
# keep in mind that tests with skip_on_cran must be tested line by line.

oldtz <- Sys.getenv('TZ', unset = NA)
Sys.setenv(TZ = 'UTC')

tests.home <- getwd()

exampleWorkspace("exampleWorkspace", force = TRUE)
write.csv(example.distances, "distances.csv")

test_that("migration stops when any argument does not make sense", {
		expect_error(migration(tz = "Europe/Copenhagen", GUI = "never", report = FALSE, success.arrays = 1),
			"Array '1' is listed in the 'success.arrays' argument, but this array is not part of the study arrays.", fixed = TRUE),
	"No detections were found for receiver(s) 132907.", fixed = TRUE)
		expect_error(migration(tz = "Europe/Copenhagen", GUI = "never", report = FALSE, success.arrays = c("A9", 1)),
			"Array '1' is listed in the 'success.arrays' argument, but this array is not part of the study arrays.", fixed = TRUE),
	"No detections were found for receiver(s) 132907.", fixed = TRUE)
		expect_error(migration(tz = "Europe/Copenhagen", GUI = "never", report = FALSE, success.arrays = c("A9", 1, "a")),
			"Arrays '1', 'a' are listed in the 'success.arrays' argument, but these arrays are not part of the study arrays.", fixed = TRUE),
	"No detections were found for receiver(s) 132907.", fixed = TRUE)

	expect_error(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', report = TRUE, GUI = "never", if.last.skip.section = "a"),
		"'if.last.skip.section' must be logical.", fixed = TRUE)

	expect_error(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', report = TRUE, GUI = "never", replicates = "a"),
		"'replicates' must be a list.", fixed = TRUE)

	expect_error(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', report = TRUE, GUI = "never", replicates = list("a")),
		"All list elements within 'replicates' must be named (i.e. list(Array = 'St.1') rather than list('St.1')).", fixed = TRUE)

	expect_error(suppressWarnings(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', report = TRUE, GUI = "never", replicates = list(test = "a"))),
		"Some of the array names listed in the 'replicates' argument do not match the study's arrays.", fixed = TRUE)

	expect_error(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', section.order = c("A", "A", "Fjord", "Sea"), GUI = "never"),
		"Some section names are duplicated in the 'section.order' argument. Please include each section only once.", fixed = TRUE)

	expect_error(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', print.releases = "a", GUI = "never"),
		"'print.releases' must be logical.", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("migration results contains all the expected elements.", {
	output <<- suppressWarnings(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen',
		report = FALSE, GUI = "never", print.releases = FALSE))
	expect_false(any(is.na(match(names(output), c('arrays', 'deployments', 'detections', 'dist.mat',
		'group.overview', 'intra.array.CJS', 'intra.array.matrices','matrices', 'movements', 'overall.CJS',
		'release.overview', 'rsp.info', 'section.movements', 'section.overview', 'spatial', 'status.df',
		'times', 'valid.detections', 'valid.movements')))))

	# all the contents of each object have been tested in their respective function tests, appart from rsp.info, release.overview and group.overview
	expect_equal(names(output$rsp.info), c('analysis.type', 'analysis.time', 'bio', 'tz', 'actel.version'))
	expect_equal(output$rsp.info$analysis.type, "migration")
	expect_equal(output$rsp.info$bio[,1:ncol(example.biometrics)], example.biometrics)

	expect_equal(names(output$release.overview), c("A.RS1", "B.RS1"))
  check <- read.csv(text = '"","Release","A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8","A9"
"here plus on peers",NA,NA,26,26,25,26,26,26,25,20,NA
"not here but on peers",NA,NA,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,NA
', row.names = 1)
  expect_equal(output$release.overview[[1]], check)

  check <- read.csv(text = '"","Release","A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8","A9"
"here plus on peers",NA,NA,28,28,25,26,26,24,18,15,NA
"not here but on peers",NA,NA,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,NA
', row.names = 1)
  expect_equal(output$release.overview[[2]], check)

	expect_equal(names(output$group.overview), c("A", "B"))
  check <- read.csv(text = '"","Release","A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8","A9"
"here plus on peers",NA,NA,26,26,25,26,26,26,25,20,NA
"not here but on peers",NA,NA,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,NA
', row.names = 1)
  expect_equal(output$group.overview[[1]], check)

  check <- read.csv(text = '"","Release","A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8","A9"
"here plus on peers",NA,NA,28,28,25,26,26,24,18,15,NA
"not here but on peers",NA,NA,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,NA
', row.names = 1)
  expect_equal(output$group.overview[[2]], check)
# n
# n
# n
# n

test_that("advEfficiency can calculate efficiency from release and group overviews", {
	expect_message(output <- advEfficiency(output$group.overview$A[, -5], q = c(0.5, 0.9)),
		"M: All arrays were estimated to have either 0% or 100% efficiency, skipping plotting for all arrays.", fixed = TRUE)
		check <- read.csv(text = '"","50%","90%"
', row.names = 1)
	colnames(check) <- c("50%","90%")
	expect_equal(output, check)

test_that("migration is able to run speed and inactiveness checks.", {
	output <- suppressWarnings(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', report = TRUE, detections.y.axis = "arrays",
		GUI = "never", speed.warning = 1000000, inactive.warning = 1000000, replicates = list(A9 = c("St.16", "St.17"))))
	expect_false(any(is.na(match(names(output), c('arrays', 'deployments', 'detections', 'dist.mat', 'group.overview',
		'intra.array.CJS', 'intra.array.matrices','matrices', 'movements', 'overall.CJS', 'release.overview',
		'rsp.info', 'section.movements', 'section.overview', 'spatial', 'status.df', 'times', 'valid.detections',
	expect_warning(output <- migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', report = TRUE,
			GUI = "never", speed.error = 1000000, inactive.error = 1000000),
		"Running inactiveness checks without a distance matrix. Performance may be limited.", fixed = TRUE)
	expect_false(any(is.na(match(names(output), c('arrays', 'deployments', 'detections', 'group.overview', 'intra.array.CJS',
	 'intra.array.matrices','matrices', 'movements', 'overall.CJS', 'release.overview', 'rsp.info', 'section.movements',
	  'section.overview', 'spatial', 'status.df', 'times', 'valid.detections', 'valid.movements')))))
# n
# n
# n

# Throw in a fake report just to test the number appending code
write(1, file = "actel_migration_report.html")

test_that("migration can handle multiple expected first arrays", {
	xspatial <- example.spatial
	xspatial$Array[18] <- "A1|A2"
	write.csv(xspatial, "spatial.csv", row.names = FALSE)
	expect_message(suppressWarnings(output <- migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', 
		report = TRUE, success.arrays = "A9", GUI = "never")),
		"Multiple possible first arrays detected for release site 'RS1'.", fixed = TRUE)
# n
# n
# n

# Throw in a fake results object just to test the number appending code
a = 1
save(a, file = "actel_migration_results.RData")

test_that("migration can handle multi-sensor data", {
	xdet <- example.detections
	xdet$Sensor.Value <- 1
	xdet$Sensor.Unit <- "A"
	xdet$Sensor.Unit[xdet$Signal == "4454"] <- "B"
	my.list <- split(xdet, xdet$Receiver)
  for (i in names(my.list)) {
    write.csv(my.list[[i]], paste0("detections/", i, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)
	xbio <- example.biometrics[-(1:4), ]
	xbio$Signal <- as.character(xbio$Signal)
	xbio$Signal[1] <- "4453|4454"
	write.csv(xbio, "biometrics.csv", row.names = FALSE)
	output <- suppressWarnings(migration(tz = 'Europe/Copenhagen', GUI = "never"))
	write.csv(example.biometrics, "biometrics.csv", row.names = FALSE)
	expect_true(TRUE) # dummy test just so it is not marked as empty.
# n
# n
# n
# n
# n
# n
# n

unlink("exampleWorkspace", recursive = TRUE)

if (is.na(oldtz)) Sys.unsetenv("TZ") else Sys.setenv(TZ = oldtz)

rm(list = ls())

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actel documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 9:08 a.m.