
Defines functions sse best.exponential best.hyperbolic best.hyp2exp best.exponential.curtailed best.hyperbolic.curtailed best.hyp2exp.curtailed best.fit best.curtailed.fit best.exponential.from.Np best.exponential.from.interval best.hyperbolic.from.Np best.hyperbolic.from.interval best.hyp2exp.from.Np best.hyp2exp.from.interval best.exponential.curtailed.from.Np best.exponential.curtailed.from.interval best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.Np best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.interval best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.Np best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.interval best.fit.from.Np best.fit.from.interval best.curtailed.fit.from.Np best.curtailed.fit.from.interval best.exponential.with.buildup best.hyperbolic.with.buildup best.hyp2exp.with.buildup best.fit.with.buildup best.exponential.from.Np.with.buildup best.exponential.from.interval.with.buildup best.hyperbolic.from.Np.with.buildup best.hyperbolic.from.interval.with.buildup best.hyp2exp.from.Np.with.buildup best.hyp2exp.from.interval.with.buildup best.fit.from.Np.with.buildup best.fit.from.interval.with.buildup

Documented in best.curtailed.fit best.curtailed.fit.from.interval best.curtailed.fit.from.Np best.exponential best.exponential.curtailed best.exponential.curtailed.from.interval best.exponential.curtailed.from.Np best.exponential.from.interval best.exponential.from.interval.with.buildup best.exponential.from.Np best.exponential.from.Np.with.buildup best.exponential.with.buildup best.fit best.fit.from.interval best.fit.from.interval.with.buildup best.fit.from.Np best.fit.from.Np.with.buildup best.fit.with.buildup best.hyp2exp best.hyp2exp.curtailed best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.interval best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.Np best.hyp2exp.from.interval best.hyp2exp.from.interval.with.buildup best.hyp2exp.from.Np best.hyp2exp.from.Np.with.buildup best.hyp2exp.with.buildup best.hyperbolic best.hyperbolic.curtailed best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.interval best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.Np best.hyperbolic.from.interval best.hyperbolic.from.interval.with.buildup best.hyperbolic.from.Np best.hyperbolic.from.Np.with.buildup best.hyperbolic.with.buildup

# aRpsDCA
# Copyright (C) 2016 dwt | terminus data science, LLC
# <dwt [at] terminusdatascience.com>

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301

sse <- function(q, forecast)
    sum((q - forecast) ^ 2)

best.exponential <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0), # D > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10) # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1])
                     # Di = decline from first to second point

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(q, exponential.q(guess[1], guess[2], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),

best.hyperbolic <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0), # b > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2)  # b <= 2.0
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5),   # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                     sse(q, hyperbolic.q(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2], b=res$par[3]),

best.hyp2exp <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0), # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35) # Df <= 0.35
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1), # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                         hyp2exp.q(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)


best.exponential.curtailed <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0, # D > 0
    0  # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   t[2]  # t.curtail = second t in vector

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                         curtailed.q(arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2]),
                                     guess[3], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=curtail(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),

best.hyperbolic.curtailed <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0   # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2,  # b <= 2.0
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   t[2]  # t.curtail = second t in vector

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                                 arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]),
                                 guess[4], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

             arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2], b=res$par[3]),

best.hyp2exp.curtailed <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0,  # Df > 0
    0   # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35, # Df <= 0.35
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1,  # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                             arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4]),
                             guess[5], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)


best.fit <- function(q, t)
    exp <- best.exponential(q, t)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic(q, t)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp(q, t)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.curtailed.fit <- function(q, t)
    exp <- best.exponential.curtailed(q, t)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.curtailed(q, t)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.curtailed(q, t)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.exponential.from.Np <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0), # D > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10) # = 0.99995 / [time] effective)
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   Np[1] / t[1], # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1])
                     # Di = decline from first to second point

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(Np, exponential.Np(guess[1], guess[2], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),

best.exponential.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0), # D > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10) # = 0.99995 / [time] effective)
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1])
                     # Di = decline from first to second point

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(exponential.Np(
                   guess[1], guess[2], c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),

best.hyperbolic.from.Np <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0), # b > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2)  # b <= 2.0
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   Np[1] / t[1], # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5),   # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                     sse(Np, hyperbolic.Np(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2], b=res$par[3]),

best.hyperbolic.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0), # b > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2)  # b <= 2.0
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5),   # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume,
                   diff(hyperbolic.Np(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2], b=res$par[3]),

best.hyp2exp.from.Np <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0), # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35) # Df <= 0.35
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   Np[1] / t[1], # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1), # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                         hyp2exp.Np(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)


best.hyp2exp.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0), # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35) # Df <= 0.35
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1), # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume,
                   diff(hyp2exp.Np(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4],
                     c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)


best.exponential.curtailed.from.Np <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0, # D > 0
    0  # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   Np[1] / t[1], # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   t[2]  # t.curtail = second t in vector

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                         curtailed.Np(arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2]),
                                     guess[3], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=curtail(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),

best.exponential.curtailed.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0, # D > 0
    0  # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   t[2]  # t.curtail = second t in vector

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(curtailed.Np(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2]), guess[3], c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=curtail(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),

best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.Np <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0   # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   Np[1] / t[1], # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   t[2]  # t.curtail = second t in vector

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                                 arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]),
                                 guess[4], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

             arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2], b=res$par[3]),

best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0   # t.curtail > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   t[2]  # t.curtail = second t in vector

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(curtailed.Np(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]), guess[4],
                     c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

             arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2], b=res$par[3]),

best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.Np <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0,  # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35, # Df <= 0.35
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   Np[1] / t[1], # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1,  # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess)
                             arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4]),
                             guess[5], t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)


best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0,  # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35, # Df <= 0.35
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1,  # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(curtailed.Np(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4]), guess[5],
                     c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)


best.fit.from.Np <- function(Np, t)
    exp <- best.exponential.from.Np(Np, t)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.from.Np(Np, t)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.from.Np(Np, t)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.fit.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0)
    exp <- best.exponential.from.interval(volume, t, t.begin)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.from.interval(volume, t, t.begin)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.from.interval(volume, t, t.begin)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.curtailed.fit.from.Np <- function(Np, t)
    exp <- best.exponential.curtailed.from.Np(Np, t)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.Np(Np, t)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.Np(Np, t)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.curtailed.fit.from.interval <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0)
    exp <- best.exponential.curtailed.from.interval(volume, t, t.begin)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.curtailed.from.interval(volume, t, t.begin)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.curtailed.from.interval(volume, t, t.begin)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.exponential.with.buildup <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0), # D > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10),        # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
  initial.rate=q[1], time.to.peak=t[which.max(q)])
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1])
                     # Di = decline from first to second point

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(q, arps.q(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2]), initial.rate,
                   time.to.peak), t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),
           initial.rate, time.to.peak), sse=res$objective)

best.hyperbolic.with.buildup <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0), # b > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2), # b <= 2.0
  initial.rate=q[1], time.to.peak=t[which.max(q)])
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5),   # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(q, arps.q(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]),
                   initial.rate, time.to.peak), t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2],
           b=res$par[3]), initial.rate, time.to.peak), sse=res$objective)

best.hyp2exp.with.buildup <- function(q, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0), # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(q) * 5, # qi < qmax * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35), # Df <= 0.35
  initial.rate=q[1], time.to.peak=t[which.max(q)])
    if (length(q) != length(t) || length(q) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for q, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   q[1], # qi = q(t = first t in vector)
                   -((q[2] - q[1]) / q[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1), # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(q, arps.q(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4]),
                   initial.rate, time.to.peak), t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2],
           b=res$par[3], Df=res$par[4]), initial.rate, time.to.peak),

best.fit.with.buildup <- function(q, t)
    exp <- best.exponential.with.buildup(q, t)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.with.buildup(q, t)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.with.buildup(q, t)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.exponential.from.Np.with.buildup <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0), # D > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10), # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
  initial.rate=Np[1] / t[1],
  time.to.peak=(t[which.max(diff(Np))] + t[which.max(diff(Np)) + 1]) / 2.0)
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    max.delta <- max(Np[1], diff(Np))
    t.max.delta <- ifelse(max.delta == Np[1], t[1],
      t[which.max(diff(Np)) + 1] - t[which.max(diff(Np))])

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   max.delta / t.max.delta, # qi = max Np delta / time delta
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1])
                     # Di = decline from first to second point

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(Np, arps.Np(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2]), initial.rate,
                   time.to.peak), t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),
           initial.rate, time.to.peak), sse=res$objective)

best.exponential.from.interval.with.buildup <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0, # qi > 0
    0), # D > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10), # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
  initial.rate=volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin),
  time.to.peak=(t - diff(c(t.begin, t)) / 2)[which.max(volume)])
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1])
                     # Di = decline from first to second point

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(arps.Np(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2]), initial.rate,
                   time.to.peak), c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2]),
           initial.rate, time.to.peak), sse=res$objective)

best.hyperbolic.from.Np.with.buildup <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0), # b > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2), # b <= 2.0
  initial.rate=Np[1] / t[1],
  time.to.peak=(t[which.max(diff(Np))] + t[which.max(diff(Np)) + 1]) / 2.0)
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    max.delta <- max(Np[1], diff(Np))
    t.max.delta <- ifelse(max.delta == Np[1], t[1],
      t[which.max(diff(Np)) + 1] - t[which.max(diff(Np))])

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   max.delta / t.max.delta, # qi = max Np delta / time delta
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5),   # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(Np, arps.Np(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]),
                   initial.rate, time.to.peak), t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2],
           b=res$par[3]), initial.rate, time.to.peak), sse=res$objective)

best.hyperbolic.from.interval.with.buildup <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0,  # Di > 0
    0), # b > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    2), # b <= 2.0
  initial.rate=volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin),
  time.to.peak=(t - diff(c(t.begin, t)) / 2)[which.max(volume)])
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5),   # right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(arps.Np(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3]),
                   initial.rate, time.to.peak), c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2],
           b=res$par[3]), initial.rate, time.to.peak), sse=res$objective)

best.hyp2exp.from.Np.with.buildup <- function(Np, t,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0), # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(c(Np[1], diff(Np)) / diff(c(0, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35), # Df <= 0.35
  initial.rate=Np[1] / t[1],
  time.to.peak=(t[which.max(diff(Np))] + t[which.max(diff(Np)) + 1]) / 2.0)
    # drop leading zero records
    which.nz <- Np != 0
    Np <- Np[which.nz]
    t <- t[which.nz]

    if (length(Np) != length(t) || length(Np) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for Np, t vectors.")

    max.delta <- max(Np[1], diff(Np))
    t.max.delta <- ifelse(max.delta == Np[1], t[1],
      t[which.max(diff(Np)) + 1] - t[which.max(diff(Np))])

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   max.delta / t.max.delta, # qi = max Np delta / time delta
                   -(((Np[2] - Np[1]) - Np[1]) / Np[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1), # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(Np, arps.Np(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4]),
                   initial.rate, time.to.peak), t)),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2],
           b=res$par[3], Df=res$par[4]), initial.rate, time.to.peak),

best.hyp2exp.from.interval.with.buildup <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0,
  lower=c( # lower bounds
    0,  # qi > 0
    0.35,  # Di > 0
    0,  # b > 0
    0), # Df > 0
  upper=c( # upper bounds
    max(volume / diff(c(t.begin, t))) * 5, # qi < max(rate) * 5
    10, # = 0.99995 / [time] effective
    5,  # b <= 2.0
    0.35), # Df <= 0.35
  initial.rate=volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin),
  time.to.peak=(t - diff(c(t.begin, t)) / 2)[which.max(volume)])
    if (length(volume) != length(t) || length(volume) <= 2)
        stop("Invalid lengths for volume, t vectors.")

    res <- nlminb(c( # initial guesses
                   volume[1] / (t[1] - t.begin), # qi = rate(t = first t in vector)
                   -((volume[2] - volume[1]) / volume[1]) / (t[2] - t[1]),
                     # Di = decline from first to second point
                   1.5,  # b = right-ish for a lot of wells currently coming on
                   0.1), # Df = about 9% effective

                 # cost function
                 function (guess) sse(volume, diff(arps.Np(arps.with.buildup(
                   arps.decline(guess[1], guess[2], guess[3], guess[4]),
                   initial.rate, time.to.peak), c(t.begin, t)))),

                 # bounds
                 lower=lower, upper=upper)

    list(decline=arps.with.buildup(arps.decline(qi=res$par[1], Di=res$par[2],
           b=res$par[3], Df=res$par[4]), initial.rate, time.to.peak),

best.fit.from.Np.with.buildup <- function(Np, t)
    exp <- best.exponential.from.Np.with.buildup(Np, t)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.from.Np.with.buildup(Np, t)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.from.Np.with.buildup(Np, t)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

best.fit.from.interval.with.buildup <- function(volume, t, t.begin=0.0)
    exp <- best.exponential.from.interval.with.buildup(volume, t, t.begin)
    hyp <- best.hyperbolic.from.interval.with.buildup(volume, t, t.begin)
    h2e <- best.hyp2exp.from.interval.with.buildup(volume, t, t.begin)

    if (exp$sse <= hyp$sse && exp$sse <= h2e$sse)
    else if (hyp$sse <= exp$sse && hyp$sse <= h2e$sse)

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aRpsDCA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:42 a.m.