#' Robinson–Foulds distances, with adjustments for phylogenetic information
#' content
#' `RobinsonFoulds()` calculates the Robinson–Foulds distance
#' \insertCite{Robinson1981}{TreeDist}, or the corresponding similarity measure.
#' `InfoRobinsonFoulds()` weights splits according to their phylogenetic
#' information content \insertCite{@§2.1 in @SmithDist}{TreeDist}.
#' Optionally, the matching between identical splits may reported.
#' Generalized Robinson–Foulds distances (see [`TreeDistance()`])
#' are better suited to most use cases
#' \insertCite{SmithDist,SmithSpace}{TreeDist}.
#' `RobinsonFoulds()` calculates the standard Robinson–Foulds distance,
#' i.e. the number of splits that occur in one tree but not the other.
#' `InfoRobinsonFoulds()` calculates the tree similarity or distance by summing
#' the phylogenetic information content of all splits that are (or are not)
#' identical in both trees. Consequently, splits that are more likely
#' to be identical by chance alone make a smaller contribution to overall
#' tree distance, because their similarity is less remarkable.
#' Rapid comparison between multiple pairs of trees employs the
#' \insertCite{Day1985;textual}{TreeDist} linear-time algorithm.
#' @inheritParams TreeDistance
#' @param similarity Logical specifying whether to report the result as a tree
#' similarity, rather than a difference.
#' @templateVar returns `RobinsonFoulds()` and `InfoRobinsonFoulds()` return
#' @template distReturn
#' @return If `reportMatching = TRUE`, the `pairScores` attribute
#' returns a logical matrix specifying whether each pair of splits is identical.
#' @section Normalization:
#' - `RobinsonFoulds()` is normalized against the total number of splits that
#' are present.
#' - `InfoRobinsonFoulds()` is normalized against the sum of the phylogenetic
#' information of all splits in each tree, treated independently.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' # For BalancedTree, PectinateTree, as.phylo:
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
#' balanced7 <- BalancedTree(7)
#' pectinate7 <- PectinateTree(7)
#' RobinsonFoulds(balanced7, pectinate7)
#' RobinsonFoulds(balanced7, pectinate7, normalize = TRUE)
#' VisualizeMatching(RobinsonFouldsMatching, balanced7, pectinate7)
#' InfoRobinsonFoulds(balanced7, pectinate7)
#' VisualizeMatching(InfoRobinsonFoulds, balanced7, pectinate7)
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree distances
#' @seealso Display paired splits: [`VisualizeMatching()`]
#' @export
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @name Robinson-Foulds
#' @aliases RobinsonFouldsInfo
#' @rdname Robinson-Foulds
InfoRobinsonFoulds <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, similarity = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE, reportMatching = FALSE) {
if (!isTRUE(reportMatching)) {
# Remove unnecessary metadata that will slow calculations
tree1 <- TopologyOnly(tree1)
tree2 <- TopologyOnly(tree2)
unnormalized <- CalculateTreeDistance(InfoRobinsonFouldsSplits, tree1, tree2,
reportMatching) * 2
if (!similarity) {
unnormalized <- .MaxValue(tree1, tree2, SplitwiseInfo) - unnormalized
# In case of floating point inaccuracy
unnormalized[unnormalized < .Machine[["double.eps"]]^0.5] <- 0
# Return:
NormalizeInfo(unnormalized, tree1, tree2, how = normalize,
InfoInTree = SplitwiseInfo, Combine = "+")
#' @export
RobinsonFouldsInfo <- InfoRobinsonFoulds
#' @rdname Robinson-Foulds
#' @inheritParams SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits
#' @export
InfoRobinsonFouldsSplits <- function(splits1, splits2,
nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"),
reportMatching = FALSE) {
GeneralizedRF(splits1, splits2, nTip, cpp_robinson_foulds_info,
maximize = FALSE, reportMatching = reportMatching)
#' @rdname Robinson-Foulds
#' @importFrom TreeTools as.ClusterTable NSplits TopologyOnly
#' @export
RobinsonFoulds <- function(tree1, tree2 = NULL, similarity = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE, reportMatching = FALSE) {
if (!isTRUE(reportMatching)) {
# Remove unnecessary metadata that will slow calculations
tree1 <- TopologyOnly(tree1)
tree2 <- TopologyOnly(tree2)
if (is.null(tree2)) {
ct <- as.ClusterTable(tree1)
rf <- robinson_foulds_all_pairs(if(is.list(ct)) ct else list(ct))
if (similarity) {
unnormalized <- structure(rf + rf, Size = length(tree1), class = "dist")
} else {
splits <- NSplits(tree1)
nSplits <- outer(splits, splits, "+")
unnormalized <- structure(nSplits[lower.tri(nSplits)] - rf - rf,
Size = length(tree1),
class = "dist")
} else {
unnormalized <- CalculateTreeDistance(RobinsonFouldsSplits, tree1, tree2,
if (similarity) {
unnormalized <- .MaxValue(tree1, tree2, NSplits) - unnormalized
# Return:
NormalizeInfo(unnormalized, tree1, tree2, how = normalize,
InfoInTree = NSplits, Combine = `+`)
#' @describeIn Robinson-Foulds Matched splits, intended for use with
#' [`VisualizeMatching()`].
#' @param \dots Not used.
#' @importFrom TreeTools NSplits
#' @export
RobinsonFouldsMatching <- function(tree1, tree2, similarity = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE, ...) {
ret <- CalculateTreeDistance(RobinsonFouldsSplits, tree1, tree2,
reportMatching = TRUE)
ret <- .MaxValue(tree1, tree2, NSplits) - ret
attr(ret, "pairScores") <- !attr(ret, "pairScores")
# Return:
#' @rdname Robinson-Foulds
#' @inheritParams SharedPhylogeneticInfoSplits
#' @export
RobinsonFouldsSplits <- function(splits1, splits2,
nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"),
reportMatching = FALSE) {
GeneralizedRF(splits1, splits2, nTip, cpp_robinson_foulds_distance,
maximize = FALSE, reportMatching = reportMatching)
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