
Defines functions variety

Documented in variety

#' Compute a Variety
#' The variety of a collection of multivariate polynomials is the collection of points at which those polynomials are (simultaneously) equal to 0.  \code{variety} uses Bertini to find this set.
#' @param mpolyList Bertini code as either a character string or function; see examples
#' @param varOrder variable order (see examples)
#' @param ... stuff to pass to bertini
#' @return an object of class bertini
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' polys <- mp(c(
#'   "x^2 - y^2 - z^2 - .5", 
#'   "x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9", 
#'   ".25 x^2 + .25 y^2 - z^2"
#' ))
#' variety(polys)
#' # algebraic solution :
#' c(sqrt(19)/2, 7/(2*sqrt(5)), 3/sqrt(5)) # +/- each ordinate
#' # character vectors can be taken in; they're passed to mp
#' variety(c("y - x^2", "y - x - 2"))
#' # an example of how varieties are invariant to the 
#' # the generators of the ideal
#' variety(c("2 x^2 + 3 y^2 - 11", "x^2 - y^2 - 3"))
#' # the following takes a few seconds to initialize, feel free to them
#' # gb <- grobner(mp(c("2 x^2 + 3 y^2 - 11", "x^2 - y^2 - 3")))
#' # variety(gb)
#' m2("
#' R = QQ[x,y]
#' gens gb ideal(2*x^2 + 3*y^2 - 11, x^2 - y^2 - 3)
#' ")
#' variety(c("y^2 - 1", "x^2 - 4"))
#' variety(c("x^2 - 4", "y^2 - 1"))
#' # variable order is by default equal to vars(mpolyList)
#' # (this finds the zeros of y = x^2 - 1)
#' variety(c("y", "y - x^2 + 1")) # y, x
#' vars(mp(c("y", "y - x^2 + 1")))
#' variety(c("y", "y - x^2 + 1"), c("x", "y")) # x, y
#' # complex solutions
#' variety("x^2 + 1")
#' variety(c("x^2 + 1 + y", "y"))
#' # multiplicities
#' variety("x^2")
#' variety(c("2 x^2 + 1 + y", "y + 1"))
#' variety(c("x^3 - x^2 y", "y + 2"))
#' #
#' p <- mp(c("2 x  -  2  -  3 x^2 l  -  2 x l", 
#'   "2 y  -  2  +  2 l y", 
#'   "y^2  -  x^3  -  x^2"))
#' variety(p)
#' }
variety <- function(mpolyList, varOrder, ...){

  if(is.character(mpolyList)) mpolyList <- mp(mpolyList)
    mpolyList <- list(mpolyList)
    class(mpolyList) <- "mpolyList"

  # sort out variables
  vars <- vars(mpolyList)
  if(!missing(varOrder) && !all(sort(vars) == sort(varOrder))){
    stop("if varOrder is provided, it must contain all of the variables.", call.=F)
  if(!missing(varOrder)) vars <- varOrder
  # format code
  code <- "\nINPUT\n\nvariable_group vars;\nfunction funNames;\n\nfuns\n\nEND;\n"
  code <- str_replace(code, "vars", paste(vars, collapse = ", "))
  code <- str_replace(code, "funNames", 
    paste(paste("f", 1:length(mpolyList), sep = ""), collapse = ", ")

  funs <- suppressMessages(print(mpolyList, stars = TRUE))
  funs <- str_replace_all(funs, "  ", " ")
  funs <- str_replace_all(funs, "\\*\\*", "^")  
  code <- str_replace(code, "funs",
      paste(paste("f", 1:length(mpolyList), sep = ""), " = ", funs, ";", sep = ""),
      collapse = "\n"

  bertini(code, ...)

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algstat documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:34 p.m.