
Defines functions TernaryDensityContour TernaryContour ColourTernary TernaryTiles TernaryRightTiles TernaryLeftTiles TernaryDownTiles TernaryUpTiles TriangleInHull TernaryPointValues

Documented in ColourTernary TernaryContour TernaryDensityContour TernaryDownTiles TernaryLeftTiles TernaryPointValues TernaryRightTiles TernaryTiles TernaryUpTiles TriangleInHull

#' Value of a function at regularly spaced points
#' Intended to facilitate coloured contour plots with [`ColourTernary()`],
#' `TernaryPointValue()` evaluates a function at points on a triangular grid;
#' `TernaryDensity()` calculates the density of points in each grid cell.
#' @template FuncParam
#' @template resolutionParam
#' @template directionParam
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to `Func()`.
#' @return `TernaryPointValues()` returns a matrix whose rows correspond to:
#' - **x**, **y**: co-ordinates of the centres of smaller triangles
#' - **z**: The value of `Func(a, b, c)`, where `a`, `b` and `c` are the 
#'   ternary coordinates of `x` and `y`.
#' - **down**: `0` if the triangle concerned points upwards (or right), 
#'   `1` otherwise
#' @examples
#' TernaryPointValues(function (a, b, c) a * b * c, resolution = 2)
#' TernaryPlot(grid.lines = 4)
#' cols <- TernaryPointValues(rgb, resolution = 4)
#' text(as.numeric(cols["x", ]), as.numeric(cols["y", ]),
#'      labels =  ifelse(cols["down", ] == "1", "v", "^"),
#'      col = cols["z", ])
#' TernaryPlot(axis.labels = seq(0, 10, by = 1))
#' nPoints <- 4000L
#' coordinates <- cbind(abs(rnorm(nPoints, 2, 3)),
#'                      abs(rnorm(nPoints, 1, 1.5)),
#'                      abs(rnorm(nPoints, 1, 0.5)))
#' density <- TernaryDensity(coordinates, resolution = 10L)
#' ColourTernary(density, legend = TRUE, bty = "n", title = "Density")
#' TernaryPoints(coordinates, col = "red", pch = ".")
#' @family contour plotting functions
#' @template MRS
#' @export
TernaryPointValues <- function(Func, resolution = 48L, 
                               direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L), ...) {
  triangleCentres <- TriangleCentres(resolution, direction)
  x <- triangleCentres["x", ]
  y <- triangleCentres["y", ]
  abc <- XYToTernary(x, y, direction)
  z <- Func(abc[1, ], abc[2, ], abc[3, ], ...)
  if (length(z) < length(x)) {
    warning("`Func(a, b, c)` should return a vector, but returned a single value.")
  # Return:
  rbind(x = x, y = y, z = z, 
        down = triangleCentres["triDown", ])

#' Coordinates of triangle mid-points
#' Calculate _x_ and _y_ coordinates of the midpoints of triangles
#' tiled to cover a ternary plot.
#' @template resolutionParam
#' @template directionParam
#' @return `TriangleCentres()` returns a matrix with three named rows:
#'  - `x` _x_ coordinates of triangle midpoints;
#'  - `y` _y_ coordinates of triangle midpoints;
#'  - `triDown` `0` for upwards-pointing triangles, `1` for downwards-pointing.
#' @examples
#' TernaryPlot(grid.lines = 4)
#' centres <- TriangleCentres(4)
#' text(centres["x", ], centres["y", ], ifelse(centres["triDown", ], "v", "^"))
#' @family coordinate translation functions
#' @seealso Add triangles to a plot: [TernaryTiles()]
#' @template MRS
#' @family tiling functions
#' @export
TriangleCentres <- function (resolution = 48L, 
                             direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L)) {
  offset <- 1 / resolution / 2L
  triangleHeight <- sqrt(0.75) / resolution
  trianglesInRow <- 2L * rev(seq_len(resolution)) - 1L
  if (direction == 1) { # Point up
    triX <- seq(from = -0.5 + offset, to = 0.5 - offset, by=offset)
    upY <- seq(from = triangleHeight / 3,
               to = sqrt(0.75) - (2 * triangleHeight / 3), length.out = resolution)
    x <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(resolution), function(yStep) {
      upX <- triX[seq(from = yStep, to = (2L * resolution) - yStep, by = 2L)]
      downX <- if (yStep == resolution) integer(0) else 
        triX[seq(from=yStep + 1, to = (2L * resolution) - yStep - 1, by = 2L)]
      c(rbind(upX, c(downX, NA)))[-((resolution - yStep + 1) * 2L)]
    y <- rep(upY[seq_len(resolution)], trianglesInRow)
    triDown <- (1 + unlist(lapply(trianglesInRow, seq_len))) %% 2L
    y <- y + (triDown * triangleHeight / 3)
  } else if (direction == 3L) { # Point down
    triX <- seq(from = -0.5 + offset, to = 0.5 - offset, by=offset)
    upY <- seq(from = 0 - (2 * triangleHeight / 3),
               to = - sqrt(0.75) + triangleHeight / 3, length.out = resolution)
    x <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(resolution), function(yStep) {
      upX <- triX[seq(from = yStep, to = (2L * resolution) - yStep, by = 2L)]
      downX <- if (yStep == resolution) integer(0) else 
        triX[seq(from=yStep + 1, to = (2L * resolution) - yStep - 1, by = 2L)]
      c(rbind(upX, c(downX, NA)))[-((resolution - yStep + 1) * 2L)]
    y <- rep(upY[seq_len(resolution)], trianglesInRow)
    triDown <- unlist(lapply(trianglesInRow, seq_len)) %% 2L
    y <- y + (triDown * triangleHeight / 3)
  } else if (direction == 2L) { # "Up" is to the right
    rightX <- seq(from = triangleHeight / 3,
                  to = sqrt(0.75) - (2 * triangleHeight / 3), length.out = resolution)
    triY <- seq(from = -0.5 + offset, to = 0.5 - offset, by=offset)
    y <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(resolution), function(xStep) {
      rightY <- triY[seq(from = xStep, to = (2L * resolution) - xStep, by = 2L)]
      leftY  <- if (xStep == resolution) integer(0) else 
        triY[seq(from=xStep + 1, to = (2L * resolution) - xStep - 1, by = 2L)]
      c(rbind(rightY, c(leftY, NA)))[-((resolution - xStep + 1) * 2L)]
    x <- rep(rightX[seq_len(resolution)], trianglesInRow)
    triDown <- (1 + unlist(lapply(trianglesInRow, seq_len))) %% 2L
    x <- x + (triDown * triangleHeight / 3)
  } else { # (direction == 4L)
    rightX <- seq(from = 0 - (2 * triangleHeight / 3),
                  to = - sqrt(0.75) + triangleHeight / 3, length.out = resolution)
    triY <- seq(from = -0.5 + offset, to = 0.5 - offset, by=offset)
    y <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(resolution), function(xStep) {
      rightY <- triY[seq(from = xStep, to = (2L * resolution) - xStep, by = 2L)]
      leftY  <- if (xStep == resolution) integer(0) else 
        triY[seq(from = xStep + 1, to = (2L * resolution) - xStep - 1, by = 2L)]
      c(rbind(rightY, c(leftY, NA)))[-((resolution - xStep + 1) * 2L)]
    x <- rep(rightX[seq_len(resolution)], trianglesInRow)
    triDown <- (unlist(lapply(trianglesInRow, seq_len))) %% 2L
    x <- x + (triDown * triangleHeight / 3)
  rbind(x, y, triDown)

#' Does triangle overlap convex hull of points?
#' @return `TriangleInHull()` returns a list with the elements:
#' - `$inside`: vector specifying whether each of a
#' set of triangles produced by [`TriangleCentres()`] overlaps the convex
#' hull of points specified by `coordinates`.
#' - `$hull`: Coordinates of convex hull of `coordinates`, after expansion
#' to cover overlapping triangles.
#' @param triangles Three-row matrix as produced by [`TriangleCentres()`].
#' @param coordinates A matrix with two or three rows specifying the 
#' coordinates of points in _x, y_ or _a, b, c_ format.
#' @param buffer Include triangles whose centres lie within `buffer` triangles
#' widths (i.e. edge lengths) of the convex hull.
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(0)
#' nPts <- 50
#' a <- runif(nPts, 0.3, 0.7)
#' b <- 0.15 + runif(nPts, 0, 0.7 - a)
#' c <- 1 - a - b
#' coordinates <- rbind(a, b, c)
#' TernaryPlot(grid.lines = 5)
#' TernaryPoints(coordinates, pch = 3, col = 4)
#' triangles <- TriangleCentres(resolution = 5)
#' inHull <- TriangleInHull(triangles, coordinates)
#' polygon(inHull$hull, border = 4)
#' values <- rbind(triangles,
#'                 z = ifelse(inHull$inside, "#33cc3333", "#cc333333"))
#' points(triangles["x", ], triangles["y", ],
#'        pch = ifelse(triangles["triDown", ], 6, 2),
#'        col = ifelse(inHull$inside, "#33cc33", "#cc3333"))
#' ColourTernary(values)
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @importFrom PlotTools GrowPolygon
#' @importFrom sp point.in.polygon
#' @family tiling functions
#' @export
TriangleInHull <- function(triangles, coordinates, buffer) {
  datDim <- dim(coordinates)[1]
  if (is.null(datDim) || datDim < 2L || datDim > 3L) {
    stop("`coordinates` must be a matrix with two (xy) or three (abc) rows")
  xy <- if (datDim == 2L) {
  } else {
  firstTris <- triangles[c("x", "y"), c(1, 3)]
  triSize <- sqrt(sum((firstTris[, 2] - firstTris[, 1]) ^ 2)) / 2
  txy <- t(xy)
  hull <- GrowPolygon(txy[chull(txy), ], buffer = triSize)
  # Return:
  list(inside = as.logical(point.in.polygon(triangles["x", ], triangles["y", ],
                                            hull$x, hull$y)),
       hull = hull)

#' @rdname TernaryPointValues
#' @template coordinatesParam
#' @export
TernaryDensity <- function (coordinates, resolution = 48L, 
                            direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L)) {
  if (inherits(coordinates, "list")) {
    scaled <- resolution * 
      vapply(coordinates,function (coord) coord / sum(coord), double(3L))
  } else {
    scaled <- resolution * 
      apply(coordinates, 1, function (coord) coord / sum(coord))
  whichTri <- floor(scaled)
  margins <- scaled %% 1 == 0
  onVertex <- apply(margins, 2, all)
  onEdge <- logical(length(onVertex))
  onEdge[!onVertex] <- apply(margins[, !onVertex], 2, any)
  centres <- whichTri[, !onEdge & !onVertex, drop=FALSE]
  edges   <- scaled[, onEdge, drop=FALSE]
  floorEdges <- floor(edges)
  vertices <- scaled[, onVertex, drop=FALSE]
  vertexLocation <- apply(vertices == 0, 2, sum)
  vertexInternal <- vertexLocation == 0L
  vertexOnEdge <- vertexLocation == 1L
  vertexOnCorner <- vertexLocation == 2L
  AllEqual <- function (x, y) all(x == y)
  OnUpEdge <- function (abc) {
    # Return 1 for points on edge, 
    # 2 for each point on outer edge, 
    # 0 for each other.
    onThisEdge <- apply(floorEdges, 2, AllEqual, abc)
    theseEdges <- edges[, onThisEdge, drop=FALSE]
    ncol(theseEdges) + 
    {if (abc[1] == 0) sum(theseEdges[1, ] == 0) else 0L} +
    {if (abc[2] == 0) sum(theseEdges[2, ] == 0) else 0L} +
    {if (abc[3] == 0) sum(theseEdges[3, ] == 0) else 0L}
  OnDownEdge <- function(abc) {
      apply(edges, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(0.5, 0.5, 1.0)),
      apply(edges, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(0.5, 1.0, 0.5)),
      apply(edges, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5))
  OnUpVertex <- function(abc) {
    onThisTriangle <-
      apply(vertices, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(1L, 0L, 0L)) |
      apply(vertices, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(0L, 1L, 0L)) |
      apply(vertices, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(0L, 0L, 1L))

    sum(vertexInternal[onThisTriangle], # Return 1 for each point on vertex, 
        2L * vertexOnEdge[onThisTriangle], # 2 for each point on a vertex on edge of plot, 
        6L * vertexOnCorner[onThisTriangle])# 6 for each point on outer vertex of plot
  OnDownVertex <- function(abc) {
    onThisTriangle <-
      apply(vertices, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(1L, 1L, 0L)) |
      apply(vertices, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(1L, 0L, 1L)) |
      apply(vertices, 2, AllEqual, abc + c(0L, 1L, 1L))
    sum(vertexInternal[onThisTriangle], 2L * vertexOnEdge[onThisTriangle])
  # Each point contributes a score of six, which -- if on a vertex -- may need
  # sharing between 2, 3 or 6 triangles.
  #lapply(seq_len(resolution) - 1L, function (a) {
  #  sapply(seq_len(resolution - a) - 1L, function (b) {
  #    abc <- c(a, b, resolution - a- b - 1L)
  #    paste0(paste0(abc, collapse=","), ": E", 3*OnUpEdge(abc), " +C", OnUpVertex(abc))
  #  }, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  #lapply(seq_len(resolution - 1L) - 1L, function (a) {
  #  sapply(seq_len(resolution - a - 1L) - 1L, function (b) {
  #    abc <- c(a, b, resolution - a - b - 2L)
  #    paste0(a, b, abc[3], ": ", OnDownEdge(abc) , "; C: ", OnDownVertex(abc))
  #    }, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  # Work with an upright triangle for now.  Then translate it if necessary
  ups <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(resolution) - 1L, function (a) {
    vapply(seq_len(resolution - a) - 1L, function (b) {
      abc <- c(a, b, resolution - a - b - 1L)
      (6 * sum(apply(centres, 2, AllEqual, abc))) + 
      (3 * sum(OnUpEdge(abc))) + sum(OnUpVertex(abc))
      }, double(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  downs <- unlist(
    lapply(seq_len(resolution - 1L) - 1L, function (a) {
    vapply(seq_len(resolution - a - 1L) - 1L, function (b) {
      abc <- c(a, b, resolution - a - b - 2L)
      6 * sum(apply(centres, 2, AllEqual, abc)) +
        (3 * sum(OnDownEdge(abc))) + sum(OnDownVertex(abc))
      }, double(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  centrePoints <- TriangleCentres(resolution, direction)
  triDown <- as.logical(centrePoints["triDown", ])
  ret <- integer(length(ups) + length(downs))
  towardsBase <- if (direction < 3L) triDown else !triDown
  ret[towardsBase] <- downs
  ret[!towardsBase] <- ups
  switch(direction, {
    # 1L = point up
    xy <- centrePoints[1:2, ]
  }, {
    #2L = right
    xy <- rbind(x = centrePoints[1, ], 
                y = -centrePoints[2, ])
  }, {
    #3L = down
    xy <- rbind(x = -centrePoints[1, ],
                y = centrePoints[2, ])
  }, {
    #4L = left
    xy <- centrePoints[1:2, ]
  # TernaryPlot(grid.lines=3, axis.labels=1:3, point="right")
  # ColourTernary(rbind(xy, z = ret, down = triDown))

  # Return:
  rbind(xy, z = ret, down = triDown)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
TernaryUpTiles <- function(x, y, resolution, col) {
  width <- 1 / resolution
  widthBy2 <- width / 2
  height <- sqrt(0.75) / resolution
  heightBy3 <- height / 3
  vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    cornerX <- x[i] + c(0, widthBy2, -widthBy2)
    cornerY <- y[i] + c(heightBy3 + heightBy3, rep(-heightBy3, 2))
    polygon(cornerX, cornerY, col = col[i], border = NA)
  }, logical(0))
  # Return:

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
TernaryDownTiles <- function(x, y, resolution, col) {
  width <- 1 / resolution
  widthBy2 <- width / 2
  height <- sqrt(0.75) / resolution
  heightBy3 <- height / 3

  vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    cornerX <- x[i] + c(0, widthBy2, -widthBy2)
    cornerY <- y[i] - c(heightBy3 + heightBy3, rep(-heightBy3, 2))
    polygon(cornerX, cornerY, col = col[i], border = NA)
  }, logical(0))
  # Return: 

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
TernaryLeftTiles <- function(x, y, resolution, col) {
  width <- sqrt(0.75) / resolution
  widthBy3 <- width / 3
  height <- 1 / resolution
  heightBy2 <- height / 2
  vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    cornerX <- x[i] - c(widthBy3 + widthBy3, rep(-widthBy3, 2))
    cornerY <- y[i] + c(0, heightBy2, -heightBy2)
    polygon(cornerX, cornerY, col = col[i], border = NA)
  }, logical(0))
  # Return:

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
TernaryRightTiles <- function(x, y, resolution, col) {
  width <- sqrt(0.75) / resolution
  widthBy3 <- width / 3
  height <- 1 / resolution
  heightBy2 <- height / 2
  vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    cornerX <- x[i] + c(widthBy3 + widthBy3, rep(-widthBy3, 2))
    cornerY <- y[i] + c(0, heightBy2, -heightBy2)
    polygon(cornerX, cornerY, col = col[i], border = NA)
  }, logical(0))
  # Return:

#' Paint tiles on ternary plot
#' Function to fill a ternary plot with coloured tiles.  Useful in combination with 
#' [`TernaryPointValues`] and [`TernaryContour`].
#' @aliases TernaryUpTiles TernaryDownTiles TernaryLeftTiles TernaryRightTiles
#' @param x,y Numeric vectors specifying _x_ and _y_ coordinates of centres of each triangle.
#' @param down Logical vector specifying `TRUE` if each triangle should point
#' down (or right), `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @template resolutionParam
#' @param col Vector specifying the colour with which to fill each triangle.
#' @template directionParam
#' @examples
#' TernaryPlot()
#' TernaryXRange()
#' TernaryYRange()
#' TernaryTiles(0, 0.5, TRUE, 10, "red")
#' xy <- TernaryCoords(c(4, 3, 3))
#' TernaryTiles(xy[1], xy[2], FALSE, 5, "darkblue")
#' @template MRS
#' @family functions for colouring and shading
#' @export
TernaryTiles <- function(x, y, down, resolution, col, 
                         direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L)) {
  down <- as.logical(down)
  if (direction %% 2) {
    TernaryDownTiles(x[down], y[down], resolution, col[down])
    TernaryUpTiles(x[!down], y[!down], resolution, col[!down])
  } else {
    TernaryLeftTiles(x[down], y[down], resolution, col[down])
    TernaryRightTiles(x[!down], y[!down], resolution, col[!down])
  # Return: 

#' Colour a ternary plot according to the output of a function
#' @param values Numeric matrix, possibly created using 
#' [`TernaryPointValues()`], with four named rows: 
#' `x`, `y`, cartesian coordinates of each triangle centre; 
#' `z`, value associated with that coordinate;
#' `down`, triangle direction: `0` = point upwards; `1` = point downwards.
#' @param spectrum Vector of colours to use as a spectrum, or `NULL` to use
#' `values["z", ]`.
#' @template resolutionParam
#' @template directionParam
#' @template legendParam
#' @param \dots Further arguments to [`SpectrumLegend()`].
#' @template MRS
#' @examples 
#' TernaryPlot(alab = "a", blab = "b", clab = "c")
#' FunctionToContour <- function (a, b, c) {
#'   a - c + (4 * a * b) + (27 * a * b * c)
#' }
#' values <- TernaryPointValues(FunctionToContour, resolution = 24L)
#' ColourTernary(
#'   values,
#'   x = "topleft",
#'   bty = "n", # No box
#'   legend = signif(seq(max(values), min(values), length.out = 4), 3)
#' )
#' TernaryContour(FunctionToContour, resolution = 36L)
#' TernaryPlot()
#' values <- TernaryPointValues(rgb, resolution = 20)
#' ColourTernary(values, spectrum = NULL)
#' # Create a helper function to place white centrally:
#' rgbWhite <- function (r, g, b) {
#'   highest <- apply(rbind(r, g, b), 2L, max)
#'   rgb(r/highest, g/highest, b/highest)
#' }
#' TernaryPlot()
#' values <- TernaryPointValues(rgbWhite, resolution = 20)
#' ColourTernary(values, spectrum = NULL)
#' @family contour plotting functions
#' @family functions for colouring and shading
#' @importFrom viridisLite viridis
#TODO when require r>3.6.0, update viridis calls to use hcl.colors()
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @importFrom PlotTools SpectrumLegend
#' @seealso Fine control over continuous legends: 
#' [`PlotTools::SpectrumLegend()`]
#' @export
ColourTernary <- function(values, 
                          spectrum = viridisLite::viridis(256L, alpha = 0.6),
                          resolution = sqrt(ncol(values)),
                          direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L),
                          legend, ...) {
  z <- values["z", ]
  col <- if (is.null(spectrum) || 
             (!is.numeric(z) && 
              all(suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(z)))) && 
              tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(z)), error = function(e) FALSE)
             ) {
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(z)) {
      stop("values[\"z\", ] must be numeric.\nTo colour by values[\"z\", ], set `spectrum = FALSE`.")
    zNorm <- z - min(z, na.rm = TRUE)
    zNorm <- zNorm / max(zNorm, na.rm = TRUE)
    spectrum[as.integer(zNorm * (length(spectrum) - 1L)) + 1L]
  if (!"down" %in% rownames(values)) {
    if ("triDown" %in% rownames(values)) {
      rownames(values)[rownames(values) == "triDown"] <- "down"
    } else {
      stop("`values` must contain a row labelled \"down\".")
  TernaryTiles(as.numeric(values["x", ]), as.numeric(values["y", ]),
               as.numeric(values["down", ]),
               resolution = resolution, col = col, direction = direction)
  if (!missing(legend)) {
    if (isTRUE(legend)) {
      legend <- 4
    if (is.numeric(legend) && length(legend) == 1) {
      legend <- signif(seq(max(z), min(z), length.out = legend))
      legend = legend,
      palette = spectrum,
  # Return:

#' @rdname ColourTernary
#' @export
ColorTernary <- ColourTernary

#' Add contours to a ternary plot
#' Draws contour lines to depict the value of a function in ternary space.
#' @template FuncParam
#' @template resolutionParam
#' @template directionParam
#' @template dotsToContour
#' @template legendParam
#' @param legend... List of additional parameters to send to
#' [`SpectrumLegend()`].
#' @param within List or matrix of _x, y_ coordinates within which contours
#' should be evaluated, in any format supported by 
#' \code{\link[grDevices:xy.coords]{xy.coords(x = within)}}.
#' If `NULL`, defaults to a region slightly smaller than the ternary plot.
#' The `$hull` entry generated by `TriangleInHull()` may also be used.
#' @return `TernaryContour()`  invisibly returns a list containing:
#' - `x`,`y`: the Cartesian coordinates of each evaluated point;
#' - `z`: The value of `Func()` at each coordinate.
#' @template MRS
#' @examples
#' FunctionToContour <- function (a, b, c) {
#'   a - c + (4 * a * b) + (27 * a * b * c)
#' }
#' # Set up plot
#' originalPar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4))
#' TernaryPlot(alab = "a", blab = "b", clab = "c")
#' values <- TernaryPointValues(FunctionToContour, resolution = 24L)
#' ColourTernary(values,
#'   legend = signif(seq(max(values), min(values), length.out = 4), 2),
#'    bty = "n")
#' TernaryContour(FunctionToContour, resolution = 36L)
#' # Note that FunctionToContour is sent a vector.
#' # Instead of
#' BadMax <- function (a, b, c) {
#'   max(a, b, c) 
#' }
#' # Use
#' GoodMax <- function (a, b, c) {
#'   pmax(a, b, c)
#' }
#' TernaryPlot(alab = "a", blab = "b", clab = "c")
#' ColourTernary(TernaryPointValues(GoodMax))
#' TernaryContour(GoodMax)
#' # Or, for a generalizable example,
#' GeneralMax <- function (a, b, c) {
#'   apply(rbind(a, b, c), 2, max)
#' }
#' TernaryPlot(alab = "a", blab = "b", clab = "c")
#' # Fill the contour areas, rather than using tiles
#' TernaryContour(GeneralMax, filled = TRUE,
#'                legend = c("Max", "Min"), bty = "n",
#'                fill.col = viridisLite::viridis(14, alpha = 0.6))
#' # Re-draw edges of plot triangle over fill
#' TernaryPolygon(diag(3))
#' # Restore plotting parameters
#' par(originalPar)
#' @family contour plotting functions
#' @importFrom graphics contour .filled.contour
#' @importFrom PlotTools GrowPolygon SpectrumLegend
#' @importFrom sp point.in.polygon
#' @export
TernaryContour <- function(
    Func, resolution = 96L, direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L),
    within = NULL, filled = FALSE, legend, legend... = list(),
    nlevels = 10, levels = pretty(zlim, nlevels), zlim,
    color.palette = function(n) viridisLite::viridis(n, alpha = 0.6),
    fill.col = color.palette(length(levels) - 1),
    ...) {
  if (direction == 1L) {
    x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
    y <- seq(0, sqrt(0.75), length.out = resolution)
  } else if (direction == 2L) {
    x <- seq(0, sqrt(0.75), length.out = resolution)
    y <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
  } else if (direction == 3L) {
    x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
    y <- seq(-sqrt(0.75), 0, length.out = resolution)
  } else { # (direction == 4) 
    x <- seq(-sqrt(0.75), 0, length.out = resolution)
    y <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
  if (is.null(within)) {
    within <- GrowPolygon(t(TernaryToXY(diag(3))),
                          buffer = 1 / resolution)
  } else {
    within <- xy.coords(within)
  FunctionWrapper <- function(x, y) {
    abc <- XYToTernary(x, y, direction)
    inPlot <- as.logical(point.in.polygon(x, y, within$x, within$y))
    evaluated <- Func(abc[1, inPlot], abc[2, inPlot], abc[3, inPlot])
    if (length(evaluated) == 1L) {
      warning("`Func(a, b, c)` should return a vector, but returned a single value.")

    ret <- rep_len(NA_real_, length(x))
    ret[inPlot] <- evaluated
    # Return:
  z <- outer(X = x, Y = y, FUN = FunctionWrapper)
  if (missing(zlim)) zlim <- range(z, finite = TRUE)
  if (filled) {
    .filled.contour(x, y, z, levels, fill.col)
  contour(x, y, z, add = TRUE, nlevels = nlevels, levels = levels,
          zlim = zlim, ...)
  if (!missing(legend)) {
    if (isTRUE(legend)) {
      legend <- 4
    if (is.numeric(legend) && length(legend) == 1) {
      legend <- signif(seq(zlim[2], zlim[1], length.out = legend))
    if ("bty" %in% names(list(...))) {
      legend... <- c(legend..., bty = list(...)$bty)
            c(list(legend = legend, palette = fill.col), legend...)
  # Return:
  invisible(list(x = x, y = y, z = z))

#' Add contours of estimated point density to a ternary plot
#' Use two-dimensional kernel density estimation to plot contours of
#' point density.
#' This function is modelled on `MASS::kde2d()`, which uses
#' "an axis-aligned bivariate normal kernel, evaluated on a square grid".
#' This is to say, values are calculated on a square grid, and contours fitted
#' between these points.  This produces a couple of artefacts.
#' Firstly, contours may not extend beyond the outermost point within the
#' diagram, which may fall some distance from the margin of the plot if a
#' low `resolution` is used.  Setting a negative `tolerance` parameter allows
#' these contours to extend closer to (or beyond) the margin of the plot.
#' Individual points cannot fall outside the margins of the ternary diagram,
#' but their associated kernels can. In order to sample regions of the kernels
#' that have "bled" outside the ternary diagram, each point's value is
#' calculated by summing the point density at that point and at equivalent
#' points outside the ternary diagram, "reflected" across the margin of
#' the plot (see function [`ReflectedEquivalents`]).  This correction can be
#' disabled by setting the `edgeCorrection` parameter to `FALSE`.
#' A model based on a triangular grid may be more appropriate in certain
#' situations, but is non-trivial to implement; if this distinction is
#' important to you, please let the maintainers known by opening a
#' \href{https://github.com/ms609/Ternary/issues/new?title=Triangular+KDE}{Github issue}.
#' @template coordinatesParam
#' @param bandwidth Vector of bandwidths for x and y directions.
#' Defaults to normal reference bandwidth (see `MASS::bandwidth.nrd`).
#' A scalar value will be taken to apply to both directions.
#' @template resolutionParam
#' @param tolerance Numeric specifying how close to the margins the contours
#' should be plotted, as a fraction of the size of the triangle.
#' Negative values will cause contour lines to extend beyond the margins of the
#' plot.
#' @template directionParam
#' @template dotsToContour
#' @param edgeCorrection Logical specifying whether to correct for edge effects
#'  (see details).
#' @return `TernaryDensityContour()` invisibly returns a list containing:
#' - `x`,`y`: the Cartesian coordinates of each grid coordinate;
#' - `z`: The density at each grid coordinate.
#' @examples
#' # Generate some example data
#' nPoints <- 400L
#' coordinates <- cbind(abs(rnorm(nPoints, 2, 3)),
#'                      abs(rnorm(nPoints, 1, 1.5)),
#'                      abs(rnorm(nPoints, 1, 0.5)))
#' # Set up plot
#' oPar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4))
#' TernaryPlot(axis.labels = seq(0, 10, by = 1))
#' # Colour background by density
#' ColourTernary(TernaryDensity(coordinates, resolution = 10L),
#'               legend = TRUE, bty = "n", title = "Density")
#' # Plot points
#' TernaryPoints(coordinates, col = "red", pch = ".")
#' # Contour by density
#' TernaryDensityContour(coordinates, resolution = 30L)
#' # Reset plotting parameters
#' par(oPar)
#' @author Adapted from `MASS::kde2d()` by Martin R. Smith
#' @family contour plotting functions
#' @importFrom stats dnorm quantile var
#' @export
TernaryDensityContour <- function(
    coordinates, bandwidth, resolution = 25L, tolerance = -0.2 / resolution,
    edgeCorrection = TRUE, direction = getOption("ternDirection", 1L),
    filled = FALSE, nlevels = 10, levels = pretty(zlim, nlevels), zlim,
    color.palette = function(n) viridisLite::viridis(n, alpha = 0.6),
    fill.col = color.palette(length(levels) - 1),
    ...) {
  # Adapted from MASS::kde2d
  xy <- apply(coordinates, 1, TernaryCoords)
  x <- xy[1, ]
  y <- xy[2, ]
  n <- length(x)

  Bandwidth <- function(x, lengthX) {
    # Adapted from MASS::bandwidth.nrd
    r <- quantile(x, c(0.25, 0.75))
    h <- (r[2L] - r[1L]) / 1.34
    # Don't multiply by 4 just to divide by 4 again...
    1.06 * min(sqrt(var(x)), h) * lengthX ^ (-0.2)

  h <- if (missing(bandwidth)) {
    c(Bandwidth(x, n), Bandwidth(y, n))
  } else {
    rep(bandwidth / 4L, length.out = 2L)
  if (any(h <= 0))
    stop("bandwidths must be strictly positive")

  switch(direction, {
    gx <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
    gy <- seq(0, sqrt(0.75), length.out = resolution)
  }, {
    gx <- seq(0, sqrt(0.75), length.out = resolution)
    gy <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
  }, {
    gx <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)
    gy <- seq(-sqrt(0.75), 0, length.out = resolution)
  }, {
    gx <- seq(-sqrt(0.75), 0, length.out = resolution)
    gy <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, length.out = resolution)

  if (edgeCorrection) {
    KDE <- function(ix, iy) {
      if (OutsidePlot(ix, iy, tolerance = tolerance)) {
      } else {
        reflections <- ReflectedEquivalents(ix, iy, direction = direction)[[1]]
        ax <- outer(c(ix, reflections[, 1]), x, "-") / h[1L]
        ay <- outer(c(iy, reflections[, 2]), y, "-") / h[2L]
        sum(vapply(seq_len(1L + dim(reflections)[1]), function(i) {
          tcrossprod(matrix(dnorm(ax[i, ]), ncol = n),
                     matrix(dnorm(ay[i, ]), ncol = n))
          }, double(1))) / prod(n, h)

    z <- matrix(mapply(KDE, gx, rep(gy, each = length(gx))), ncol = length(gx))
  } else {
    ax <- outer(gx, x, "-") / h[1L]
    ay <- outer(gy, y, "-") / h[2L]
    z <- tcrossprod(matrix(dnorm(ax), ncol = n),
                    matrix(dnorm(ay), ncol = n)) / prod(n, h)

    # TODO make more efficient by doing this intelligently rather than lazily
    zOffPlot <- outer(gx, gy, OutsidePlot, tolerance = tolerance)
    z[zOffPlot] <- NA

  if (missing(zlim)) zlim <- range(z, finite = TRUE)
  if (filled) {
    .filled.contour(gx, gy, z, levels, fill.col)
  ret <- list(x = gx, y = gy, z = z)
  contour(ret, add = TRUE, nlevels = nlevels,
          levels = levels, zlim = zlim, ...)
  # Return:

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Ternary documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:51 p.m.