#' Methods for `glm_weightit()` objects
#' @name anova.glm_weightit
#' @description
#' `anova()` is used to compare nested models fit with `glm_weightit()`, `mutinom_weightit()`, `ordinal_weightit()`, or `coxph_weightit()` using a Wald test that incorporates uncertainty in estimating the weights (if any).
#' @inheritParams glm_weightit-methods
#' @param object,object2 an output from one of the above modeling functions. `object2` is required.
#' @param test the type of test statistic used to compare models. Currently only `"Chisq"` (the chi-square statistic) is allowed.
#' @param method the kind of test used to compare models. Currently only `"Wald"` is allowed.
#' @param tolerance for the Wald test, the tolerance used to determine if models are symbolically nested.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to the function used for computing the parameter variance matrix, if supplied as a string or function, e.g., `cluster`, `R`, or `fwb.args`.
#' @returns
#' An object of class `"anova"` inheriting from class `"data.frame"`.
#' @details
#' `anova()` performs a Wald test to compare two fitted models. The models must be nested, but they don't have to be nested symbolically (i.e., the names of the coefficients of the smaller model do not have to be a subset of the names of the coefficients of the larger model). The larger model must be supplied to `object` and the smaller to `object2`. Both models must contain the same units, weights (if any), and outcomes. The variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients of the smaller model is not used.
#' @seealso
#' [glm_weightit()] for the page documenting `glm_weightit()`, `lm_weightit()`, `ordinal_weightit()`, `multinom_weightit()`, and `coxph_weightit()`. [anova.glm()] for model comparison of `glm` objects.
#' @examples
#' data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")
#' # Model comparison for any relationship between `treat`
#' # and `re78` (not the same as testing for the ATE)
#' fit1 <- glm_weightit(
#' re78 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married + nodegree +
#' re74 + re75), data = lalonde
#' )
#' fit2 <- glm_weightit(
#' re78 ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree +
#' re74 + re75, data = lalonde
#' )
#' anova(fit1, fit2)
#' # Using the usual maximum likelihood variance matrix
#' anova(fit1, fit2, vcov = "const")
#' # Using a bootstrapped variance matrix
#' anova(fit1, fit2, vcov = "BS", R = 100)
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("splines", quietly = TRUE)
#' # Model comparison between spline model and linear
#' # model; note they are nested but not symbolically
#' # nested
#' fit_s <- glm_weightit(
#' re78 ~ splines::ns(age, df = 4), data = lalonde
#' )
#' fit_l <- glm_weightit(
#' re78 ~ age, data = lalonde
#' )
#' anova(fit_s, fit_l)
#' @exportS3Method stats::anova glm_weightit
anova.glm_weightit <- function(object, object2, test = "Chisq",
method = "Wald", tolerance = 1e-7, vcov = NULL, ...) {
chk::chk_not_missing(object, "`object`")
chk::chk_not_missing(object2, "`object2`")
chk::chk_is(object2, class(object)[1])
if (!identical(nobs(object), nobs(object2)) ||
!identical(weights(object), weights(object2))) {
.err("models must be fit with the same units to be compared")
if (is_null(object[["y"]]) || is_null(object2[["y"]])) {
.err("models must be fit with `y = TRUE` to be compared")
if (!identical(object[["y"]], object2[["y"]])) {
.err("models must be fit with the same outcomes to be compared")
test <- match_arg(test, c("Chisq"))
method <- match_arg(method, c("Wald"))
b1 <- coef(object, complete = FALSE)
b2 <- coef(object2, complete = FALSE)
df1 <- nobs(object) - length(b1)
df2 <- nobs(object2) - length(b2)
if (df1 >= df2) {
.err("`object2` does not appear to be nested within `object`")
Z1 <- = model.matrix(object2)[, names(b2), drop = FALSE],
y = model.matrix(object)[, names(b1), drop = FALSE])$residuals
Z1_svd <- svd(Z1)
keep <- Z1_svd$d > tolerance
q <- sum(keep)
if (q > df2 - df1) {
.err("`object2` does not appear to be nested within `object`")
L <- t(Z1_svd$v[, keep, drop = FALSE])
V <- .process_vcov_anova(object = object,
object2 = object2,
vcov. = vcov,
b1 = b1, ...)
object <- .set_vcov(object, V)
value.hyp <- L %*% b1
vcov.hyp <- L %*% V %*% t(L)
SSH <- drop(crossprod(value.hyp, solve(vcov.hyp, value.hyp)))
title <- paste0("\n", underline("Wald test"))
topnote <- sprintf("Model 1: %s\nModel 2: %s\n",
varnote <- paste(italic(sprintf("Variance: %s\n",
is_not_null(attr(object, "cluster"))))))
rval <- make_df(c("Res.Df", "Df", test, sprintf("Pr(>%s)", test)),
c("1", "2"))
rval[[1]] <- c(df1, df2)
rval[[2]] <- c(NA_integer_, as.integer(q))
rval[[3]][2] <- SSH
rval[[4]][2] <- pchisq(SSH, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
result <- structure(rval,
heading = c(title, varnote, topnote),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
attr(result, "value") <- value.hyp
attr(result, "vcov") <- vcov.hyp
#' @exportS3Method stats::anova ordinal_weightit
anova.ordinal_weightit <- function(object, object2, test = "Chisq",
method = "Wald", tolerance = 1e-7, vcov = NULL, ...) {
chk::chk_not_missing(object, "`object`")
chk::chk_not_missing(object2, "`object2`")
chk::chk_is(object2, class(object)[1])
if (!identical(nobs(object), nobs(object2)) ||
!identical(weights(object), weights(object2))) {
.err("models must be fit with the same units to be compared")
if (is_null(object[["y"]]) || is_null(object2[["y"]])) {
.err("models must be fit with `y = TRUE` to be compared")
if (!identical(object[["y"]], object2[["y"]])) {
.err("models must be fit with the same outcomes to be compared")
nthreshold <- ncol(object$fitted.values) - 1L
test <- match_arg(test, c("Chisq"))
method <- match_arg(method, c("Wald"))
b1 <- coef(object)
b2 <- coef(object2)
df1 <- nobs(object) - sum(!
df2 <- nobs(object2) - sum(!
if (df1 >= df2) {
.err("`object2` does not appear to be nested within `object`")
b1 <- b1[seq_len(length(b1) - nthreshold)]
b2 <- b2[seq_len(length(b2) - nthreshold)]
X1 <- model.matrix(object)
X2 <- model.matrix(object2)
nm <- names(na.rem(b1))[names(na.rem(b1)) %in% colnames(X1)[-1]]
nm2 <- names(na.rem(b2))[names(na.rem(b2)) %in% colnames(X2)[-1]]
#Drop intercept column
Z1 <- = cbind(1, X2[, nm2, drop = FALSE]),
y = cbind(1, X1[, nm, drop = FALSE]))$residuals[, -1, drop = FALSE]
Z1_svd <- svd(Z1)
keep <- Z1_svd$d > tolerance
q <- sum(keep)
if (q > df2 - df1) {
.err("`object2` does not appear to be nested within `object`")
L <- t(Z1_svd$v[, keep, drop = FALSE])
b1 <- b1[nm]
V <- .process_vcov_anova(object = object,
object2 = object2,
vcov. = vcov,
b1 = b1, ...)
object <- .set_vcov(object, V)
value.hyp <- L %*% b1
vcov.hyp <- L %*% V %*% t(L)
SSH <- drop(crossprod(value.hyp, solve(vcov.hyp, value.hyp)))
title <- paste0("\n", underline("Wald test"))
topnote <- sprintf("Model 1: %s\nModel 2: %s\n",
varnote <- paste(italic(sprintf("Variance: %s\n",
is_not_null(attr(object, "cluster"))))))
rval <- make_df(c("Res.Df", "Df", test, sprintf("Pr(>%s)", test)),
c("1", "2"))
rval[[1]] <- c(df1, df2)
rval[[2]] <- c(NA_integer_, as.integer(q))
rval[[3]][2] <- SSH
rval[[4]][2] <- pchisq(SSH, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
result <- structure(rval,
heading = c(title, varnote, topnote),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
attr(result, "value") <- value.hyp
attr(result, "vcov") <- vcov.hyp
#' @exportS3Method stats::anova multinom_weightit
anova.multinom_weightit <- function(object, object2, test = "Chisq",
method = "Wald", tolerance = 1e-7, vcov = NULL, ...) {
chk::chk_not_missing(object, "`object`")
chk::chk_not_missing(object2, "`object2`")
chk::chk_is(object2, class(object)[1])
if (!identical(nobs(object), nobs(object2)) ||
!identical(weights(object), weights(object2))) {
.err("models must be fit with the same units to be compared")
if (is_null(object[["y"]]) || is_null(object2[["y"]])) {
.err("models must be fit with `y = TRUE` to be compared")
if (!identical(object[["y"]], object2[["y"]])) {
.err("models must be fit with the same outcomes to be compared")
test <- match_arg(test, c("Chisq"))
method <- match_arg(method, c("Wald"))
if (!identical(attr(object, "vcov_type"), attr(object2, "vcov_type")) &&
!identical(attr(object2, "vcov_type"), "none")) {
.wrn("different `vcov` types detected for each model; using the `vcov` from the larger model")
b1 <- coef(object)
b2 <- coef(object2)
df1 <- nobs(object) - sum(!
df2 <- nobs(object2) - sum(!
if (df1 >= df2) {
.err("`object2` does not appear to be nested within `object`")
X1 <- model.matrix(object)
X2 <- model.matrix(object2)
k <- nlevels(object[["y"]]) - 1L
Z1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(X1), ncol = sum(!,
dimnames = list(NULL, names(na.rem(b1))))
j <- 0
for (i in 1L + seq_len(k)) {
in_i <- which(object[["y"]] == levels(object[["y"]])[i])
b1_i <- b1[(i - 2L) * ncol(X1) + seq_col(X1)]
b2_i <- b2[(i - 2L) * ncol(X2) + seq_col(X2)]
Z1[in_i, j + seq_len(sum(!] <- = X2[in_i, !, drop = FALSE],
y = X1[in_i, !, drop = FALSE])$residuals
j <- j + sum(!
Z1_svd <- svd(Z1)
keep <- which(Z1_svd$d > tolerance)
q <- length(keep)
if (q > df2 - df1) {
.err("`object2` does not appear to be nested within `object`")
L <- t(Z1_svd$v[, keep, drop = FALSE])
b1 <- na.rem(b1)
V <- .process_vcov_anova(object = object,
object2 = object2,
vcov. = vcov,
b1 = b1, ...)
object <- .set_vcov(object, V)
value.hyp <- L %*% b1
vcov.hyp <- L %*% V %*% t(L)
SSH <- drop(crossprod(value.hyp, solve(vcov.hyp, value.hyp)))
title <- paste0("\n", underline("Wald test"))
topnote <- sprintf("Model 1: %s\nModel 2: %s\n",
varnote <- paste(italic(sprintf("Variance: %s\n",
is_not_null(attr(object, "cluster"))))))
rval <- make_df(c("Res.Df", "Df", test, sprintf("Pr(>%s)", test)),
c("1", "2"))
rval[[1]] <- c(df1, df2)
rval[[2]] <- c(NA_integer_, as.integer(q))
rval[[3]][2] <- SSH
rval[[4]][2] <- pchisq(SSH, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
result <- structure(rval,
heading = c(title, varnote, topnote),
class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
attr(result, "value") <- value.hyp
attr(result, "vcov") <- vcov.hyp
#' @exportS3Method stats::anova coxph_weightit
anova.coxph_weightit <- anova.glm_weightit
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