
Defines functions .PairMean MutualClusteringInfoSplits SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits MutualClusteringInfo ExpectedVariation ClusteringInfoDistance DifferentPhylogeneticInfo SharedPhylogeneticInfo TreeDistance

Documented in ClusteringInfoDistance DifferentPhylogeneticInfo ExpectedVariation MutualClusteringInfo MutualClusteringInfoSplits .PairMean SharedPhylogeneticInfo SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits TreeDistance

#' Information-based generalized Robinson–Foulds distances
#' Calculate tree similarity and distance measures based on the amount of 
#' phylogenetic or clustering information that two trees hold in common, as
#' proposed in Smith (2020).
#' [Generalized Robinson–Foulds distances](https://ms609.github.io/TreeDist/articles/Robinson-Foulds.html#generalized-robinson-foulds-distances)
#' calculate tree similarity by finding an
#' optimal matching that the similarity between a split on one tree
#' and its pair on a second, considering all possible ways to pair splits 
#' between trees (including leaving a split unpaired).
#' The methods implemented here use the concepts of 
#' [entropy and information](https://ms609.github.io/TreeDist/articles/information.html)
#' \insertCite{Mackay2003}{TreeDist} to assign a similarity score between each
#' pair of splits.
#' The returned tree similarity measures state the amount of information, 
#' in bits, that the splits in two trees hold in common 
#' when they are optimally matched, following 
#' \insertCite{SmithDist;textual}{TreeDist}.
#' The complementary tree distance measures state how much information is 
#' different in the splits of two trees, under an optimal matching.
#' Where trees contain different tips, tips present in one tree but not the
#' other are removed before each comparison (as by definition, the trees neither
#' hold information in common nor differ regarding these tips).
#' # Concepts of information
#' The phylogenetic (Shannon) information content and entropy of a split are
#' defined in 
#' [a separate vignette](https://ms609.github.io/TreeDist/articles/information.html).
#' Using the mutual (clustering) information
#' \insertCite{Meila2007,Vinh2010}{TreeDist} of two splits to quantify their
#' similarity gives rise to the Mutual Clustering Information measure
#' (`MutualClusteringInfo()`, `MutualClusteringInfoSplits()`);
#' the entropy distance gives the Clustering Information Distance
#' (`ClusteringInfoDistance()`).
#' This approach is optimal in many regards, and is implemented with 
#' normalization in the convenience function `TreeDistance()`.
#' Using the amount of phylogenetic information common to two splits to measure
#' their similarity gives rise to the Shared Phylogenetic Information similarity
#' measure (`SharedPhylogeneticInfo()`, `SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits()`).
#' The amount of information distinct to
#' each of a pair of splits provides the complementary Different Phylogenetic
#' Information distance metric (`DifferentPhylogeneticInfo()`).
#' The Matching Split Information measure (`MatchingSplitInfo()`,
#' `MatchingSplitInfoSplits()`) defines the similarity between a pair of 
#' splits as the phylogenetic information content of the most informative 
#' split that is consistent with both input splits; `MatchingSplitInfoDistance()`
#' is the corresponding measure of tree difference.
#' ([More information here](
#' https://ms609.github.io/TreeDist/articles/Generalized-RF.html).)
#' # Conversion to distances
#' To convert similarity measures to distances, it is necessary to 
#' subtract the similarity score from a maximum value.  In order to generate
#' distance _metrics_, these functions subtract the similarity twice from the 
#' total information content (SPI, MSI) or entropy (MCI) of all the splits in 
#' both trees \insertCite{SmithDist}{TreeDist}.
#' # Normalization
#' If `normalize = TRUE`, then results will be rescaled such that distance
#' ranges from zero to (in principle) one.
#' The maximum **distance** is the sum of the information content or entropy of
#' each split in each tree; the maximum **similarity** is half this value.
#' (See Vinh _et al._ (2010, table 3) and 
#' \insertCite{SmithDist;textual}{TreeDist} for
#' alternative normalization possibilities.)
#' Note that a distance value of one (= similarity of zero) will seldom be
#' achieved, as even the most different trees exhibit some similarity.
#' It may thus be helpful to rescale the normalized value such that the
#' _expected_ distance between a random pair of trees equals one.  This can
#' be calculated with `ExpectedVariation()`; or see package
#' '[TreeDistData](
#' https://ms609.github.io/TreeDistData/reference/randomTreeDistances.html)'
#' for a compilation of expected values under different metrics for trees with
#' up to 200 leaves.
#' Alternatively, use `normalize = `[`pmax`] or [`pmin`] to scale against the
#' information content or entropy of all splits in the most (`pmax`) or
#' least (`pmin`) informative tree in each pair.
#' To calculate the relative similarity against a reference tree that is known
#' to be "correct", use `normalize = SplitwiseInfo(trueTree)` (SPI, MSI) or
#' `ClusteringEntropy(trueTree)` (MCI).
#' For worked examples, see the internal function [`NormalizeInfo()`], which is
#' called from distance functions with the parameter `how = normalize`.
#' .
#' # Distances between large trees
#' To balance memory demands and runtime with flexibility, these functions are
#' implemented for trees with up to 2048 leaves.
#' To analyse trees with up to 8192 leaves, you will need to a modified version
#' of the package:
#' `install.packages("BigTreeDist", repos = "https://ms609.github.io/packages/")`
#' Use `library("BigTreeDist")` *instead* of `library("TreeDist")` to load
#' the modified package – or prefix functions with the package name, e.g.
#' `BigTreeDist::TreeDistance()`.
#' As an alternative download method,
#' uninstall \pkg{TreeDist} and \pkg{TreeTools} using
#' `remove.packages()`, then use
#'  `devtools::install_github("ms609/TreeTools", ref = "more-leaves")`
#' to install the modified \pkg{TreeTools} package; then, 
#' install \pkg{TreeDist} using
#' `devtools::install_github("ms609/TreeDist", ref = "more-leaves")`.
#' (\pkg{TreeDist} will need building from source _after_ the modified 
#' \pkg{TreeTools} package has been installed, as its code links to values
#' set in the TreeTools source code.)
#' Trees with over 8192 leaves require further modification of the source code,
#' which the maintainer plans to attempt in the future; please [comment on GitHub](
#' https://github.com/ms609/TreeTools/issues/141) if you would find this useful.
#' @template tree12ListParams
#' @param normalize If a numeric value is provided, this will be used as a 
#' maximum value against which to rescale results.
#' If `TRUE`, results will be rescaled against a maximum value calculated from
#' the specified tree sizes and topology, as specified in the "Normalization" 
#' section below.
#' If `FALSE`, results will not be rescaled.
#' @param diag Logical specifying whether to return similarities along the
#' diagonal, i.e. of each tree with itself.  Applies only if `tree2` is
#' a list identical to `tree1`, or `NULL`.
#' @param reportMatching Logical specifying whether to return the clade
#' matchings as an attribute of the score.
#' @returns
#' If `reportMatching = FALSE`, the functions return a numeric 
#' vector specifying the requested similarities or differences.
#' If `reportMatching = TRUE`, the functions additionally return an integer
#' vector listing the index of the split in `tree2` that is matched with 
#' each split in `tree1` in the optimal matching.
#' Unmatched splits are denoted `NA`.
#' Use [`VisualizeMatching()`] to plot the optimal matching.
#' `TreeDistance()` simply returns the clustering information distance (it is
#' an alias of `ClusteringInfoDistance()`).
#' @examples 
#' tree1 <- ape::read.tree(text="((((a, b), c), d), (e, (f, (g, h))));")
#' tree2 <- ape::read.tree(text="(((a, b), (c, d)), ((e, f), (g, h)));")
#' tree3 <- ape::read.tree(text="((((h, b), c), d), (e, (f, (g, a))));")
#' # Best possible score is obtained by matching a tree with itself
#' DifferentPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree1) # 0, by definition
#' SharedPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree1)
#' SplitwiseInfo(tree1) # Maximum shared phylogenetic information
#' # Best possible score is a function of tree shape; the splits within
#' # balanced trees are more independent and thus contain less information
#' SplitwiseInfo(tree2)
#' # How similar are two trees?
#' SharedPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree2) # Amount of phylogenetic information in common
#' attr(SharedPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree2, reportMatching = TRUE), "matching")
#' VisualizeMatching(SharedPhylogeneticInfo, tree1, tree2) # Which clades are matched?
#' DifferentPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree2) # Distance measure
#' DifferentPhylogeneticInfo(tree2, tree1) # The metric is symmetric
#' # Are they more similar than two trees of this shape would be by chance?
#' ExpectedVariation(tree1, tree2, sample=12)["DifferentPhylogeneticInfo", "Estimate"]
#' # Every split in tree1 conflicts with every split in tree3
#' # Pairs of conflicting splits contain clustering, but not phylogenetic, 
#' # information
#' SharedPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree3) # = 0
#' MutualClusteringInfo(tree1, tree3) # > 0
#' # Distance functions internally convert trees to Splits objects.
#' # Pre-conversion can reduce run time if the same trees will feature in
#' # multiple comparisons
#' splits1 <- TreeTools::as.Splits(tree1)
#' splits2 <- TreeTools::as.Splits(tree2)
#' SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits(splits1, splits2)
#' MatchingSplitInfoSplits(splits1, splits2)
#' MutualClusteringInfoSplits(splits1, splits2)
#' @template MRS 
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @family tree distances
#' @export
TreeDistance <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL) {
  ClusteringInfoDistance(tree1, tree2, normalize = TRUE, reportMatching = FALSE)

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @importFrom TreeTools TopologyOnly
#' @export
SharedPhylogeneticInfo <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, normalize = FALSE,
                                   reportMatching = FALSE, diag = TRUE) {
  if (!isTRUE(reportMatching)) {
    # Remove unnecessary metadata that will slow calculations
    tree1 <- TopologyOnly(tree1)
    tree2 <- TopologyOnly(tree2)
  unnormalized <- CalculateTreeDistance(SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits, tree1,
                                        tree2, reportMatching = reportMatching)
  if (diag && is.null(tree2)) {
    unnormalized <- as.matrix(unnormalized)
    diag(unnormalized) <- SplitwiseInfo(tree1)
    tree2 <- tree1
  # Return:
  NormalizeInfo(unnormalized, tree1, tree2, how = normalize,
                InfoInTree = SplitwiseInfo, Combine = .PairMean)

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @export
DifferentPhylogeneticInfo <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, normalize = FALSE,
                                      reportMatching = FALSE) {
  if (!isTRUE(reportMatching)) {
    # Remove unnecessary metadata that will slow calculations
    tree1 <- TopologyOnly(tree1)
    tree2 <- TopologyOnly(tree2)
  spi <- SharedPhylogeneticInfo(tree1, tree2, normalize = FALSE, diag = FALSE,
                                reportMatching = reportMatching)
  treesIndependentInfo <- .MaxValue(tree1, tree2, SplitwiseInfo)
  ret <- treesIndependentInfo - spi - spi
  ret <- NormalizeInfo(ret, tree1, tree2, how = normalize, 
                       infoInBoth = treesIndependentInfo,
                       InfoInTree = SplitwiseInfo, Combine = "+")
  ret[ret < .Machine[["double.eps"]] ^ 0.5] <- 0 # Catch floating point inaccuracy
  attributes(ret) <- attributes(spi)
  # Return:

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @export
PhylogeneticInfoDistance <- DifferentPhylogeneticInfo

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @aliases ClusteringInfoDist
#' @export
ClusteringInfoDistance <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, normalize = FALSE,
                                   reportMatching = FALSE) {
  if (!isTRUE(reportMatching)) {
    # Remove unnecessary metadata that will slow calculations
    tree1 <- TopologyOnly(tree1)
    tree2 <- TopologyOnly(tree2)
  mci <- MutualClusteringInfo(tree1, tree2, normalize = FALSE, diag = FALSE,
                              reportMatching = reportMatching)
  treesIndependentInfo <- .MaxValue(tree1, tree2, ClusteringEntropy)
  ret <- treesIndependentInfo - mci - mci
  ret <- NormalizeInfo(ret, tree1, tree2, how = normalize,
                       infoInBoth = treesIndependentInfo,
                       InfoInTree = ClusteringEntropy, Combine = "+")
  ret[ret < .Machine[["double.eps"]] ^ 0.5] <- 0 # Handle floating point inaccuracy
  attributes(ret) <- attributes(mci)
  # Return:

#' @export
ClusteringInfoDist <- ClusteringInfoDistance

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @param samples Integer specifying how many samplings to obtain; 
#' accuracy of estimate increases with `sqrt(samples)`.
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom TreeTools as.Splits
#' @export
ExpectedVariation <- function(tree1, tree2, samples = 1e+4) {
  info1 <- SplitwiseInfo(tree1)
  info2 <- SplitwiseInfo(tree2)
  splits1 <- as.Splits(tree1)
  tipLabels <- attr(splits1, "tip.label")
  nTip <- attr(splits1, "nTip")
  splits2 <- as.Splits(tree2, tipLabels)
  mutualEstimates <- vapply(seq_len(samples), function(x) {
    resampled2 <- as.Splits(splits2, sample(tipLabels))
    c(SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits(splits1, resampled2),
      MatchingSplitInfoSplits(splits1, resampled2),
      MutualClusteringInfoSplits(splits1, resampled2)
  }, c(SharedPhylogeneticInfo = 0, MatchingSplitInfo = 0,
       MutualClusteringInfo = 0))
  mut <- cbind(Estimate = rowMeans(mutualEstimates),
               sd = apply(mutualEstimates, 1, sd), n = samples)
  ret <- rbind(
    DifferentPhylogeneticInfo = c(info1 + info2 - mut[1, 1] - mut[1, 1],
                                    mut[1, 2] * 2, samples),
    MatchingSplitInfoDistance = c(info1 + info2 - mut[2, 1] - mut[2, 1],
                                     mut[2, 2] * 2, samples),
    ClusteringInfoDistance = c(ClusteringEntropy(tree1) + 
                                 ClusteringEntropy(tree2) - 
                                 mut[3, 1] - mut[3, 1],
                               mut[3, 2] * 2, samples)
  # Return:
  cbind(Estimate = ret[, 1],
        "Std. Err." = ret[, "sd"] / sqrt(ret[, "n"]), 
        ret[, 2:3])

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @aliases MutualClusteringInformation
#' @importFrom TreeTools TopologyOnly
#' @export
MutualClusteringInfo <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, normalize = FALSE,
                                 reportMatching = FALSE, diag = TRUE) {
  if (!reportMatching) {
    # Remove unnecessary metadata that will slow calculations
    tree1 <- TopologyOnly(tree1)
    tree2 <- TopologyOnly(tree2)
  unnormalized <- CalculateTreeDistance(Func = MutualClusteringInfoSplits,
                                        tree1, tree2, reportMatching)
  if (diag && is.null(tree2)) {
    unnormalized <- as.matrix(unnormalized)
    diag(unnormalized) <- ClusteringEntropy(tree1)
    tree2 <- tree1
  NormalizeInfo(unnormalized, tree1, tree2, ClusteringEntropy,
                how = normalize, Combine = .PairMean)

#' @export
MutualClusteringInformation <- MutualClusteringInfo

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @template splits12params
#' @param nTip (Optional) Integer specifying the number of leaves in each split.
#' @export
SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits <- function(splits1, splits2,
                                         nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"),
                                         reportMatching = FALSE) {
  GeneralizedRF(splits1, splits2, nTip, cpp_shared_phylo,
                maximize = TRUE, reportMatching = reportMatching)

#' @rdname TreeDistance
#' @export
MutualClusteringInfoSplits <- function(splits1, splits2,
                                       nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"),
                                       reportMatching = FALSE) {
  GeneralizedRF(splits1, splits2, nTip, cpp_mutual_clustering,
                maximize = TRUE, reportMatching = reportMatching)

#' Mean of two numbers
#' Used for normalization and range calculation
#' @keywords internal
.PairMean <- function(x, y) (x + y) / 2L

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