#' Generalized Robinson–Foulds distance
#' An internal function to calculate Generalized Robinson–Foulds
#' distances from splits.
#' Note that no checks will be made to confirm that `splits1` and `splits2`
#' contain the same leaves in the same order.
#' This is the responsibility of the calling function.
#' @inheritParams SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits
#' @param nTip Integer specifying the number of leaves in each split.
#' @param PairScorer function taking four arguments, `splits1`, `splits2`,
#' `nSplits1`, `nSplits2`, which should return the score of each pair of splits
#' in a two-dimensional matrix. Additional parameters may be specified via
#' \dots.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to `PairScorer`
#' @return A numeric value specifying the score of the tree pairs under the
#' specified pair scorer. If `reportMatching = TRUE`, attribute also list:
#' - `matching`: which split in `splits2` is optimally matched to each split in
#' `split1` (`NA` if not matched);
#' - `matchedSplits`: Textual representation of each match
#' - `matchedScores`: Scores for matched split.
#' - `pairScores`: Calculated scores for each possible matching of each split.
#' @keywords internal
#' @template MRS
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
GeneralizedRF <- function(splits1, splits2, nTip, PairScorer,
maximize, reportMatching, ...) {
nSplits1 <- dim(splits1)[[1]]
nSplits2 <- dim(splits2)[[1]]
solution <- PairScorer(splits1, splits2, nTip, ...)
ret <- solution[["score"]]
if (reportMatching) {
matching <- solution[["matching"]]
matching[matching > nSplits2 | matching == 0L] <- NA
if (nSplits1 < nSplits2) {
matching <- matching[seq_len(nSplits1)]
attr(ret, "matching") <- matching
# If reporting matching, we're not worried about performance
pairScores <- matrix(0, nSplits1, nSplits2)
for (i in seq_len(nSplits1)) {
for (j in seq_len(nSplits2)) {
pairScores[i, j] <- PairScorer(splits1[i, , drop = FALSE],
splits2[j, , drop = FALSE],
nTip = nTip, ...)[["score"]]
if (!is.null(attr(splits1, "tip.label"))) {
matched1 <- !
matched2 <- matching[matched1]
matched1 <- which(matched1)
attr(ret, "matchedSplits") <-
realMatch = if (maximize) {
pairScores[matrix(c(matched1, matched2), ncol = 2L)] > 0
} else rep(TRUE, length(matched1)))
attr(ret, "matchedScores") <- vapply(
function(i) pairScores[i, matching[[i]]],
vector(mode(pairScores), 1)
attr(ret, "pairScores") <- pairScores
# Return:
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_along
.MaxValue <- function(tree1, tree2, Value) {
lab1 <- TipLabels(tree1)
sameTips <- .AllTipsSame(lab1, TipLabels(tree2))
if (!is.null(tree2)) {
if (!sameTips) {
trees <- .SharedOnly(tree1, tree2)
tree1 <- trees[[1]]
tree2 <- trees[[2]]
if (is.null(tree2)) {
if (sameTips) {
value1 <- Value(tree1)
# Much faster to discard unneeded than to only calculate required
maxValue <- outer(value1, value1, "+")[, , drop = TRUE]
} else {
# !sameTips implies that tree1 contains multiple trees
pairs <- combn(seq_along(tree1), 2)
nPairs <- dim(pairs)[[2]]
vapply(cli_progress_along(seq_len(nPairs), "Calc max value"),
function(pair) {
i <- pairs[1, pair]
j <- pairs[2, pair]
common <- intersect(lab1[[i]], lab1[[j]])
Value(KeepTip(tree1[[i]], common)) +
Value(KeepTip(tree1[[j]], common))
}, double(1))
} else {
value1 <- Value(tree1)
if (sameTips) {
outer(value1, Value(tree2), "+")[, , drop = TRUE]
} else {
value1 + Value(tree2)
.AllTipsSame <- function(x, y) {
if (is.list(x)) {
xPrime <- x[[1]]
if (length(x) > 1 && !all(vapply(x[-1], setequal, logical(1), xPrime))) {
} else {
xPrime <- x
if (is.null(y)) {
} else {
if (is.list(y)) {
all(vapply(y, setequal, logical(1), xPrime))
} else {
setequal(xPrime, y)
#' Are splits compatible?
#' Determine whether splits are compatible (concave); i.e. they can both occur
#' on a single tree.
#' @template split12Params
#' @return `SplitsCompatible()` returns a logical specifying whether the splits
#' provided are compatible with one another.
#' @examples
#' A <- TRUE
#' B <- FALSE
#' SplitsCompatible(c(A, A, A, B, B, B),
#' c(A, A, B, B, B, B))
#' SplitsCompatible(c(A, A, A, B, B, B),
#' c(A, A, B, B, B, A))
#' @template MRS
#' @export
SplitsCompatible <- function(split1, split2) {
# Return:
all (split1[split2]) ||
all(split1[!split2]) ||
all(!split1[split2]) ||
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