as.ltraj <- function(xy, date=NULL, id, burst=id, typeII = TRUE,
slsp = c("remove", "missing"))
## Various verifications
if (typeII) {
if (!inherits(date,"POSIXct"))
stop("For objects of type II,\n date should be of class \"POSIXct\"")
} else {
date <- 1:nrow(xy)
if (length(date) != nrow(xy))
stop("date should be of the same length as xy")
slsp <- match.arg(slsp)
## length of id
if (length(id)==1)
id <- rep(as.character(id), nrow(xy))
if (length(id)!=nrow(xy))
stop("id should be of the same length as xy, or of length 1")
id <- as.character(id)
## length of burst
if (length(burst)==1)
burst <- rep(as.character(burst), nrow(xy))
if (length(burst)!=nrow(xy))
stop("burst should be of the same length as xy, or of length 1")
burst <- as.character(burst)
## Verification that there is only one burst per id
id1 <- factor(id)
burst1 <- factor(burst)
if (!all(apply(table(id1,burst1)>0,2,sum)==1))
stop("one burst level should belong to only one id level")
x <- xy[,1]
y <- xy[,2]
res <- split(data.frame(x=x,y=y, date=date), burst)
liid <- split(id, burst)
## sort the dates
res <- lapply(res, function(y) y[order(y$date),])
## Unique dates?
rr <- any(unlist(lapply(res,
function(x) (length(unique(x$date))!=length(x$date)))))
if (rr)
stop("non unique dates for a given burst")
## Descriptive parameters
foo <- function(x) {
x1 <- x[-1, ]
x2 <- x[-nrow(x), ]
dist <- c(sqrt((x1$x - x2$x)^2 + (x1$y - x2$y)^2),NA)
R2n <- (x$x - x$x[1])^2 + (x$y - x$y[1])^2
dt <- c(unclass(x1$date) - unclass(x2$date), NA)
dx <- c(x1$x - x2$x, NA)
dy <- c(x1$y - x2$y, NA)
abs.angle <- ifelse(dist<1e-07,NA,atan2(dy,dx))
## absolute angle = NA if dx==dy==0
so <-, dy=dy, dist=dist,
dt=dt, R2n=R2n, abs.angle=abs.angle)
speed <- lapply(res, foo)
res <- lapply(1:length(res), function(i) cbind(res[[i]],speed[[i]]))
## The relative angle
ang.rel <- function(df,slspi=slsp) {
ang1 <- df$abs.angle[-nrow(df)] # angle i-1
ang2 <- df$abs.angle[-1] # angle i
dist <- c(sqrt((df[-nrow(df),"x"] - df[-1,"x"])^2 +
(df[-nrow(df),"y"] - df[-1,"y"])^2),NA) <- which(dist<1e-7)
if(length(>0){ <- (1:length(ang1))[!(1:length(ang1)) %in%]
for (i in{
indx <-[<i]
ang1[i] <- ifelse(length(indx)==0,NA,ang1[max(indx)])
res <- ang2-ang1
res <- ifelse(res <= (-pi), 2*pi+res,res)
res <- ifelse(res > pi, res -2*pi,res)
## Output
rel.angle <- lapply(res, ang.rel)
res <- lapply(1:length(res),
function(i) data.frame(res[[i]], rel.angle=rel.angle[[i]]))
res <- lapply(1:length(res), function(i) {
x <- res[[i]]
attr(x, "id") <- as.character(liid[[i]][1])
attr(x,"burst") <- levels(factor(burst))[i]
## Output
class(res) <- c("ltraj","list")
attr(res,"typeII") <- typeII
attr(res,"regular") <- is.regular(res)
traj2ltraj <- function(traj,slsp = c("remove", "missing"))
if (!inherits(traj, "traj"))
stop("traj should be of class \"traj\"")
slsp <- match.arg(slsp)
traj <- traj2df(traj)
res <- as.ltraj(xy=traj[,c("x","y")], date=traj$date, id=traj$id,
burst=traj$burst, typeII=TRUE, slsp)
"[.ltraj" <- function(x, i, id, burst)
if (!inherits(x, "ltraj"))
stop("x should be of class \"ltraj\"")
if (sum((!missing(i))+(!missing(id))+(!missing(burst)))!=1)
stop("non convenient subset")
if (!missing(i)) {
x <- unclass(x)
y <- x[i]
if (!missing(id)) {
idb <- id(x)
x <- unclass(x)
y <- x[idb%in%id]
if (!missing(burst)) {
idb <- burst(x)
x <- unclass(x)
y <- x[idb%in%burst]
class(y) <- c("ltraj","list")
attr(y,"typeII") <- attr(x,"typeII")
attr(y,"regular") <- is.regular(y)
"[<-.ltraj" <- function(x, i, id, burst, value)
if (!inherits(x, "ltraj"))
stop("x should be of class \"ltraj\"")
if (sum((!missing(i))+(!missing(id))+(!missing(burst)))!=1)
stop("non convenient subset")
typII <- attr(x,"typeII")
regg <- attr(x,"regular")
if (!missing(i)) {
x <- unclass(x)
x[i] <- value
if (!missing(id)) {
idb <- id(x)
x <- unclass(x)
x[idb%in%id] <- value
if (!missing(burst)) {
idb <- burst(x)
x <- unclass(x)
x[idb%in%burst] <- value
class(x) <- c("ltraj","list")
attr(x,"typeII") <- typII
attr(x,"regular") <- is.regular(x)
bu <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y) attr(y, "burst")))
if (length(unique(bu))!=length(bu))
stop("attribute \"burst\" should be unique for a burst of relocations")
summary.ltraj <- function(object,...)
if (!inherits(object, "ltraj"))
stop("object should be of class \"ltraj\"")
id <- factor(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) attr(x, "id"))))
burst <- unlist(lapply(object, function(x) attr(x, "burst")))
nr <- unlist(lapply(object, nrow))
na <- unlist(lapply(object, function(i) sum([,1]))))
if (attr(object,"typeII")) {
beg <- unlist(lapply(object, function(i) i$date[1]))
endd <- unlist(lapply(object, function(i) i$date[nrow(i)]))
class(beg) <- class(endd) <- c("POSIXct","POSIXt")
pr <- data.frame(id=id, burst=burst, nb.reloc=nr, NAs=na,
date.begin=beg, date.end=endd)
} else {
pr <- data.frame(id=id, burst=burst, Nb.reloc=nr, NAs=na)
print.ltraj <- function(x,...)
if (!inherits(x, "ltraj"))
stop("x should be of class \"ltraj\"")
pr <- summary(x)
cat("\n*********** List of class ltraj ***********\n\n")
if (attr(x,"typeII")) {
cat("Type of the traject: Type II (time recorded)\n")
if (attr(x,"regular")) {
cat(paste("Regular traject. Time lag between two locs:",
mean(x[[1]]$dt, na.rm=TRUE),"seconds\n"))
} else {
cat(paste("Irregular traject. Variable time lag between two locs\n"))
if (!attr(x,"typeII")) {
cat("Type of the traject: Type I (time not recorded)\n")
cat("\nCharacteristics of the bursts:\n")
ltraj2traj <- function(x)
if (!inherits(x, "ltraj"))
stop("x should be of class \"ltraj\"")
if (!attr(x,"typeII"))
stop("x should be of type II (time recorded")
id <- factor(unlist(lapply(x, function(y)
id <- rep(attr(y,"id"), nrow(y)))))
burst <- factor(unlist(lapply(x, function(y)
id <- rep(attr(y,"burst"), nrow(y)))))
res <-"rbind", x)
res <- cbind(id,burst,res)
class(res) <- c("traj","data.frame")
c.ltraj <- function(...)
uu <- list(...)
if (!all(unlist(lapply(uu, function(x) inherits(x,"ltraj")))))
stop("all objects should be of class \"ltraj\"")
at2 <- all(unlist(lapply(uu, function(x) attr(x, "typeII"))))
at1 <- all(unlist(lapply(uu, function(x) !attr(x, "typeII"))))
if (!(at2|at1))
stop("all objects should be of the same type (time recorded or not")
bu <- unlist(lapply(uu, function(x) unlist(lapply(x, function(y) attr(y, "burst")))))
if (length(unique(bu))!=length(bu))
stop("attribute \"burst\" should be unique for a burst of relocations")
uu <- lapply(uu, unclass)
uu <-"c",uu)
class(uu) <- c("ltraj","list")
attr(uu,"typeII") <- at2
attr(uu,"regular") <- is.regular(uu)
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