
Defines functions seg_rule

Documented in seg_rule

#' Create the segment rule
#' This function creates the simple rule of a segment.
#' @param dimension This is the subject of the rule. The value should be the dimension
#' id. Only the dimension or metric can be used at a time.
#' @param metric This is the subject of the rule. The value should be the metric id.
#' Only the dimension or metric can be used at a time.
#' @param verb Choose from any of the 30 different verbs. Use the [`seg_verbs`]
#' package data to see all available verbs along with the descriptions.
#' @param object This is the object of the rule and answers the question `what` or `how many`
#' @param description The internal description for the rule. (optional) This will
#' not show in the UI but could be very helpful when using the API.
#' @param is_distinct This will segment on a distinct count of items within a dimension.
#' Examples: “Visitors who viewed more than 5 distinct products,” or “Visits where
#' more than 5 distinct pages were seen.”
#' @param attribution Define the type of attribution. Either `repeating` (default),
#' `instance`, or `nonrepeating`. See Details for more information.
#' @param attribution_context When applying a non-repeating instance attribution
#' model to a rule the context for the attribution must be `visitors` (default) or `visits`
#' @param validate Set to TRUE when metric or dimension validation is preferred.
#' Default is FALSE. Validation will slow down the function response time but
#' ensure a valid rule result.
#' @param rsid Adobe report suite ID (RSID).  If an environment variable called
#' `AW_REPORTSUITE_ID` exists in `.Renviron` or elsewhere and no `rsid` argument
#' is provided, then the `AW_REPORTSUITE_ID` value will be used. Use [aw_get_reportsuites()]
#' to get a list of available `rsid` values.
#' @param company_id Company ID. If an environment variable called `AW_COMPANY_ID`
#' exists in `.Renviron` or elsewhere and no `company_id` argument is provided,
#' then the `AW_COMPANY_ID` value will be used. Use [get_me()] to get a list of
#' available `company_id` values.
#' @details
#' **Attribution Models**
#' Available for dimensions only, these models determine what values in a dimension to segment for.
#' Dimension models are particularly useful in sequential segmentation.
#' - *repeating* (default): Includes instances and persisted values for the dimension.
#' - *instance*: Includes instances for the dimension.
#' - *nonrepeating* instance: Includes unique instances (non-repeating) for the dimension.
#' This is the model applied in Flow when repeat instances are excluded.
#' @return A structured list defining the rule for a segment
#' @import dplyr
#' @import assertthat
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom memoise memoise
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
seg_rule <- function(dimension = NULL,
                     metric = NULL,
                     verb = NULL,
                     object = NULL,
                     description = NULL,
                     is_distinct = FALSE,
                     attribution = 'repeating',
                     attribution_context = 'visitors',
                     validate = FALSE,
                     rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
                     company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")){
  ##Validate Metrics and Dimensions
  # Check that exactly one is specified
  if (is.null(dimension) & is.null(metric)) {
    stop("One of 'dimension' or 'metric' must be specified")
  } else if (!is.null(dimension) & !is.null(metric)) {
    stop("Only one of 'dimension' or 'metric' may be specified")
  subject <- purrr::compact(c(dimension, metric))

  if(validate) {
    #assign the element to be either a variable or metric
    #pull the lists of metrics and dimensions if not available
    get_mets <- aw_get_metrics
    if (!memoise::is.memoised(get_mets)) {
      get_mets <- memoise::memoise(get_mets)
    aw_metrics <- get_mets(company_id = company_id, rsid = rsid)

    get_dims <- aw_get_dimensions
    if (!memoise::is.memoised(get_dims)) {
      get_dims <- memoise::memoise(get_dims)
    aw_dimensions <- get_dims(company_id = company_id, rsid = rsid)

    #define the variable to be either a metric or dimension and save it as the adjective
    adj <- dplyr::case_when(subject %in% aw_metrics$id ~ 'metrics/',
                            subject %in% aw_dimensions$id ~ 'variables/')
    assertthat::assert_that(!is.na(adj), msg = "The dimension or metric is not a valid element id.")
    ###/ element is valid
  } else {
    # Define the adj of the rule subject
    if (!is.null(metric)) {
      adj <-  'metrics/'
    } else {
      adj <- 'variables/'
  ###If event/metric change exists to event exist verb
  ## This is not in the documentation yet but should be added
  if (adj == 'metrics/' && verb == 'exists') {
    verb <- 'event-exists'
  if (adj == 'metrics/' && verb == 'not-exists') {
    verb <- 'not-event-exists'
  #/event exists verb changed
  ## Make sure the verb is valid
  verbs <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "seg_verbs.csv", package = "adobeanalyticsr"))

  lookup_verb_class <- function(verb, verbs) {
    verb_out <- verbs$class[verbs$verb == verb]
    if (length(verb_out) == 0) {
      stop("'", verb, "' is not a valid API verb")

  lookup_verb_class(verb, verbs)
  #/validating verb is accurate
  #### Correct eq-any-of and not-eq-any-of from documentation
  if (verb == 'eq-any-of') {
    verb <- 'eq-in'
  if (verb == 'not-eq-any-of') {
    verb <- 'not-eq-in'

  # Change Date Range to correct format
  hour_change <- function(object) {
    minus100 <- as.character(as.numeric(stringr::str_remove_all(as.Date(object[[1]]), '-'))-100)
    hour <- stringr::str_extract(object[[2]], '\\d{2}') #use only the first two numbers for the hour
    object <- as.numeric(glue::glue("{stringr::str_replace(minus100, '20', '1')}{hour}"))
  day_change <- function(object) {
    minus100 <- as.character(as.numeric(stringr::str_remove_all(as.Date(object), '-'))-100)
    object <- as.numeric(stringr::str_replace(minus100, '20', '1'))
  month_change <- function(object) {
    adjusted_date <- lubridate::floor_date(as.Date(object), unit = 'month' )
    minus100 <- as.character(as.numeric(stringr::str_remove_all((adjusted_date), '-'))-100)
    object <- as.numeric(stringr::str_replace(minus100, '20', '1'))
  quarter_change <- function(object) {
    #Assign the fiscalstart variable which adds the ability to adjust the fiscal floor date to match how it is setup in the Adobe Admin. The default is set to 1 which should cover a majority of situations.
    fiscalstart <- case_when(length(object) == 1 ~ '1', TRUE ~ object[2])
    adjusted_date <- lubridate::quarter(x = as.Date(object), type = "date_first", fiscal_start = as.numeric(fiscalstart))
    minus100 <- as.character(as.numeric(stringr::str_remove_all(adjusted_date, '-'))-100)
    object <- as.numeric(stringr::str_replace(minus100, '20', '1'))
  year_change <- function(object) {
    adjusted_date <- lubridate::floor_date(as.Date(object), unit = 'year')
    minus100 <- as.character(as.numeric(stringr::str_remove_all((adjusted_date), '-'))-100)
    object <- as.numeric(stringr::str_replace(minus100, '20', '1'))
  # Daterange subjects must have correct format to be referenced properly in the
  # API calls
  daterange_change <- function(subject, object, verb_class){
    if(subject == 'daterangehour' && verb_class != 'exists'){
      #check if date and hour is included in object
      assertthat::assert_that(length(object) == 2 & grepl('-', object[[1]]), msg = "Make sure to object is a character vector including the date and then time when using the 'daterangehour' subject. ex: c('2021-02-02', '1400')")
      #check the hour to make sure it is the correct format
      assertthat::assert_that(nchar(object[[2]]) == 4 & !is.na(as.numeric(object[[2]])), msg = "Make sure the hour is in military time. ex: '1500' if you wanted to use 3 PM as the hour" )

      obj <- hour_change(object)
    if(subject == 'daterangeday' && verb_class != 'exists'){
      assertthat::assert_that(class(as.Date(object, format="%Y-%m-%d")) == 'Date' & !is.na(as.Date(object, format="%Y-%m-%d")) & lubridate::year(as.Date(object)) %in% 1900:2500, msg = "Date must in YYYY-MM-DD format.")

      obj <- day_change(object)
    if(subject == 'daterangemonth' && verb_class != 'exists'){
      #assert that the date is in the correct format
      assertthat::assert_that(class(as.Date(object, format="%Y-%m-%d")) == 'Date' & !is.na(as.Date(object, format="%Y-%m-%d")) & lubridate::year(as.Date(object)) %in% 1900:2500, msg = "Date must in YYYY-MM-DD format.")

      obj <- month_change(object)
    if(subject == 'daterangequarter' && verb_class != 'exists'){
      #assert that the date is in the correct format
      assertthat::assert_that(class(as.Date(object[[1]], format="%Y-%m-%d")) == 'Date' & !is.na(as.Date(object[[1]], format="%Y-%m-%d")) & lubridate::year(as.Date(object[[1]])) %in% 1900:2500, msg = "Date must in YYYY-MM-DD format.")
      ##assert that the fiscal start month is between 1-12
      if(length(object) == 2){
        assertthat::assert_that(object[[2]] %in% 1:12, msg = "Fiscal start month should be a number between 1-12. note: '1', January fiscal start, is default.")

      obj <-  quarter_change(object)
    if(subject == 'daterangeyear' && verb_class != 'exists'){
      #assert that the date is full date format
      assertthat::assert_that(grepl(object, '-'), msg = "The full date must be supplied. Any valid date within the desired year will work. ex: YYYY-MM-DD")
      #assert that the date is in the correct format
      assertthat::assert_that(class(as.Date(object, format="%Y-%m-%d")) == 'Date' & !is.na(as.Date(object, format="%Y-%m-%d")) & lubridate::year(as.Date(object)) %in% 1900:2500, msg = "Date must be supplied in the YYYY-MM-DD format.")

      obj <-  year_change(object)
  #/end date formatting
  #if subject is one of 'daterange' the object must be changed in the definition to the correct format
  if (subject %in% c('daterangehour', 'daterangeday', 'daterangeweek', 'daterangemonth', 'daterangequarter', 'daterangeyear')){
    verb_class <- lookup_verb_class(verb, verbs)
    object <- daterange_change(subject, object, verb_class)

  #Define the val func to be an attr or event
  define_val_func <- function(adj){
    if (adj == 'variables/'){
    } else {
  lookup_verb_arg <- function(verb, verbs) {
    arg_out <- verbs$arg[verbs$verb == verb]
    if (length(arg_out) == 0) {
      stop("'", verb, "' is not a valid API verb")

  create_rule <- function(verb, subject, object, adj, is_distinct){
    ## define the base argument of the verb function
    arg <- lookup_verb_arg(verb, verbs)
    ## get the val_func value
    val_func <- define_val_func(adj)
    ## Change to NULL for easier list management
    if (is.na(arg)) {
      arg <- NULL
      object <- NULL
    ## Create the top-level list of list-names
    if (val_func == 'event' && is.null(arg) ) {
      listnames <- purrr::compact(c('func', arg, 'evt'))
    } else {
      listnames <- purrr::compact(c('func', arg, 'val'))
    ## Build the list values
    ## included the first if bucket due to an error with null arg
    if (!is.null(arg)) {
      if (val_func == 'event' && arg == 'num') {
        rule <- purrr::compact(list(verb, object, list(func = 'total', evt = list(val_func,  glue::glue('{adj}{subject}')))))
      } else if (val_func == 'attr' && arg == 'num' && is_distinct) {
        rule <- purrr::compact(list(verb, object, list(func = 'total-distinct', field = list(val_func,  glue::glue('{adj}{subject}')))))
      } else {
        rule <- purrr::compact(list(verb, object, list(val_func,  glue::glue('{adj}{subject}'))))
    } else {
      rule <- purrr::compact(list(verb, object, list(val_func,  glue::glue('{adj}{subject}'))))
    ## Name the list values
    names(rule) <- listnames
    #name the sublist values
    listsubnames <- c("func", "name")
    if (!is.null(rule$val$func)) {
      if (rule$val$func == 'total') {
        names(rule$val$evt) <- listsubnames
      } else {
        names(rule$val$field) <- listsubnames
    } else if (is.null(arg) && val_func == 'event') {
      names(rule[['evt']]) <- listsubnames
    } else {
      names(rule[['val']]) <- listsubnames

  #This forms the rule or rule
  prerule <- create_rule(verb, subject, object, adj, is_distinct)

  #add in the description
    prerule$description <- description
  #add the context when necessary for proper attribution
  if(attribution == 'instance') {
    prerule$val$`allocation-model`$func = 'allocation-instance'
  } else if(attribution == 'nonrepeating'){
    if(attribution_context == 'hits') {
      warning('attribution_context cannot be set to `hits`, changing to default `visitors`')
      attribution_context <- 'visitors'
    if(!is.null(attribution_context) && attribution_context == 'visits'){
      prerule$val$`allocation-model`$context <- 'sessions'
      prerule$val$`allocation-model`$func <- 'allocation-dedupedInstance'
    } else {
      prerule$val$`allocation-model`$context <- attribution_context
      prerule$val$`allocation-model`$func <- 'allocation-dedupedInstance'

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adobeanalyticsr documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.