
DrawDensityMap <- function (data_x, data_y, PercentageOutliers = 5, PaintPoint = FALSE, 
    Div = 250, HarmonicMean = FALSE, PaintAxis = FALSE, SVGf = 0) 

  # Plots a graphic of density of the vector endnodes placing the initial
  # initial nodes at the origin (0,0)  
  # Args:
  #   data_x : vector components (increments) over the X axis
  #   data_y : vector components (increments) over the Y axis
  #   PercentageOutliers: the defined %  most distant nodes are identified 
  #   PaintPoint: TRUE > the end nodes are plotted as points
  #   Div : defines the graphic resolution of the color map
  #   HarmonicMean : TRUE > uses the harmonic mean to interpolate values
  #                  FALSE > uses the arithmetic mean 
  #   PaintAxs: plots complementary axis and labels
  # SVG: 
  #     0: the plot is showed only in the graphic window 
  #     1: the plot is saved as SVG graphic
  # Returns:
  #   Plot the graphic and/or save the graphic as SVG

 if (SVGf == 1) {
   SVGfiles <- list.files(path=getwd(), pattern=glob2rx("figure*.SVG"), ignore.case=TRUE)
   nfiles = length(SVGfiles)

   if (nfiles == 0) {
     fileSVGname = "figure1.SVG"
   else {
	 newnum = nfiles + 1
     fileSVGname = paste("figure",newnum,".SVG", sep = "")
  svg(fileSVGname, width= 8, height=8)

    data_ = array(c(data_x, data_y), dim = c(length(data_x), 2))

    par(fg="white", mar=c(4,4,4,4), xaxt="s", yaxt="s") 

   # axis adjust in plot area

    minx = min(data_[,1])
    miny = min(data_[,2])
    maxx = max(data_[,1])
    maxy = max(data_[,2])

    xminp = min(0, min(minx, -maxx))
    xmaxp = max(0, max(maxx, -minx))
    yminp = min(0, min(miny, -maxy))
    ymaxp = max(0, max(maxy, -miny))

    axisl = max(xmaxp, ymaxp) * 1.05

    f1 <- kde2d(data_[,1], data_[,2], n=Div, lims=c(-axisl, axisl, -axisl, axisl))

   # end of axis adjust

    ramp <- colorRamp(c("white", "yellow", "orange", "red"))
    color = rgb(ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 13)), maxColorValue = 255)
    image(f1, col=color, xlab="", ylab="")

    abline(v=0, lwd=2, col="black")
    abline(h=0, lwd=2, col="black")
    abline(0,1,lwd=1, col="gray")
    abline(0,-1,lwd=1, col="gray")

   # title and sample size

    cpx = ArithmeticMean(data_x)
    cpy = ArithmeticMean(data_y)
    pu <- par()$usr 
    n = NumberOfElements(data_x)
    if (cpy < 0 | cpx > 0 ) { 
    text(pu[1] - pu[1]/10, pu[4] - pu[4]/8, "Density map", cex=1.2, pos=4, col="black") 
    text(pu[1] - pu[1]/10, pu[4] - pu[4]/9 - pu[4]/10, paste("Sample size, n =",n), pos=4, col="black")
    else {
    text(pu[1] - pu[1]/10, pu[3] + pu[4]/9 + pu[4]/10, "Density map", cex=1.2, pos=4, col="black")
    text(pu[1] - pu[1]/10, pu[3] + pu[4]/8, paste("Sample size, n =",n), pos=4, col="black")  

   # axis

    if (PaintAxis == TRUE) {
        axis(side=1, pos=0, labels=TRUE,las=1, col="black", ticks=FALSE, font=3)
        axis(side=2, pos=0, las=1, col="black", ticks=FALSE, font=3)

    if (PaintPoint == TRUE) {
        if (HarmonicMean == FALSE) {
            Vec1 = VectorsToPolar(data_)
            Vec = Vec1[, 1]
        else {
            Vec = AllHarmonicMean(data_)

        cant = as.integer(length(data_[, 1]) * (PercentageOutliers/100))
        data_ = data_[order(Vec, decreasing = TRUE), ]
        for (i in 1:length(data_[, 1])) {
            if (i > cant) {
                points(data_[i, 1], data_[i, 2], cex = 0.5, col = "SkyBlue3", 
                  pch = 19)
            else {
                points(data_[i, 1], data_[i, 2], cex = 0.5, col = "Red", 
                  pch = 19)
  if (SVGf == 1) {
   print(paste("Plot has been saved as SVG graphic file '",fileSVGname,"' in",getwd()))

Try the VecStatGraphs2D package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

VecStatGraphs2D documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:36 p.m.