
Defines functions multiData mtd.setColnames mtd.setAttr mtd.rbindSelf mtd.mapply isMultiData mtd.simplify mtd.applyToSubset mtd.apply .calculateIndicator mtd.colnames list2multiData multiData2list mtd.subset

Documented in isMultiData list2multiData mtd.apply mtd.applyToSubset mtd.colnames mtd.mapply mtd.rbindSelf mtd.setAttr mtd.setColnames mtd.simplify mtd.subset multiData multiData2list

# Convenience functions for manipulating multiData structures

# Note: many of these function would be simpler to use if I used some sort of class/method technique to keep
# track of the class of each object internally. For example, I could then write a generic function "subset" that
# would work consistently on lists and multiData objects. Similarly, multiData2list would simply become a
# method of as.list, and as.list would be safe to use both on lists and on multiData objects. 

mtd.subset = function(multiData, rowIndex = NULL, colIndex = NULL, invert = FALSE, 
                      permissive = FALSE, drop = FALSE)
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  size = checkSets(multiData, checkStructure = permissive);
  if (!size$structureOK && !is.null(colIndex))
    warning(immediate. = TRUE,
            paste("mtd.subset: applying column selection on data sets that do not have\n",
                  " the same number of columns. This is treacherous territory; proceed with caution."));
  if (is.null(colIndex)) { if (!invert) colIndex.1 = c(1:size$nGenes)} else colIndex.1 = colIndex;
  if (is.null(rowIndex)) rowIndex = lapply(size$nSamples, function(n) if (invert) numeric(0) else c(1:n))
  if (length(rowIndex)!=size$nSets) 
    stop("If given, 'rowIndex' must be a list of the same length as 'multiData'.");
  out = list();
  if (invert)
     rowIndexAll = lapply(size$nSamples, function(n) c(1:n))
     if (any(sapply(rowIndex, function(i) any(i<0))))
       stop("Negative 'rowIndex' indices cannot be used with 'invert=TRUE'.");
     rowIndex = mapply(setdiff, rowIndexAll, rowIndex, SIMPLIFY = FALSE);
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (permissive)
      if (is.null(colIndex) && !invert) colIndex.1 = c(1:ncol(multiData[[set]]$data)) else colIndex.1 = colIndex;
    if (is.character(colIndex.1))
      colIndex.1 = match(colIndex.1, colnames(multiData[[set]]$data));
      n1 = length(colIndex.1)
      if (any(is.na(colIndex.1)))
        stop("Cannot match the following entries in 'colIndex' to column names in set ", set, ":\n",
             paste( colIndex[is.na(colIndex.1)] [1:min(n1, 5)], collapse = ", "),
             if (n1>5) ", ... [output truncated]" else "");
    if (invert)
      if (any(colIndex.1<0)) 
        stop("Negative indices cannot be used with 'invert=TRUE'.");
      colIndex.2 = setdiff(1:ncol(multiData[[set]]$data), colIndex.1);
    } else 
      colIndex.2 = colIndex.1;

    out[[set]] = list(data = multiData[[set]]$data[rowIndex[[set]], colIndex.2, drop = drop]);
  names(out) = names(multiData);

multiData2list = function(multiData)
  lapply(multiData, getElement, 'data');

list2multiData = function(data)
  out = list();
  for (set in 1:length(data))
    out[[set]] = list(data = data[[set]]);
  names(out) = names(data);

mtd.colnames = function(multiData)
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);

.calculateIndicator = function(nSets, mdaExistingResults, mdaUpdateIndex)
  if (length(mdaUpdateIndex)==0) mdaUpdateIndex = NULL;
  calculate = rep(TRUE, nSets);
  if (!is.null(mdaExistingResults))
    nSets.existing = length(mdaExistingResults);
    if (nSets.existing>nSets)
      stop("Number of sets in 'mdaExistingResults' is higher than the number of sets in 'multiData'.\n",
           "  Please supply a valid 'mdaExistingResults' or NULL to recalculate all results.");
    if (nSets.existing==0)
      stop("Number of sets in 'mdaExistingResults' is zero.\n",
           "  Please supply a valid 'mdaExistingResults' or NULL to recalculate all results.");
    if (is.null(mdaUpdateIndex))
      calculate[1:length(mdaExistingResults)] = FALSE;
    } else {
      if (any(! mdaUpdateIndex %in% c(1:nSets)))
        stop("All entries in 'mdaUpdateIndex' must be between 1 and the number of sets in 'multiData'.");
      calculateIndex = sort(unique(c(mdaUpdateIndex,
                                      if (nSets.existing<nSets) c((nSets.existing+1):nSets) else NULL)));
      calculate[ c(1:nSets)[-calculateIndex] ] = FALSE;



mtd.apply = function(
    # What to do
    multiData, FUN, ...,

    # Pre-existing results and update options
    mdaExistingResults = NULL, mdaUpdateIndex = NULL,
    mdaCopyNonData = FALSE,

    # Output formatting options
    mdaSimplify = FALSE,
    returnList = FALSE,

    # Internal behaviour options
    mdaVerbose = 0, mdaIndent = 0
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  printSpaces = indentSpaces(mdaIndent);

  if (!isMultiData(multiData, strict = FALSE))
    stop("Supplied 'multiData' is not a valid multiData structure.");

  if (mdaSimplify && mdaCopyNonData) 
    stop("Non-data copying is not compatible with simplification.");

  nSets = length(multiData);
  if (mdaCopyNonData) out = multiData else out = vector(mode = "list", length = nSets);

  calculate = .calculateIndicator(nSets, mdaExistingResults, mdaUpdateIndex);

  FUN = match.fun(FUN);
  for (set in 1:nSets) 
    if (calculate[set])
      if (mdaVerbose > 0)
        printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.apply: working on set ", set)); 
      out[[set]] = list(data = FUN(multiData[[set]]$data, ...))
    } else
      out[set] = mdaExistingResults[set];

  names(out) = names(multiData);

  if (mdaSimplify) 
    if (mdaVerbose > 0)
      printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.apply: attempting to simplify...")); 
    return (mtd.simplify(out));
  } else if (returnList) {
    return (multiData2list(out));


mtd.applyToSubset = function(
    # What to do
    multiData, FUN, ...,

    # Which rows and cols to keep
    mdaRowIndex = NULL, mdaColIndex = NULL,

    # Pre-existing results and update options
    mdaExistingResults = NULL, mdaUpdateIndex = NULL,
    mdaCopyNonData = FALSE,

    # Output formatting options
    mdaSimplify = FALSE,
    returnList = FALSE,

    # Internal behaviour options
    mdaVerbose = 0, mdaIndent = 0
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  printSpaces = indentSpaces(mdaIndent);

  size = checkSets(multiData);
  if (mdaSimplify && mdaCopyNonData)
    stop("Non-data copying is not compatible with simplification.");

  if (mdaCopyNonData) res = multiData else res = vector(mode = "list", length = size$nSets);

  doSelection = FALSE;
  if (!is.null(mdaColIndex))
    doSelection = TRUE
    if (any(mdaColIndex < 0 | mdaColIndex > size$nGenes)) 
      stop("Some of the indices in 'mdaColIndex' are out of range.");
  } else {
    mdaColIndex = c(1:size$nGenes);

  if (!is.null(mdaRowIndex))
    if (!is.list(mdaRowIndex))
       stop("mdaRowIndex must be a list, with one component per set.");
    if (length(mdaRowIndex)!=size$nSets)
       stop("Number of components in 'mdaRowIndex' must equal number of sets.");
    doSelection = TRUE
  } else {
    mdaRowIndex = lapply(size$nSamples, function(n) { c(1:n) });
  calculate = .calculateIndicator(nSets, mdaExistingResults, mdaUpdateIndex);

  fun = match.fun(FUN) 
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (calculate[set])
       if (mdaVerbose > 0)
         printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.applyToSubset: working on set ", set));
       res[[set]] = list(data = fun( 
                if (doSelection) multiData[[set]] $ data[mdaRowIndex[[set]], mdaColIndex, drop = FALSE] else
                                 multiData[[set]] $ data, ...));
    } else
       res[set] = mdaExistingResults[set];

  names(res) = names(multiData);

  if (mdaSimplify) 
    if (mdaVerbose > 0)
      printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.applyToSubset: attempting to simplify..."));
    return (mtd.simplify(res));
  } else if (returnList) {
    return (multiData2list(res));


mtd.simplify = function(multiData)
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  len = length(multiData[[1]]$data);
  dim = dim(multiData[[1]]$data);
  simplifiable = TRUE;
  nSets = length(multiData);
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (len!=length(multiData[[set]]$data)) simplifiable = FALSE;
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal( dim, dim(multiData[[set]]$data)))) simplifiable = FALSE;
  if (simplifiable)
    if (is.null(dim)) {
       innerDim = len;
       innerNames = names(multiData[[1]]$data);
       if (is.null(innerNames)) innerNames = spaste("X", c(1:len));
    } else {
       innerDim = dim;
       innerNames = dimnames(multiData[[1]]$data);
       if (is.null(innerNames)) 
         innerNames = lapply(innerDim, function(x) {spaste("X", 1:x)})
       nullIN = sapply(innerNames, is.null);
       if (any(nullIN))
         innerNames[nullIN] = lapply(innerDim[nullIN], function(x) {spaste("X", 1:x)})
    setNames = names(multiData);
    if (is.null(setNames)) setNames = spaste("Set_", 1:nSets);
    mtd.s = matrix(NA, prod(innerDim), nSets);
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      mtd.s[, set] = as.vector(multiData[[set]]$data);

    dim(mtd.s) = c(innerDim, nSets);
    if (!is.null(innerNames))
      dimnames(mtd.s) = c (if (is.list(innerNames)) innerNames else list(innerNames), list(setNames));

isMultiData = function(x, strict = TRUE)
  if (strict) {
     !inherits(try(checkSets(x), silent = TRUE), 'try-error');
  } else {
    hasData = sapply(x, function(l) { "data" %in% names(l) });

mtd.mapply = function(
  # What to do
  FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL,

  # How to interpret the input
  mdma.argIsMultiData = NULL,

  # Copy previously known results?
  mdmaExistingResults = NULL, mdmaUpdateIndex = NULL,

  # How to format output
  mdmaSimplify = FALSE,
  returnList = FALSE,

  # Options controlling internal behaviour
  mdma.doCollectGarbage = FALSE,
  mdmaVerbose = 0, mdmaIndent = 0)

  printSpaces = indentSpaces(mdmaIndent);
  dots = list(...);
  if (length(dots)==0) 
    stop("No arguments were specified. Please type ?mtd.mapply to see the help page.");
  dotLengths = sapply(dots, length);
  if (any(dotLengths!=dotLengths[1]))
    tmp = data.frame(name = names(dots), length = dotLengths);
    rownames(tmp) = NULL;
    stop(spaste("All arguments to vectorize over must have the same length.\n", 
                "Scalar arguments should be put into the 'MoreArgs' argument.\n",
                "Note: lengths of '...' arguments are: "));
  nArgs = length(dots);
  res = list();
  if (is.null(mdma.argIsMultiData)) mdma.argIsMultiData = sapply(dots, isMultiData, strict = FALSE);

  nSets = dotLengths[1];

  calculate = .calculateIndicator(nSets, mdmaExistingResults, mdmaUpdateIndex);

  FUN = match.fun(FUN);
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (calculate[set])
      if (mdmaVerbose > 0)
        printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.mapply: working on set ", set));

      localArgs = list();
      for (arg in 1:nArgs)
        localArgs[[arg]] = if (mdma.argIsMultiData[arg]) dots[[arg]] [[set]] $ data else dots[[arg]] [[set]];
      names(localArgs) = names(dots);
      res[[set]] = list(data = do.call(FUN, c(localArgs, MoreArgs)));
      if (mdma.doCollectGarbage) collectGarbage();
    } else
      res[set] = mdmaExistingResults[set];

  names(res) = names(dots[[1]]);

  if (mdmaSimplify)
    if (mdmaVerbose > 0)
      printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.mapply: attempting to simplify..."));
    return (mtd.simplify(res));
  } else if (returnList) {
    return (multiData2list(res));


mtd.rbindSelf = function(multiData)
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  size = checkSets(multiData);
  out = NULL;
  colnames = mtd.colnames(multiData);
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (!is.null(colnames(multiData[[set]]$data)) && 
        !isTRUE(all.equal(colnames, colnames(multiData[[set]]$data))) )
       warning("mtd.rbindSelf: 'colnames' of the first set and set ", set, " do not agree.");
       colnames(multiData[[set]]$data) = colnames;
  do.call(rbind, multiData2list(multiData));

mtd.setAttr = function(multiData, attribute, valueList)
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  size = checkSets(multiData);
  ind = 1;
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    attr(multiData[[set]]$data, attribute) = valueList[[ind]];
    ind = ind + 1;
    if (ind > length(valueList)) ind = 1;

mtd.setColnames = function(multiData, colnames)
  if (length(multiData)==0) return(NULL);
  size = checkSets(multiData);
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    colnames(multiData[[set]]$data) = colnames

multiData = function(...)

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