auglag <- function (par, fn, gr, hin, hin.jac, heq, heq.jac,
control.outer = list(), control.optim = list(),
if (missing(heq) & missing(hin)) stop("This is an unconstrained optimization problem - you should use `optim' \n")
control.outer.default <- list(lam0 = 10, sig0 = 100, eps = 1e-07,
itmax = 50, method = "BFGS", trace = TRUE, NMinit = FALSE, ilack.max=6,
i.scale = 1, e.scale = 1, kkt2.check=TRUE)
control.optim.default <- list(trace = 0, fnscale = 1, parscale =,
length(par)), ndeps =, length(par)), maxit = 100L,
abstol = -Inf, reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), alpha = 1,
beta = 0.5, gamma = 2, REPORT = 10, type = 1, lmm = 5,
factr = 1e+07, pgtol = 0, tmax = 10, temp = 10)
control.nlminb.default <- list(eval.max=200,iter.max=150,trace=0,abs.tol=0,rel.tol=1.e-10,x.tol=1.5e-08,xf.tol=2.2e-14,step.min=1,step.max=1,
control.outer <- modifyList(control.outer.default, control.outer)
control.inner <- if (control.outer$method != "nlminb") modifyList(control.optim.default,control.optim) else if (control.outer$method=="nlminb") modifyList(control.nlminb.default, control.optim)
if (control.outer$method == "nlminb" & control.outer$NMinit) {
warning("NM initialization can't be used with `nlminb'; it will be ignored")
control.outer$NMinit <- FALSE
e.scale <- control.outer$e.scale
i.scale <- control.outer$i.scale
# require(numDeriv, quietly=TRUE)
if (missing(gr)) gr <- function(par, ...) grad(func=fn, x=par, method= "simple", ...)
if (missing(hin)) {
heq.scaled <- function(par, ...) { heq(par, ...) / e.scale}
heq.jac.scaled <- if (missing(heq.jac)) function(par, ...) jacobian(func=heq.scaled, x=par, method= "simple", ...)
else function(par, ...) heq.jac(par, ...) / e.scale
ans <- auglag1(par, fn, gr, heq.scaled, heq.jac.scaled,
control.outer = control.outer, control.optim = control.inner, ...)
} else if (missing(heq)) {
hin.scaled <- function(par, ...) { hin(par, ...) / i.scale}
hin.jac.scaled <- if (missing(hin.jac)) function(par, ...) jacobian(func=hin.scaled, x=par, method= "simple", ...)
else function(par, ...) hin.jac(par, ...) / i.scale
ans <- auglag2(par, fn, gr, hin.scaled, hin.jac.scaled,
control.outer = control.outer, control.optim = control.inner, ...)
} else {
heq.scaled <- function(par, ...) { heq(par, ...) / e.scale}
hin.scaled <- function(par, ...) { hin(par, ...) / i.scale}
heq.jac.scaled <- if (missing(heq.jac) )function(par, ...) jacobian(func=heq.scaled, x=par, method= "simple", ...)
else function(par, ...) heq.jac(par, ...) / e.scale
hin.jac.scaled <- if (missing(hin.jac)) function(par, ...) jacobian(func=hin.scaled, x=par, method= "simple", ...)
else function(par, ...) hin.jac(par, ...) / i.scale
ans <- auglag3(par, fn=fn, gr=gr, hin=hin.scaled, hin.jac=hin.jac.scaled, heq=heq.scaled, heq.jac=heq.jac.scaled,
control.optim = control.inner, control.outer = control.outer, ...)
if (!missing(hin)) ans$ineq <- ans$ineq * i.scale
if (!missing(heq)) ans$equal <- ans$equal * e.scale
auglag1 <- function (par, fn, gr = NULL,
heq = NULL, heq.jac = NULL,
control.outer = list(), control.optim = list(),
sig <- control.outer$sig0
lam0 <- control.outer$lam0
trace <- control.outer$trace
eps <- control.outer$eps
itmax <- control.outer$itmax
ilack.max <- control.outer$ilack.max
method <- control.outer$method
NMinit <- control.outer$NMinit
kkt2.check <- control.outer$kkt2.check
pfact <- if (!is.null(control.optim$fnscale) && control.optim$fnscale <
0) -1 else 1
fun <- function(par, ...) {
d0 <- heq(par, ...)
fn(par, ...) - pfact * sum(lam * d0) +
pfact * sig/2 * sum(d0 * d0)
gradient <- function(par, ...) {
d0 <- heq(par, ...)
ij <- heq.jac(par, ...)
gr(par, ...) - pfact * colSums(lam * ij) +
pfact * sig * drop(t(ij) %*% d0)
d0 <- heq(par, ...)
lam <- rep(lam0, length(d0))
dmax <- max(abs(d0))
obj <- fn(par, ...)
r <- obj
feval <- 0
geval <- 0
ilack <- 0
Kprev <- dmax
sig0 <- sig/Kprev
if (is.infinite(sig0))
sig0 <- 1
sig <- sig0
K <- Inf
if (trace) cat("Max(abs(heq)): ", max(abs(d0)), "\n")
for (i in 1:itmax) {
if (trace) {
cat("Outer iteration: ", i, "\n")
cat("Max(abs(heq)): ", max(abs(d0)), "\n")
cat("par: ", signif(par, 6), "\n")
cat("fval = ", signif(obj, 4), "\n \n")
par.old <- par
obj.old <- obj
r.old <- r
if (NMinit & i == 1)
a <- optim(par = par, fn = fun,
control = control.optim, method = "Nelder-Mead", ...)
else if (method != "nlminb") {
if (sig > 1e+05)
control.optim$reltol <- 1e-10
a <- optim(par = par, fn = fun, gr=gradient, control = control.optim, method = method, ...)
r <- a$value
feval <- feval + a$counts[1]
geval <- geval + a$counts[2]
} else if (method == "nlminb") {
a <- nlminb(start = par, objective = fun, gradient=gradient, control=control.optim, ...)
r <- a$objective
feval <- feval + a$evaluations[1]
geval <- geval + a$evaluations[2]
par <- a$par
d0 <- heq(par, ...)
K <- max(abs(d0))
if (K <= Kprev/4) {
lam <- lam - d0 * sig
Kprev <- K
else sig <- 10 * sig
obj <- fn(par, ...)
pconv <- max(abs(par - par.old))
if (pconv < eps) {
ilack <- ilack + 1
} else ilack <- 0
if ((is.finite(r) && is.finite(r.old) && abs(r - r.old) <
eps && K < eps) | ilack >= ilack.max) break
if (i == itmax) {
a$convergence <- 7
a$message <- "ALABaMA ran out of iterations and did not converge"
else if (K > eps) {
a$convergence <- 9
a$message <- "Convergence due to lack of progress in parameter updates"
if (method=="nlminb") {
a$evaluations <- NULL
a$objective <- NULL
a$iterations <- NULL
a$outer.iterations <- i
a$lambda <- lam
a$sigma <- sig
a$value <- fn(a$par, ...)
a$gradient <- gradient(a$par, ...)
a$ineq <- NA
a$equal <- heq(a$par, ...)
a$counts <- c(feval, geval)
a$kkt1 <- max(abs(a$gradient)) <= 0.01 * (1 + abs(a$value))
a$kkt2 <- NA
if (kkt2.check) {
a$hessian <- jacobian(x=a$par, func=gradient, ...)
evs <- eigen(a$hessian, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$value
# a$kkt2 <- any(evs * control.optim$fnscale > 0)
a$kkt2 <- if (any(abs(Im(evs)) > 1.e-14)) FALSE else if (all(Re(evs) * control.optim$fnscale > 0)) TRUE else FALSE
auglag2 <- function (par, fn, gr = NULL,
hin = NULL, hin.jac = NULL,
control.outer = list(), control.optim = list(),
sig <- control.outer$sig0
lam0 <- control.outer$lam0
trace <- control.outer$trace
eps <- control.outer$eps
itmax <- control.outer$itmax
ilack.max <- control.outer$ilack.max
method <- control.outer$method
NMinit <- control.outer$NMinit
kkt2.check <- control.outer$kkt2.check
pfact <- if (!is.null(control.optim$fnscale) && control.optim$fnscale <
0) -1 else 1
fun <- function(par, ...) {
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
d0 <- h0
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
d0[inactive] <- lam[inactive] / sig
fn(par, ...) - pfact * sum(lam * d0) +
pfact * sig/2 * sum(d0 * d0)
gradient <- function(par, ...) {
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
d0 <- h0
active <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 <= lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
ij <- hin.jac(par, ...)[active, , drop=FALSE]
gr(par, ...) - pfact * colSums(lam[active] *
ij) + pfact * sig * drop(crossprod(ij, d0[active]))
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
d0 <- h0
lam <- rep(lam0, length(d0))
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
d0[inactive] <- lam[inactive] / sig
dmax <- max(abs(d0))
obj <- fn(par, ...)
r <- obj
feval <- 0
geval <- 0
ilack <- 0
Kprev <- dmax
sig0 <- sig/Kprev
if (is.infinite(sig0))
sig0 <- 1
sig <- sig0
K <- Inf
if (trace) cat("Min(hin): ", min(h0), "\n")
for (i in 1:itmax) {
if (trace) {
cat("Outer iteration: ", i, "\n")
cat("Min(hin): ", min(h0), "\n")
cat("par: ", signif(par, 6), "\n")
cat("fval = ", signif(obj, 4), "\n \n")
par.old <- par
obj.old <- obj
r.old <- r
if (NMinit & i == 1)
a <- optim(par = par, fn = fun,
control = control.optim, method = "Nelder-Mead", ...)
else if (method != "nlminb") {
if (sig > 1e+05)
control.optim$reltol <- 1e-10
a <- optim(par = par, fn = fun, gr=gradient, control = control.optim, method = method, ...)
r <- a$value
feval <- feval + a$counts[1]
geval <- geval + a$counts[2]
} else if (method == "nlminb") {
a <- nlminb(start = par, objective = fun, gradient=gradient, control=control.optim, ...)
r <- a$objective
feval <- feval + a$evaluations[1]
geval <- geval + a$evaluations[2]
par <- a$par
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
d0 <- h0
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
d0[inactive] <- lam[inactive] / sig
K <- max(abs(d0))
if (K <= Kprev/4) {
lam <- lam - d0 * sig
Kprev <- K
else sig <- 10 * sig
obj <- fn(par, ...)
pconv <- max(abs(par - par.old))
if (pconv < eps) {
ilack <- ilack + 1
} else ilack <- 0
if ((is.finite(r) && is.finite(r.old) && abs(r - r.old) <
eps && K < eps) | ilack >= ilack.max) break
if (i == itmax) {
a$convergence <- 7
a$message <- "ALABaMA ran out of iterations and did not converge"
else if (K > eps) {
a$convergence <- 9
a$message <- "Convergence due to lack of progress in parameter updates"
if (method=="nlminb") {
a$evaluations <- NULL
a$objective <- NULL
a$iterations <- NULL
a$outer.iterations <- i
a$lambda <- lam
a$sigma <- sig
a$value <- fn(a$par, ...)
a$gradient <- gradient(a$par, ...)
a$ineq <- hin(a$par, ...)
a$equal <- NA
a$counts <- c(feval, geval)
a$kkt1 <- max(abs(a$gradient)) <= 0.01 * (1 + abs(a$value))
a$kkt2 <- NA
if (kkt2.check) {
a$hessian <- jacobian(x=a$par, func=gradient, ...)
evs <- eigen(a$hessian, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$value
# a$kkt2 <- any(evs * control.optim$fnscale > 0)
a$kkt2 <- if (any(abs(Im(evs)) > 1.e-14)) FALSE else if (all(Re(evs) * control.optim$fnscale > 0)) TRUE else FALSE
auglag3 <- function (par, fn, gr = NULL,
hin = NULL, hin.jac = NULL, heq = NULL, heq.jac = NULL,
control.outer = list(), control.optim = list(),
sig <- control.outer$sig0
lam0 <- control.outer$lam0
trace <- control.outer$trace
eps <- control.outer$eps
itmax <- control.outer$itmax
ilack.max <- control.outer$ilack.max
method <- control.outer$method
NMinit <- control.outer$NMinit
kkt2.check <- control.outer$kkt2.check
pfact <- if (!is.null(control.optim$fnscale) && control.optim$fnscale <
0) -1 else 1
fun <- function(par, ...) {
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
i0 <- heq(par, ...)
d0 <- c(h0, i0)
active <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 <= lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
d0[active] <- h0[active]
d0[inactive] <- lam[inactive] / sig
fn(par, ...) - pfact * sum(lam * d0) +
pfact * sig/2 * sum(d0 * d0)
gradient <- function(par, ...) {
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
i0 <- heq(par, ...)
d0 <- c(h0, i0)
active <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 <= lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
ij <- rbind(hin.jac(par, ...)[active, , drop=FALSE], heq.jac(par, ...))
if (length(inactive) > 0)
gr(par, ...) - pfact * colSums(lam[-inactive] * ij) +
pfact * sig * drop(t(ij) %*% d0[-inactive])
gr(par, ...) - pfact * colSums(lam * ij) +
pfact * sig * drop(t(ij) %*% d0)
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
i0 <- heq(par, ...)
d0 <- c(h0, i0)
lam <- rep(lam0, length(d0))
active <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 <= lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
d0[active] <- h0[active]
d0[inactive] <- lam[inactive] / sig
dmax <- max(abs(d0))
obj <- fn(par, ...)
r <- obj
feval <- 0
geval <- 0
ilack <- 0
Kprev <- dmax
sig0 <- sig/Kprev
if (is.infinite(sig0))
sig0 <- 1
sig <- sig0
K <- Inf
if (trace) cat("Min(hin): ", min(h0), "Max(abs(heq)): ", max(abs(i0)), "\n")
for (i in 1:itmax) {
if (trace) {
cat("Outer iteration: ", i, "\n")
cat("Min(hin): ", min(h0), "Max(abs(heq)): ", max(abs(i0)),
cat("par: ", signif(par, 6), "\n")
cat("fval = ", signif(obj, 4), "\n \n")
par.old <- par
obj.old <- obj
r.old <- r
if (NMinit && (i == 1))
a <- optim(par = par, fn = fun,
control = control.optim, method = "Nelder-Mead", ...)
else if (method != "nlminb") {
if (sig > 1e+05)
control.optim$reltol <- 1e-10
a <- optim(par = par, fn = fun, gr=gradient, control = control.optim, method = method, ...)
r <- a$value
feval <- feval + a$counts[1]
geval <- geval + a$counts[2]
} else if (method == "nlminb") {
a <- nlminb(start = par, objective = fun, gradient=gradient, control=control.optim, ...)
r <- a$objective
feval <- feval + a$evaluations[1]
geval <- geval + a$evaluations[2]
par <- a$par
h0 <- hin(par, ...)
i0 <- heq(par, ...)
d0 <- c(h0, i0)
active <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 <= lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
inactive <- (1:length(h0))[(h0 > lam[1:length(h0)]/sig)]
if (length(active) > 0) d0[active] <- h0[active]
if (length(inactive) > 0) d0[inactive] <- lam[inactive]/sig
K <- max(abs(d0))
if (K <= Kprev/4) {
lam <- lam - d0 * sig
Kprev <- K
else sig <- 10 * sig
obj <- fn(par, ...)
pconv <- max(abs(par - par.old))
if (pconv < eps) {
ilack <- ilack + 1
} else ilack <- 0
if ((is.finite(r) && is.finite(r.old) && abs(r - r.old) <
eps && K < eps) | ilack >= ilack.max) break
if (i == itmax) {
a$convergence <- 7
a$message <- "ALABaMA ran out of iterations and did not converge"
else if (K > eps) {
a$convergence <- 9
a$message <- "Convergence due to lack of progress in parameter updates"
if (method=="nlminb") {
a$evaluations <- NULL
a$objective <- NULL
a$iterations <- NULL
a$outer.iterations <- i
a$lambda <- lam
a$sigma <- sig
a$value <- fn(a$par, ...)
a$gradient <- gradient(a$par, ...)
a$ineq <- hin(a$par, ...)
a$equal <- heq(a$par, ...)
a$counts <- c(feval, geval)
a$kkt1 <- max(abs(a$gradient)) <= 0.01 * (1 + abs(a$value))
a$kkt2 <- NA
if (kkt2.check) {
a$hessian <- jacobian(x=a$par, func=gradient, ...)
evs <- eigen(a$hessian, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$value
# a$kkt2 <- any(evs * control.optim$fnscale > 0)
a$kkt2 <- if (any(abs(Im(evs)) > 1.e-14)) FALSE else if (all(Re(evs) * control.optim$fnscale > 0)) TRUE else FALSE
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