
Defines functions covStringCorrelation

# add model string that computes correlation of MPT model parameters with external covariate
# does not change estimation of the model!

covStringCorrelation <- function(covTable, corProbit = FALSE) {
  checkCorrelations <- any(covTable$predType != "c")
  if (checkCorrelations) {
    stop("To compute correlations, only continuous covariates are allowed.")

  modelString <- "\n## Covariate Handling: Correlations ##\n"

  if (!is.null(covTable)) {
    # use probit-transformed values (e.g., in traitMPT model)
    corProbitString <- ifelse(corProbit, "theta.probit", "theta")

    pars <- unique(covTable$Parameter)
    modelString <- paste0(
      "for(i in 1:S){",
        "\n  for(n in 1:subjs){\n    theta.probit[i,n] <- probit(theta[i,n])\n  }",
      "\nthetaSD[i] <- sd(", corProbitString,
    cnt <- 0
    for (pp in 1:length(pars)) {
      sel <- covTable$Parameter == pars[pp]
      thetaIdx <- covTable$theta[sel][1]
      covs <- covTable$Covariate[sel]
      for (cc in 1:length(covs)) {
        covIdx <- covTable$covIdx[sel][cc]

        ### requires commputation of correlation using only sum / sd
        #  (par-mean(par))*(cov-mean(cov))/(sd(par) * sd(cov))

        modelString <- paste0(
          "cor_", pars[pp], "_", covs[cc],
          # " <- mean( (theta[",thetaIdx, ",]-mean(theta[",thetaIdx,
          " <- mean( (", corProbitString, "[", thetaIdx, ",]- mean(",
          corProbitString, "[", thetaIdx,
          ",]))*(covData[,", covIdx, "]-mean(covData[,", covIdx,
          "])) )/covSD[", covIdx,
          "] / thetaSD[", thetaIdx, "]\n"
        # nice, not supported: cor(theta[",thetaIdx, ",], covData[,",covIdx, "])
        covTable$covPar[cnt <- cnt + 1] <- paste0("cor_", pars[pp], "_", covs[cc])

  # lines in JAGS:
  # additionally monitored variable: covPars <- paste0("cor_", sapply(covList, function(ll, ll$Par) ))
  ###################  ###################   ###################

    modelString = modelString,
    covPars = covTable$covPar

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