
Defines functions EqRao

Documented in EqRao

EqRao <-
function(comm, dis = NULL, structures = NULL, option=c("eq", "normed1", "normed2"), formula = c("QE", "EDI"), wopt = c("even", "speciesab"), tol = 1e-8, metmean = c("harmonic", "arithmetic")){

    df <- comm
    metmean <- metmean[1]
    if(!option[1]%in%c("eq", "normed1", "normed2")) stop("unavailable option, please modify; option can be eq, normed1 or normed2")
    if(!(is.data.frame(df) | is.matrix(df))) stop("df must be a matrix or a data frame")
    if(!(is.data.frame(df))) df <- as.data.frame(df)
    if(is.null(colnames(df)) | is.null(rownames(df))) stop("df must have both row names and column names")
    if(length(colnames(df)[colSums(df)>0])==1) stop("df must contain at least two species with positive occurrence in at least one site")
    if (is.null(dis)){
        dis <- as.dist((matrix(1, ncol(df), ncol(df)) - diag(rep(1, ncol(df)))))
        attributes(dis)$Labels <- colnames(df)
        formula <- "QE"
    if(!inherits(dis, "dist")) stop("dis must be of class dist")
    if(!formula[1]%in%c("QE","EDI")) stop("formula can be either QE or EDI")
    if(any(!colnames(df)%in%attributes(dis)$Labels)) stop("column names in df are missing in dis")
        d <- as.matrix(dis)[colnames(df), colnames(df)]
            op <- options()$warn
            if(!is.euclid(as.dist(d))) stop("dis should be Euclidean")
            d <- d^2/2 # Euclidean Diversity Index
            op <- options()$warn
            if(!is.euclid(sqrt(as.dist(d))))  stop("dis should be squared Euclidean")
        if(any(d>1)) d <- d/max(d)
    nsp <- ncol(df)
    if(any(rowSums(df)<tol)) warnings("empty sites have been removed")
    if(sum(df)<tol) stop("df must contain nonnegative values and the sum of its values must be positive")
    dfold <- df
    df <- df[rowSums(df)>tol, ]
    ncomm <- nrow(df)
    if(nrow(df)==1) stop("df must contain at least two non-empty sites")
        if(!inherits(structures, "data.frame")) stop("structures should be a data frame or NULL")
        if(!nrow(structures)==nrow(dfold)) stop("incorrect number of rows in structures")
        structures <- structures[rowSums(dfold)>0, , drop=FALSE]
        structures <- as.data.frame(apply(structures, 2, factor))
        if(!is.null(rownames(structures))  & !is.null(rownames(df))){
            e <- sum(abs(match(rownames(df), rownames(structures))-(1:ncomm)))
            if(e>1e-8) warning("be careful that rownames in df should be in the same order as rownames in structures")
        checknested <- function(forstru){
            n <- ncol(forstru)
            for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
                tf <- table(forstru[, c(i, i + 1)])
                niv <- apply(tf, 1, function(x) sum(x != 0))
                if (any(niv != 1)) {
                    stop(paste("non hierarchical design for structures, column", i, "is not nested in column", i + 1))
        if(ncol(structures)> 1) checknested(structures)
    P <- as.data.frame(sweep(df, 1, rowSums(df), "/"))
    if(wopt[1] == "speciesab"){
        w <- rowSums(df)/sum(df)
    else if(wopt[1] == "even"){
        if(is.null(structures)) w <- rep(1/nrow(df), nrow(df))
            nc <- ncol(structures)
            fun <- function(i){
                x <- table(structures[, i], structures[, i-1])
                x[x>0] <- 1
                x <- rowSums(x)
                v <- x[structures[, i]]
                v <- 1/v
                firstw <- table(structures[, 1])
                w <- 1/firstw[structures[, 1]]/length(unique(structures[, 1]))
            else {
                listw <- lapply(2:nc, fun)
                firstw <- table(structures[, 1])
                firstw <- 1/firstw[structures[, 1]]
                finalw <- 1/length(unique(structures[, ncol(structures)]))
                forw <- cbind.data.frame(as.vector(firstw), as.vector(listw), as.vector(rep(finalw, nrow(structures))))
                w <- apply(forw, 1, prod)
        df <- P * w
    else if(is.numeric(wopt) & length(wopt) == nrow(df) & sum(wopt) > tol){
        if(!is.null(names(wopt)) & all(rownames(df)%in%wopt)) w <- wopt[rownames(df)]
        w <- w/sum(w)
        if(any(w<=tol)) {
            warnings("sites with weights of zero in w have been removed")
            df <- df[w>tol, ]
            structures <- structures[w>tol, ]
            w <- w[w>tol]
            w <- w/sum(w)
        df <- P * w
    else stop("incorrect definition of wopt")
    ncomm <- nrow(df)

        if(length(unique(factor(structures[, 1])))==1) stop("All sites belong to a unique level in the first column of structures, remove this first column in structures")
        if(length(levels(factor(structures[, 1])))==nrow(df)) stop("Each site belongs to a distinct level in the first column of structures, this first column is useless, remove it and re-run")

    diversity <- function(x){
        if(sum(x)==0) return(0)
        else return(t(x)%*%d%*%x)

    discintra <- function (samples) {
        Ng <- as.matrix(samples)
        lesnoms <- colnames(samples)
        sumcol <- colSums(Ng)
        Lg <- t(t(Ng)/sumcol)
        colnames(Lg) <- lesnoms
        Pg <- as.matrix(apply(Ng, 2, sum)/sum(Ng))
        rownames(Pg) <- lesnoms
        deltag <- as.matrix(apply(Lg, 2, function(x) t(x) %*%
            d %*% x))
        ug <- matrix(1, ncol(Lg), 1)
        numdg2 <- t(Lg) %*% d %*% Lg - 1/2 * (deltag %*% t(ug) +
            ug %*% t(deltag))
        numdg2[numdg2 < tol] <- 0
        dendg2 <- 1 - 1/2 * (deltag %*% t(ug) + ug %*% t(deltag))
        dendg2[dendg2 < tol] <- 1
        dg2 <- numdg2/dendg2
        dg2 <- dg2 - diag(diag(dg2))
        colnames(dg2) <- lesnoms
        rownames(dg2) <- lesnoms

        div <- sapply(as.data.frame(t(P)), diversity)
        alphaEq <- sum(w*(1/(1-div)))
        alphaEq <- 1/(1-sum(w*div))
        beta <- t(w)%*%discintra(as.data.frame(t(P)))%*%w
        beta <- 1/(1-beta)
        gamma <- alphaEq*beta
            res <- cbind.data.frame(c(beta, alphaEq, gamma))
            rownames(res) <- c("beta","alpha","gamma")
            colnames(res) <- "Equivalent numbers"
        else if(option[1]=="normed2"){
            beta <- (beta - 1) / (ncomm - 1)
            res <- cbind.data.frame(beta)
            rownames(res) <- c("beta")
            colnames(res) <- "Normed contributions to diversity"
        else if(option[1]=="normed1"){
            beta <- (1 - 1/beta) / (1 - 1/ncomm)
            res <- cbind.data.frame(beta)
            rownames(res) <- c("beta")
            colnames(res) <- "Normed contributions to diversity"
        div <- sapply(as.data.frame(t(P)), diversity)
        alphaEq <- sum(w*(1/(1-div)))
        alphaEq <- 1/(1-sum(w*div))
        if(!(is.data.frame(structures))) stop("structures should be either NULL or a data frame")
        if(any(!rownames(df)%in%rownames(structures))) stop("row names in df are missing in structures")
        structures <- structures[rownames(df), , drop = FALSE]
        nc <- ncol(structures)
            namrow <- rownames(structures)
            structures <- as.data.frame(sapply(structures, factor))
            rownames(structures) <- namrow
            namfac <- colnames(structures)
            namrow <- rownames(structures)
            structures <- as.data.frame(as.factor(structures[, 1]))
            colnames(structures) <- namfac
            rownames(structures) <- namrow
            for (i in 1:(nc - 1)) {
                tab <- table(structures[, c(i, i + 1)])
                tab2 <- apply(tab, 1, function(x) sum(x != 0))
                if (any(tab2 != 1)) {
                    stop(paste("non hierarchical design in structures, column", i, "in", i + 1))
                if(length(unique(structures[, i]))==length(unique(structures[, i+1]))) stop("In structures, column ", i, " and ", i + 1, " are equivalent, remove one of them and rerun the function")
            if(length(unique(structures[, 1]))==nrow(df)) stop("Leave structures as a NULL object because there are as many different levels in structures than there are rows in df; structures is uninformative")
            if(length(unique(structures[, 1]))==1) stop("Leave structures as a NULL object because there is only one level in structures; structures is uninformative")
        W <- lapply(structures, function(x) tapply(w, x, sum))
        df1 <- sapply(df, function(x) tapply(x, structures[, nc], sum))
        P1 <- sweep(df1, 1, rowSums(df1), "/")
        P1 <- as.data.frame(t(P1))
        beta1 <-  t(W[[nc]])%*%discintra(P1)%*%W[[nc]]
        beta1Eq <- 1/(1-beta1)
        funbeta <- function(i){
                listdf <- split(df, structures[, i])
                fun <- function(x){
                    if(nrow(x)==1) {
                        if(option[1]=="eq") return(1)
                        else return(0)
                        x <- as.data.frame(t(x))
                        Px <- as.data.frame(sweep(x, 2, colSums(x), "/"))
                        wx <- colSums(x)/sum(x)
                        betax <- t(wx)%*%discintra(Px)%*%wx
                        betaEqx <- 1/(1 - betax)
                        if(option[1]=="eq")  return(betaEqx)
                        else if(option[1]=="normed1"){
                            betaNx <- (1 - 1/betaEqx) / (1 - 1/ncol(x))
                        else if(option[1]=="normed2"){
                            betaNx <- (betaEqx - 1) / (ncol(x) - 1)
                resinterm <- unlist(lapply(listdf, fun))
                dfi <- as.data.frame(sapply(df, function(x) tapply(x, structures[i-1], sum)))
                fac <- structures[!duplicated(structures[,i-1]), i]
                names(fac) <- unique(structures[,i-1])
                fac <- fac[rownames(dfi)]
                listdf <- split(dfi, fac)
                fun <- function(x){
                    if(nrow(x)==1) {
                        if(option[1]=="eq") return(1)
                        else return(0)
                        x <- as.data.frame(t(x))
                        Px <- as.data.frame(sweep(x, 2, colSums(x), "/"))
                        wx <- colSums(x)/sum(x)
                        betax <- t(wx)%*%discintra(Px)%*%wx
                        betaEqx <- 1/(1-betax)
                        if(option[1]=="eq")  return(betaEqx)
                        else if(option[1]=="normed1"){
                            betaNx <- (1 - 1/betaEqx) / (1 - 1/ncol(x))
                        else if(option[1]=="normed2"){
                            betaNx <- (betaEqx - 1) / (ncol(x) - 1)
                resinterm <- unlist(lapply(listdf, fun))

        resbeta <- sapply(nc:1, funbeta)

            gammaEq <- beta1Eq*prod(resbeta)*alphaEq
            res <- cbind.data.frame(c(beta1Eq, resbeta, alphaEq, gammaEq))
            inter <- c("Inter-sites", paste("Inter-", colnames(structures), sep=""))
            intra <- c("Intra-sites", paste("Intra-", colnames(structures), sep=""))
            intrainter <- paste(inter[-(nc+1)], intra[-1])
            rownames(res) <- c(inter[nc+1], rev(intrainter), intra[1], "Gamma")
            colnames(res) <- "Equivalent numbers"
        else if(option[1]=="normed1"){
            beta1N <- (beta1Eq - 1) / (length(unique(structures[, nc])) - 1)
            res <- cbind.data.frame(c(beta1N, resbeta))
            inter <- c("Inter-sites", paste("Inter-", colnames(structures), sep=""))
            intra <- c("Intra-sites", paste("Intra-", colnames(structures), sep=""))
            intrainter <- paste(inter[-(nc+1)], intra[-1])
            rownames(res) <- c(inter[nc+1], rev(intrainter))
            colnames(res) <- "Normed contributions to diversity"
        else if(option[1]=="normed2"){
            beta1N <- (beta1Eq - 1) / (length(unique(structures[, nc])) - 1)
            res <- cbind.data.frame(c(beta1N, resbeta))
            inter <- c("Inter-sites", paste("Inter-", colnames(structures), sep=""))
            intra <- c("Intra-sites", paste("Intra-", colnames(structures), sep=""))
            intrainter <- paste(inter[-(nc+1)], intra[-1])
            rownames(res) <- c(inter[nc+1], rev(intrainter))
            colnames(res) <- "Normed contributions to diversity"



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