
Defines functions recent_changes

Documented in recent_changes

#'@title Retrieves entries from the RecentChanges feed
#'wiki_recentchanges retrieves a stream of entries from Special:RecentChanges, with a variety of
#'associated metadata and filtering (of both entries *and* that metadata.
#'@param language The language code of the project you wish to query,
#'if appropriate.
#'@param project The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate.
#'Should be provided in conjunction with \code{language}.
#'@param domain as an alternative to a \code{language} and \code{project} combination,
#'you can also provide a domain ("rationalwiki.org") to the URL constructor, allowing
#'for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.
#'@param properties Properties you're trying to retrieve about each entry, Options include
#'"user" (the username of the person responsible for that entry), "userid" (the userID of said
#'person), "comment" (the edit summary associated with the entry), "parsedcomment" (the same,
#'but parsed, generating HTML from any wikitext in that comment), "flags" (whether the revision
#'was 'minor' or not), "timestamp", "title" (the name of the page the entry affected), "ids"
#'(the page id, along with the old and new revision IDs when applicable) "sizes" (the size,
#'in uncompressed bytes, of the entry, and, in the case of revisions, the size of the edit
#'it displaced), "tags" (any tags associated with the revision) and "loginfo" (applicable only
#'to log entries, and consisting of log ID numbers, log types and actions, and so on) and "sha1"
#'(the SHA-1 hash of the revision text).
#'@param type The type of entry you want to retrieve; can be any permutation of "edit" (edits to existing pages),
#'"external" (external actions that impact on the project - primarily wikidata changes),
#'"new" (the creation of new pages) and "log" (log entries). By default, all of these entry types
#'are included.
#'@param tag Only return items with particular "tags", such as "mobile edit". NULL by
#'@param dir Should it go from newest to oldest ("newer"), or oldest to newest ("older")?
#'By default, set to "newer".
#'@param limit The number of entries you'd like to return. By default, set to 50, which is
#'also the maximum number per-request for logged-out users.
#'@param top Should the request only return "top" entries - in other words, the most recent
#'entry on a page? Set to FALSE by default.
#'@param clean_response whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure.
#'Set to FALSE by default.
#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
recent_changes <- function(language = NULL, project = NULL, domain = NULL,
                           properties = c("user","userid","comment",
                           type = c("edit","external","new","log"),
                           tag = NULL, dir = "newer", limit = 50, top = FALSE, 
                           clean_response = FALSE, ...) {
  #Format and standardise, construct URL
  type <- match.arg(arg = type, several.ok = TRUE)
  type <- paste(type, collapse = "|")
  properties <- match.arg(arg = properties, several.ok = TRUE)
  properties <- paste(properties, collapse = "|")
  url <- url_gen(language, project, domain)
  query_param <- list(
    action = "query",
    list   = "recentchanges",
    rcdir  = dir,
    rcprop = properties,
    rctype = type,
    rclimit= limit
    query_param$rctag <-  paste(tag, collapse = "|")
    query_param$rctoponly <- ""
  content <- query(url, "rchanges", clean_response, query_param = query_param, ...)

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WikipediR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:01 p.m.