Man pages for UBCRM
Simulate and Conduct Dose-Escalation Phase I Studies

aipFunctions to calculate the appropriate dose level singletons
CreDataCreates a CRM dataframe
CrmDose-escalation with the Continual Reassessment Method
fpDensity functions
LpLikelihood functions
psipDose-Toxicity modelisation functions
sim3p3Simulation of one dose-escalation study with the classical...
simCrmSimulation of one dose-escalation study with the Continual...
ssim3p3Simulation of n dose-escalation study with the 3+3 design
ssimCrmSimulation of n dose-escalation study with the Continual...
troisPtroisDose escalation with the 3+3 design
UBCRM-packageUBCRM is a package containing functions to simulate and...
updataUpdate the CRM dataframe after new patients' collected data
UBCRM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.