
Defines functions AddUnconstrained .TextToTree ImposeConstraint

Documented in AddUnconstrained ImposeConstraint

#' Force a tree to match a constraint
#' Modify a tree such that it matches a specified constraint.
#' This is at present a somewhat crude implementation that attempts to retain
#' much of the structure of `tree` whilst guaranteeing compatibility with
#' each entry in `constraint`.
#' @template treeParam
#' @template constraintParam
#' @return `ImposeConstraint()` returns a tree of class `phylo`, consistent
#' with `constraint`.
#' @examples
#' tips <- letters[1:9]
#' tree <- as.phylo(1, 9, tips)
#' plot(tree)
#' constraint <- StringToPhyDat("0000?1111 000111111 0000??110", tips, FALSE)
#' plot(ImposeConstraint(tree, constraint))
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree manipulation
#' @export
ImposeConstraint <- function(tree, constraint) {
  # This function is as efficient as it is elegant: i.e. not.
  # But it just about does the job.
  tree <- Preorder(tree)
  const <- AddUnconstrained(
    toAdd = setdiff(tree[["tip.label"]], TipLabels(constraint)),
    asPhyDat = FALSE

  info <- apply(const, 2,
                function(x) SplitInformation(sum(x == "0"), sum(x == "1")))
  smallest <- ifelse(apply(const, 2, function(x) sum(x == "0") < sum(x == "1")),
                     "0", "1")

  tips <- tree[["tip.label"]]
  nTip <- length(tips)
  for (i in order(info)) {
    constI <- const[, i]
    collapsers <- constI == smallest[i]
    collapseNames <- names(collapsers[collapsers])
    if (length(collapseNames) < 2L) {
      warning("Could not apply constraint ", i,
              ". Is it incompatible or redundant?")
    collapsing <- apply(const[collapsers, , drop = FALSE], 2,
                        function(x) setdiff(x, "?")[1])

    const <- const[setdiff(rownames(const), collapseNames[-1]), , drop = FALSE]
    const[collapseNames[[1]], ] <- collapsing
    rownames(const)[match(collapseNames[[1]], rownames(const))] <- paste0(
      "(", paste0(collapseNames, collapse = ","), ")")


  backbone <- Preorder(RenumberTips(
    .TextToTree("(", paste0(rownames(const), collapse = ","), ");"),

  .ChildAtEnd <- function(x) {
    if (x <= nTip) x else .ChildAtEnd(edge[match(x, edge[, 1]), 2])

  edge <- backbone[["edge"]]
  polytomies <- which(tabulate(edge[, 1]) > 2)
  for (node in polytomies) {
    nodeKids <- edge[edge[, 1] == node, 2]
    standIns <- vapply(nodeKids, .ChildAtEnd, 1)
    kept <- KeepTip(tree, standIns)[["edge"]]
    newNodes <- kept > length(standIns)
    kept[newNodes] <- kept[newNodes] - kept[1] + max(edge[, 1])
    kept[kept == kept[[1]]] <- node

    kept2 <- kept[, 2] # don't replace twice if standins[i - 1] < i
    for (i in seq_along(standIns)) {
      kept[, 2][kept2 == i] <- nodeKids[i]
    edge <- rbind(edge[edge[, 1] != node, ], kept)
  edge <- edge[order(edge[, 1]), ]
  backbone[["edge"]] <- RenumberTree(edge[, 1], edge[, 2])
  backbone[["Nnode"]] <- max(backbone[["edge"]][, 1]) - nTip
  nodeLabels <- tree[["node.label"]]
  if (!is.null(nodeLabels)) {
    backbone[["node.label"]] <- .UpdateNodeLabel(backbone[["edge"]], tree)

  # Return:

#' @importFrom ape read.tree
.TextToTree <- function(...) {
  text <- gsub(" ", space, paste0(...), fixed = TRUE)
  tree <- read.tree(text = text)
  tree[["tip.label"]] <- gsub(space, " ", tree[["tip.label"]], fixed = TRUE)

  # Return:

#' @describeIn ImposeConstraint Expand a constraint to include unconstrained
#' taxa.
#' @param toAdd Character vector specifying taxa to add to constraint.
#' @param asPhyDat Logical: if `TRUE`, return a `phyDat` object; if `FALSE`,
#' return a matrix.
#' @export
AddUnconstrained <- function(constraint, toAdd, asPhyDat = TRUE) {
  ret <- if (inherits(constraint, "phyDat")) {
  } else if (inherits(constraint, "phylo")) {
  } else if (is.null(dim(constraint))) {
  } else {
  toAdd <- setdiff(toAdd, rownames(ret))
  ret <- if (is.null(ret)) {
    matrix("?", length(toAdd), 0, dimnames = list(toAdd, NULL))
  } else {
    rbind(ret, matrix("?", length(toAdd), dim(ret)[2],
                      dimnames = list(toAdd, NULL)))

  # Return:
  if (asPhyDat) {
  } else {

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TreeTools documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.