
Defines functions CQassociation

Documented in CQassociation

#' Association (Correlation) between Continuous-Categorical Variables
#' \code{CQassociation} finds Association measure between one
#' categorical and one continuous variable.
#' This function measures the association between one categorical variable
#' and one continuous variable present in different dataset. Two datasets
#' are provided as input, one data has only numerical columns while other
#' data has only categorical columns. This performs either t-test for the
#' parametric case and 'Mann-Whitney’ test for the non-parametric case.
#' If the method3 is passed as 'auto', the function defines the method
#' itself based on different tests for equal variance and normality check
#' which checks for assumptions for the t-test. If the assumptions are
#' satisfied, then t-test (parametric) is performed, otherwise
#' 'Mann-Whitney’ (non-parametric) test is performed.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{norm_test_fun}} for normality test
#' \code{\link{association}} for association between any type of variables,
#' \code{\link{CCassociation}} for Association between Continuous (numeric)
#' variables,
#' \code{\link{QQassociation}} for Association between Categorical variables
#' @param numtb a data frame with all the numerical columns. This should
#' have at least two columns
#' @param factb a data frame with all the categorical columns. This should
#' have atleast two columns
#' @param method3 method for association between continuous-categorical
#'   variables. Values can be \code{"auto", "parametric", "non-parametric"}.
#'   See details for more information. Parametric does t-test while
#'   non-parametric does 'Mann-Whitney’ test.
#' @param use an optional character string giving a method for computing
#'   association in the presence of missing values. This must be (complete or an
#'   abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything", "all.obs",
#'   "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs". If use is
#'   "everything", NAs will propagate conceptually, i.e., a resulting value will
#'   be NA whenever one of its contributing observations is NA. If use is
#'   "all.obs", then the presence of missing observations will produce an error.
#'   If use is "complete.obs" then missing values are handled by case wise
#'   deletion (and if there are no complete cases, that gives an error).
#'   "na.or.complete" is the same unless there are no complete cases, that gives
#'   NA
#' @param normality_test_method takes values as 'shapiro' or 'anderson'.
#'   this parameter decides which test to perform for the normality test.
#'   See details of \code{\link{norm_test_fun}} for more information.
#' @param normality_test_pval significance level for normality tests.
#' Default is 0.05
#' @param methodMat3 method dataframe like methodMats from the function \code{
#' association}
#' @param methods_used a square data.frame which will store the type of
#' association used between the variables. Dimension will be
#' number of variables * number of variables.
#' @return a table with number of rows equal to number of columns in
#' \code{numtb} and number of columns equal to number of columns in
#' \code{factb}. Table containing p-values of performed test
CQassociation <- function(numtb,
                          method3 = c("auto", "parametric", "non-parametric"),
                          use = "everything",
                          normality_test_method = c("ks", "anderson","shapiro"),
                          methodMat3 = NULL,
                          methods_used) {

  method3 <- match.arg(method3)
  normality_test_method <- match.arg(normality_test_method)

  # updating the method
  if (is.null(methodMat3)) {
    methodMat3 <- data.frame(matrix(method3, nrow = ncol(numtb),
                                    ncol = ncol(factb),
                                    dimnames = list(names(numtb),names(factb))))

  CQ_ <- function(x, y,
                  normality_test_pval) {

    uniqY <- unique(y)
    if (length(uniqY)==1){
      warning(paste0("Setting association of ",
                     paste0(varnames, collapse = ", "),
                     " as NA because ", varnames[2],
                     " has only 1 unique value."))
    } else if (length(uniqY)==2){
      if ((length(x1) < 2) | (length(x2) < 2)) {
        warning(paste0("not enough oberservation for all levels of variable ",
      # test for normality
      norm_test <- c(tryCatch(norm_test_fun(numtb[,x],
                                            method = normality_test_method,
                                            pval = normality_test_pval,
                                            bin = TRUE),
                                warning(paste0("Normality test failed for ",
                                            method = normality_test_method,
                                            pval = normality_test_pval,
                                            bin = TRUE),
                                warning(paste0("Normality test failed for ",

      norm_test <- all(norm_test)
      # test for equal variance
      var_test <- var.test(x~y)$p.value > 0.05

      assumption_test <- norm_test & var_test
      if (met=="auto") {
        if (assumption_test) {
          warning(paste0("Variable ", varnames[1],
                         " follows assumptions for t-test.
                         Doing parametric test for variables: ",
                         paste0(varnames, collapse = ", ")))
          test <- t.test(x1, x2)
          return(list(m = "t-test", val = test$p.value))
        } else {
          warning(paste0("Variable ", varnames[1],
                         " doesn't follow assumptions of t-test.
                         Doing Non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney test)
                         for variables: ",
                         paste0(varnames, collapse = ", ")))
          test <- wilcox.test(x ~ y)
          return(list(m = "Mann-Whitney", val = test$p.value))

      } else if (met == "parametric") {
        if (!assumption_test) {
          warning(paste0("The continuous variable ", varnames[1],
                         " doesn't follow assumption of t-test.
                         'non-parametric' test may be better for this"))
        return(list(m = "t-test", val = t.test(x1, x2)$p.value))
      } else {
        if (assumption_test) {
          warning(paste0("The continuous variable ", varnames[1],
                         " follows assumptions for t-test.
                         'parametric' test may be better for this"))
        return(list(m = "Mann-Whitney", val = wilcox.test(x ~ y)$p.value))
    } else {
      # test for normality (TRUE means normal)
      for (uq in uniqY) {
        xz <- x[y==uq]
        norm_test <- tryCatch(norm_test_fun(numtb[,x],
                                            method = normality_test_method,
                                            pval = normality_test_pval,
                                            bin = TRUE),
                                warning(paste0("Normality test failed for ",

        npvalue<-c(npvalue, norm_test)

      norm_test <- all(npvalue)
      # test for equal variance (TRUE means same variance)
      if (norm_test) {
        var_test <- bartlett.test(x~y)$p.value > 0.05
      } else {
        var_test <- fligner.test(x~y)$p.value > 0.05
      assumption_test <- norm_test & var_test
      if (met=="auto"){
        if (assumption_test) {
          warning(paste0("Variable ", varnames[1],
                         " follows assumptions of ANOVA.
                         Doing parametric test (ANOVA) for variables: ",
                         paste0(varnames, collapse = ", ")))
          return(list(m="ANOVA", val=summary(aov(x ~ y))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][1]))
        } else {
          warning(paste0("Variable ", varnames[1],
                         " doesn't follows assumptions of ANOVA. Doing
                         Non-parametric test (Kruskal Wallis) for variables: ",
                         paste0(varnames, collapse = ", ")))
          return(list(m = "Kruskal-Wallis", val = kruskal.test(x~y)$p.value))
      } else if (met == "parametric") {
        if (!assumption_test) {
          warning(paste0("The continuous variable ", varnames[1],
                         " doesn't follow assumption of ANOVA.
                         'non-parametric' test may be better for this"))
        return(list(m = "ANOVA", val = summary(aov(x ~ y))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][1]))
      } else {
        if (assumption_test) {
          warning(paste0("The continuous variable ", varnames[1],
                         " follows assumptions for ANOVA.
                         'parametric' test may be better for this"))
        return(list(m = "Kruskal-Wallis", val = kruskal.test(x ~ y)$p.value))



  r <- matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
  rownames(r) <- colnames(numtb)
  colnames(r) <- colnames(factb)

  for (i in seq_len(nr)){
    for (j in seq_len(nc)){

      x <- numtb[,i]
      y <- factb[,j]

      xname <- names(numtb)[i]
      yname <- names(factb)[j]

      met <- methodMat3[xname, yname]

      if (use == "everything") {
        if ((sum(is.na(x))+sum(is.na(y))) > 0) {
          r[i,j] <- NA
        } else {
          zz <- CQ_(x, y, met, c(xname, yname),
                    normality_test_method, normality_test_pval)
          r[i,j] <- zz$val
          methods_used[yname, xname] <- methods_used[xname, yname] <- zz$m
      } else {
        ok = complete.cases(x, y)
        if (sum(ok) == 0){
          if (use == "complete.obs") {
            stop('While finding association between "', colnames(numtb)[i],
                 '" and "', colnames(factb)[j],
                 '", all the observations were missing.
                 Select use = "na.or.complete" for such case.')
          } else if (use == "na.or.complete") {
            r[i,j] <- NA
        } else {
          x <- x[ok]
          y <- y[ok]
          zz <- CQ_(x, y, met, c(xname, yname),
                    normality_test_method, normality_test_pval)
          r[i,j] <- zz$val
          methods_used[yname, xname] <- methods_used[xname, yname] <- zz$m

  return(list(vals = t(r), methods_used = methods_used))

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analyzer documentation built on July 1, 2020, 10:02 p.m.