TkListView <- function(list) {
if( !requireNamespace('tcltk', quietly = TRUE) ) {
stop('This function is dependent on the tcltk package')
if( !have.ttk() ) {
stop('this function depends on having tcl 8.5 or higher')
tt <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
tcltk::tkwm.title(tt, deparse(substitute(list)))
fr1 <- tcltk::tkframe(tt)
tcltk::tkpack(fr1, '-side', 'left', '-fill', 'both', '-expand', 0)
Sys.sleep(.1) ## needed for some strange reason.
tree <- tcltk::ttktreeview(fr1, '-selectmode','browse','-columns',1,height=21)
scrtree1 <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(fr1, command=function(...)tcltk::tkyview(tree,...))
scrtree2 <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(fr1, command=function(...)tcltk::tkxview(tree,...), orient='horizontal')
tcltk::tkconfigure(tree, yscrollcommand=function(...)tcltk::tkset(scrtree1,...),
# tkpack(scrtree1, side='right', fill='y',expand=1)
# tkpack(tree, side='right',fill='both',expand=1)
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(fr1, 0, weight=1)
fr2 <- tcltk::tkframe(tt)
tcltk::tkpack(fr2, '-side','top','-fill','both','-expand',1)
txt <- tcltk::tktext(fr2, bg="white", font="courier", wrap='none', width=40)
scrtxt1 <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(fr2, command=function(...)tcltk::tkyview(txt,...))
scrtxt2 <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(fr2, command=function(...)tcltk::tkxview(txt,...), orient='horizontal')
tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, yscrollcommand=function(...)tcltk::tkset(scrtxt1,...),
tcltk::tkgrid(txt,scrtxt1, sticky='nsew')
tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(fr2, 0, weight=1)
tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(fr2, 0, weight=1)
buildtree <- function(list, tree, parent) { <- capture.output( str(list, max.level=1, give.attr=FALSE,
no.list=TRUE) ) <- gsub(' |\t','\\\\ ',
n <- length(list)
nms <- names(list)
if( is.null(nms) ) nms <- rep('', n)
if( n < length( ) { <- tail(, n)
for( i in seq(length.out=n) ){
id <- paste(parent, '.', i, sep='')
nm <- nms[i]
if( || nm == '') nm <- paste0('[[',i,']]')
tcltk::tkinsert(tree, parent, 'end', '-id', id, '-text', nm, '-values',[i])
if( is.list(list[[i]]) ){
Recall( list[[i]], tree, id )
} else if( !is.null(attributes(list[[i]])) ) {
tcltk::tkinsert(tree, id, 'end','-id', paste(id,'.a',sep=''), '-text', '<<Attributes>>')
Recall( attributes(list[[i]]), tree, paste(id,'.a',sep='') )
tmp <- as.list(attributes(list))
tmp$names <- NULL
if( length(tmp) ) {
tcltk::tkinsert(tree, parent, 'end', '-id', paste(parent,'.aa',sep=''), '-text', '<<Attributes>>')
Recall( tmp, tree, paste(parent,'.aa',sep='') )
tmpvals <- capture.output(str(list,max.level=0))
tmpvals <- gsub(' ','\\\\ ',tmpvals)
tcltk::tkinsert(tree,'','end','-id', 0, '-text', deparse(substitute(list)), '-values', tmpvals)
buildtree(list, tree, '0')
getx <- function(list){
tmp <- tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkselect(tree))
tmp2 <- strsplit(tmp, '\\.')[[1]][-1]
if(length(tmp2)==0) return(list)
sb <- function(y, list) {
if (any( y %in% c('a','aa') ) ) {
a <- which(y %in% c('a','aa'))[1]
tmp <- if( a==1 ) {
as.list(attributes( list ) )
} else {
y1 <- y[ seq(length.out=a-1) ]
as.list(attributes( list[[ as.numeric(y1) ]] ))
if( a == length(y) ) return(tmp)
y2 <- y[ seq( from=a+1, length.out = length(y) - a) ]
if( y[a] == 'aa' ) tmp$names <- NULL
} else {
tmp <- as.numeric(y)
pr <- tcltk::tkbutton(tt, text='print', command=function(...) {
tmp <- capture.output(print(getx(list)))
tcltk::tkdelete(txt, '1.0','end')
tcltk::tkinsert(txt, 'end', paste(tmp, collapse='\n'))
st <- tcltk::tkbutton(tt, text='str', command=function(...) {
tmp <- capture.output(print(str(getx(list))))
tcltk::tkdelete(txt, '1.0','end')
tcltk::tkinsert(txt, 'end', paste(tmp, collapse='\n'))
tcltk::tkpack(pr, side='top', anchor='w')
tcltk::tkpack(st, side='top', anchor='w')
fr3 <- tcltk::tkframe(tt)
tcltk::tkpack(fr3, side='top', expand=1, fill='x')
cmd <- tcltk::tclVar('summary(x)')
eve <- tcltk::tkentry(fr3, textvariable=cmd)
ev <- tcltk::tkbutton(fr3, text='Eval:', command=function(...) {
tmp <- capture.output( eval(parse(text=tcltk::tclvalue(cmd)), list(x=getx(list))))
tcltk::tkdelete(txt, '1.0', 'end')
tcltk::tkinsert(txt, 'end', paste(tmp, collapse='\n'))
tcltk::tkpack(ev, side='left')
tcltk::tkpack(eve, side='left')
tcltk::tkpack(tcltk::tkbutton(tt, text='Quit', command=function() tcltk::tkdestroy(tt)),
side='bottom', anchor='e')
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.