final <- any(nominal.infra == TRUE)
					Plant.Name.Index.final <- TRUE
					if (nchar(auth) > 0 ) 
						if (gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", table.sp$Authorship)) != gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", gsub(" et ", " &", gsub(" and ", " &", auth_sp))))) 
								warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The input author, '", auth_sp, "', does not exactly match the author of the selected taxon, '", table.sp$Authorship, "'."))
				if (species != table.sp$Species && corr == TRUE) 
					cck <- agrep(species, table.sp$Species, value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance)
					ddf <- abs(nchar(cck) - nchar(species))
					if (length(cck) > 0 && ddf <= diffchar) 
						marker <- TRUE
				if (nchar(auth) > 0 && !(nchar(infrasp) > 0 && table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet == "") && ((species != table.sp$Species && corr == TRUE && length(cck) > 0) || (species == table.sp$Species))) 
					if (gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", table.sp$Authorship)) != gsub("\\s+", "", chartr(".", " ", gsub(" et ", " &", gsub(" and ", " &", auth))))) 
						warning(paste0(sp_orig, ": The input author, '", auth, "', does not exactly match the author of the selected taxon, '", table.sp$Authorship, "'."))
				# condition ----
				if (is.na(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL) || (species != table.sp$Species && corr == FALSE) || (species != table.sp$Species && corr == TRUE && (length(cck) == 0 || (length(cck) > 0 && ddf > diffchar)))) 
					Taxonomic.status <- ""
					Plant.Name.Index <- FALSE
					Family <- ""
					New.Genus <- Genus
					New.Species <- Species
					New.Infraspecific <- Infraspecific
					New.Infraspecific.rank <- Rank
					New.Authority <- ""
					New.Taxonomic.status <- ""
					Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
					WFormat <- FALSE
					ID <- ""
					New.ID <- ""
					# condition (synonym or misapplied) ----
				else if (table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym" || table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied") 
					table.sp.id <- table.sp[1, 1]
					ID <- table.sp.id
					at <- try(readLines(paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/record/", table.sp.id, sep = ""), encoding = encoding))
					at <- sapply(at, trimws, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
					if (class(at) == "try-error") 
						stop("Cannot read TPL website.")
					if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym") > 0) 
						if (version == "1.1") 
							az <- "<p>This name is a <a href=\"/1.1/about/#synonym\">synonym</a> of"
						else if (version == "1.0") 
							az <- "<p>This name is a <a href=\"/about/#synonym\">synonym</a> of"
					else if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied") > 0) 
						if (version == "1.1") 
							az <- "<p>In the past this name has been <a href=\"/1.1/about/#misapplied\">erroneously used</a> to refer to"
						else if (version == "1.0") 
							az <- "<p>In the past this name has been <a href=\"/about/#misapplied\">erroneously used</a> to refer to"
					n <- pmatch(az, at)
					at[n] <- paste(at[n], at[n+1], at[n+2])
					nsen <- at[n]
					nsen <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(nsen, split = ">")), "<"))
					gen_index <- grep('class="genus"', nsen) + 1
					sp_index <- grep('class="species"', nsen) + 1
					if (grepl("synonym", at[n])) 
						if (version == "1.1") 
							tpl_id <- gsub('<p>This name is a <a href="/1.1/about/#synonym">synonym</a> of <a href="(.+)"> ?<span class="name">.+', "\\1", at[n])
						else if (version == "1.0") 
							tpl_id <- gsub('<p>This name is a <a href="/about/#synonym">synonym</a> of <a href="(.+)"> ?<i class="genus">.+', "\\1", at[n])
					if (grepl("erroneously used", at[n])) 
						if (version == "1.1") 
							tpl_id <- gsub('<p>In the past this name has been <a href="/1.1/about/#misapplied">erroneously used</a> to refer to <a href="(.+)"> ?<span class="name">.+', "\\1", at[n])
						else if (version == "1.0") 
							tpl_id <- gsub('<p>In the past this name has been <a href="/about/#misapplied">erroneously used</a> to refer to <a href="(.+)"> ?<i class="genus">.+', "\\1", at[n])
					if (version == "1.1") 
						searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", tpl_id, "&csv=true", sep = "")
					else if (version == "1.0") 
						searchstring <- paste("http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl", vv, "/search?q=", nsen[gen_index], "+", nsen[sp_index], "&csv=true", sep = "")
					kup <- length(grep("^var\\.$", nsen)) + length(grep("^subsp\\.$", nsen)) + length(grep("^f\\.$", nsen))
					if (infra == T && kup > 0) 
						infrasp <- nsen[grep("class=\\\"infraspe\\\"", nsen) + 1]
						abbr_index <- grep("class=\\\"infraspr\\\"", nsen) + 1
					else if (kup == 0) 
						infrasp <- ""
					if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Synonym") > 0) 
						Taxonomic.status <- "Synonym"
					else if (sum(table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Misapplied") > 0) 
						Taxonomic.status <- "Misapplied"
					table.sp <- try(read.csv(searchstring, header = TRUE, sep = ",", fill = TRUE, colClasses = "character", as.is = TRUE, encoding = encoding), silent = TRUE)
					if (class(table.sp) == "try-error") 
						stop("Cannot read TPL website.")
					colnames(table.sp) <- gsub("^X.U.FEFF.ID$", "ID", colnames(table.sp)) # fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM" causes erroneous read.csv output for special characters
					if (nrow(table.sp) > 1) 
						table.sp <- table.sp[table.sp$ID == tpl_id, ]
					Plant.Name.Index <- TRUE
					Family <- table.sp$Family[1]
					New.Genus <- table.sp$Genus[1]
					New.Hybrid.marker <- table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker[1]
					New.Species <- table.sp$Species[1]
					New.Infraspecific <- table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet[1]
					New.Infraspecific.rank <- table.sp$Infraspecific.rank[1]
					New.Authority <- table.sp$Authorship[1]
					New.Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
					Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
					WFormat <- FALSE
					New.ID <- table.sp[1,1]
					# condition (accepted or unresolved) ----
				else if (table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Accepted" || table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL == "Unresolved") 
					Plant.Name.Index <- TRUE
					Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
					Family <- table.sp$Family[1]
					New.Genus <- table.sp$Genus[1]
					New.Hybrid.marker <- table.sp$Species.hybrid.marker[1]
					New.Species <- table.sp$Species[1]
					New.Infraspecific <- table.sp$Infraspecific.epithet[1]
					New.Infraspecific.rank <- table.sp$Infraspecific.rank[1]
					New.Authority <- table.sp$Authorship[1]
					New.Taxonomic.status <- table.sp$Taxonomic.status.in.TPL[1]
					Typo <- any(marker == TRUE || marker.infra == TRUE)
					WFormat <- FALSE
					ID <- table.sp[1,1]
					New.ID <- ID
			} # end condition 2.2.3
		} # end condition 2.1/2
	} # end condition 2


	Hybrid.marker <- ifelse(hybrid == TRUE, intToUtf8(215), "")
	Plant.Name.Index <- ifelse(!is.na(Plant.Name.Index.final), Plant.Name.Index.final, Plant.Name.Index)
	results <- data.frame(Taxon = sp_orig, Genus, Hybrid.marker, Species, Abbrev = as.character(Abbrev), Infraspecific.rank = as.character(Rank), Infraspecific,
	Authority = auth, ID, Plant.Name.Index, TPL.version = version, Taxonomic.status, Family, New.Genus, New.Hybrid.marker, New.Species, New.Infraspecific.rank, New.Infraspecific, New.Authority, New.ID, New.Taxonomic.status, Typo, WFormat, Higher.level = match.higher.level, Date = Sys.Date(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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Taxonstand documentation built on May 10, 2021, 9:08 a.m.