
Defines functions nth_arg_positions replace_nth_LaTeX_argument

Documented in nth_arg_positions replace_nth_LaTeX_argument

#' Replace nth arguments
#' @name argument_parsing
#' @param tex_lines A character vector of a LaTeX file (as read in from \code{readLines} or \code{readr::read_lines}).
#' @param command_name The command name, 
#' or the pattern of the command, without the initial backslash.
#' @param n Which argument of the command.
#' @param replacement What to replace the \code{n}th argument with.
#' @param optional If \code{FALSE}, the default, the \code{n}th mandatory argument is extracted.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the \code{n}th \emph{optional} argument is extracted.
#' @param warn If the nth argument is not present, emit a warning? Set to \code{FALSE} for n-ary commands.
#' @param .dummy_replacement An intermediate replacement value.
#'  This value cannot be present in \code{tex_lines}.

#' @rdname argument_parsing
#' @details \code{nth_arg_positions} reports the starts and stops of the command for every line.
#' This includes the braces (in order to accommodate instances where the argument is empty).
#' If the line is empty or does not contain the command the values of \code{starts} and \code{stops} are \code{NA_integer_}.
#' @export replace_nth_LaTeX_argument
#' @examples nth_arg_positions("This is a \\textbf{strong} statement.", "textbf")
#' replace_nth_LaTeX_argument("This is a \\textbf{strong} statement.", "textbf")
replace_nth_LaTeX_argument <- function(tex_lines,
                                       n = 1L,
                                       replacement = "correct",
                                       optional = FALSE,
                                       warn = TRUE,
                                       .dummy_replacement = "Qq"){
  # Idea:
  ## 1. Find those lines with the command name
  ## 2. Split the lines and locate the character positions of the nth argument.
  ## 3. Replace all of those positions with .dummy_replacement.
  ## 4. Concatanate (back together) the lines then replace any
  ##    repetition of .dummy_replacement with replacement.

  stopifnot(length(command_name) == 1L)

  line_nos_w_command <-
    grep(sprintf("\\\\%s(?![A-Za-z])", command_name), tex_lines, perl = TRUE)

  tex_lines_with_command_name <-

  if (any(grepl(.dummy_replacement, tex_lines_with_command_name, fixed = TRUE))){
    stop(".dummy_replacement occurs in tex_lines. Change .dummy_replacement.")

  tex_lines_with_command_name_split <-
    tex_lines_with_command_name %>%
    strsplit(split = "")

  positions_of_nth_arg <-
    nth_arg_positions(tex_lines = tex_lines_with_command_name,
                      command_name = command_name,
                      n = n)

  should_warn <- FALSE
  for (el in seq_along(tex_lines_with_command_name_split)){
    intervals <- positions_of_nth_arg[[el]]
    if (!any(complete.cases(intervals))){
      if (warn){
        should_warn <- TRUE

    starts <- .subset2(intervals, "starts")
    stops  <- .subset2(intervals, "stops")

    for (row in 1:nrow(intervals)){
      if (!.subset2(intervals, "zero_width")[row]){
          seq.int(starts[row] + 1L, stops[row] - 1L)
          ] <- .dummy_replacement
      } else {
        # {} --> { }
        #         ^
        tex_lines_with_command_name_split[[el]] <-
          c(tex_lines_with_command_name_split[[el]][seq.int(1L, starts[row])], 
            tex_lines_with_command_name_split[[el]][-seq.int(1L, starts[row])])
    if (should_warn){
      warning("Skipped replacing a line as nth-argument was absent there.")


  corrected_tex_lines <-
           paste0, collapse = "",
           FUN.VALUE = character(1)) %>%
    gsub(sprintf("(%s)+", .dummy_replacement),
         x = .,
         perl = TRUE)

  tex_lines[line_nos_w_command] <- corrected_tex_lines

#' @rdname argument_parsing
#' @param star Assume the starred version of the command. That is, assume that the contents of 
#' the argument lies on a single line.
#' @param data.tables Should each element of the list be a \code{data.table}? Set to \code{FALSE} 
#' for performance.
#' @param allow_stringi (logical, default: \code{TRUE}) If \code{FALSE}, non-\code{stringi} 
#' functions are allowed.
#' @export nth_arg_positions
nth_arg_positions <- function(tex_lines,
                              n = 1L,
                              optional = FALSE,
                              star = TRUE,
                              data.tables = TRUE,
                              allow_stringi = TRUE) {
  Command_locations <- 
    if (requireNamespace("stringi", quietly = TRUE) && allow_stringi) {
      stringi::stri_locate_all_regex(str = tex_lines,
                                     # If command = \a, must not also detect \ab
                                     pattern = sprintf("\\\\%s(?![A-Za-z])", command_name))
    } else {
      stri_locate_all_regex_no_stri(str = tex_lines,
                                    # If command = \a, must not also detect \ab
                                    pattern = sprintf("\\\\%s(?![A-Za-z])", command_name))
  nchar_tex_lines <- nchar(tex_lines)
  Tex_line_split <- strsplit(tex_lines, split = "")
  delim1 <- if (optional) "[" else "{"
  delim2 <- if (optional) "]" else "}"
  out <- 
    lapply(seq_along(tex_lines), function(i) {
      # Where does the command name end (i.e. just before 
      # opening brace.
      command_locations <- Command_locations[[i]][, 2]
      tex_line_split <- Tex_line_split[[i]]
      if (nchar_tex_lines[i] > 0) {
        tex_group <- cumsum(tex_line_split == delim1) - cumsum(tex_line_split == delim2)
        tex_group_lag <- shift(tex_group, n = 1L, type = "lag", fill = tex_group[[1]])
        tex_group_at_command_locations <- tex_group[command_locations]
        starts <- stops <- integer(length(command_locations))
        for (j in seq_along(command_locations)){
          tg <- command_locations[[j]]
          starts[[j]] <-
            # below tells us the position of the opening *brace*
            nth_min.int(which(and(and(tex_group == tex_group[tg] + 1,
                                      seq_along(tex_group) > tg),
                                  tex_group == tex_group_lag + 1)),
                        n = n)
          stops[[j]] <-
            nth_min.int(which(and(tex_group == tex_group[tg],
                                  and(seq_along(tex_group) > tg,
                                      tex_group == tex_group_lag - 1))),
                        n = n)
        list(starts = starts, stops = stops, zero_width = stops == starts + 1L)
      } else {
        list(starts = NA_integer_, stops = NA_integer_, zero_width = NA)
  if (data.tables) {
    lapply(out, setDT)
  } else {

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TeXCheckR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.