### Normalization ###
# This script contains a function for normalizing
# the joint posterior using AGHQ
#' Normalize the joint posterior using AGHQ
#' This function takes in the optimization results from \code{aghq::optimize_theta()}
#' and returns a list with the quadrature points, weights, and normalization
#' information. Like \code{aghq::optimize_theta()}, this is designed for use only within
#' \code{aghq::aghq}, but is exported for debugging and documented in case you want to
#' modify it somehow, or something.
#' @param optresults The results of calling \code{aghq::optimize_theta()}: see return value of that function.
#' @param k Integer, the number of quadrature points to use. I suggest at least 3. k = 1 corresponds to a Laplace
#' approximation.
#' @param whichfirst Integer between 1 and the dimension of the parameter space, default 1.
#' The user shouldn't have to worry about this: it's used internally to re-order the parameter vector
#' before doing the quadrature, which is useful when calculating marginal posteriors.
#' @param basegrid Optional. Provide an object of class \code{NIGrid} from the \code{mvQuad}
#' package, representing the base quadrature rule that will be adapted. This is only
#' for users who want more complete control over the quadrature, and is not necessary
#' if you are fine with the default option which basically corresponds to
#' \code{mvQuad::createNIGrid(length(theta),'GHe',k,'product')}.
#' @param ndConstruction Create a multivariate grid using a product or sparse construction?
#' Passed directly to \code{mvQuad::createNIGrid()}, see that function for further details. Note
#' that the use of sparse grids within \code{aghq} is currently **experimental** and not supported
#' by tests. In particular, calculation of marginal posteriors is known to fail currently.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{optresults$ff}, see \code{?optimize_theta}.
#' @return If k > 1, a list with elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{nodesandweights}: }{a dataframe containing the nodes and weights for the adaptive quadrature rule, with the un-normalized and normalized log posterior evaluated at the nodes.}
#' \item{\code{thegrid}: }{a \code{NIGrid} object from the \code{mvQuad} package, see \code{?mvQuad::createNIGrid}.}
#' \item{\code{lognormconst}: }{the actual result of the quadrature: the log of the normalizing constant of the posterior.}
#' }
#' @family quadrature
#' @examples
#' # Same setup as optimize_theta
#' logfteta <- function(eta,y) {
#' sum(y) * eta - (length(y) + 1) * exp(eta) - sum(lgamma(y+1)) + eta
#' }
#' set.seed(84343124)
#' y <- rpois(10,5) # Mode should be sum(y) / (10 + 1)
#' truemode <- log((sum(y) + 1)/(length(y) + 1))
#' objfunc <- function(x) logfteta(x,y)
#' funlist <- list(
#' fn = objfunc,
#' gr = function(x) numDeriv::grad(objfunc,x),
#' he = function(x) numDeriv::hessian(objfunc,x)
#' )
#' opt_sparsetrust <- optimize_theta(funlist,1.5)
#' opt_trust <- optimize_theta(funlist,1.5,control = default_control(method = "trust"))
#' opt_bfgs <- optimize_theta(funlist,1.5,control = default_control(method = "BFGS"))
#' # Quadrature with 3, 5, and 7 points using sparse trust region optimization:
#' norm_sparse_3 <- normalize_logpost(opt_sparsetrust,3,1)
#' norm_sparse_5 <- normalize_logpost(opt_sparsetrust,5,1)
#' norm_sparse_7 <- normalize_logpost(opt_sparsetrust,7,1)
#' # Quadrature with 3, 5, and 7 points using dense trust region optimization:
#' norm_trust_3 <- normalize_logpost(opt_trust,3,1)
#' norm_trust_5 <- normalize_logpost(opt_trust,5,1)
#' norm_trust_7 <- normalize_logpost(opt_trust,7,1)
#' # Quadrature with 3, 5, and 7 points using BFGS optimization:
#' norm_bfgs_3 <- normalize_logpost(opt_bfgs,3,1)
#' norm_bfgs_5 <- normalize_logpost(opt_bfgs,5,1)
#' norm_bfgs_7 <- normalize_logpost(opt_bfgs,7,1)
#' @importFrom Matrix determinant
#' @export
normalize_logpost <- function(optresults,k,whichfirst = 1,basegrid = NULL,ndConstruction = "product",...) {
if (as.integer(k) != k) stop(paste0("Please provide an integer k, the number of quadrature points. You provided ",k,"which does not satisfy as.integer(k) == k"))
# Create the grid
S <- length(optresults$mode) # Dimension
if (!is.null(basegrid)) {
# thegrid <- basegrid
# This seems to be the only way to use basegrid without modifying it outside the function, due to how the mvQuad package implements this.
thegrid <- with(basegrid,mvQuad::createNIGrid(dim = dim,type = type,level = level,ndConstruction = ndConstruction))
# Check
if (thegrid$dim != S) stop(paste0("Your startingvalue has dimension ",S,", but the grid you supplied has dimension ",thegrid$dim))
if (!all(thegrid$features$initial.domain %in% c(-Inf,Inf))) stop("When supplying your own basegrid, you still have to choose a rule corresponding to a Gaussian kernel for the method to make sense. You chose a rule with initial domain not equal to (-Inf,Inf). Check the mvQuad::createNIGrid documentation for a list of available rules which have domain of integration (-Inf,Inf).")
} else {
thegrid <- mvQuad::createNIGrid(dim = S,type = "GHe",level = k,ndConstruction = ndConstruction,...)
# Reorder the mode and Hessian so that "whichfirst" is first
# This does not change the normalizing constant of the joint,
# but is necessary to compute marginals later.
idxorder <- c(whichfirst,(1:S)[-whichfirst])
m <- optresults$mode[idxorder]
H <- optresults$hessian[idxorder,idxorder]
mvQuad::rescale(thegrid,m = m,C = Matrix::forceSymmetric(solve(H)),dec.type=2) # forceSymmetric for numerical asymmetries
nodesandweights <- cbind(mvQuad::getNodes(thegrid),mvQuad::getWeights(thegrid))
colnames(nodesandweights) <- c(paste0("theta",idxorder),"weights")
nodesandweights <-
# Compute the log-posterior at the integration points
thetaorder <- paste0('theta',1:S)
if (length(idxorder) == 1) {
nodesandweights$logpost <- sapply(nodesandweights[ ,thetaorder],optresults$ff$fn,...)
} else{
nodesandweights$logpost <- apply(nodesandweights[ ,thetaorder],1,optresults$ff$fn,...)
# Get the normalization constant
ww <- nodesandweights$weights
pp <- nodesandweights$logpost
# lognormconst <- logsumexp(log(ww) + pp)
# Account for negative weights (doesn't happen with GHQ but happens for e.g. sparse rules)
# lognormconst <- logdiffexp(
# logsumexp(log(ww[ww>0]) + pp[ww>0]),
# logsumexp(log(-ww[ww<0]) + pp[ww<0])
# )
lognormconst <- logsumexpweights(pp,ww)
nodesandweights$logpost_normalized <- nodesandweights$logpost - lognormconst
nodesandweights = nodesandweights,
grid = thegrid,
lognormconst = lognormconst
#' Nested, sparse Gaussian quadrature in AGHQ
#' Compute a whole sequence of log normalizing constants
#' for \code{1,3,5,...,k} points,
#' using only the function evaluations from the \code{k}-point nested rule.
#' @param optresults The results of calling \code{aghq::optimize_theta()}: see return value of that function.
#' The dimension of the parameter \code{p} will be taken from \code{optresults$mode}.
#' @param p Dimension of the variable of integration.
#' @param k Integer, the number of quadrature points to use.
#' @param ndConstruction Create a multivariate grid using a product or sparse construction?
#' Passed directly to \code{mvQuad::createNIGrid()}, see that function for further details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{optresults$ff}, see \code{?optimize_theta}.
#' @return For \code{get_quadtable}, a pre-computed table of nodes for the \code{k}-point rule,
#' with weights for the points from each of the \code{1,3,...,k}-point rules, for passing to
#' \code{nested_quadrature}. For \code{nested_quadrature} and \code{adaptive_nested_quadrature}, a named numeric vector of \code{optresults$fn}
#' values for each \code{k}.
#' @details \code{get_quadtable} currently uses \code{mvQuad} to compute the nodes and weights. This will be replaced
#' by a manual reading of the pre-tabulated nodes and weights.
#' \code{nested_quadrature} and \code{adaptive_nested_quadrature} take the **log** function values, just like \code{optimize_theta()},
#' and return the **log** of the base/adapted quadrature rule.
#' @family quadrature
#' @examples
#' # Same setup as optimize_theta
#' logfteta <- function(eta,y) {
#' sum(y) * eta - (length(y) + 1) * exp(eta) - sum(lgamma(y+1)) + eta
#' }
#' set.seed(84343124)
#' y <- rpois(10,5) # Mode should be sum(y) / (10 + 1)
#' truemode <- log((sum(y) + 1)/(length(y) + 1))
#' objfunc <- function(x) logfteta(x,y)
#' funlist <- list(
#' fn = objfunc,
#' gr = function(x) numDeriv::grad(objfunc,x),
#' he = function(x) numDeriv::hessian(objfunc,x)
#' )
#' opt_sparsetrust <- optimize_theta(funlist,1.5)
#' @rdname nested
#' @export
nested_quadrature <- function(optresults,k,ndConstruction = 'product',...) {
# Compute the quadrature rule at 1,3,5,...,k points using only
# the function evaluations required to compute it at k points.
p <- length(optresults$mode)
quadtable <- get_quadtable(p,k,ndConstruction)
# TODO: speed and memory comparisons/optimization. Or just store the tables...
# quadtable <- as(as.matrix(quadtable),'sparseMatrix')
quadtable[] <- 0
quadtable$lfval <- apply(quadtable[grep('V',colnames(quadtable))],1,optresults$fn)
# colSums(quadtable[grep('w',colnames(quadtable))]*exp(quadtable$lfval))
apply(quadtable[ ,grep('w',colnames(quadtable)),drop = FALSE],2,function(x) logsumexpweights(quadtable$lfval,x))
#' @rdname nested
#' @export
adaptive_nested_quadrature <- function(optresults,k,ndConstruction = 'product',...) {
# Compute the quadrature rule at 1,3,5,...,k points using only
# the function evaluations required to compute it at k points.
p <- length(optresults$mode)
quadtable <- get_quadtable(p,k,ndConstruction)
# TODO: speed and memory comparisons/optimization. Or just store the tables...
# quadtable <- as(as.matrix(quadtable),'sparseMatrix')
quadtable[] <- 0
# TODO: adaptation
nodeidx <- grep('V',colnames(quadtable))
weightidx <- grep('w',colnames(quadtable))
# Scale
Lt <- chol(solve(optresults$hessian))
quadtable[ ,nodeidx] <- as.matrix(quadtable[ ,nodeidx]) %*% Lt
# Shift
quadtable[ ,nodeidx] <- sweep(quadtable[ ,nodeidx],2,optresults$mode,'+')
# function evals
quadtable$lfval <- apply(quadtable[nodeidx],1,function(x) optresults$fn(x))
detterm <- 0.5*as.numeric(determinant(optresults$hessian,logarithm = TRUE)$modulus)
apply(quadtable[ ,grep('w',colnames(quadtable)),drop = FALSE],2,function(x) logsumexpweights(quadtable$lfval,x)) - detterm
#' @rdname nested
#' @export
get_quadtable <- function(p,k,ndConstruction = 'product',...) {
if (k%%2==0) {
warning("Nested quadrature usually produces the same grid for adjacent even and odd k. You provided even k. Setting k = k+1.")
k <- k+1
# k is now odd
gg <- mvQuad::createNIGrid(p,'nHe',k,ndConstruction = ndConstruction)
nn <-
nn$w <- mvQuad::getWeights(gg)[ ,1]
colnames(nn)[colnames(nn)=='w'] <- paste0('w',k)
# recursion
if (k > 1) {
nnl <- get_quadtable(p,k-2)
mergevars <- paste0('V',1:p)
nnm <- merge(nn,nnl,all=TRUE,by = mergevars)
#' Obtain the log-normalizing constant from a fitted quadrature object
#' Quick helper S3 method to retrieve the log normalizing constant from an object
#' created using the aghq package. Methods for a list (returned by \code{aghq::normalize_posterior})
#' and for objects of class \code{aghq}, \code{laplace}, and \code{marginallaplace}.
#' @param obj A list returned by \code{aghq::normalize_posterior} or an object of class \code{aghq}, \code{laplace}, or \code{marginallaplace}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A number representing the natural logarithm of the approximated normalizing constant.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_log_normconst <- function(obj,...) UseMethod("get_log_normconst")
#' @rdname get_log_normconst
#' @export
get_log_normconst.default <- function(obj,...) obj$lognormconst
#' @rdname get_log_normconst
#' @export
get_log_normconst.numeric <- function(obj,...) obj
#' @rdname get_log_normconst
#' @export
get_log_normconst.aghq <- function(obj,...) get_log_normconst(obj$normalized_posterior)
#' @rdname get_log_normconst
#' @export
get_log_normconst.laplace <- function(obj,...) obj$lognormconst$lognormconst
#' @rdname get_log_normconst
#' @export
get_log_normconst.marginallaplace <- function(obj,...) get_log_normconst(obj$normalized_posterior)
#' Obtain the nodes and weights table from a fitted quadrature object
#' Quick helper S3 method to retrieve the quadrature nodes and weights from an object
#' created using the aghq package. Methods for a list (returned by \code{aghq::normalize_posterior})
#' and for objects of class \code{aghq}, \code{laplace}, and \code{marginallaplace}.
#' @param obj A list returned by \code{aghq::normalize_posterior} or an object of class \code{aghq}, \code{laplace}, or \code{marginallaplace}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A number representing the natural logarithm of the approximated normalizing constant.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_nodesandweights <- function(obj,...) UseMethod("get_nodesandweights")
#' @rdname get_nodesandweights
#' @export
get_nodesandweights.default <- function(obj,...) obj$nodesandweights
#' @rdname get_nodesandweights
#' @export
get_nodesandweights.list <- function(obj,...) obj$nodesandweights
#' @rdname get_nodesandweights
#' @export <- function(obj,...) obj
#' @rdname get_nodesandweights
#' @export
get_nodesandweights.aghq <- function(obj,...) get_nodesandweights(obj$normalized_posterior)
#' @rdname get_nodesandweights
#' @export
get_nodesandweights.laplace <- function(obj,...) {
# This is never actually created, so create it here
out <-$optresults$mode,
exp(-as.numeric(.5 * determinant(obj$optresults$hessian,logarithm = TRUE)$modulus) + .5*dim(obj$optresults$hessian)[1]*log(2*pi)),
obj$optresults$ff$fn(obj$optresults$mode) - obj$lognormconst)))
names(out) <- c(paste0('theta',1:length(obj$optresults$mode)),'weights','logpost','logpost_normalized')
#' @rdname get_nodesandweights
#' @export
get_nodesandweights.marginallaplace <- function(obj,...) get_nodesandweights(obj$normalized_posterior)
#' Obtain the number of quadrature nodes used from an aghq object
#' Quick helper S3 method to retrieve the number of quadrature points used when creating an aghq object.
#' @param obj Object of class \code{aghq} returned by \code{aghq::aghq}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A numeric vector of length 1 containing \code{k}, the number of quadrature points used.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_numquadpoints <- function(obj,...) as.numeric(obj$normalized_posterior$grid$level)[1]
#' Obtain the parameter dimension from an aghq object
#' Quick helper S3 method to retrieve the parameter dimension from an aghq object.
#' @param obj Object of class \code{aghq} returned by \code{aghq::aghq}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A numeric vector of length 1 containing \code{p}, the parameter dimension.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_param_dim <- function(obj,...) UseMethod('get_param_dim')
#' @rdname get_param_dim
#' @export
get_param_dim.aghq <- function(obj,...) length(obj$optresults$mode)
#' Obtain the optimization results from an aghq object
#' Quick helper S3 method to retrieve the mode and Hessian from an aghq object. The
#' full results of calling \code{aghq::optimize_theta} are stored in \code{obj$optresults}.
#' @param obj Object of class \code{aghq} returned by \code{aghq::aghq}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A named list with elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{mode}: a numeric vector of length \code{dim(theta)} containing the posterior mode.}
#' \item{\code{hessian}: a numeric matrix of dimension \code{dim(theta) x dim(theta)} containing the negative Hessian of the log-posterior evaluated at the mode.}
#' }
#' For objects of class \code{marginallaplace}, a third list item \code{modesandhessians} is
#' a \code{data.frame} containing
#' the mode and Hessian of the \code{W} parameters evaluated at each adapted quadrature point.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_opt_results <- function(obj,...) UseMethod('get_opt_results')
#' @rdname get_opt_results
#' @export
get_opt_results.aghq <- function(obj,...) list(mode = obj$optresults$mode,hessian = obj$optresults$hessian)
#' @rdname get_opt_results
#' @export
get_opt_results.marginallaplace <- function(obj,...) list(mode = obj$optresults$mode,hessian = obj$optresults$hessian)
#' Obtain the mode from an aghq object
#' Quick helper method to retrieve the mode from an aghq object. Just
#' calls \code{aghq::get_opt_results}.
#' @param obj Object of class \code{aghq} returned by \code{aghq::aghq}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A numeric vector of length \code{dim(theta)} containing the posterior mode.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_mode <- function(obj,...) get_opt_results(obj,...)$mode
#' Obtain the Hessian from an aghq object
#' Quick helper method to retrieve the Hessian from an aghq object. Just
#' calls \code{aghq::get_opt_results}.
#' @param obj Object of class \code{aghq} returned by \code{aghq::aghq}.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return A numeric matrix of dimension \code{dim(theta) x dim(theta)} containing the negative Hessian of the log-posterior evaluated at the mode.
#' @family quadrature
#' @export
get_hessian <- function(obj,...) get_opt_results(obj,...)$hessian
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