#' Wrapper for tree distance calculations
#' Calls tree distance functions from trees or lists of trees
#' @inheritParams TreeDistance
#' @param Func Tree distance function.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to `Func`.
#' @template MRS
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom TreeTools as.Splits TipLabels
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
CalculateTreeDistance <- function(Func, tree1, tree2 = NULL,
reportMatching = FALSE, ...) {
supportedClasses <- c("phylo", "Splits")
single1 <- inherits(tree1, supportedClasses)
if (!single1 && !inherits(tree1[[1]], supportedClasses)) {
stop("`tree1` must be a tree, or list of trees, with class ",
paste(supportedClasses, collapse = " / "))
labels1 <- TipLabels(tree1)
if (is.list(labels1)) {
if (!all(vapply(labels1[-1], setequal, logical(1), labels1[[1]]))) {
nTip <- NA
} else {
labels1 <- labels1[[1]]
nTip <- length(labels1)
} else {
nTip <- length(labels1)
null2 <- is.null(tree2)
if (!null2) {
single2 <- inherits(tree2, supportedClasses)
if (!single2 && !inherits(tree2[[1]], supportedClasses)) {
stop("`tree2` must be a tree, or list of trees, with class ",
paste(supportedClasses, collapse = " / "))
labels2 <- TipLabels(tree2)
if (is.list(labels2)) {
if (!all(vapply(labels2[-1], setequal, logical(1), labels2[[1]]))) {
nTip <- NA
} else {
labels2 <- labels2[[1]]
if (!setequal(labels1, labels2)) {
nTip <- NA
if (single1) {
if (null2) {
} else if (single2) {
.SplitDistanceOneOne(Func, tree1, tree2, tipLabels = labels1, nTip,
reportMatching = reportMatching, ...)
} else {
.SplitDistanceOneMany(Func, oneSplit = tree1, manySplits = tree2,
tipLabels = labels1, nTip = nTip, ...)
} else {
if (is.null(tree2)) {
.SplitDistanceAllPairs(Func, tree1, tipLabels = labels1, nTip, ...)
} else if (single2) {
.SplitDistanceOneMany(Func, oneSplit = tree2, manySplits = tree1,
tipLabels = labels2, nTip = nTip, ...)
} else {
.SplitDistanceManyMany(Func, tree1, tree2, tipLabels = labels1,
nTip = nTip, ...)
.SplitDistanceOneOne <- function(Func, split1, split2, tipLabels,
nTip = length(tipLabels), reportMatching,
...) {
if ( {
common <- intersect(TipLabels(split1), TipLabels(split2))
split1 <- KeepTip(split1, common)
split2 <- KeepTip(split2, common)
nTip <- length(common)
if (nTip < 4) {
} else {
Func(as.Splits(split1, asSplits = reportMatching),
as.Splits(split2, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = reportMatching),
nTip = nTip, reportMatching = reportMatching, ...)
#' @importFrom stats setNames
.SplitDistanceOneMany <- function(Func, oneSplit, manySplits,
tipLabels, nTip = length(tipLabels), ...) {
if ( {
oneLabels <- TipLabels(oneSplit)
manyLabels <- TipLabels(manySplits)
common <- if (is.list(manyLabels)) {
lapply(manyLabels, intersect, oneLabels)
} else {
list(intersect(manyLabels, oneLabels))
setNames(unlist(.mapply(function(s2, keep) {
as.Splits(KeepTip(oneSplit, keep), tipLabels = keep, asSplits = FALSE),
as.Splits(KeepTip(s2, keep), tipLabels = keep, asSplits = FALSE),
nTip = length(keep),
}, dots = list(manySplits, common), MoreArgs = NULL)), names(manySplits))
} else {
s1 <- as.Splits(oneSplit, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = FALSE)
function(s2) Func(s1, as.Splits(s2, tipLabels = tipLabels,
asSplits = FALSE),
nTip = nTip, ...),
#' @importFrom parallel parCapply
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_bar cli_progress_update
.SplitDistanceAllPairs <- function(Func, splits1, tipLabels,
nTip = length(tipLabels), ...) {
cluster <- getOption("TreeDist-cluster")
if ( {
splits <- lapply(splits1, as.Splits)
.PairDist <- function(i) {
s1 <- splits[[i[[1]]]]
s2 <- splits[[i[[2]]]]
common <- intersect(TipLabels(s1), TipLabels(s2))
Func(KeepTip(s1, common), KeepTip(s2, common),
nTip = length(common), reportMatching = FALSE, ...)
} else {
splits <- as.Splits(splits1, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = FALSE)
.PairDist <- function(i) {
Func(splits[[i[[1]]]], splits[[i[[2]]]],
nTip = nTip, reportMatching = FALSE, ...)
nSplits <- length(splits)
is <- combn(seq_len(nSplits), 2)
if (is.null(cluster)) {
cli_progress_bar("Calculating distances", total = ncol(is))
.CliPairDist <- function(i) { # TODO if cli possible from parallel, merge.
cli_progress_update(1, .envir = parent.frame(2))
ret <- structure(class = "dist", Size = nSplits,
Labels = names(splits1),
Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE,
if (is.null(cluster)) {
apply(is, 2, .CliPairDist)
} else {
parCapply(cluster, is, .PairDist)
# Return:
#' @importFrom stats setNames
.SplitDistanceManyMany <- function(Func, splits1, splits2,
tipLabels, nTip = length(tipLabels), ...) {
if ( {
tipLabels <- union(unlist(tipLabels, use.names = FALSE),
unlist(TipLabels(splits2), use.names = FALSE))
splits1 <- as.Splits(splits1, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = TRUE)
splits2 <- as.Splits(splits2, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = TRUE)
vapply(splits1, function(s1) {
l1 <- TipLabels(s1)
vapply(splits2, function(s2) {
common <- intersect(l1, TipLabels(s2))
Func(KeepTip(s1, common), KeepTip(s2, common),
nTip = length(common))#, ...)
}, double(1))
setNames(double(length(splits2)), names(splits2))
} else {
splits1 <- as.Splits(splits1, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = FALSE)
splits2 <- as.Splits(splits2, tipLabels = tipLabels, asSplits = FALSE)
unlist(.mapply(Func, list(rep(splits2, each = length(splits1)),
splits1, nTip = nTip, ...), NULL)),
dimnames = list(names(splits1), names(splits2))
#' Calculate distance between trees, or lists of trees
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom TreeTools TipLabels
#' @param checks Logical specifying whether to perform basic sanity checks to
#' avoid crashes in C++.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [`CalculateTreeDistance`]
#' @export
.TreeDistance <- function(Func, tree1, tree2, checks = TRUE, ...) {
single1 <- inherits(tree1, "phylo")
labels1 <- TipLabels(tree1, single = TRUE)
nTip <- length(labels1)
single2 <- inherits(tree2, "phylo")
labels2 <- TipLabels(tree2, single = TRUE)
if (checks) {
if (length(setdiff(labels1, labels2)) > 0) {
stop("Leaves must bear identical labels.")
if (!single1) {
.CheckLabelsSame(lapply(tree1, TipLabels))
if (!single2) {
.CheckLabelsSame(lapply(tree2, TipLabels))
if (single1) {
if (single2) {
Func(tree1, tree2, tipLabels = labels1, nTip = nTip, ...)
} else {
.TreeDistanceOneMany(Func, oneTree = tree1, manyTrees = tree2,
tipLabels = labels1, nTip = nTip, ...)
} else {
if (single2) {
.TreeDistanceOneMany(Func, oneTree = tree2, tipLabels = labels2,
nTip = nTip, manyTrees = tree1, ...)
} else {
.TreeDistanceManyMany(Func, tree1, tree2, tipLabels = labels1,
nTip = nTip, ...)
.TreeDistanceOneMany <- function(Func, oneTree, manyTrees, tipLabels,
nTip = length(tipLabels),
FUN.VALUE = Func(manyTrees[[1]], oneTree,
nTip = nTip,
tipLabels = tipLabels, ...),
...) {
vapply(manyTrees, Func, oneTree, tipLabels = tipLabels,
nTip = nTip, ..., FUN.VALUE = FUN.VALUE)
.TreeDistanceManyMany <- function(Func, trees1, trees2, tipLabels,
nTip = length(tipLabels),
FUN.VALUE = Func(trees1[[1]], trees2[[1]],
nTip = nTip,
tipLabels = tipLabels, ...),
...) {
if (identical(trees1, trees2)) {
CompareAll(trees1, Func, nTip = nTip, tipLabels = tipLabels,
} else {
seqAlong1 <- seq_along(trees1)
names(seqAlong1) <- names(trees1)
value <- vapply(seqAlong1, function(x) FUN.VALUE, FUN.VALUE)
ret <- vapply(trees2, .TreeDistanceOneMany, Func = Func, manyTrees = trees1,
tipLabels = tipLabels, nTip = nTip, FUN.VALUE = value, ...)
if (length(dim(ret)) == 3) {
aperm(ret, c(2, 3, 1))
} else {
.CheckLabelsSame <- function(labelList) {
nTip <- unique(lengths(labelList))
if (length(nTip) != 1) {
stop("All trees must contain the same number of leaves.")
tipLabel <- unique(lapply(labelList, sort))
if (length(tipLabel) != 1L) {
stop("All trees must bear identical labels. Found:\n > ",
paste0(lapply(tipLabel, paste, collapse = " "),
" (", lapply(tipLabel, class), ")",
collapse = "\n > "))
#' Entropy in bits
#' Calculate the entropy of a vector of probabilities, in bits.
#' Probabilities should sum to one.
#' Probabilities equalling zero will be ignored.
#' @param \dots Numerics or numeric vector specifying probabilities of outcomes.
#' @return `Entropy()` returns the entropy of the specified probabilities,
#' in bits.
#' @examples
#' Entropy(1/2, 0, 1/2) # = 1
#' Entropy(rep(1/4, 4)) # = 2
#' @template MRS
#' @export
Entropy <- function(...) {
p <- c(...)
p <- p[p > 0]
-sum(p * log2(p))
#' Distances between each pair of trees
#' Calculate the distance between each tree in a list, and each other tree
#' in the same list.
#' `CompareAll()` is not limited to tree comparisons:
#' `Func` can be any symmetric function.
#' @param x List of trees, in the format expected by `Func()`.
#' @param Func distance function returning distance between two trees,
#' e.g. [`path.dist()`][phangorn::treedist].
#' @param FUN.VALUE Format of output of `Func()`, to be passed to [`vapply()`].
#' If unspecified, calculated by running `Func(x[[1]], x[[1]])`.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to pass to `Func()`.
#' @return `CompareAll()` returns a distance matrix of class `dist` detailing
#' the distance between each pair of trees.
#' Identical trees are assumed to have zero distance.
#' @examples
#' # Generate a list of trees to compare
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
#' trees <- list(bal1 = BalancedTree(1:8),
#' pec1 = PectinateTree(1:8),
#' pec2 = PectinateTree(c(4:1, 5:8)))
#' # Compare each tree with each other tree
#' CompareAll(trees, NNIDist)
#' # Providing FUN.VALUE yields a modest speed gain:
#' dist <- CompareAll(trees, NNIDist, FUN.VALUE = integer(7))
#' # View distances as a matrix
#' as.matrix(dist$lower)
#' @template MRS
#' @family pairwise tree distances
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_bar cli_progress_update
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @export
CompareAll <- function(x, Func, FUN.VALUE = Func(x[[1]], x[[1]], ...),
...) {
nTree <- length(x)
countUp <- seq_len(nTree - 1)
i <- x[rep(countUp, rev(countUp))]
j <- x[unlist(sapply(countUp, function(n) n + seq_len(nTree - n)))]
cluster <- getOption("TreeDist-cluster")
ret <- if (is.null(cluster)) {
cli_progress_bar("Comparing", total = length(i))
vapply(seq_along(i), function(k) {
cli_progress_update(1, .envir = parent.frame(2))
Func(i[[k]], j[[k]], ...)
} else {"cbind",
parLapply(cluster, seq_along(i),
function(k, Func) Func(i[[k]], j[[k]]),
Func = Func))
.WrapReturn <- function(dists) {
Size = nTree,
Labels = names(x),
Diag = FALSE,
Upper = TRUE,
class = "dist")
# Return:
if (length(FUN.VALUE) == 1) {
} else {
function(i) .WrapReturn(unlist(ret[i, ]))),
names = rownames(ret))
#' Normalize tree distances
#' `NormalizeInfo()` is an internal function used to normalize information
#' against a reference, such as the total information present in a pair of
#' trees.
#' The unnormalized value(s) are normalized by dividing by a denominator
#' calculated based on the `how` parameter. Valid options include:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`FALSE`}{No normalization is performed; the unnormalized values
#' are returned.}
#' \item{`TRUE`}{Unless `infoInBoth` is specified, the information in
#' each tree is computed using `InfoInTree()`, and the two values combined
#' using `Combine()`.}
#' \item{A numeric value, vector or matrix}{`how` is used as the denominator;
#' the returned value is `unnormalized / how`.}
#' \item{A function}{Unless `infoInBoth` is specified, the information in
#' each tree is computed using `InfoInTree()`, and the two values combined
#' using `how`. `NormalizeInfo(how = Func)` is thus equivalent to
#' `NormalizeInfo(how = TRUE, Combine = Func)`.}
#' }
#' @param unnormalized Numeric value, vector or matrix to be normalized.
#' @param tree1,tree2 Trees from which `unnormalized` was calculated.
#' @param InfoInTree Function to calculate the information content of each tree.
#' @param infoInBoth Optional numeric specifying information content of both
#' trees independently. If unspecified (`NULL`), this will be calculated using
#' the method specified by `how`.
#' @param how Method for normalization, perhaps specified using the `normalize`
#' argument to a tree distance function. See details for options.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to `InfoInTree()` or `how()`.
#' @returns `NormalizeInfo()` returns an object corresponding to the normalized
#' values of `unnormalized`.
#' @examples
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
#' pair1 <- c(BalancedTree(9), StarTree(9))
#' pair2 <- c(BalancedTree(9), PectinateTree(9))
#' # We'll let the number of nodes define the total information in a tree
#' Nnode(pair1)
#' Nnode(pair2)
#' # Let's normalize a unit distance
#' rawDist <- cbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 1))
#' # With `Combine = "+"`, the maximum distance is the sum of
#' # the information in each tree
#' denominator <- outer(Nnode(pair1), Nnode(pair2), "+")
#' NormalizeInfo(rawDist, pair1, pair2, InfoInTree = ape::Nnode, Combine = "+")
#' rawDist / denominator
#' # A denominator can be specified manually using `how`:
#' NormalizeInfo(rawDist, pair1, pair2, InfoInTree = ape::Nnode, how = 16)
#' rawDist / 16
#' # `how` also allows the denominator to be computed from trees:
#' outer(Nnode(pair1), Nnode(pair2), pmin)
#' NormalizeInfo(rawDist, pair1, pair2, InfoInTree = ape::Nnode, how = pmin)
#' rawDist / outer(Nnode(pair1), Nnode(pair2), pmin)
#' @keywords internal
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom TreeTools KeepTip TipLabels
#' @export
NormalizeInfo <- function(unnormalized, tree1, tree2, InfoInTree,
infoInBoth = NULL, how = TRUE, Combine = "+", ...) {
CombineInfo <- function(tree1Info, tree2Info, Combiner = Combine,
pairwise = FALSE) {
if (length(tree1Info) == 1 || length(tree2Info) == 1 || pairwise) {
# TODO When requriring R4.0, remove - which is now part of
# .mapply
dots = list(tree1Info, tree2Info), NULL))
} else {
ret <- outer(tree1Info, tree2Info, Combiner)
if (inherits(unnormalized, "dist")) ret[lower.tri(ret)] else ret
lab1 <- TipLabels(tree1)
lab2 <- TipLabels(tree2)
sameLabels <- .AllTipsSame(lab1, lab2)
if (!sameLabels) {
trees <- .SharedOnly(tree1, tree2, lab1, lab2)
tree1 <- trees[[1]]
tree2 <- trees[[2]]
if (is.logical(how)) {
if (how == FALSE) {
} else {
if (is.null(infoInBoth)) {
info1 <- InfoInTree(tree1, ...)
info2 <- if (is.null(tree2)) {
} else {
InfoInTree(tree2, ...)
infoInBoth <- CombineInfo(info1, info2, pairwise = !sameLabels)
} else if (is.function(how)) {
if (is.null(infoInBoth)) {
info1 <- InfoInTree(tree1, ...)
info2 <- if (is.null(tree2)) info1 else InfoInTree(tree2, ...)
infoInBoth <- CombineInfo(info1, info2, Combiner = how,
pairwise = !sameLabels)
} else {
infoInBoth <- how
# Return:
unnormalized / infoInBoth
# We only call this function when not all trees contain identical leaf sets
#' @importFrom TreeTools KeepTip TipLabels
.SharedOnly <- function(tree1, tree2,
lab1 = TipLabels(tree1),
lab2 = TipLabels(tree2)) {
if (is.null(tree2)) {
# Case: N trees vs themselves
# We require a triangular matrix suitable for a dist object
if (.MultipleTrees(tree1)) {
pairs <- combn(seq_along(tree1), 2)
nPairs <- dim(pairs)[[2]]
ret <- list(vector("list", nPairs), vector("list", nPairs))
for (n in seq_len(nPairs)) {
i <- pairs[1, n]
j <- pairs[2, n]
common <- intersect(lab1[[i]], lab1[[j]])
ret[[1]][[n]] <- KeepTip(tree1[[i]], common)
ret[[2]][[n]] <- KeepTip(tree1[[j]], common)
# Return:
} else {
return(list(NULL, NULL))
} else if (.MultipleTrees(tree1)) {
if (.MultipleTrees(tree2)) {
# Case: N vs M
n1 <- length(tree1)
n2 <- length(tree2)
nPairs <- n1 * n2
ret <- list(vector("list", nPairs), vector("list", nPairs))
pair1 <- rep(tree1, each = n2)
pair2 <-, times = n1)
lab1 <- if (is.list(lab1)) {
rep(lab1, each = n2)
} else {, times = n1 * n2)
lab2 <- if (is.list(lab2)) {, times = n1)
} else {, times = n1 * n2)
for (i in seq_len(nPairs)) {
common <- intersect(lab1[[i]], lab2[[i]])
ret[[1]][[i]] <- KeepTip(pair1[[i]], common)
ret[[2]][[i]] <- KeepTip(pair2[[i]], common)
# Return:
} else {
# Case: N vs 1
if (inherits(tree2, "multiPhylo")) {
tree2 <- tree2[[1]]
commonLeaves <- lapply(if (is.list(lab1)) lab1 else list(lab1),
intersect, lab2)
list(.mapply(KeepTip, list(tree1, commonLeaves), NULL),
lapply(commonLeaves, function (common) KeepTip(tree2, common)))
} else {
if (.MultipleTrees(tree2)) {
# Case: 1 vs N
if (inherits(tree1, "multiPhylo")) {
tree1 <- tree1[[1]]
commonLeaves <- lapply(if (is.list(lab2)) lab2 else list(lab2),
intersect, lab1)
list(lapply(commonLeaves, function (common) KeepTip(tree1, common)),
.mapply(KeepTip, list(tree2, commonLeaves), NULL))
} else {
# Case: 1 vs 1
commonLeaves <- intersect(lab1, lab2)
list(KeepTip(tree1, commonLeaves), KeepTip(tree2, commonLeaves))
.MultipleTrees <- function(tree) {
is.list(tree) && inherits(tree[[1]], "phylo") && length(tree) > 1
#' List clades as text
#' @param splits1,splits2 Logical matrices with columns specifying membership
#' of each corresponding matched clade.
#' @return `ReportMatching` returns a character vector describing each pairing
#' in a matching.
#' @seealso [`VisualizeMatching`]
#' @template MRS
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ReportMatching <- function(splits1, splits2, realMatch = TRUE) {
paste(as.character(splits1), ifelse(realMatch, "=>", ".."),
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