# Wrappers functions----
#' 1D Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing
#' Main package function to apply Whittaker-Henderson smoothing in a
#' one-dimensional survival analysis framework. It takes as input a vector of
#' observed events and a vector of associated central exposure, both depending
#' on a single covariate, and build a smooth version of the log-hazard rate.
#' Smoothing parameters may be supplied or automatically chosen according to an
#' adequate criterion such as `"REML"` (the default), `"AIC"`, `"BIC"` or
#' `"GCV"`. Whittaker-Henderson may be applied in a full maximum likelihood
#' framework (the default) or an approximate gaussian framework (the original).
#' @param d Vector of observed events, should have named elements.
#' @param ec Vector of central exposure. The central exposure corresponds to the
#' sum of the exposure duration over the insured population. An individual
#' experiencing an event of interest during the year will no longer be exposed
#' afterward and the exposure should be computed accordingly.
#' @param lambda Smoothing parameter. If missing, an optimization procedure will
#' be used to find the optimal smoothing parameter. If supplied, no optimal
#' smoothing parameter search will take place unless the `method` argument is
#' also supplied, in which case `lambda` will be used as the starting
#' parameter for the optimization procedure.
#' @param criterion Criterion to be used for the selection of the optimal
#' smoothing parameter. Default is `"REML"` which stands for restricted
#' maximum likelihood. Other options include `"AIC"`, `"BIC"` and `"GCV"`.
#' @param method Method to be used to find the optimal smoothing parameter.
#' Default to `"fixed_lambda"` if `lambda` is supplied, meaning no
#' optimization is performed. Otherwise, default to the most reliable
#' `"outer"` method based on the `optimize` function from package `stats`.
#' @param q Order of penalization. Polynoms of degrees `q - 1` are considered
#' completely smooth and are therefore unpenalized. Should be left to the
#' default of `2` for most practical applications.
#' @param framework Default framework is `"ml"` which stands for maximum
#' likelihood unless the `y` argument is also provided, in which case an
#' `"reg"` or (approximate) regression framework is used.
#' @param y Optional vector of observations whose elements should be named. Used
#' only in the regression framework and if the `d` and `ec` arguments are
#' missing (otherwise `y` is automatically computed from `d` and `ec`). May be
#' useful when using Whittaker-Henderson smoothing outside of the survival
#' analysis framework.
#' @param wt Optional vector of weights. As for the observation vector `y`, used
#' only in the regression framework and if the `d` and `ec` arguments are
#' missing (otherwise `wt` is automatically set to `d`). May be useful when
#' using Whittaker-Henderson smoothing outside of the survival analysis
#' framework.
#' @param quiet Should messages and warnings be silenced ? Default to `FALSE`,
#' may be set to `TRUE` is the function is called repeatedly.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the smoothing function called.
#' @returns An object of class `WH_1d` i.e. a list containing :
#' * `d` The inputed vector of observed events (if supplied as input)
#' * `ec` The inputed vector of central exposure (if supplied as input)
#' * `y` The observation vector, either supplied or computed as y = log(d) - log(ec)
#' * `wt` The inputed vector of weights, either supplied or computed as `d`
#' * `y_hat` The vector of values fitted using Whittaker-Henderson smoothing
#' * `std_y_hat` The vector of standard deviation associated with the fit
#' * `res` The vector of deviance residuals associated with the fit
#' * `edf_obs` The vector of effective degrees of freedom associated with each observation
#' * `edf_par` The vector of effective degrees of freedom associated with each eigenvector
#' * `diagnosis` A data.frame with one line containing the sum of effective degrees of freedom
#' for the model, the deviance of the fit as well as the AIC, BIC, GCV and
#' REML criteria
#' * `Psi` The variance-covariance matrix associated with the fit, which is required
#' for the extrapolation step.
#' * `lambda` The smoothing parameter used.
#' * `p` The number of eigenvectors kept on each dimension if the rank reduction method
#' is used (it should not in the one-dimensional case).
#' * `q` The supplied order for the penalization matrix.
#' @examples
#' d <- portfolio_mort$d
#' ec <- portfolio_mort$ec
#' y <- log(d / ec)
#' y[d == 0] <- - 20
#' wt <- d
#' # Maximum likelihood
#' WH_1d(d, ec, lambda = 1e2)
#' WH_1d(d, ec) # default outer iteration method based on the optimize function
#' WH_1d(d, ec, criterion = "GCV")
#' # alternative optimization criterion for smoothing parameter selection
#' # Regression
#' WH_1d(y = y, wt = wt, lambda = 1e2) # regression framework is default when y is supplied
#' WH_1d(d, ec, framework = "reg", lambda = 1e2)
#' # setting framework = "reg" forces computation of y from d and ec
#' @export
WH_1d <- function(d, ec, lambda, criterion, method, q = 2, framework, y, wt, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
if (missing(framework)) framework <- if (!missing(y)) "reg" else "ml"
if (length(framework) != 1 || !(framework %in% c("reg", "ml"))) {
stop("framework should be one of ml (the default) or reg")
if (framework == "reg") {
if (missing(y)) {
if (!missing(d) && !missing(ec)) {
if (!is.numeric(d)) stop("d should be a numeric vector")
if (!is.numeric(ec)) stop("ec should be a numeric vector")
if (length(d) != length(ec)) stop("Length of d and ec must match")
if (!quiet) message("Computing y as log(d / ec)")
y <- log(d / ec)
y[d == 0] <- - 20
} else {
stop("Either y or both d and ec required in the regression framework")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("y should be a numeric vector")
if (missing(wt)) {
if (!missing(d)) {
if (!quiet) message("Using d as weights")
wt <- d
} else {
stop("Either wt or d needs to be supplied in the regression framework")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(wt)) stop("wt should be a numeric vector")
if (length(y) != length(wt)) stop("Length of y and wt must match")
if (is.null(names(y))) {
y_names <- seq_along(y)
if (!quiet) warning("No names found for y, setting names to: ", paste(range(y_names), collapse = " - "))
} else {
if (missing(d)) stop("d argument required in the maximum likelihood framework")
if (missing(ec)) stop("ec argument required in the maximum likelihood framework")
if (!is.numeric(d)) stop("d should be a numeric vector")
if (!is.numeric(ec)) stop("ec should be a numeric vector")
if (length(d) != length(ec)) stop("Length of d and ec must match")
if (is.null(names(d))) {
d_names <- seq_along(d)
if (!quiet) warning("No names found for d, setting names to: ", paste(range(d_names), collapse = " - "))
if (missing(criterion)) criterion <- "REML"
criteria <- c("REML", "AIC", "BIC", "GCV")
if (length(criterion) != 1 || !(criterion %in% criteria)) stop(
"criterion should be one of ", paste(criteria, collapse = ", "))
if (missing(method)) {
if (!missing(lambda)) {
if (length(lambda) != 1) stop("smoothing parameter lambda should be of length 1")
if (!is.numeric(lambda) || lambda <= 0) stop(
"smoothing parameter lambda should be a strictly positive number")
method <- "fixed_lambda"
} else {
if (!quiet) message("Using outer iteration / Brent method")
method <- "outer"
methods <- c("fixed_lambda", "perf", "outer")
if (length("method") != 1 || !(method %in% methods)) stop(
"method should be one of ", paste(methods, collapse = ", "))
if (missing(lambda)) {
lambda <- 1e3
} else {
if (method != "fixed_lambda" && !quiet) message("Both method and lambda specified, lambda used as starting parameter")
if (!is.numeric(q) || length(q) != 1 || q <= 0 ||
(abs(q - round(q)) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)) stop(
"q should be a strictly positive integer"
if (q > 3 && !quiet) warning("Differences of order q > 3 have no meaningful interpretation.\n",
"Consider using a lower value for q")
reg <- (framework == "reg")
what <- paste("WH_1d", method, sep = "_")
args <- (if (reg) list(y = y, wt = wt) else list(d = d, ec = ec)) |>
c(list(q = q, lambda = lambda, reg = reg),
if (method %in% c("perf", "outer")) list(criterion = criterion),
out <-, args)
#' 2D Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing
#' Main package function to apply Whittaker-Henderson smoothing in a
#' bidimensional survival analysis framework. It takes as input a matrix of
#' observed events and a matrix of associated central exposure, both depending
#' on two covariates, and build a smooth version of the log-hazard rate.
#' Smoothing parameters may be supplied or automatically chosen according to a
#' specific criterion such as `"REML"` (the default), `"AIC"`, `"BIC"` or
#' `"GCV"`. Whittaker-Henderson may be applied in a full maximum likelihood
#' framework or an approximate gaussian framework. As Whittaker-Henderson
#' smoothing relies on full-rank smoothers, computation time and memory usage in
#' the bidimensional case may prove overwhelming and the function integrates a
#' rank-reduction procedure to avoid such issues.
#' @inheritParams WH_1d
#' @param d Matrix of observed events, whose rows and columns must be named.
#' @param ec Matrix of central exposure. The central exposure corresponds to the
#' sum of the exposure duration over the insured population. An individual
#' experiencing an event of interest during the year will no longer be exposed
#' afterward and the exposure should be computed accordingly.
#' @param lambda Smoothing parameter vector of size `2`. If missing, an
#' optimization procedure will be used to find the optimal smoothing
#' parameter. If supplied, no optimal smoothing parameter search will take
#' place unless the `method` argument is also supplied, in which case `lambda`
#' will be used as the starting parameter for the optimization procedure.
#' @param method Method to be used to find the optimal smoothing parameter.
#' Default to `"fixed_lambda"` if `lambda` is supplied, meaning no
#' optimization is performed. Otherwise, default to `"perf"` which means the
#' faster performance iteration method is used. The alternative `"outer"`
#' method is safer but slower. Both those methods rely on the `optim` function
#' from package `stats`.
#' @param p Optional vector of size `2`. Maximum number of eigenvectors to keep
#' on each dimension after performing the eigen decomposition of the
#' penalization matrix. If missing, will be automatically computed so that the
#' number of elements of the (square) matrices involved in the optimization
#' problem remains lower that the `max_dim` argument
#' @param max_dim Number of parameters to be kept in the optimization problem.
#' Default is `200`. Values higher than `1000` may result in very high
#' computation times and memory usage.
#' @param q Order of penalization vector of size `2`. Polynoms of degrees
#' `(q[[1]] - 1,q[[2]] - 1)` are considered smooth and are therefore
#' unpenalized. Should be left to the default of `c(2,2)` for most practical
#' applications.
#' @param y Optional matrix of observations whose rows and columns should be
#' named. Used only in the regression framework and if the `d` and `ec`
#' arguments are missing (otherwise `y` is automatically computed from `d` and
#' `ec`). May be useful when using Whittaker-Henderson smoothing outside of
#' the survival analysis framework.
#' @param wt Optional matrix of weights. As for the observation vector `y`, Used
#' only in the regression framework and if the `d` and `ec` arguments are
#' missing (otherwise `wt` is set equal to `d`). May be useful when using
#' Whittaker-Henderson smoothing outside of the survival analysis framework.
#' @returns An object of class `WH_2d` i.e. a list containing :
#' * `d` The inputed matrix of observed events (if supplied as input)
#' * `ec` The inputed matrix of central exposure (if supplied as input)
#' * `y` The observation matrix, either supplied or computed as y = log(d) - log(ec)
#' * `wt` The inputed matrix of weights, either supplied or set to `d`
#' * `y_hat` The matrix of values fitted using Whittaker-Henderson smoothing
#' * `std_y_hat` The matrix of standard deviations associated with the fit
#' * `res` The matrix of deviance residuals associated with the fit
#' * `edf_obs` The matrix of effective degrees of freedom associated with each observation
#' * `edf_par` The matrix of effective degrees of freedom associated with each eigenvector
#' * `diagnosis` A data.frame with one line containing the sum of effective degrees of freedom
#' for the model, the deviance of the fit as well as the AIC, BIC, GCV and
#' REML criteria
#' * `Psi` The variance-covariance matrix associated with the fit, which is required
#' for the extrapolation step.
#' * `lambda` The vector of smoothing parameters used.
#' * `p` The number of eigenvectors kept on each dimension if the rank reduction method
#' is used.
#' * `q` The supplied vector of orders for the penalization matrices.
#' @examples
#' keep_age <- which(rowSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 5e2)
#' keep_duration <- which(colSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e3)
#' d <- portfolio_LTC$d[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' ec <- portfolio_LTC$ec[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' y <- log(d / ec) # observation vector
#' y[d == 0] <- - 20
#' wt <- d
#' # Maximum likelihood
#' WH_2d(d, ec, lambda = c(1e2, 1e2))
#' WH_2d(d, ec) # performance iteration default method
#' WH_2d(d, ec, method = "outer") # slower but safer outer iteration method
#' WH_2d(d, ec, criterion = "GCV")
#' # alternative optimization criteria for smoothing parameter selection
#' # Regression
#' WH_2d(y = y, wt = wt, lambda = c(1e2, 1e2)) # regression framework is triggered when y is supplied
#' WH_2d(d, ec, framework = "reg", lambda = c(1e2, 1e2))
#' # setting framework = "reg" forces computation of y from d and ec
#' # Rank reduction
#' keep_age <- which(rowSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e2)
#' keep_duration <- which(colSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e2)
#' d <- portfolio_LTC$d[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' ec <- portfolio_LTC$ec[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' prod(dim(d)) # problem dimension is 627 !
#' WH_2d(d, ec)
#' # rank-reduction is used to find an approximate solution using 200 parameters
#' @export
WH_2d <- function(d, ec, lambda, criterion, method, max_dim = 200, p,
q = c(2, 2), framework, y, wt, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
if (missing(framework)) framework <- if (!missing(y)) "reg" else "ml"
if (length(framework) != 1 || !(framework %in% c("reg", "ml"))) {
stop("framework should be one of ml (the default) or reg")
if (framework == "reg") {
if (missing(y)) {
if (!missing(d) && !missing(ec)) {
if (is.null(dim(d)) || length(dim(d)) != 2) stop("d should be a numeric matrix")
if (is.null(dim(ec)) || length(dim(ec)) != 2) stop("ec should be a numeric matrix")
if (any(dim(d) != dim(ec))) stop("Dimensions of d and ec must match")
if (!quiet) message("Computing y as y = log(d / ec)")
y <- log(d / ec)
y[d == 0] <- - 20
} else {
stop("Either y or both d and ec required in the regression framework")
} else {
if (is.null(dim(y)) || length(dim(y)) != 2) stop("y should be a numeric matrix")
if (missing(wt)) {
if (!missing(d)) {
if (!quiet) message("Using d as weights")
wt <- d
} else {
stop("Either wt or d needs to be supplied in the regression framework")
} else {
if (is.null(dim(wt)) || length(dim(wt)) != 2) stop("wt should be a numeric matrix")
if (any(dim(y) != dim(wt))) stop("Dimensions of y and wt must match")
if (is.null(rownames(y))) {
y_rownames <- seq_along(dim(y)[[1]])
if (!quiet) warning("No names found for y rows, setting names to: ", paste(range(y_rownames), collapse = " - "))
if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
y_colnames <- seq_along(dim(y)[[2]])
if (!quiet) warning("No names found for y columns, setting names to: ", paste(range(y_colnames), collapse = " - "))
} else {
if (missing(d)) stop("d argument required in the maximum likelihood framework")
if (missing(ec)) stop("ec argument required in the maximum likelihood framework")
if (is.null(dim(d)) || length(dim(d)) != 2) stop("d should be a numeric matrix")
if (is.null(dim(ec)) || length(dim(ec)) != 2) stop("ec should be a numeric matrix")
if (any(dim(d) != dim(ec))) stop("Dimensions of d and ec must match")
if (is.null(rownames(d))) {
d_rownames <- seq_along(dim(d)[[1]])
if (!quiet) warning("No names found for d rows, setting names to: ", paste(range(d_rownames), collapse = " - "))
if (is.null(colnames(d))) {
d_colnames <- seq_along(dim(d)[[2]])
if (!quiet) warning("No names found for d columns, setting names to: ", paste(range(d_colnames), collapse = " - "))
if (missing(criterion)) criterion <- "REML"
criteria <- c("REML", "AIC", "BIC", "GCV")
if (length(criterion) != 1 || !(criterion %in% criteria)) stop(
"criterion should be one of ", paste(criteria, collapse = ", "))
if (missing(method)) {
if (!missing(lambda)) {
if (length(lambda) != 2) stop("smoothing parameter vector lambda should be of length 2")
if (!is.numeric(lambda) || any(lambda <= 0)) stop(
"smoothing parameters should be strictly positive numbers")
method <- "fixed_lambda"
max_dim <- Inf
} else {
if (!quiet) message("Using performance iteration / Nelder-Mead method")
method <- "perf"
methods <- c("fixed_lambda", "perf", "outer")
if (length("method") != 1 || !(method %in% methods)) stop(
"method should be one of ", paste(methods, collapse = ", "))
if (missing(lambda)) {
lambda <- c(1e3, 1e3)
} else {
if (method != "fixed_lambda" && !quiet) message(
"Both method and lambda specified, lambda used as starting parameter")
n <- if (framework == "reg") dim(y) else dim(d)
if (missing(p)) {
max_ratio <- sqrt(max_dim / (n[[2]] * n[[1]]))
p <- as.integer(pmin(max_ratio, 1) * n)
names(p) <- if (framework == "reg") names(dimnames(y)) else names(dimnames(d))
} else {
if (!is.numeric(q) || length(q) != 2 || any(q <= 0) ||
(max(abs(q - round(q))) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)) stop(
"p should be an integer vector of length 2")
if (any(p <= q) || any(p > n)) stop(
"p should range between ", paste(q, collapse = " / "), " and ", paste(n, collapse = " / "))
if (!is.numeric(q) || length(q) != 2 || any(q <= 0) ||
(max(abs(q - round(q))) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)) stop(
"q should be a couple of strictly positive integers"
if (any(q > 3) && !quiet) warning("Differences of order q > 3 have no meaningful interpretation.\n",
"Consider using a lower value for q")
reg <- (framework == "reg")
what <- paste("WH_2d", method, sep = "_")
args <- (if (reg) list(y = y, wt = wt) else list(d = d, ec = ec)) |>
c(list(p = p, q = q, lambda = lambda, reg = reg),
if (method %in% c("perf", "outer")) list(criterion = criterion),
out <-, args)
# Extrapolation----
#' Prediction for a Whittaker-Henderson Fit
#' Extrapolate the Whittaker-Henderson fit for new observations.
#' @param object An object of class `"WH_1d"` returned by the [WH_1d()] function
#' @param newdata A vector containing the position of new observations.
#' Observations from the fit will automatically be added to this, in the
#' adequate order
#' @param ... Not used
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_1d"` with additional components `y_pred` and
#' `std_y_pred` corresponding to the model predictions and associated standard
#' deviations.
#' @examples
#' d <- portfolio_mort$d
#' ec <- portfolio_mort$ec
#' fit <- WH_1d(d, ec)
#' newdata = 18:99
#' pred <- predict(fit, newdata)
#' plot(pred)
#' @export
predict.WH_1d <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "WH_1d")) stop("object must be of class WH_1d")
if (!is.numeric(newdata)) stop("newdata should be a vector containing the names of predicted values")
data <- as.numeric(names(object$y))
full_data <- sort(union(data, newdata))
n <- length(data)
n_inf <- sum(full_data < min(data))
n_sup <- sum(full_data > max(data))
n_tot <- n + n_inf + n_sup
ind_fit <- c(rep(FALSE, n_inf), rep(TRUE, n), rep(FALSE, n_sup)) |> which()
D_mat_pred <- build_D_mat(n_tot, object$q)
P_pred <- object$lambda * crossprod(D_mat_pred)
diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) <- diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) + object$wt
Psi_pred <- P_pred |> chol() |> chol2inv() # unconstrained variance / covariance matrix
y_pred <- c(Psi_pred[,ind_fit] %*% (object$wt * object$z))
std_y_pred <- sqrt(diag(Psi_pred))
names(y_pred) <- names(std_y_pred) <- full_data
object$y_pred <- y_pred
object$std_y_pred <- std_y_pred
#' Prediction for a Whittaker-Henderson Fit
#' Extrapolate the Whittaker-Henderson fit for new observations in a way that is
#' consistent with the initial model fit.
#' @param object An object of class `"WH_2d"` returned by the [WH_2d()] function
#' @param newdata A list containing two vectors indicating the new observation
#' positions
#' @param ... Not used
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_2d"` with additional components `y_pred` and
#' `std_y_pred` corresponding to the model predictions and associated standard
#' deviations.
#' @examples
#' keep_age <- which(rowSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 5e2)
#' keep_duration <- which(colSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e3)
#' d <- portfolio_LTC$d[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' ec <- portfolio_LTC$ec[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' fit <- WH_2d(d, ec)
#' newdata <- list(age = 50:99, duration = 0:19)
#' pred <- predict(fit, newdata)
#' plot(pred)
#' @export
predict.WH_2d <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "WH_2d")) stop("object must be of class WH_2d")
if (length(newdata) != 2 || !is.numeric(newdata[[1]]) || !is.numeric(newdata[[2]])) stop(
"newdata should be a list with two elements containing the row names and column names for predicted values")
data <- dimnames(object$y) |> lapply(as.numeric)
full_data <- map2(data, newdata, \(x,y) sort(union(x, y)))
n <- map(data, length, "integer")
n_inf <- map2(data, full_data, \(x,y) sum(y < min(x)), "integer")
n_sup <- map2(data, full_data, \(x,y) sum(y > max(x)), "integer")
n_tot <- n + n_inf + n_sup
prod_n <- prod(n)
prod_n_tot <- prod(n_inf + n + n_sup)
ind_rows <- c(rep(FALSE, n_inf[[1]]), rep(TRUE, n[[1]]), rep(FALSE, n_sup[[1]]))
ind_fit <- c(rep(FALSE, n_tot[[1]] * n_inf[[2]]), rep(ind_rows, n[[2]])) |> which()
D_mat_pred <- map2(n_tot, object$q, build_D_mat) # extended difference matrices
P_pred <- object$lambda[[1]] * diag(n_tot[[2]]) %x% crossprod(D_mat_pred[[1]]) +
object$lambda[[2]] * crossprod(D_mat_pred[[2]]) %x% diag(n_tot[[1]]) # extended penalization matrix
diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) <- diag(P_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit]) + c(object$wt)
Psi <- object$U %*% object$Psi %*% t(object$U)
P_12 <- P_pred[ind_fit, - ind_fit]
P_22_m <- P_pred[- ind_fit, - ind_fit] |> chol() |> chol2inv()
P_aux <- P_12 %*% P_22_m
P_aux_2 <- Psi %*% P_aux
Psi_pred <- matrix(0, prod_n_tot, prod_n_tot)
Psi_pred[ind_fit, ind_fit] <- Psi
Psi_pred[ind_fit, - ind_fit] <- - P_aux_2
Psi_pred[- ind_fit, ind_fit] <- t(Psi_pred[ind_fit, - ind_fit])
Psi_pred[- ind_fit, - ind_fit] <- t(P_aux) %*% P_aux_2 + P_22_m
y_pred <- c(Psi_pred[,ind_fit] %*% c(object$wt * object$z))
std_y_pred <- sqrt(diag(Psi_pred))
dim(y_pred) <- dim(std_y_pred) <- n_tot # set dimension for output matrices
dimnames(y_pred) <- dimnames(std_y_pred) <- full_data # set names for output matrices
object$y_pred <- y_pred
object$std_y_pred <- std_y_pred
# Formatting----
#' Provide WH model Fit Results as a Data.frame
#' @param object An object of class `"WH_1d"` or `"WH_2d"` returned
#' by one of the eponymous functions [WH_1d()] or [WH_2d()]
#' @param dim1 The optional name to be given to the first dimension
#' @param dim2 The optional name to be given to the second dimension
#' @returns A data.frame regrouping information about the fitted and predicted
#' values, the model variance, residuals and effective degrees of freedom...
#' @examples
#' d <- portfolio_mort$d
#' ec <- portfolio_mort$ec
#' y <- log(d / ec)
#' y[d == 0] <- - 20
#' wt <- d
#' fit_1d <- WH_1d(d, ec)
#' output_to_df(fit_1d)
#' keep_age <- which(rowSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 5e2)
#' keep_duration <- which(colSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e3)
#' d <- portfolio_LTC$d[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' ec <- portfolio_LTC$ec[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' y <- log(d / ec) # observation vector
#' y[d == 0] <- - 20
#' wt <- d
#' # Maximum likelihood
#' fit_2d <- WH_2d(d, ec)
#' output_to_df(fit_2d)
#' @export
output_to_df <- function(object, dim1 = "x", dim2 = "t") {
if (!inherits(object, c("WH_1d", "WH_2d"))) stop("object must be of class WH_1d or WH_2d")
if (length(dim1) != 1 || length(dim2) != 1) stop("The optional dim1 and dim2 arguments should be of length 1")
if ("y_pred" %in% names(object)) {
object$y_hat <- object$y_pred
object$std_y_hat = object$std_y_pred
df <- data.frame(y_hat = c(object$y_hat),
std_y_hat = c(object$std_y_hat))
if (inherits(object, "WH_1d")) {
x <- as.numeric(names(object$y))
x_pred <- as.numeric(names(object$y_hat))
df[[dim1]] <- x_pred
df$y <- df$wt <- df$res <- df$edf_obs <- NA_real_
df$y[x_pred %in% x] <- c(object$y)
df$wt[x_pred %in% x] <- c(object$wt)
df$res[x_pred %in% x] <- c(object$res)
df$edf_obs[x_pred %in% x] <- c(object$edf_obs)
if("ec" %in% names(object) && "d" %in% names(object)) {
df$ec <- df$d <- NA_real_
df$ec[x_pred %in% x] <- c(object$ec)
df$d[x_pred %in% x] <- c(object$d)
df[,c(dim1, intersect(
c("ec", "d", "y", "y_hat", "std_y_hat", "wt", "res", "edf_obs"),
} else {
x <- as.numeric(rownames(object$y))
x_pred <- as.numeric(rownames(object$y_hat))
t <- as.numeric(colnames(object$y))
t_pred <- as.numeric(colnames(object$y_hat))
df[[dim1]] <- rep(x_pred, times = length(t_pred))
df[[dim2]] <- rep(t_pred, each = length(x_pred))
df$y <- df$wt <- df$res <- df$edf_obs <- NA_real_
df$y[df[[dim1]] %in% x & df[[dim2]] %in% t] <- c(object$y)
df$wt[df[[dim1]] %in% x & df[[dim2]] %in% t] <- c(object$wt)
df$res[df[[dim1]] %in% x & df[[dim2]] %in% t] <- c(object$res)
df$edf_obs[df[[dim1]] %in% x & df[[dim2]] %in% t] <- c(object$edf_obs)
if("ec" %in% names(object) && "d" %in% names(object)) {
df$ec <- df$d <- NA_real_
df$ec[df[[dim1]] %in% x & df[[dim2]] %in% t] <- c(object$ec)
df$d[df[[dim1]] %in% x & df[[dim2]] %in% t] <- c(object$d)
df[,c(dim1, dim2, intersect(
c("ec", "d", "y", "y_hat", "std_y_hat", "wt", "res", "edf_obs"),
# Display----
#' Print Method for a Whittaker-Henderson Fit
#' @param x An object of class `"WH_1d"` returned by the [WH_1d()] function
#' @param ... Not used
#' @returns Invisibly returns `x`.
#' @examples
#' d <- portfolio_mort$d
#' ec <- portfolio_mort$ec
#' y <- log(d / ec)
#' y[d == 0] <- - 20
#' wt <- d
#' WH_1d(d, ec)
#' @export
print.WH_1d <- function(x, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "WH_1d")) stop("x must be of class WH_2d")
cat("An object fitted using the WH_1D function\n")
cat("Initial data contains", length(x$y), "data points:\n")
cat(" Observation positions: ", as.numeric(names(x$y)[[1]]), " to ",as.numeric(names(x$y)[[length(x$y)]]), "\n")
cat("Smoothing parameter selected:", format(x$lambda, digits = 2), "\n")
cat("Associated degrees of freedom:", format(sum(x$edf_obs), digits = 2), "\n\n")
#' Print Method for a Whittaker-Henderson Fit
#' @param x An object of class `"WH_2d"` returned by the [WH_2d()] function
#' @param ... Not used
#' @returns Invisibly returns `x`.
#' @examples
#' keep_age <- which(rowSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 5e2)
#' keep_duration <- which(colSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e3)
#' d <- portfolio_LTC$d[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' ec <- portfolio_LTC$ec[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' WH_2d(d, ec)
#' @export
print.WH_2d <- function(x, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "WH_2d")) stop("x must be of class WH_2d")
cat("An object fitted using the WH_2D function\n")
cat("Initial data contains", prod(dim(x$y)), "data points:\n")
cat(" First dimension: ", as.numeric(rownames(x$y)[[1]]), " to ",as.numeric(rownames(x$y)[[nrow(x$y)]]), "\n")
cat(" Second dimension: ", as.numeric(colnames(x$y)[[1]]), " to ",as.numeric(colnames(x$y)[[ncol(x$y)]]), "\n")
cat("Smoothing parameters selected:", format(x$lambda, digits = 2), "\n")
cat("Associated degrees of freedom:", format(sum(x$edf_obs), digits = 2), "\n\n")
# Plots----
#' Plot Method for a Whittaker-Henderson Fit
#' @param x An object of class `"WH_1d"` returned by the [WH_1d()] function
#' @param what What should be plotted. Should be one of `fit` (the model fit and
#' standard deviation, the default), `res` for residuals and `edf` for the
#' effective degrees of freedom.
#' @param trans An (optional) transformation to be applied to the data. By
#' default the identity function
#' @param ... Not used
#' @returns A plot representing the desired element from the fit
#' @examples
#' d <- portfolio_mort$d
#' ec <- portfolio_mort$ec
#' fit <- WH_1d(d, ec)
#' plot(fit)
#' plot(fit, "res")
#' plot(fit, "edf")
#' @export
plot.WH_1d <- function(x, what = "fit", trans, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "WH_1d")) stop("x must be of class WH_2d")
whats <- c("fit", "res", "edf")
if (length(what) != 1 || !(what %in% whats)) stop(
"what should be one of ", paste(whats, collapse = ", "))
df <- output_to_df(x)
if (missing(trans)) trans <- \(x) x
fit = {
plot(df$x, trans(df$y),
xlab = "x",
ylab = "log - hazard rate",
xlim = range(df$x),
ylim = trans(range(c(df$y_hat - 2 * df$std_y_hat),
c(df$y_hat + 2 * df$std_y_hat))))
graphics::lines(df$x, trans(df$y_hat), col = "blue")
graphics::lines(df$x, trans(df$y_hat - 2 * df$std_y_hat), col = "red", lty = 3)
graphics::lines(df$x, trans(df$y_hat + 2 * df$std_y_hat), col = "red", lty = 3)
res = {
plot(df$x, df$res,
xlab = "x", ylab = "deviance residuals", type = "b")
graphics::abline(a = 0, b = 0, lty = 2, col = "blue")
edf = {
plot(df$x, df$edf_obs,
xlab = "x", ylab = "degrees of freedom", type = "b")
graphics::abline(a = 0, b = 0, lty = 2, col = "blue")
graphics::abline(a = 1, b = 0, lty = 2, col = "blue")
#' Plot Method for a Whittaker-Henderson Fit
#' @inheritParams plot.WH_1d
#' @param x An object of class `"WH_2d"` returned by the [WH_2d()] function
#' @param what Should be one of `y_hat` (the default) for model fit, `std_y_hat`
#' for the associated standard deviation, `res` for residuals and `edf` for
#' the effective degrees of freedom.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @returns A plot representing the desired element from the fit...
#' @examples
#' keep_age <- which(rowSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 5e2)
#' keep_duration <- which(colSums(portfolio_LTC$ec) > 1e3)
#' d <- portfolio_LTC$d[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' ec <- portfolio_LTC$ec[keep_age, keep_duration]
#' fit <- WH_2d(d, ec)
#' plot(fit)
#' plot(fit, "std_y_hat")
#' @export
plot.WH_2d <- function(x, what = "y_hat", trans, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "WH_2d")) stop("x must be of class WH_2d")
whats <- c("y_hat", "std_y_hat", "res", "edf")
if (length(what) != 1 || !(what %in% whats)) stop(
"what should be one of ", paste(whats, collapse = ", "))
df <- output_to_df(x)
if (missing(trans)) trans <- \(x) x
x <- unique(df$x)
t <- unique(df$t)
data <- matrix(c(if (what == "edf") df[["edf_obs"]] else df[[what]]),
length(t), length(x), byrow = TRUE)
t, x, data,
nlevels = 20,
xlab = "x",
ylab = "t",
main = switch(
y_hat = "log - hazard rate",
std_y_hat = " standard deviation of log - hazard rate",
edf = "degrees of freedom"))
# 1D Fit----
#' Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing (Maximum Likelihood, fixed lambda)
#' @param d Vector of observed events
#' @param ec Vector of central exposure
#' @param y Vector of observations
#' @param wt Optional vector of weights
#' @param lambda Smoothing parameter
#' @param p The number of eigenvectors to keep
#' @param q Order of penalization. Polynoms of degrees q - 1 are considered
#' smooth and are therefore unpenalized
#' @param reg Should the regression framework be used ? Boolean. If `TRUE`, will
#' stop after the first iteration.
#' @param accu_dev Tolerance for the convergence of the optimization procedure
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_1d"` i.e. a list containing model fit,
#' variance, residuals and degrees of freedom as well as diagnosis to asses
#' the quality of the fit.
#' @keywords internal
WH_1d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = 1e3, q = 2, p,
reg = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, accu_dev = 1e-12) {
# Initialization
n <- if (reg) length(y) else length(d)
if (missing(p)) p <- n
eig <- eigen_dec(n, q, p)
U <- eig$U
s <- eig$s
sum_wt <- if (reg) sum(wt) else sum(d)
which_pos <- if (reg) which(wt != 0) else which(ec != 0)
n_pos <- length(which_pos)
U_pos <- U[which_pos,]
if (reg) {
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
} else {
off <- log(pmax(ec, 1e-4))
y <- ifelse(d == 0, NA, log(d)) - off
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
dev_pen <- Inf
cond_dev_pen <- TRUE
# Loop
while (cond_dev_pen) {
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
# update of parameters, working vector and weight matrix
if (!reg) {
wt <- new_wt
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + lambda * s
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted parameter
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
if (!reg) new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
res <- if (reg) (sqrt(wt) * (y - y_hat)) else compute_res_deviance(d, new_wt) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
RESS <- sum(beta_hat * s * beta_hat)
pen <- lambda * RESS
dev_pen <- dev + pen
if (verbose) cat("dev_pen :", format(old_dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","),
"=>", format(dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
cond_dev_pen <- if (reg) FALSE else ((old_dev_pen - dev_pen) > accu_dev * sum_wt)
edf_par <- colSums(Psi * tUWU) # effective degrees of freedom by parameter
aux <- rowSums(U * (U %*% Psi))
edf_obs <- wt * aux # effective degrees of freedom by observation / parameter
std_y_hat <- sqrt(aux) # standard deviation of fit
sum_edf <- sum(edf_par) # effective degrees of freedom
tr_log_P <- (p - q) * log(lambda) + sum(log(s[- seq_len(q)]))
tr_log_Psi <- 2 * (Psi_chol |> diag() |> log() |> sum())
diagnosis <- get_diagnosis(dev, pen, sum_edf, n_pos, tr_log_P, tr_log_Psi)
names(y_hat) <- names(std_y_hat) <- names(res) <- names(edf_obs) <-
names(wt) <- names(z) <- names(y) # set names for output vectors
out <- list(y = y, wt = wt, z = z, y_hat = y_hat, std_y_hat = std_y_hat, res = res, edf_obs = edf_obs,
beta_hat = beta_hat, edf_par = edf_par, diagnosis = diagnosis,
U = U, Psi = Psi, lambda = lambda, p = p, q = q)
class(out) <- "WH_1d"
#' Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing (Maximum Likelihood, optimize function)
#' @inheritParams WH_1d_fixed_lambda
#' @param criterion Criterion used to choose the smoothing parameter. One of
#' "GCV" (default), "AIC" or "BIC".
#' @param lambda Initial smoothing parameter
#' @param verbose Should information about the optimization progress be
#' displayed
#' @param accu_crit Tolerance for the convergence of the outer optimization
#' procedure
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_1d"` i.e. a list containing model fit,
#' variance, residuals and degrees of freedom as well as diagnosis to asses
#' the quality of the fit.
#' @keywords internal
WH_1d_outer <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = 2, p, criterion = "REML", lambda = 1e3,
reg = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, accu_crit = 1e-12, accu_dev = 1e-12) {
# Initialization
n <- if (reg) length(y) else length(d)
if (missing(p)) p <- n
eig <- eigen_dec(n, q, p)
U <- eig$U
s <- eig$s
sum_wt <- if (reg) sum(wt) else sum(d)
which_pos <- if (reg) which(wt != 0) else which(ec != 0)
n_pos <- length(which_pos)
U_pos <- U[which_pos,]
if (reg) {
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
} else {
off <- log(pmax(ec, 1e-4))
y <- ifelse(d == 0, NA, log(d)) - off
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
WH_1d_aux <- function(log_lambda) {
lambda <- exp(log_lambda)
if (!reg) {
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
dev_pen <- Inf
cond_dev_pen <- TRUE
# Loop
while (cond_dev_pen) {
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
# update of working vector and weight matrix
if (!reg) {
wt <- new_wt
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + lambda * s
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
if (!reg) new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
res <- if (reg) (sqrt(wt) * (y - y_hat)) else compute_res_deviance(d, new_wt) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
RESS <- sum(beta_hat * s * beta_hat)
pen <- lambda * RESS
dev_pen <- dev + pen
if (verbose) cat("dev_pen :", format(old_dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","),
"=>", format(dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
cond_dev_pen <- if (reg) FALSE else (old_dev_pen - dev_pen) > accu_dev * sum_wt
if (criterion != "REML") sum_edf <- sum(Psi * tUWU) # effective degrees of freedom
score <- switch(criterion,
AIC = dev + 2 * sum_edf,
BIC = dev + log(n_pos) * sum_edf,
GCV = n_pos * dev / (n_pos - sum_edf) ^ 2,
REML = {
tr_log_P <- (p - q) * log(lambda) + sum(log(s[- seq_len(q)]))
tr_log_Psi <- 2 * (Psi_chol |> diag() |> log() |> sum())
REML <- dev + pen - tr_log_P + tr_log_Psi
if (verbose) cat(criterion, " :", format(
if (criterion == "REML") - score / 2 else score, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
lambda <- exp(stats::optimize(f = WH_1d_aux, interval = 25 * c(- 1, 1), tol = accu_crit * sum_wt)$minimum)
out <- WH_1d_fixed_lambda(d = d, ec = ec, y = y, wt = wt, lambda = lambda, p = n, q = q, reg = reg,
verbose = verbose, accu_dev = accu_dev)
#' Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing (Maximum Likelihood, Generalized Fellner-Schall update)
#' @inheritParams WH_1d_outer
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_1d"` i.e. a list containing model fit,
#' variance, residuals and degrees of freedom as well as diagnosis to asses
#' the quality of the fit.
#' @keywords internal
WH_1d_perf <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = 2, p, criterion = "REML", lambda = 1e3,
reg = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, accu_crit = 1e-12, accu_dev = 1e-12) {
# Initialization
n <- if (reg) length(y) else length(d)
if (missing(p)) p <- n
eig <- eigen_dec(n, q, p)
U <- eig$U
s <- eig$s
sum_wt <- if (reg) sum(wt) else sum(d)
which_pos <- if (reg) which(wt != 0) else which(ec != 0)
n_pos <- length(which_pos)
U_pos <- U[which_pos,]
if (reg) {
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
} else {
off <- log(pmax(ec, 1e-4))
y <- ifelse(d == 0, NA, log(d)) - off
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
dev_pen <- Inf
cond_dev_pen <- TRUE
# Loop
while (cond_dev_pen) {
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
# update of working vector and weight matrix
if (!reg) {
wt <- new_wt
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
WH_1d_aux <- function(log_lambda) {
lambda <- exp(log_lambda)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + lambda * s
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
res <- sqrt(wt) * ((if (reg) y else z) - y_hat) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
if (criterion != "REML") sum_edf <- sum(Psi * tUWU) # effective degrees of freedom
score <- switch(criterion,
AIC = dev + 2 * sum_edf,
BIC = dev + log(n_pos) * sum_edf,
GCV = n_pos * dev / (n_pos - sum_edf) ^ 2,
REML = {
RESS <- sum(beta_hat * s * beta_hat)
pen <- lambda * RESS
tr_log_P <- (p - q) * log(lambda) + sum(log(s[- seq_len(q)]))
tr_log_Psi <- 2 * (Psi_chol |> diag() |> log() |> sum())
REML <- dev + pen - tr_log_P + tr_log_Psi
if (verbose) cat(criterion, " :", format(
if (criterion == "REML") - score / 2 else score, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
lambda <- exp(stats::optimize(f = WH_1d_aux, interval = 25 * c(- 1, 1), tol = accu_crit * sum_wt)$minimum)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + lambda * s
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
if (!reg) new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
res <- if (reg) (sqrt(wt) * (y - y_hat)) else compute_res_deviance(d, new_wt) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
RESS <- sum(beta_hat * s * beta_hat)
pen <- lambda * RESS
dev_pen <- dev + pen
if (verbose) cat("dev_pen :", format(old_dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","),
"=>", format(dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
cond_dev_pen <- if (reg) FALSE else (old_dev_pen - dev_pen) > accu_dev * sum_wt
out <- WH_1d_fixed_lambda(d = d, ec = ec, y = y, wt = wt, lambda = lambda, p = n, q = q, reg = reg,
verbose = verbose, accu_dev = accu_dev)
# 2D Fit----
#' 2D Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing (Maximum Likelihood, fixed lambda)
#' @param y Matrix of observations
#' @param wt Optional matrix of weights
#' @param lambda Vector of smoothing parameter
#' @param p The number of eigenvectors to keep on each dimension
#' @param q Matrix of orders of penalization. Polynoms of degrees q - 1 are considered
#' smooth and are therefore unpenalized
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_2d"` i.e. a list containing model fit,
#' variance, residuals and degrees of freedom as well as diagnosis to asses
#' the quality of the fit.
#' @keywords internal
WH_2d_fixed_lambda <- function(d, ec, y, wt, lambda = c(1e3, 1e3), q = c(2, 2), p,
reg = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, accu_dev = 1e-12) {
# Initialization
n <- if (reg) dim(y) else dim(d)
if (missing(p)) p <- n
eig <- list(eigen_dec(n[[1]], q[[1]], p[[1]]), eigen_dec(n[[2]], q[[2]], p[[2]]))
U <- eig[[2]]$U %x% eig[[1]]$U
s <- list(rep(eig[[1]]$s, p[[2]]), rep(eig[[2]]$s, each = p[[1]]))
sum_wt <- if (reg) sum(wt) else sum(d)
which_pos <- if (reg) which(wt != 0) else which(ec != 0)
n_pos <- length(which_pos)
U_pos <- U[which_pos,]
if (reg) {
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
} else {
off <- log(pmax(ec, 1e-4))
y <- ifelse(d == 0, NA, log(d)) - off
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
s_lambda <- map2(lambda, s, `*`)
sum_s_lambda <- s_lambda |> = `+`)
dev_pen <- Inf
cond_dev_pen <- TRUE
# Loop
while (cond_dev_pen) {
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
# update of parameters, working vector and weight matrix
if (!reg) {
wt <- new_wt
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + sum_s_lambda
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
if (!reg) new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
res <- if (reg) sqrt(wt) * (y - y_hat) else compute_res_deviance(d, new_wt) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
RESS <- map(s, \(x) sum(beta_hat * x * beta_hat), "numeric")
pen <- map2(lambda, RESS, `*`) |> = `+`)
dev_pen <- dev + pen
if (verbose) cat("dev_pen :", format(old_dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","),
"=>", format(dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
cond_dev_pen <- if (reg) FALSE else (old_dev_pen - dev_pen) > accu_dev * sum_wt
edf_par <- colSums(Psi * tUWU) |> matrix(p[[1]], p[[2]]) # effective degrees of freedom by parameter
omega_j <- map(s_lambda, \(x) ifelse(x == 0, 0, x / sum_s_lambda))
sum_edf_random <- map(omega_j, \(x) sum(x * edf_par), "numeric")
aux <- rowSums(U * (U %*% Psi))
edf_obs <-c(wt) * aux # effective degrees of freedom by observation / parameter
std_y_hat <- sqrt(aux) # standard deviation of fit
sum_edf <- sum(edf_par) # effective degrees of freedom
tr_log_P <- map2(lambda, s, `*`) |> = `+`) |> Filter(f = \(x) x > 0) |> log() |> sum()
tr_log_Psi <- 2 * (Psi_chol |> diag() |> log() |> sum())
diagnosis <- get_diagnosis(dev, pen, sum_edf, n_pos, tr_log_P, tr_log_Psi)
dim(y_hat) <- dim(std_y_hat) <- dim(res) <- dim(edf_obs) <-
dim(wt) <- dim(y) # set dimensions for output matrices
dimnames(y_hat) <- dimnames(std_y_hat) <- dimnames(res) <- dimnames(edf_obs) <-
dimnames(wt) <- dimnames(y) # set names for output matrices
out <- list(y = y, wt = wt, z = z, y_hat = y_hat, std_y_hat = std_y_hat, res = res, edf_obs = edf_obs,
beta_hat = beta_hat, edf_par = edf_par, diagnosis = diagnosis,
U = U, Psi = Psi, lambda = lambda, p = p, q = q)
class(out) <- "WH_2d"
#' 2D Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing (Maximum Likelihood, optim function)
#' @inheritParams WH_1d_outer
#' @inheritParams WH_2d_fixed_lambda
#' @param lambda Initial smoothing parameters
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_2d"` i.e. a list containing model fit,
#' variance, residuals and degrees of freedom as well as diagnosis to asses
#' the quality of the fit.
#' @keywords internal
WH_2d_outer <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = c(2, 2), p, criterion = "REML", lambda = c(1e3, 1e3),
reg = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, accu_crit = 1e-12, accu_dev = 1e-12) {
# Initialization
n <- if (reg) dim(y) else dim(d)
if (missing(p)) p <- n
eig <- list(eigen_dec(n[[1]], q[[1]], p[[1]]), eigen_dec(n[[2]], q[[2]], p[[2]]))
U <- eig[[2]]$U %x% eig[[1]]$U
s <- list(rep(eig[[1]]$s, p[[2]]), rep(eig[[2]]$s, each = p[[1]]))
sum_wt <- if (reg) sum(wt) else sum(d)
which_pos <- if (reg) which(wt != 0) else which(ec != 0)
n_pos <- length(which_pos)
U_pos <- U[which_pos,]
if (reg) {
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
} else {
off <- log(pmax(ec, 1e-4))
y <- ifelse(d == 0, NA, log(d)) - off
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
WH_2d_aux <- function(log_lambda) {
lambda <- exp(log_lambda)
s_lambda <- map2(lambda, s, `*`)
sum_s_lambda <- s_lambda |> = `+`)
if (!reg) {
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
dev_pen <- Inf
cond_dev_pen <- TRUE
# Loop
while (cond_dev_pen) {
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
# update of parameters, working vector and weight matrix
if (!reg) {
wt <- new_wt
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + sum_s_lambda
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
if (!reg) new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
res <- if (reg) sqrt(wt) * (y - y_hat) else compute_res_deviance(d, new_wt) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
RESS <- map(s, \(x) sum(beta_hat * x * beta_hat), "numeric")
pen <- map2(lambda, RESS, `*`) |> = `+`)
dev_pen <- dev + pen
if (verbose) cat("dev_pen :", format(old_dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","),
"=>", format(dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
cond_dev_pen <- if (reg) FALSE else (old_dev_pen - dev_pen) > accu_dev * sum_wt
sum_edf <- if (criterion != "REML") sum(Psi * tUWU) # effective degrees of freedom
score <- switch(criterion,
AIC = dev + 2 * sum_edf,
BIC = dev + log(prod(n_pos)) * sum_edf,
GCV = prod(n_pos) * dev / (prod(n_pos) - sum_edf) ^ 2,
REML = {
tr_log_P <- map2(lambda, s, `*`) |> = `+`) |> Filter(f = \(x) x > 0) |> log() |> sum()
tr_log_Psi <- 2 * (Psi_chol |> diag() |> log() |> sum())
REML <- dev + pen - tr_log_P + tr_log_Psi
if (verbose) cat(criterion, " :", format(
if (criterion == "REML") - score / 2 else score, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
lambda <- exp(stats::optim(par = log(lambda),
fn = WH_2d_aux,
control = list(reltol = accu_crit * sum_wt))$par)
out <- WH_2d_fixed_lambda(d = d, ec = ec, y = y, wt = wt, lambda = lambda, p = n, q = q, reg = reg,
verbose = verbose, accu_dev = accu_dev)
#' 2D Whittaker-Henderson Smoothing (Maximum Likelihood, Generalized Fellner-Schall update)
#' @inheritParams WH_2d_outer
#' @returns An object of class `"WH_2d"` i.e. a list containing model fit,
#' variance, residuals and degrees of freedom as well as diagnosis to asses
#' the quality of the fit.
#' @keywords internal
WH_2d_perf <- function(d, ec, y, wt, q = c(2, 2), p, criterion = "REML", lambda = c(1e3, 1e3),
reg = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, accu_crit = 1e-12, accu_dev = 1e-12) {
# Initialization
n <- if (reg) dim(y) else dim(d)
if (missing(p)) p <- n
eig <- list(eigen_dec(n[[1]], q[[1]], p[[1]]), eigen_dec(n[[2]], q[[2]], p[[2]]))
U <- eig[[2]]$U %x% eig[[1]]$U
s <- list(rep(eig[[1]]$s, p[[2]]), rep(eig[[2]]$s, each = p[[1]]))
sum_wt <- if (reg) sum(wt) else sum(d)
which_pos <- if (reg) which(wt != 0) else which(ec != 0)
n_pos <- length(which_pos)
U_pos <- U[which_pos,]
if (reg) {
z <- y
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
} else {
off <- log(pmax(ec, 1e-4))
y <- ifelse(d == 0, NA, log(d)) - off
y_hat <- log(pmax(d, 1e-8)) - off
new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
dev_pen <- Inf
cond_dev_pen <- TRUE
# Loop
while (cond_dev_pen) {
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
# update of parameters, working vector and weight matrix
if (!reg) {
wt <- new_wt
z <- y_hat + d / wt - 1
wt_pos <- c(wt)[which_pos]
z_pos <- c(z)[which_pos]
tUWU <- crossprod(sqrt(wt_pos) * U_pos)
tUWz <- t(U_pos) %*% (wt_pos * z_pos)
WH_2d_aux <- function(log_lambda) {
lambda <- exp(log_lambda)
s_lambda <- map2(lambda, s, `*`)
sum_s_lambda <- s_lambda |> = `+`)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + sum_s_lambda
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
res <- sqrt(wt) * ((if (reg) y else z) - y_hat) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
if (criterion != "REML") sum_edf <- sum(Psi * tUWU) # effective degrees of freedom
score <- switch(criterion,
AIC = dev + 2 * sum_edf,
BIC = dev + log(prod(n_pos)) * sum_edf,
GCV = prod(n_pos) * dev / (prod(n_pos) - sum_edf) ^ 2,
REML = {
tr_log_P <- map2(lambda, s, `*`) |> = `+`) |> Filter(f = \(x) x > 0) |> log() |> sum()
tr_log_Psi <- 2 * (Psi_chol |> diag() |> log() |> sum())
RESS <- map(s, \(x) sum(beta_hat * x * beta_hat), "numeric")
pen <- map2(lambda, RESS, `*`) |> = `+`)
REML <- dev + pen - tr_log_P + tr_log_Psi
if (verbose) cat(criterion, " :", format(
if (criterion == "REML") - score / 2 else score, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
lambda <- exp(stats::optim(par = log(lambda),
fn = WH_2d_aux,
control = list(reltol = accu_crit * sum_wt))$par)
s_lambda <- map2(lambda, s, `*`)
sum_s_lambda <- s_lambda |> = `+`)
Psi_chol <- tUWU
diag(Psi_chol) <- diag(Psi_chol) + sum_s_lambda
Psi_chol <- Psi_chol |> chol()
Psi <- Psi_chol |> chol2inv()
beta_hat <- c(Psi %*% tUWz) # fitted value
RESS <- map(s, \(x) sum(beta_hat * x * beta_hat), "numeric")
edf_par <- colSums(Psi * tUWU) # effective degrees of freedom by parameter
omega_j <- map(s_lambda, \(x) ifelse(x == 0, 0, x / sum_s_lambda))
y_hat <- c(U %*% beta_hat)
if (!reg) new_wt <- exp(y_hat + off)
# update of convergence check
old_dev_pen <- dev_pen
res <- if (reg) sqrt(wt) * (y - y_hat) else compute_res_deviance(d, new_wt) # (weighted) residuals
dev <- sum(res * res)
pen <- map2(lambda, RESS, `*`) |> = `+`)
dev_pen <- dev + pen
if (verbose) cat("dev_pen :", format(old_dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","),
"=>", format(dev_pen, digits = 3, decimal.mark = ","), "\n")
cond_dev_pen <- if (reg) FALSE else (old_dev_pen - dev_pen) > accu_dev * sum_wt
out <- WH_2d_fixed_lambda(d = d, ec = ec, y = y, wt = wt, lambda = lambda, p = n, q = q, reg = reg,
verbose = verbose, accu_dev = accu_dev)
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