
Defines functions getEscapeChars checkboxes okCancel listbox radiobuttons getLabel defaultNames bind bind.listbox bind.radiobuttons closeDialog deselectAll deselectAll.listbox deselectAll.radiobuttons empty empty.listbox getSelection getSelection.listbox getSelection.checkboxes getSelection.radiobuttons getSize getSize.listbox getSize.radiobuttons initializeDialog insert insert.listbox selectAll selectAll.listbox setState setState.listbox setState.radiobuttons setState.okCancel ActiveDataSet checkActiveData checkVars checkHighlight checkUnivar checkBivar checkMultivar checkMap checkGrowdot checkColormap checkActiveDataS checkVarsS checkHighlightS checkUnivarS checkBivarS checkMultivarS checkMapS checkGrowdotS checkColormapS getSelectionS getDataSets getVars savePreferences loadPreferences isNA isImp highlightInfo countInf countNA countImp testMeans

# ---------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Vienna University of Technology
# ---------------------------------------

## widgets
getEscapeChars <- function() {
  c("", "_", "__", "-", " ", "/", "\\", ",")
# checkbox
checkboxes <- function(parent, boxes, initial, labels, 
        title, side = c("left","right"), states) {
    n <- length(boxes)
    if(missing(initial)) initial <- rep(FALSE, n)
    side <- match.arg(side)
    if(missing(states)) states <- rep("normal", n)
    frame <- tkframe(parent)
    variables <- lapply(initial, tclVar)
    if(!missing(title)) {
        tkgrid(tklabel(frame, text=title, fg="blue"), columnspan=2, sticky="w")
    cb <- labs <- vector(n, mode="list")
    for(i in 1:n) {
        cb[[i]] <- tkcheckbutton(frame, 
            variable=variables[[i]], state=states[i])
        labs[[i]] <- tklabel(frame, text=labels[i], state=states[i])
        if(side == "left") tkgrid(cb[[i]], labs[[i]])
        else tkgrid(labs[[i]], cb[[i]])
        tkgrid.configure(labs[[i]], sticky="w")
    names(cb) <- boxes
    names(labs) <- boxes
    result <- list(frame=frame, variables=variables, boxes=cb, labels=labs)
    class(result) <- "checkboxes"

# ok and cancel buttons
okCancel <- function(window, onOK, parent = NULL) {
    frame <- tkframe(window)
    okButton <- tkbutton(frame, command=onOK, 
        default="active", fg="darkgreen", text="OK", width=10)
    onCancel <- function() closeDialog(window, parent=parent)
    cancelButton <- tkbutton(frame, command=onCancel, 
        fg="red", text="Cancel", width=10)
    tkgrid(okButton, cancelButton, padx=5)
    return <- list(frame=frame, okButton=okButton, cancelButton=cancelButton)
    class(return) <- "okCancel"

# listbox
listbox <- function(parent, variables = getVars(), initial = NULL, 
        title, background = "white", exportselection=FALSE, 
        height = 6, selectmode = "single", state = "normal") {
    frame <- tkframe(parent)
    listbox <- tklistbox(frame, background=background, 
        exportselection=exportselection, height=height, 
        selectmode=selectmode, state=state, width=max(20, nchar(variables)))
    scrollbar <- tkscrollbar(frame, repeatinterval=5, 
        command=function(...) tkyview(listbox, ...))
    tkconfigure(listbox, yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(scrollbar, ...))
    for(var in variables) tkinsert(listbox, "end", var)
    n <- length(variables)
    if(is.character(initial)) initial <- match(initial, variables, 0) - 1
    if(is.numeric(initial)) {
        initial <- initial[!is.na(initial) & 0 <= initial & initial < n]
        if(length(initial)) {
            for(i in initial) tkselection.set(listbox, i)
            #if(initial[1] > height-1) tkyview.moveto(listbox, initial[1]/n)
            tksee(listbox, initial[1])
    # commands for scrolling to a certain letter
    firstChars <- tolower(substr(variables, 1, 1))
    onLetter <- function(letter) {
        letter <- tolower(letter)
        ypos <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tkyview(listbox))," "))[1])
        current <- 1 + round(ypos*n)
        num <- match(letter, firstChars[-(1:current)])
        if(is.na(num) && current > 1) {
            num <- -match(letter, firstChars[(current-1):1])
        if(!is.na(num)) tkyview.scroll(listbox, num, "units")
    onA <- function() onLetter("a")
    onB <- function() onLetter("b")
    onC <- function() onLetter("c")
    onD <- function() onLetter("d")
    onE <- function() onLetter("e")
    onF <- function() onLetter("f")
    onG <- function() onLetter("g")
    onH <- function() onLetter("h")
    onI <- function() onLetter("i")
    onJ <- function() onLetter("j")
    onK <- function() onLetter("k")
    onL <- function() onLetter("l")
    onM <- function() onLetter("m")
    onN <- function() onLetter("n")
    onO <- function() onLetter("o")
    onP <- function() onLetter("p")
    onQ <- function() onLetter("q")
    onR <- function() onLetter("r")
    onS <- function() onLetter("s")
    onT <- function() onLetter("t")
    onU <- function() onLetter("u")
    onV <- function() onLetter("v")
    onW <- function() onLetter("w")
    onX <- function() onLetter("x")
    onY <- function() onLetter("y")
    onZ <- function() onLetter("z")
    for(letter in c(letters, LETTERS)) {
        tkbind(listbox, paste("<", letter, ">", sep=""),
            get(paste("on", toupper(letter), sep="")))
    if(!missing(title)) {
        tkgrid(tklabel(frame, text=title, fg="blue"), columnspan=2, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(listbox, scrollbar)
    tkgrid.configure(scrollbar, sticky="nws")
    tkgrid.configure(listbox, sticky="ew")
    result <- list(frame=frame, listbox=listbox, scrollbar=scrollbar)
    class(result) <- "listbox"

# radiobuttons
radiobuttons <- function(parent, buttons, values, initial, labels, 
        title, side = c("left","right"), states) {
    n <- length(buttons)
    if(missing(values)) values <- buttons
    if(missing(initial)) initial <- ""
    side <- match.arg(side)
    if(missing(states)) states <- rep("normal", n)
    frame <- tkframe(parent)
    variable <- tclVar(initial)
    if(!missing(title)) {
        tkgrid(tklabel(frame, text=title, fg="blue"), columnspan=2, sticky="w")
    rb <- labs <- vector(n, mode="list")
    for(i in 1:n) {
        rb[[i]] <- tkradiobutton(frame, value=values[i], 
            variable=variable, state=states[i])
        labs[[i]] <- tklabel(frame, text=labels[i], state=states[i])
        if(side == "left") tkgrid(rb[[i]], labs[[i]])
        else tkgrid(labs[[i]], rb[[i]])
        tkgrid.configure(labs[[i]], sticky="w")
    names(rb) <- buttons
    names(labs) <- buttons
    result <- list(frame=frame, variable=variable, buttons=rb, labels=labs)
    class(result) <- "radiobuttons"

# ---------------------------------------

# get plot annotation for variables
getLabel <- function(v) {
  sc <- switch(getVm("scaling"), none="", classical="scaled", 
      MCD="robustly scaled", robust="robustly scaled")
  if(nchar(sc)) paste(v, " (", sc, ")", sep="")
  else v
defaultNames <- function(p) paste("Var", 1:p, sep="")
## utility functions for widgets

# bind
bind <- function(object, fun, ...) UseMethod("bind")

bind.listbox <- function(object, fun, ...) {
    state <- tclvalue(tkcget(object$listbox, "-state"))
    if(state == "disabled") fun <- function() NULL
    tkbind(object$listbox, "<<ListboxSelect>>", fun)

bind.radiobuttons <- function(object, fun, which, ...) {
    buttons <-  object$buttons
    if(!missing(which)) buttons <- buttons[which]
    for(b in buttons) {
        state <- tclvalue(tkcget(b, "-state"))
        if(state == "disabled") fun <- function() NULL
        tkbind(b, "<ButtonRelease>", fun)

# close dialog
closeDialog <- function(window, parent = NULL) {
    tkdestroy(window)  # close window
    if(!is.null(parent)) tkfocus(parent)

# deselect all
deselectAll <- function(object) UseMethod("deselectAll")

deselectAll.listbox <- function(object) {
    n <- getSize(object)
    if(n > 0) tkselection.clear(object$listbox, 0, n-1)

deselectAll.radiobuttons <- function(object) {
    for(b in object$buttons) tkdeselect(b)

# empty listbox
empty <- function(object) UseMethod("empty")

empty.listbox <- function(object) {
    n <- getSize(object)
    if(n > 0) tkdelete(object$listbox, 0, n-1)

# get selection
getSelection <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("getSelection")

getSelection.listbox <- function(object, variables = getVars(), ...) {
    variables[as.numeric(tkcurselection(object$listbox)) + 1]

getSelection.checkboxes <- function(object, which, ...) {
    as.logical(as.numeric(sapply(object$variables, tclvalue)))[which]

getSelection.radiobuttons <- function(object, ...) {

# get size
getSize <- function(object) UseMethod("getSize")

getSize.listbox <- function(object) {

getSize.radiobuttons <- function(object) {

# initialize dialog
initializeDialog <- function(title, offset = c(25,10)) {
    window <- tktoplevel(borderwidth=5)  # create window
    if(missing(title)) title <- " "  # default title is empty
    tkwm.title(window, title)  # set title
    if(existsVm(".ttM")) {
        position <- getPosition()  # get position of VIM GUI
        if(!is.null(position) && all(position >= 0)) {
            position <- paste("+", paste(offset+position, collapse="+"), sep="")
            tkwm.geometry(window, position)
    tkwm.resizable(window, 0, 0)  # window not resizable
    tkfocus(window)  # set focus on the new window

# insert variables
insert <- function(object, variables) UseMethod("insert")

insert.listbox <- function(object, variables = getVars()) {
    for(var in variables) tkinsert(object$listbox, "end", var)

## pack
#pack <- function(object) {
#    tkpack(object$frame, expand=TRUE, fill="x", padx=3, pady=3, side="left")

# get window position of VIM GUI
getPosition <- function () {
    position <- try({
            ID <- getVm(".ttM")$ID
            as.numeric(c(tclvalue(.Tcl(paste("winfo rootx", ID))),
                    tclvalue(.Tcl(paste("winfo rooty", ID)))))
    if(class(position) == "try-error") NULL
    else position

# select all
selectAll <- function(object) UseMethod("selectAll")

selectAll.listbox <- function(object) {
    n <- getSize(object)
    if(n > 0) tkselection.set(object$listbox, 0, n-1)

# set state
setState <- function(object, state = "normal", ...) UseMethod("setState")

setState.listbox <- function(object, state = "normal", ...) {
    tkconfigure(object$listbox, state=state)

setState.radiobuttons <- function(object, state = "normal", which, ...) {
#    n <- getSize(object)
#    for(i in 1:n) {
#        tkconfigure(object$buttons[[i]], state=state)
#        tkconfigure(object$labels[[i]], state=state)
#    }
    if(missing(which)) which <- 1:getSize(object)
    for(i in which) {
        curState <- tclvalue(tkcget(object$buttons[[i]], "-state"))
        if(!(curState %in% c("active", state))) {
            tkconfigure(object$buttons[[i]], state=state)
            tkconfigure(object$labels[[i]], state=state)

setState.okCancel <- function(object, state = "normal", ...) {
    tkconfigure(object$okButton, state=state)
# set or get active data set
ActiveDataSet <- function(name) {
  if(missing(name)) getVm("activeDataSet")
  else putVm("activeDataSet", name)
# ---------------------------------------

## various checks

# check if active data set is selected
checkActiveData <- function() nchar(ActiveDataSet())

# check if variables are selected
checkVars <- function() {
  checkActiveData() && length(getVm("vars")) > 0

# check if highlight variables are selected
checkHighlight <- function() {
  checkActiveData() && length(getVm("highlight")) > 0

# check requirements for univariate plots
checkUnivar <- function() {
  checkActiveData() &&  length(getVm("vars")) == 1

# check requirements for bivariate plots
checkBivar <- function() {
  checkActiveData() && length(getVm("vars")) == 2

# check requirements for multivariate plots
checkMultivar <- function() {
  checkActiveData() && length(getVm("vars")) > 1

# check requirements for map of missings
checkMap <- function() {
  checkVars() && nchar(getVm("map")) && all(nchar(getVm("coords")))

# check requirements for growing dot map with missings
checkGrowdot <- function() {
  checkActiveData() && length(getVm("vars")) == 1 && 
      nchar(getVm("map")) && all(nchar(getVm("coords")))

# check requirements for colored map
checkColormap <- function() {
  checkActiveData() && length(getVm("vars")) == 1 && 
      nchar(getVm("map")) && nchar(getVm("region"))

## get state for menu items and dialog elements

checkActiveDataS <- function() {
  if(checkActiveData()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkVarsS <- function() {
  if(checkVars()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkHighlightS <- function() {
  if(checkHighlight()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkUnivarS <- function() {
  if(checkUnivar()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkBivarS <- function() {
  if(checkBivar()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkMultivarS <- function() {
  if(checkMultivar()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkMapS <- function() {
  if(checkMap()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkGrowdotS <- function() {
  if(checkGrowdot()) "normal" else "disabled"
checkColormapS <- function() {
  if(checkColormap()) "normal" else "disabled"

# get state for selection method for highlight variables
getSelectionS <- function() {
  if(checkActiveData() && length(getVm("highlight")) > 1) "normal"
  else "disabled"

# ---------------------------------------
# get all data.frames
getDataSets <- function(objects, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
  if(missing(objects)) objects <- ls(envir = envir)
  if(length(objects) == 0) return(objects)
  fun <- function(x) {
    if(exists(x, envir = envir)) is.data.frame(get(x, envir = envir))
    else FALSE
  names(which(sapply(objects, fun)))

# get variables of a data set specified by name
getVars <- function(name, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
  if(missing(name)) name <- ActiveDataSet()
  if(nchar(name)) names(get(name, envir=envir))
  else character()

# save preferences
savePreferences <- function() {
  prefs <- list(col=getVm("col"), alpha=getVm("alpha"), tkr=getVm("tkr"))
  save(prefs, file=".vmGUIprefs.RData")

# load preferences
loadPreferences <- function() {
  if(file.exists(".vmGUIprefs.RData")) {
    load(".vmGUIprefs.RData", envir=vmGUIenv())

# get vector indicating missings
isNA <- function(x, selection = c("any","all")) {
  selection <- match.arg(selection)
  if(is.null(dim(x))) is.na(x)
  else if(ncol(x) == 1) as.vector(is.na(x))
  else apply(x, 1, function(x) eval(call(selection, is.na(x))))

# returns a vector indicating the imputed missings of the current varibale, a vector indicating if the current variable is imputed
# and a vector indicating if there are imputed missings in the other variables
isImp <- function(x, pos, delimiter, imp_var, selection = c("none","any","all")) {
  selection <- match.arg(selection)
  # character vector for possible prefixes for the delimiter
  escape <- getEscapeChars()
  if(is.null(dim(x)) || is.null(dim(imp_var))) list(misspos = imp_var, impp = TRUE, missh = rep(FALSE, NROW(x)))
  else {
    # does the current Variable have imputed missings
    # search escape-vector for possible prefixes
    for(i in 1:length(escape)) {
      indexp <- colnames(imp_var) %in% paste(colnames(x)[pos],delimiter,sep=escape[i])
      # end loop if a match is found
      if(any(indexp))	break
    if(any(indexp)) {
      misspos <- imp_var[,indexp]
      impp <- TRUE
      imp_var <- imp_var[,!indexp, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      misspos <- rep(FALSE, nrow(x))
      impp <- FALSE
    # are there other Variables with missing-indices in the dataset
    # search escape-vector for possible prefixes
    for(i in 1:length(escape)) {
      indexh <- (paste(colnames(x),delimiter,sep=escape[i])) %in% colnames(imp_var)
      # end loop if a match is found
      if(any(indexh)) {
        escape <- escape[i]
    if(any(indexh)) {
      index <- which(indexh)
      tmp <- matrix(nrow = nrow(x), ncol = length(index))
      for (i in 1:length(index)) {
        tmp[,i] <- imp_var[,paste(colnames(x)[index[i]],delimiter,sep=escape)]					
      if(length(index) > 1 && selection != "none") {
        missh <- apply(tmp, 1, function(tmp) eval(call(selection, tmp)))
      } else {
        missh <- tmp
        colnames(missh) <- colnames(x[,indexh])
    } else {
      missh <- rep(FALSE, nrow(x))
    list(misspos = misspos, impp = impp ,missh = missh)

# print out which variables are highlighted
highlightInfo <- function(highlight, selection = c("any","all"), imputed = FALSE) {
  if(!imputed) label <- "missings"
  else label <- "imputed missings"
  if(length(highlight) == 0) cat(paste("No ", label, " highlighted.\n",sep=""))
  else if(length(highlight) == 1) {
    cat(paste("Highlighted ", label, " in variable ", highlight, ".\n", sep="'"))
  } else {
    selection <- match.arg(selection)
    hlout <- paste(highlight, collapse="', '")
    cat(paste("Highlighted ", label," in ", selection, 
            " of the variables '", hlout, "'.\n", sep=""))

# count infinite values
countInf <- function(x) length(which(is.infinite(x)))

# count missings
countNA <- function(x) length(which(is.na(x)))

# count imputed missings
countImp <- function(x, delimiter, imp_var) {
  # character vector for possible prefixes for the delimiter
  escape <- getEscapeChars()
  # search escape-vector for possible prefixes
  for(i in 1:length(escape)) {
    indexh <- (paste(colnames(x),delimiter,sep=escape[i])) %in% colnames(imp_var)
    # end loop if a match is found
    if(any(indexh)) {
      escape <- escape[i]
  tmp <-integer(ncol(x))
  names(tmp) <- colnames(x)
  for ( i in 1:ncol(x)) {
    tmp[i] <- ifelse(indexh[i],length(which(imp_var[,paste(colnames(x)[i],delimiter,sep=escape)])),0)

# test means for boxplot with missings
testMeans <- function(x, pos = 1, selection = c("any","all")) {
  selection <- match.arg(selection)
  ind <- isNA(x[, -pos], selection)
  x1 <- x[ind, pos]
  x2 <- x[!ind, pos]
  if(length(which(!is.na(x1))) > 1 && length(which(!is.na(x2)))) {
    list(ind=ind, p.v=t.test(x1, x2)$p.v)
  } else list(ind=ind, p.v=NA)

Try the VIMGUI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

VIMGUI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10 a.m.