
Defines functions get_usage_logs

Documented in get_usage_logs

#' Get a list of user usage
#' This function returns the usage and access logs for a given date range within a 3 month period.
#' The user must have Admin Console / Logs permissions (must be able to view the **Usage & Access Log**
#' data in the web interface) in order to use this function.
#' @param startDate Start date for the maximum of a 3 month period.
#' @param endDate End date for the maximum of a 3 month period.
#' @param login The login value of the user you want to filter logs by.
#' @param ip The IP address you want to filter logs by.
#' @param rsid The report suite ID you want to filter logs by.
#' @param eventType The numeric id for the event type you want to filter logs by. Leaving this blank returns
#' all events. See the [Usage Logs API Guide](https://github.com/AdobeDocs/analytics-2.0-apis/blob/master/usage-logs.md)
#' for a complete list of event types.
#' @param event The event description you want to filter logs by. No wildcards are permitted.
#' @param limit The number of results to return per page. This argument works in conjunction with the
#' `page` argument. The default is 10.
#' @param page The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the `limit` argument and is
#' zero-based. For instance, if `limit = 20` and `page = 1`, the results returned would be 21 through 40.
#' @param debug Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE
#' @param company_id Company ID. If an environment variable called `AW_COMPANY_ID` exists in `.Renviron` or
#' elsewhere and no `company_id` argument is provided, then the `AW_COMPANY_ID` value will be used.
#' Use \code{\link{get_me}} to get a list of available `company_id` values.
#' @return A data frame of logged events and the event meta data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_usage_logs(startDate = Sys.Date()-91, endDate = Sys.Date()-1, limit = 100, page = 0)
#' }
#' @export
get_usage_logs <- function(startDate = Sys.Date()-91,
                      endDate = Sys.Date()-1,
                      login = NULL,
                      ip = NULL,
                      rsid = NULL,
                      eventType = NULL,
                      event = NULL,
                      limit = 100,
                      page = 0,
                      debug = FALSE,
                      company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"))
  date_range <- make_startDate_endDate(startDate, endDate)

  query_params <- list(
    login = login,
    ip = ip,
    rsid = rsid,
    eventType = eventType,
    event = event,
    limit = limit,
    page = page,
    startDate = date_range[[1]],
    endDate = date_range[[2]]

  urlstructure <- paste("auditlogs/usage", format_URL_parameters(query_params), sep = "?")

  res <- aw_call_api(req_path = urlstructure[1],
                     debug = debug,
                     company_id = company_id)

  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(res)


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adobeanalyticsr documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.