
Defines functions inbreeding

Documented in inbreeding

## inbreeding
inbreeding <- function(x, pop=NULL, truenames=TRUE, res.type=c("sample","function","estimate"), N=200, M=N*10){
    ## CHECKS ##
    if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x is not a valid genind object")
    res.type <- match.arg(res.type)[1]

    ## if(x$ploidy != 2) stop("this inbreeding coefficient is designed for diploid genotypes only")
    PLO <- ploidy(x)
    LOC <- locFac(x)

    if(!is.null(pop)) pop(x) <- pop
    if(is.null(pop(x)) && is.null(pop)) {
        pop(x) <- factor(rep(1, nInd(x)))


    ## get allele frequencies and \sum p_i^2 by pop and loc ##
    ## (generalized to any ploidy) ##
    ## For genpop objects, a constant ploidy is assumed/needed. This kludge will do for now.
    tabfreq2 <- tab(genind2genpop(x, quiet = TRUE), freq=TRUE) ^ PLO[1]
    sumpi2   <- t(apply(tabfreq2, 1, tapply, LOC, sum))

    ## function to check a 1-locus genotype for homozigosity
    ## returns 1 if homoz, 0 otherwise
    ## !!! NOTE : reverse the values returned by f1 to obtain a strange thing !!!
    f1 <- function(gen){
        if(any(is.na(gen))) return(NA)
        return(ifelse(sum(gen > 0) == 1, 1, 0))
        # if(any(round(gen, 10)==1)) return(1)
        # return(0)

    ## get the table of binary hetero/homo data
    X       <- tab(x)
    homotab <- t(apply(X, 1, tapply, LOC, f1))
    ## get pi2 for the appropriate pop
    popx   <- as.character(pop(x))
    tabpi2 <- sumpi2[popx, , drop=FALSE]

    ## function returning a likelihood function - multi-locus ##
    ## x is a vector of 1/0 for each locus, with 1=homoz
    LIK <- function(x, sumpi2){
        ## return( sum(log(   x*(F+(1-F)*sumpi2) + (1-x)*(1-(F+(1-F)*sumpi2)) ) ,na.rm=TRUE) ) # returns the log-likelihood
        myEnv <- new.env()
        assign("x", x, envir=myEnv)
        assign("sumpi2", sumpi2, envir=myEnv)
        res <- function(Fest) { # F estimate
            ## cat("\nx used:\n") # debugging
            ## print(x)
            ## cat("\nsumpi2 used:\n") # debugging
            ## print(sumpi2)
            phom <- Fest + (1-Fest)*sumpi2
            return(exp(sum(log(x*phom + (1-x)*(1-phom)), na.rm=TRUE)))
        environment(res) <- myEnv


    ## get likelihood functions for all individuals
    res <- lapply(1:nrow(homotab), function(i) LIK(homotab[i,], tabpi2[i,]) )
    res <- setNames(lapply(res, Vectorize), indNames(x))

    if (res.type=="function"){

    ## IF WE RETURN MLE ##
    if (res.type == "estimate"){
      opfun  <- function(x, ...) optimize(x, ...)[[1]]
      funval <- numeric(1)
      res <- vapply(res, FUN = opfun , FUN.VALUE = funval, interval = c(0, 1),
                    maximum = TRUE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75)

    ## function to get one sample
    getSample <- function(f){ # f is a vectorized density function
        x <- runif(M, 0, 1)
        fx <- f(x)
        fx <- fx - min(fx)
        if(sum(fx)<1e-14) {
            warning("Likelihood uniformly zero likely reflecting precision issue\nreturning uniformly distributed sample")
        fx <- fx/sum(fx)
        return(sample(x, size=N, prob=fx))

    res <- lapply(res, getSample)
} # end inbreeding

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adegenet documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6 p.m.