
#' Parsimony score of random postorder tree
#' @template morphyObjParam
#' @return `RandomTreeScore()` returns the parsimony score of a random tree
#'  for the given Morphy object.
#' @examples 
#' tokens <- matrix(c(
#'   0, "-", "-", 1, 1, 2,
#'   0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2,
#'   0, "-", "-", 0, 0, 0), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3L,
#'   dimnames = list(letters[1:3], NULL))
#' pd <- TreeTools::MatrixToPhyDat(tokens)
#' morphyObj <- PhyDat2Morphy(pd)
#' RandomTreeScore(morphyObj)
#' morphyObj <- UnloadMorphy(morphyObj)
#' @export
RandomTreeScore <- function (morphyObj) {
  nTip <- mpl_get_numtaxa(morphyObj)
  if (nTip < 2) {
    # Return:
  } else {
    # Return:
    .Call(`RANDOM_TREE_SCORE`, as.integer(nTip), morphyObj)

#' Random postorder tree
#' @param nTip Integer specifying the number of tips to include in the tree
#' (minimum 2).
#' @return A list with three elements, each a vector of integers, respectively 
#' containing:
#'  - The parent of each tip and node, in order
#'  - The left child of each node
#'  - The right child of each node.
#' @family tree generation functions
#' @export
RandomMorphyTree <- function (nTip) {  
  if (nTip < 2) {
    stop("nTip < 2 not implemented: a tip is not a tree.")
  # Return:
  .Call(`RANDOM_TREE`, as.integer(nTip))

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TreeSearch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:19 a.m.