
Defines functions NPartitionPairs .ListLabels AllTipLabels.matrix AllTipLabels.TreeNumber AllTipLabels.Splits AllTipLabels.phylo AllTipLabels.list AllTipLabels TipLabels.phyDat TipLabels.numeric TipLabels.character TipLabels.multiPhylo TipLabels.list TipLabels.phyDat TipLabels.phylo TipLabels.logical TipLabels.matrix TipLabels.default TipLabels LnSplitMatchProbability SplitMatchProbability .CompatibleRaws .CompatibleSplit CompatibleSplits WithoutTrivialSplits TrivialSplits Subsplit

Documented in AllTipLabels AllTipLabels.list AllTipLabels.matrix AllTipLabels.phylo AllTipLabels.Splits AllTipLabels.TreeNumber .CompatibleRaws .CompatibleSplit CompatibleSplits LnSplitMatchProbability NPartitionPairs SplitMatchProbability Subsplit TipLabels TipLabels.character TipLabels.default TipLabels.list TipLabels.logical TipLabels.matrix TipLabels.multiPhylo TipLabels.numeric TipLabels.phyDat TipLabels.phylo TrivialSplits WithoutTrivialSplits

#' Subset of a split on fewer leaves
#' `Subsplit()` removes leaves from a `Splits` object.
#' @template splitsObjectParam
#' @param tips A vector specifying a subset of the leaf labels applied to `split`.
#' @param keepAll logical specifying whether to keep entries that define trivial
#' splits (i.e. splits of zero or one leaf) on the subset of leaves.
#' @param unique logical specifying whether to remove duplicate splits.
#' @return `Subsplit()` returns an object of class `Splits`, defined on the
#' leaves `tips`.
#' @examples
#' splits <- as.Splits(PectinateTree(letters[1:9]))
#' splits
#' efgh <- Subsplit(splits, tips = letters[5:8], keepAll = TRUE)
#' summary(efgh)
#' TrivialSplits(efgh)
#' summary(Subsplit(splits, tips = letters[5:8], keepAll = FALSE))
#' @template MRS
#' @seealso [`KeepTip()`] is a less flexible but faster equivalent.
#' @family split manipulation functions
#' @export
Subsplit <- function(splits, tips, keepAll = FALSE, unique = TRUE) {
  if (is.list(splits)) {
    lapply(splits, Subsplit, tips = tips, keepAll = keepAll, unique = unique)
  } else if (length(splits) == 0) {
    ret <- splits
    attr(ret, "nTip") <- length(tips)
    attr(ret, "tip.label") <- if (is.character(tips)) {
    } else {
      attr(splits, "tip.label")[tips]
  } else {
    allSplits <- as.Splits(as.logical(splits)[, tips])
    ret <- if (keepAll) allSplits else WithoutTrivialSplits(allSplits)

    # Return:
    if (unique) unique(ret) else ret

#' Identify and remove trivial splits
#' `TrivialSplits()` identifies trivial splits (which separate one or zero
#' leaves from all others); `WithoutTrivialSplits()` removes them from a
#' `Splits` object.
#' @template splitsObjectParam
#' @template nTipParam
#' @return `TrivialSplits()` returns a logical vector specifying whether each
#' split in `splits` is trivial, i.e. includes or excludes only a single tip or
#' no tips at all.
#' @template MRS
#' @family split manipulation functions
#' @examples
#' splits <- as.Splits(PectinateTree(letters[1:9]))
#' efgh <- Subsplit(splits, tips = letters[5:8], keepAll = TRUE)
#' summary(efgh)
#' TrivialSplits(efgh)
#' @export
TrivialSplits <- function(splits, nTip = attr(splits, "nTip")) {
  inSplit <- TipsInSplits(splits)
  inSplit < 2L | inSplit > nTip - 2L

#' @rdname TrivialSplits
#' @return `WithoutTrivialSplits()` returns a `Splits` object with trivial
#' splits removed.
#' @examples
#' summary(WithoutTrivialSplits(efgh))
#' @export
WithoutTrivialSplits <- function(splits, nTip = attr(splits, "nTip")) {
  splits[[!TrivialSplits(splits, nTip)]]

#' Which splits are compatible?
#' @template splitsObjectParam
#' @param splits2 A second `Splits` object.
#' @return `CompatibleSplits` returns a logical matrix specifying whether each
#' split in `splits` is compatible with each split in `splits2`.
#' @examples
#' splits <- as.Splits(BalancedTree(8))
#' splits2 <- as.Splits(PectinateTree(8))
#' summary(splits)
#' summary(splits2)
#' CompatibleSplits(splits, splits2)
#' @template MRS
#' @export
CompatibleSplits <- function(splits, splits2) {
  splits <- as.Splits(splits)
  nTip <- attr(splits, "nTip")
  splits2 <- as.Splits(splits2, splits)
  apply(splits2, 1, function(split)
    apply(splits, 1, .CompatibleSplit, split, nTip))

#' @param a,b [Raw][raw] representations of splits, from a row of a `Splits`
#' object.
#' @return `.CompatibleSplit` returns a logical vector stating whether splits
#' are compatible.
#' @rdname CompatibleSplits
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.CompatibleSplit <- function(a, b, nTip) {
  rawMask <- if (nTip %% 8L) {
    as.raw(c(2 ^ (nTip %% 8L) - 1L, rep.int(255L, nTip %/% 8)))
  } else {
    rep.int(as.raw(255), nTip %/% 8L)
  .CompatibleRaws(a, b, rawMask)

#' @rdname CompatibleSplits
#' @param rawA,rawB Raw representations of splits.
#' @param bitmask Raw masking bits that do not correspond to tips.
#' @return `.CompatibleRaws` returns a logical vector specifying whether input
#' raws are compatible.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.CompatibleRaws <- function(rawA, rawB, bitmask) {
  !any(as.logical(rawA & rawB)) ||
  !any(as.logical(rawA & !rawB)) ||
  !any(as.logical(!rawA & rawB)) ||
  !any(as.logical(!rawA & !rawB & bitmask))

#' Probability of matching this well
#' (`Ln`)`SplitMatchProbability()`calculates the probability that two random
#' splits of the sizes provided will be at least as similar as the two
#' specified.
#' @template split12Params
#' @return `SplitMatchProbability()` returns a numeric giving the proportion
#' of permissible non-trivial splits that divide the terminals into bipartitions
#' of the sizes given, that match as well as `split1` and `split2` do.
#' @examples
#' split1 <- as.Splits(c(rep(TRUE, 4), rep(FALSE, 4)))
#' split2 <- as.Splits(c(rep(TRUE, 3), rep(FALSE, 5)))
#' SplitMatchProbability(split1, split2)
#' @family split information functions
#' @template MRS
#' @export
SplitMatchProbability <- function(split1, split2) {

  if (NTip(split1) != NTip(split2)) stop("Splits pertain to different tips")

  split1 <- as.logical(split1)
  split2 <- as.logical(as.Splits(split2, split1))
  partitions <- c(sum(split1 & split2), sum(split1 & !split2),
                  sum(!split1 & split2), sum(!split1 & !split2))
  #, dimnames=list(c("A1", "B1"), c("A2", "B2")))

  split1Size <- .rowSums(partitions, 2, 2)
  split2Size <- .colSums(partitions, 2, 2)
  A1 <- split1Size[1]
  A2 <- split2Size[1]
  B2 <- split2Size[2]
  n <- sum(partitions)

  minA1B2 <- max(0, A1 - A2)
  iMax <- min(A1, B2)
  minB1A2 <- B2 - iMax

  nArrangements <- iMax - minA1B2 + 1L
  # It turns out that this is called a confusion matrix, association matrix
  # or contingency table; see Meila 2007
  arrangements <- vapply(minA1B2:iMax,
                         function(i) c(A1 - i, i, i + A2 - A1, B2 - i),

  #H <- function(p) -sum(p[p > 0] * log(p[p > 0]))
  #jointEntropies <- apply(arrangements / n, 2, H)
  #mutualInformation <- H(c(A1,n - A1) / n) + H(c(A2, B2) / n) - jointEntropies

  extraTipsInPerfectMatch.A1A2.B1B2 <- sum(arrangements[c(1, 4), nArrangements])
  extraTipsInPerfectMatch.A1B2.B1A2 <- sum(arrangements[c(2, 3), 1L])

  ranking <- if (extraTipsInPerfectMatch.A1A2.B1B2 >
                 extraTipsInPerfectMatch.A1B2.B1A2) {
    c(seq.int(1L, nArrangements, 2L),
      rev(seq.int(2L, nArrangements, 2L)))
  } else if (extraTipsInPerfectMatch.A1A2.B1B2 <
             extraTipsInPerfectMatch.A1B2.B1A2) {
    c(seq.int(2L, nArrangements, 2L),
      rev(seq.int(1L, nArrangements, 2L)))
  } else {
    c(seq.int(1L, nArrangements, 2L),
      rev(seq.int(2L, nArrangements, 2L)) - 1)

  choices <- apply(arrangements, 2, NPartitionPairs)

  # Return:
  sum(choices[ranking <= ranking[partitions[3] + 1L - minA1B2]]) / choose(n, A1)

#' @rdname SplitMatchProbability
#' @return `LnSplitMatchProbability()` returns the natural logarithm of the
#' probability.
#' @examples
#' LnSplitMatchProbability(split1, split2)
#' @export
LnSplitMatchProbability <- function(split1, split2) {
  log(SplitMatchProbability(split1, split2))

#' Extract tip labels
#' `TipLabels()` extracts labels from an object: for example, names of taxa in
#' a phylogenetic tree or data matrix.  `AllTipLabels()` extracts all labels,
#' where entries of a list of trees may pertain to different taxa.
#' @param x An object of a supported class (see Usage section above).
#' @param single Logical specifying whether to report the labels for the first
#' object only (`TRUE`), or for each object in a list (`FALSE`).
#' @return `TipLabels()` returns a character vector listing the tip labels
#' appropriate to `x`. If `x` is a single integer, this will be a vector
#' `t1`, `t2` ... `tx`, to match the default of \code{ape::\link{rtree}()}.
#' @examples
#' TipLabels(BalancedTree(letters[5:1]))
#' TipLabels(5)
#' data("Lobo")
#' head(TipLabels(Lobo.phy))
#' AllTipLabels(c(BalancedTree(4), PectinateTree(8)))
#' @family tree properties
#' @template MRS
#' @export
TipLabels <- function(x, single = TRUE) UseMethod("TipLabels")

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.default <- function(x, single = TRUE) {
  tla <- attr(x, "tip.label")
  if (!is.null(tla)) {
  } else if (is.null(names(x))) {
  } else {

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.matrix <- function(x, single = TRUE) colnames(x)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.logical <- function(x, single = TRUE) TipLabels.numeric(length(x))

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.phylo <- function(x, single = TRUE) x[["tip.label"]]

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.phyDat <- function(x, single = TRUE) names(x)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.MixedBase <- TipLabels.default

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.TreeNumber <- TipLabels.default

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @family Splits operations
#' @export
TipLabels.Splits <- TipLabels.default

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.list <- function(x, single = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "tip.label"))) return(attr(x, "tip.label"))
  xTipLabel <- x[["tip.label"]]
  if (!is.null(xTipLabel)) {
    if (is.list(xTipLabel) && !is.null(xTipLabel[["tip.label"]])) {
    } else {
  .ListLabels(x, single, TipLabels)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.multiPhylo <- function(x, single = FALSE) {
  xTipLabel <- x[["tip.label"]]
  if (!is.null(xTipLabel)) {
    if (is.list(xTipLabel) && !is.null(xTipLabel[["tip.label"]])) {
    } else {
  if (single) {
    firstEntry <- x[[1]]
    if (!is.null(firstEntry[["tip.label"]])) {
  } else {
    .ListLabels(x, single, TipLabels.phylo)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.character <- function(x, single = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(attr(x, "tip.label"))) {
    NextMethod("TipLabels", as.character(x))
  } else {
    attr(x, "tip.label")

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.numeric <- function(x, single = TRUE) {
  if (length(x) == 1L) {
    if (x < 0) {
      stop("`x` may not be negative")
    paste0(rep_len("t", x), seq_len(x))
  } else {
    NextMethod("TipLabels", as.character(x))

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
TipLabels.phyDat <- function(x, single = TRUE) names(x)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels <- function(x) UseMethod("AllTipLabels")

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels.list <- function(x) {
  unique(unlist(lapply(x, TipLabels)))

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels.multiPhylo <- AllTipLabels.list

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels.phylo <- function(x) TipLabels.phylo(x)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels.Splits <- function(x) TipLabels.Splits(x)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels.TreeNumber <- function(x) TipLabels.TreeNumber(x)

#' @rdname TipLabels
#' @export
AllTipLabels.matrix <- function(x) TipLabels.matrix(x)

#' @keywords internal
.ListLabels <- function(x, single, Func) {
  if (length(x)) {
    if (single) {
    } else {
      ret <- lapply(x, Func)
      uniqueRet <- unique(ret)
      if (length(uniqueRet) == 1) uniqueRet[[1]] else ret
  } else {
    # else Return:

#' Distributions of tips consistent with a partition pair
#' `NPartitionPairs()` calculates the number of terminal arrangements matching
#' a specified configuration of two splits.
#' Consider splits that divide eight terminals, labelled A to H.
#' \tabular{rcll}{
#'   Bipartition 1:\tab ABCD:EFGH\tab A1 = ABCD\tab B1 = EFGH \cr
#'   Bipartition 2:\tab ABE:CDFGH\tab A2 = ABE\tab B2 = CDFGH
#' }
#' This can be represented by an association matrix:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#'      \tab *A2* \tab *B2* \cr
#' *A1* \tab AB  \tab C   \cr
#' *B1* \tab E   \tab FGH
#' }
#' The cells in this matrix contain 2, 1, 1 and 3 terminals respectively; this
#' four-element vector (`c(2, 1, 1, 3)`) is the `configuration` implied by
#' this pair of bipartition splits.
#' @param configuration Integer vector of length four specifying the number of
#' terminals that occur in both
#'   (1) splits A1 and A2;
#'   (2) splits A1 and B2;
#'   (3) splits B1 and A2;
#'   (4) splits B1 and B2.
#' @return The number of ways to distribute `sum(configuration)` taxa according
#'  to the specified pattern.
#' @examples
#' NPartitionPairs(c(2, 1, 1, 3))
#' @template MRS
#' @export
NPartitionPairs <- function(configuration) {
  choose(sum(configuration[c(1, 3)]), configuration[1]) *
    choose(sum(configuration[c(2, 4)]), configuration[2])

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