isMultiData: Determine whether the supplied object is a valid multiData...

View source: R/multiData.R

isMultiDataR Documentation

Determine whether the supplied object is a valid multiData structure


Attempts to determine whether the supplied object is a valid multiData structure (see Details).


isMultiData(x, strict = TRUE)



An object.


Logical: should the structure of multiData be checked for "strict" compliance?


A multiData structure is intended to store (the same type of) data for multiple, possibly independent, realizations (for example, expression data for several independent experiments). It is a list where each component corresponds to an (independent) data set. Each component is in turn a list that can hold various types of information but must have a data component. In a "strict" multiData structure, the data components are required to each be a matrix or a data frame and have the same number of columns. In a "loose" multiData structure, the data components can be anything (but for most purposes should be of comparable type and content).

This function checks whether the supplied x is a multiData structure in the "strict" (when strict = TRUE or "loose" strict = FALSE sense.


Logical: TRUE if the input x is a multiData structure, FALSE otherwise.


Peter Langfelder

See Also

Other multiData handling functions whose names start with mtd.

WGCNA documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 5:08 p.m.

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