
Defines functions lssVarReg.multi

Documented in lssVarReg.multi

#' Semi parametric location, shape and scale regression
#' \code{lssVarReg.multi} performs a semiparametric location (\eqn{\xi} or xi), shape (\eqn{\nu} or nu) and scale (\eqn{\omega} or omega) regression model. This is designed for multiple covariates that are fit in the location, scale and shape models.
#' @param y Vector containing outcome data. Must be no missing data.
#' @param x Matrix containing the covariate data, same length as \code{y}. Must be no missing data.
#' @param locationmodel Vector to specify the location model to be fit for each covariate. Options: \code{"constant"} = constant model (intercept only), \code{"linear"} = linear term with x covariate, \code{"semi"} = semiparametric spline (specify with \code{knots.l}).
#' @param location.vars Vector to specify the column(s) in \code{x} referring to covariates to be fit in the location model, eg c(1,2) indicates columns 1 and 2 in \code{x}. Must be the same length as \code{locationmodel} which specifies if they are fit as linear/semi. If semi, use \code{knots.l} to specify knots.
#' @param scale2model Vector to specify the scale^2 model to be fit for each covariate. Options: \code{"constant"} = constant term only, \code{"linear"} = linear term with \code{x} covariate, \code{"semi"} = semiparametric spline (specify with \code{knots.sc})
#' @param scale2.vars Vector to specify the column(s) in \code{x} referring to covariates to be fit in the scale^2 model, eg c(1,2) indicates columns 1 and 2 in \code{x}. Must be the same length as \code{scale2model} which specifies if they are fit as linear/semi. If semi, use \code{knots.sc} to specify knots.
#' @param shapemodel Vector to specify the shape model to be fit for each covariate. Options: \code{"constant"} = constant shape model, \code{"linear"} = linear term with x covariate, \code{"semi"} = semiparametric spline (specify with \code{knots.sh}).
#' @param shape.vars Vector to specify the column(s) in \code{x} referring to covariates to be fit in the shape model, eg c(1,2) indicates columns 1 and 2 in \code{x}. Must be the same length as \code{shapemodel} which specifies if they are fit as linear/semi. If semi, use \code{knots.sh} to specify knots.
#' @param knots.l Vector indicating the number of internal knots to be fit in the location model for each covariate. Default is '2'. (Note that the knots are placed equidistantly over x.)
#' @param knots.sc Vector indicating the number of internal knots to be fit in the scale^2 model for each covariate. Default is '2'. (Note that the knots are placed equidistantly over x.)
#' @param knots.sh Vector indicating the number of internal knots to be fit in the shape model for each covariate. Default is '2'. (Note that the knots are placed equidistantly over x.)
#' @param degree Integer to indicate the degree of the splines fit in the location, scale and shape.  Default is '2'.
#' @param location.init Vector of initial parameter estimates for the location model. Defaults to vector of 1's of appropriate length.
#' @param scale2.init Vector of initial parameter estimates for the scale^2 model. Defaults to vector of 1's of appropriate length.
#' @param shape.init Vector of initial parameter estimates for the shape model. Defaults to vector of 1's of appropriate length.
#' @param int.maxit Integer of maximum iterations for the internal location and scale EM algorithm. Default is 1000 iterations.
#' @param print.it Logical for printing progress of estimates through each iteration. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param control List of control parameters for the algorithm. See \code{\link{VarReg.control}}.
#' @param ... arguments to be used to form the default control argument if it is not supplied
#' directly
#' @return
#' \code{lssVarReg} returns an object of class \code{"lssVarReg"}, which inherits most from class
#' \code{"VarReg"}. This object of class \code{lssVarReg} is a list of the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{modeltype}: Text indicating the model that was fit, always "LSS model" for this model.
#' \item \code{locationmodel}, \code{scale2model}, \code{shapemodel}, \code{knots.l}, \code{knots.sc},
#' \code{knots.sh}, \code{degree},\code{mono.scale} : Returning the input variables as described above
#' \item\code{converged}: Logical argument indicating if convergence occurred.
#' \item\code{iterations}: Total iterations performed of the main algorithm (not including the
#'  internal EM algorithm).
#'  \item\code{reldiff}: the positive convergence tolerance that occured at the final iteration.
#'  \item\code{loglik}: Numeric variable of the maximised log-likelihood.
#'  \item\code{aic.c}: Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples
#'  \item\code{aic}: Akaike information criterion
#'  \item\code{bic}: Bayesian information criterion
#'  \item\code{hqc}: Hannan-Quinn information criterion
#'  \item\code{location}: Vector of the maximum likelihood estimates of the location parameters.
#'  \item\code{scale2}: Vector of the maximum likelihood estimates of the scale (squared) parameters.
#'  \item\code{shape}: Vector of the maximum likelihood estimates of the shape parameters.
#'  \item\code{data}: Dataframe containing the variables included in the model.
#'  }
#'  \code{\link{VarReg.control}}  \code{\link{plotlssVarReg}}
#' ## not run
#' ## library(palmerpenguins)
#' ## cc<-na.omit(penguins)
#' ## y<-cc$body_mass_g
#' ## x<-as.data.frame(cbind(cc$bill_length_mm, cc$flipper_length_mm,cc$bill_depth_mm))
#' ## colnames(x) <-c("bill length mm", "flipper length mm","bill depth mm")
#' ## model1<-lssVarReg.multi(y, x,
#' ##                         locationmodel="linear", location.vars = 2,
#' ##                         scale2model="constant",
#' ##                         shapemodel=c("linear", "semi"), shape.vars = c(2,3),
#' ##                         knots.sh = 1, int.maxit=10 )
#' ## model1[-21] ## print model
#' @export

lssVarReg.multi<-function(y, x,
                          locationmodel=c("constant", "linear", "semi"),
                          location.vars = c(1),
                          scale2model=c("constant", "linear", "semi"),
                          scale2.vars = c(1),
                          shapemodel=c("constant", "linear", "semi"),
                          shape.vars = c(1),
                          knots.l=NULL, knots.sc=NULL, knots.sh=NULL, degree=2,
                          location.init=NULL, scale2.init=NULL,shape.init=NULL,
                          int.maxit=1000, print.it=FALSE, control=list(...), ...) {
  control<-do.call(VarReg.control, control)
  if (anyNA(x)){
    stop("Error: x contains missing data")
  if (anyNA(y)){
    stop("Error: y contains missing data")
  if (length(y)!=nrow(x)){
    stop("Error: x and y not same length")

  #check lengths of all mean model components are equal
  if (locationmodel[1]=="constant"){
  } else if (length(locationmodel)!=length(location.vars) ||
      sum(locationmodel=="semi")!=length(knots.l) ){
    stop("Error: locationmodel, knots.l and location.vars not equal length")
  if (sum(location.vars=="semi")>0 &&
    stop("Error: vector knots.l not long enough")

  if (scale2model[1]=="constant"){
    knots.sc=NULL #ensure these are set correctly
  } else if (length(scale2model)!=length(scale2.vars) ||
             sum(scale2model=="semi")!=length(knots.sc)  ){
    stop("Error: scale2model, knots.sc and scale2.vars not equal length")
  if (sum(scale2model=="semi")>0 &&
        stop("Error: vector knots.sc not long enough")

  if (shapemodel[1]=="constant"){
    knots.sh=NULL #ensure these are set correctly
  } else if (length(shapemodel)!=length(shape.vars) ||
             sum(shapemodel=="semi")!=length(knots.sh)  ){
    stop("Error: shapemodel, knots.sh and shape.vars not equal length")
  if (sum(shapemodel=="semi")>0 &&
        stop("Error: vector knots.sh not long enough")

  if ("semi" %in% locationmodel && length(which("semi"== locationmodel))!=length(knots.l)){
    stop("Error: please specify the number of knots for each semiparametric variable in the location model")
  if ("semi" %in% scale2model && length(which("semi"== scale2model))!=length(knots.sc)){
    stop("Error: please specify the number of knots for each semiparametric variable in the scale2 model")
  if ("semi" %in% shapemodel && length(which("semi"== shapemodel))!=length(knots.sh)){
    stop("Error: please specify the number of knots for each semiparametric variable in the shape model")

  alldat<-data.frame(y, mean.int=rep(1,n), x)

    #loop thru the location variables
  if (locationmodel[1]=="constant"){
  }else if (length(locationmodel)>=1){
    for (i in 1:length(locationmodel)){
        bmean<-splines::bs(x=x[,location.vars[i]], df=(degree+knots.l[msemicounter]), degree=degree)
        colnames(bmean) <- paste(paste(paste(colnames(x)[location.vars[i]], "Knt", sep="_"),knots.l[msemicounter], sep = ""), paste("Base", colnames(bmean), sep=""), sep = "_")
        alldat<-data.frame(alldat, bmean)
       }else if (locationmodel[i]=="linear"){
        mean.ind[length(mean.ind)+1]<-location.vars[i]+2 ##assign next free place in vector with covariate
    if (is.null(location.init)==TRUE){
      xiold<-rep(1,times = length(mean.ind))
    }else if (length(location.init)==length(mean.ind)){
            stop("Error: check location.init is the correct length (expecting intercept + parameter starting estimates)")
     }else {stop("Error: check locationmodel contains the appropriate strings")

  #loop thru the scale2 variables
  if (scale2model[1]=="constant"){
    }else if (length(scale2model)>=1){

      for (i in 1:length(scale2model)){
          bvar<-splines::bs(x=x[,scale2.vars[i]], df=(degree+knots.sc[vsemicounter]), degree=degree)
          colnames(bvar) <- paste(paste(paste(colnames(x)[scale2.vars[i]],"Knt",sep="_"),knots.sc[vsemicounter], sep = ""), paste("Base", colnames(bvar), sep=""), sep = "_")
          alldat<-data.frame(alldat, bvar)
         }else if (scale2model[i]=="linear"){
          var.ind[length(var.ind)+1]<-scale2.vars[i]+2 ##assign next free place in vector with covariate
      if (is.null(scale2.init)==TRUE){
        omega2old<-rep(1,times = 1+length(var.ind))
      }else if (length(scale2.init)==1+length(var.ind)){
        stop("Error: check scale2.init is the correct length (expecting intercept + parameter starting estimates)")

    }else {stop("Error: check scale2model contains the appropriate strings")

    if (shapemodel[1]=="constant"){
  } else if (length(shapemodel)>=1){
    for (i in 1:length(shapemodel)){
        bsh<-splines::bs(x=x[,shape.vars[i]], df=(degree+knots.sh[ssemicounter]), degree=degree)
        colnames(bsh) <- paste(paste(paste(colnames(x)[shape.vars[i]],"Knt",sep="_"),knots.sh[ssemicounter], sep = ""), paste("Base", colnames(bsh), sep=""), sep = "_")
        alldat<-data.frame(alldat, bsh)
      }else if (shapemodel[i]=="linear"){
        nu.ind[length(nu.ind)+1]<-shape.vars[i]+2 ##assign next free place in vector with covariate
    nuold<-rep(1,times = 1+length(nu.ind))
    if (is.null(shape.init)==TRUE){
      nuold<-rep(1,times = 1+length(nu.ind))
    }else if (length(shape.init)==1+length(nu.ind)){
      stop("Error: check shape.init is the correct length (expecting intercept + parameter starting estimates)")
  }else {stop("Error: check shapemodel contains the appropriate strings")

    l<-loop_lss(alldat,xiold,omega2old,nuold,mean.ind, var.ind, nu.ind, para.space="all",
                maxit=control$maxit, eps=control$epsilon,int.maxit, print.it)
    for (i in 1:n){
      d[i]<-(sn::dsn(y[i], xi=l$fitted.xi[i], omega=sqrt(variance[i]), alpha=nu[i], log=TRUE))
    ic<-criterion(n, loglik, param)
    if (shapemodel[1]=="constant"){
    } else {
      names(l$nunew)<-c("Intercept", colnames(alldat)[nu.ind])

  out<-list(modeltype="LSS model", locationmodel=locationmodel, knots.l=knots.l, scale2model=scale2model, knots.sc=knots.sc, shapemodel=shapemodel, knots.sh=knots.sh, degree=degree, converged=l$conv, iterations=l$it,reldiff=l$reldiff, loglik=loglik, aic.c=ic$aicc, aic=ic$aic,bic=ic$bic, mono.scale=mono.scale, hqc=ic$hqc,
            shape=l$nunew, data=alldat)
  class(out) <- c("lssVarReg")

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VarReg documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:44 p.m.