
Defines functions pos2bperr

# pos2bperr
# Compute the per-base error model for each position
# @param id index
# @param targets targeted positions
# @param germlineset unique list of germlines samples from sif, see get_germlineset(sif)
# @param step into how many positions to split the chrom file. default: 5000
# @param chrom chromosome to process
# @param lev Levels of coverage, see define_cov_bins(coverage_binning)
# @param covbin Bins of coverage, see define_cov_bins(coverage_binning)
# @param af_max_to_compute_thresholds To compute AF thresholds, consider only positions with AF <= af_max_to_compute_thresholds. default 0.2
# @param coverage_min_to_compute_thresholds To compute AF threshold, consider only positions with coverage >= coverage_min_to_compute_thresholds. default 10
# @param af_max_to_compute_pbem To compute pbem, consider only positions with AF <= af_max_to_compute_pbem. default: 0.2
# @param coverage_min_to_compute_pbem To compute pbem, consider only positions with coverage >= coverage_min_to_compute_pbem. default: 10
# @param n_pos_af_th When compute pbem, count in how many germline samples the position has an AF >= n_pos_af_th. default: 0.2
pos2bperr = function(id,
  upto = id+step-1
  if(upto>nrow(targets)){upto <- nrow(targets)}
  this = targets[id:upto,,drop=FALSE]
  outfile = paste(this$chr[1],this$pos[1],this$pos[nrow(this)],"postogrep.txt",sep="_")
  filtpileup = paste(this$chr[1],this$pos[1],this$pos[nrow(this)],"filtered.pileup.txt",sep="_")
  taboutchrom = paste(this$chr[1],this$pos[1],this$pos[nrow(this)],"pbem.table.txt",sep="_")
  mytabafchrom = paste(this$chr[1],this$pos[1],this$pos[nrow(this)],"afgtz.table.txt",sep="_")
  afzchrom = paste(this$chr[1],this$pos[1],this$pos[nrow(this)],"afz.table.txt",sep="_")
  afz = array(data = 0,dim = length(lev),dimnames = list(lev))
  cat(unique(this$pos),sep = "\n",file = outfile,append = FALSE)

  # [ need improvement ]
  keep <- unique(this$pos)
  m <- lapply(germlineset,fread, sep = "\t", skip = 1, data.table = FALSE)
  for(x in seq(m)){
    df <- m[[x]]
    m[[x]] <- df[which(df[,2] %in% keep),,drop=FALSE]
  filtout <- do.call(rbind,m)
  write.table(filtout,file = filtpileup,quote = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,sep = "\t",na = "")

  if(file.info(filtpileup)$size == 0){
    message(paste("[",Sys.time(),"]\tpositions in ",outfile,"not found in any pileups."))
  } else {
    completetab_all = read.delim(filtpileup,stringsAsFactors = FALSE,header = FALSE,sep = "\t",na.strings = "")
    names(completetab_all) <- c("chr","pos","ref","Ade","Cyt","Gua","Thy","af","RD","dbsnp")
    # exclude annotated and private SNPs [ to compute AF threshold]
    completetab = completetab_all[which(is.na(completetab_all$dbsnp)),,drop=FALSE]
    completetab = completetab[which(completetab$af <= af_max_to_compute_thresholds & completetab$RD >= coverage_min_to_compute_thresholds),,drop=FALSE]
    # Compute pbem also in positions that are SNPs
    completetab_dbsnp = completetab_all[which(completetab_all$af <= af_max_to_compute_pbem & completetab_all$RD >= coverage_min_to_compute_pbem),,drop=FALSE]
      # save allelic fractions by bins of coverage
      mytabaf = completetab[which(completetab$af > 0),,drop=FALSE]
      mytabz =  completetab[which(completetab$af == 0),,drop=FALSE]
      afz = afz + as.array(table(cut(mytabz$RD,breaks = covbin,include.lowest = TRUE)))
      write.table(t(afz),file = afzchrom,sep="\t",col.names = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE,append = FALSE)
      write.table(mytabaf[,8:9],file = mytabafchrom,append = FALSE,sep = "\t",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)

      # compute pbem
      #completetab_dbsnp$group = paste(completetab_dbsnp$chr,completetab_dbsnp$pos,completetab_dbsnp$ref,sep=":")
      completetab_dbsnp$group = paste(completetab_dbsnp$chr,completetab_dbsnp$pos,completetab_dbsnp$ref,completetab_dbsnp$dbsnp,sep=":")
      #completetab_dbsnp$group = paste(completetab_dbsnp$chr,completetab_dbsnp$pos,sep=":")
      #completetab_dbsnp <- completetab_dbsnp[with(completetab_dbsnp,order(group)),]
      this_ans <- get_stats_pbem(dt=completetab_dbsnp,n_pos_af_th=n_pos_af_th)

      # save(ans,file = "infolist.RData")
      # ans <- dat[,{list(tot_coverage=sum(RD,na.rm = T),
      #                   total.A=sum(A,na.rm = T),
      #                   total.C=sum(C,na.rm = T),
      #                   total.G=sum(G,na.rm = T),
      #                   total.T=sum(T,na.rm = T),
      #                   n_pos_available = length(which(RD > 0)),
      #                   n_pos_af_lth=length(which(af < n_pos_af_th)),
      #                   n_pos_af_gth=length(which(af >= n_pos_af_th)),
      #                   count.A_af_gth=length(A[which(af >= n_pos_af_th & A>0)]),
      #                   count.C_af_gth=length(C[which(af >= n_pos_af_th & C>0)]),
      #                   count.G_af_gth=length(G[which(af >= n_pos_af_th & G>0)]),
      #                   count.T_af_gth=length(T[which(af >= n_pos_af_th & T>0)]))},by=group]

      #this <- as.data.table(this)
      #ans <- as.data.table(ans)
      #this_ans = merge(x = this,y = ans,by = "group",all.y = T)
      #this_ans = as.data.frame(this_ans)

      tabstats <- do.call("rbind", lapply(seq(1,nrow(this_ans),1),get_pbem,tgf=this_ans))
      #tabstats <- tabstats[with(tabstats, order(pos)), ]

      message(paste("[",Sys.time(),"]\twriting output for positions in: ",filtpileup))
      write.table(tabstats,file = taboutchrom,append = FALSE,quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE,sep="\t")

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abemus documentation built on Dec. 19, 2019, 1:07 a.m.