#' genind constructor
#' The function \code{new} has a method for building \linkS4class{genind} objects.
#' See the class description of \linkS4class{genind} for more information on this data structure.
#' The functions \code{genind} and \code{as.genind} are aliases for \code{new("genind", ...)}.
#' Most users do not need using the constructor, but merely to convert raw allele data using \code{\link{df2genind}} and related functions.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases initialize,genind-methods
#' @aliases genind
#' @aliases as.genind
#' @rdname new.genind
#' @param .Object prototyped object (generated automatically when calling 'new')
#' @param tab A matrix of integers corresponding to the @@tab slot of a genind
#' object, with individuals in rows and alleles in columns, and containing
#' either allele counts (if type="codom") or allele presence/absence (if
#' type="PA")
#' @param pop an optional factor with one value per row in \code{tab} indicating
#' the population of each individual
#' @param prevcall an optional call to be stored in the object
#' @param ploidy an integer vector indicating the ploidy of the individual; each
#' individual can have a different value; if only one value is provided, it is
#' recycled to generate a vector of the right length.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of marker: codominant
#' ("codom") or presence/absence ("PA")
#' @param strata a data frame containing population hierarchies or
#' stratifications in columns. This must be the same length as the number of
#' individuals in the data set.
#' @param hierarchy a hierarchical formula defining the columns of the strata
#' slot that are hierarchical. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods (currently not used)
#' @return a \linkS4class{genind} object
#' @seealso the description of the \linkS4class{genind} class; \code{\link{df2genind}}
setMethod("initialize", "genind", function(.Object, tab, pop=NULL, prevcall=NULL, ploidy=2L, type=c("codom","PA"), strata = NULL, hierarchy = NULL, ...){
out <- .Object
if (missing(tab)){
.Object@tab <- matrix(0L, ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
.Object@pop <- NULL
.Object@strata <- NULL
.Object@hierarchy <- NULL
.Object@call <- NULL
.Object@loc.n.all <- integer(0)
.Object@loc.fac <- NULL
.Object@ploidy <- integer(0)
.Object@other <- NULL
.Object@type <- "codom"
if(is.null(colnames(tab))) {colnames(tab) <- seq(ncol(tab))}
if(is.null(rownames(tab))) {rownames(tab) <- seq(nrow(tab))}
## force matrix & integer
if(!is.matrix(tab)) tab <- as.matrix(tab)
old.rownames <- rownames(tab)
old.colnames <- colnames(tab)
old.dim <- dim(tab)
tab <- as.integer(tab)
dim(tab) <- old.dim
rownames(tab) <- old.rownames
colnames(tab) <- old.colnames
type <- match.arg(type)
nind <- nrow(tab)
ploidy <- as.integer(ploidy)
ploidy <- rep(ploidy, length=nind)
## loc names is not type-dependent
if(length(grep("([.][^.]*){2,}", old.colnames))>0L){
stop("more than one '.' in column names; please name column as [LOCUS].[ALLELE]")
temp <- sub("[.].*$", "", old.colnames)
temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
loc.names <- unique(temp)
nloc <- length(loc.names)
## ind names is not type-dependent either
## only use generic label if no name or duplicates
if(is.null(rownames(tab))) {
rownames(tab) <- .genlab("", nind)
ind.names <- rownames(tab)
if(length(unique(ind.names))!=length(ind.names)) {
warning("duplicate labels detected for some individuals; using generic labels")
rownames(tab) <- ind.names <- .genlab("", nind)
if (!is.null(strata)){
# Make sure that the hierarchies are factors.
strata <- data.frame(lapply(strata, function(f) factor(f, unique(f))))
rownames(strata) <- rownames(tab)
if (!is.null(strata) && !is.null(hierarchy)){
if (is.language(hierarchy)){
the_names <- all.vars(hierarchy)
if (all(the_names %in% names(strata))){
} else {
warning("hierarchy names do not match names of strata. Setting slot to NULL")
hierarchy <- NULL
} else {
warning("hierarchy must be a formula. Setting slot to NULL.")
hierarchy <- NULL
## loc.n.all
loc.n.all <- table(temp)[match(loc.names,names(table(temp)))]
loc.n.all <- as.integer(loc.n.all)
names(loc.n.all) <- loc.names
## loc.fac
loc.fac <- factor(rep(loc.names,loc.n.all),levels=loc.names)
## alleles name
temp <- colnames(tab)
temp <- sub("^[^.]*[.]","",temp)
temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
all.names <- split(temp,loc.fac)
all.names <- all.names[loc.names]
} else { # end if type=="codom" <=> if type=="PA"
loc.fac <- NULL
all.names <- NULL
loc.n.all <- NULL
## Ideally I should use an 'initialize' method here
out@tab <- tab
out@loc.n.all <- loc.n.all
out@loc.fac <- loc.fac
out@all.names <- all.names
out@strata <- strata
out@hierarchy <- hierarchy
## populations name (optional)
## beware, keep levels of pop sorted in
## there order of appearance
if(!is.null(pop)) {
## convert pop to a factor if it is not; for consistentcy with the accessor 'pop', we need
## to make sure that levels will be sorted by their order of appearance
if(!is.factor(pop)) {
pop <- as.character(pop)
pop <- factor(pop, levels=unique(pop))
out@pop <- pop
## ploidy
plo <- as.integer(ploidy)
if(any(plo < 1L)) stop("ploidy inferior to 1")
out@ploidy <- plo
## type of marker
out@type <- as.character(type)
if(is.null(prevcall)) {prevcall <-}
out@call <- prevcall
#' @export
#' @rdname new.genind
genind <- function(...){
out <- new("genind", ...)
} # end genind
#' @export
#' @rdname new.genind
as.genind <- function(...){
out <- new("genind", ...)
} # end genind
#' genpop constructor
#' The function \code{new} has a method for building \linkS4class{genpop} objects.
#' See the class description of \linkS4class{genpop} for more information on this data structure.
#' The functions \code{genpop} and \code{as.genpop} are aliases for \code{new("genpop", ...)}.
#' Most users do not need using the constructor, but merely to convert raw allele data using \code{\link{genind2genpop}}.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases initialize,genpop-methods
#' @aliases genpop
#' @aliases as.genpop
#' @rdname new.genpop
#' @param .Object prototyped object (generated automatically when calling 'new')
#' @param tab A matrix of integers corresponding to the @@tab slot of a genpop object, with individuals in rows and alleles in columns, and containing either allele counts
#' @param prevcall an optional call to be stored in the object
#' @param ploidy an integer vector indicating the ploidy of the individual; each individual can have a different value; if only one value is provided, it is recycled to generate a vector of the right length.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of marker: codominant ("codom") or presence/absence ("PA")
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods (currently not used)
#' @return a \linkS4class{genpop} object
#' @seealso the description of the \linkS4class{genpop} class; \code{\link{df2genind}} and related functions for reading raw allele data
# Function genpop
setMethod("initialize", "genpop", function(.Object, tab, prevcall=NULL, ploidy=2L, type=c("codom","PA"), ...){
out <- .Object
if (missing(tab)){
.Object@tab <- matrix(0L, ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
.Object@call <- NULL
.Object@loc.n.all <- integer(0)
.Object@loc.fac <- NULL
.Object@ploidy <- integer(0)
.Object@other <- NULL
.Object@type <- "codom"
if(is.null(colnames(tab))) stop("tab columns have no name.")
if(is.null(rownames(tab))) {rownames(tab) <- 1:nrow(tab)}
## force matrix & integer
if(!is.matrix(tab)) tab <- as.matrix(tab)
old.rownames <- rownames(tab)
old.colnames <- colnames(tab)
old.dim <- dim(tab)
tab <- as.integer(tab)
dim(tab) <- old.dim
rownames(tab) <- old.rownames
colnames(tab) <- old.colnames
type <- match.arg(type)
ploidy <- as.integer(ploidy)
npop <- nrow(tab)
## loc names is not type-dependent
if(length(grep("([.][^.]*){2,}", old.colnames))>0L){
stop("more than one '.' in column names; please name column as [LOCUS].[ALLELE]")
temp <- sub("[.].*$", "", old.colnames)
temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
loc.names <- unique(temp)
nloc <- length(loc.names)
## pop names is not type-dependent either
## only use generic label if no name or duplicates
if(is.null(rownames(tab))) {
rownames(tab) <- .genlab("", npop)
pop.names <- rownames(tab)
if(length(unique(pop.names))!=length(pop.names)) {
warning("duplicate labels detected for some populations; using generic labels")
rownames(tab) <- pop.names <- .genlab("", npop)
## loc.n.all
loc.n.all <- table(temp)[match(loc.names,names(table(temp)))]
loc.n.all <- as.integer(loc.n.all)
names(loc.n.all) <- loc.names
## loc.fac
loc.fac <- factor(rep(loc.names,loc.n.all),levels=loc.names)
## alleles name
temp <- colnames(tab)
temp <- sub("^[^.]*[.]","",temp)
temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
all.names <- split(temp,loc.fac)
all.names <- all.names[loc.names]
loc.fac <- as.factor(loc.fac)
} else { # end if type=="codom" <=> if type=="PA"
loc.fac <- NULL
all.names <- NULL
loc.n.all <- NULL
## build final output
out@tab <- tab
out@loc.n.all <- loc.n.all
out@loc.fac <- loc.fac
out@all.names <- all.names
out@ploidy <- ploidy
out@type <- as.character(type)
if(is.null(prevcall)) {prevcall <-}
out@call <- prevcall
#' @export
#' @rdname new.genpop
genpop <- function(...){
out <- new("genpop", ...)
} # end genpop
#' @export
#' @rdname new.genpop
as.genpop <- function(...){
out <- new("genpop", ...)
} # end genpop
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